SOP Number: CP094.00 Title: Labeling Organ Weigh Boats and Vials Revision No: Replaces: 00 N/A Author: Kristin Smith I Date in effect: Page: 7/14/2010 Page 1 of 4 MAL Director: Dr. Peggy Borum FSHN Chair: Dr. Neil Shay PURPOSE The purpose of labeling the organ weigh boats and vials is to distinguish what is being collected during non-survival surgery. Also labeling the weigh boats eliminates the potential for contamination among multiples organs. II SCOPE This procedure provides instructions for labeling weigh boats used to weight piglet organs during non-survival surgery. This procedure also provides instructions for labeling organ vials which contain the organs after they are processed. III RESPONSIBILITIES It is the responsibility of Metabolic Assessment Laboratory personnel to follow this procedure. It is the responsibility of supervisory personnel to ensure compliance with this procedure and to train employees and students responsible for performing this procedure. Students will report accidents to the principal investigators immediately. IV REFERENCES N/A V REAGENTS AND MATERIALS N/A VI EQUIPMENT VI.A. Large & small weigh boats. VI.B. Fine felt black marker. VI.C. Scintillation tubes. VI.D. Clear tape. VII SAFETY PRECAUTIONS VII.A. Members of the MAL have been trained extensively in the procedures described in this SOP. VIII DEFINITIONS VIII.A. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – Standard Operating Procedure is a document that provides instructions for completing a specific task in the lab. Uncontrolled Copy Document1 CONTROLLED DOCUMENT-DO NOT DUPLICATE Controlled Copy No._______ SOP Number: CP094.00 Title: Labeling Organ Weigh Boats Revision No: 00 Replaces: N/A Date in effect: 7/14/2010 Page: Page 2 of 4 VIII.B. Metabolic Assessment Laboratory (MAL) – The Metabolic Assessment Laboratory is the laboratory that will use this SOP. VIII.C. Piglet Identification (ID)—The Piglet ID is a unique, alphabetical and numerical label that identifies the piglet and the samples taken from that piglet. IX PROCEDURE IX.A. Check the list in X.B. for the necessary size of the weigh boats for each organ as well as the appropriate number of tubes necessary to hold each organ. IX.B. Labeling weigh boats IX.B.1. Whenever possible, older boats can be reused. The older ones should be ethanoled to remove any writing and they should not have many rips in the plastic. IX.B.2. Newer weigh boats are located in the white drawers on lab side. IX.B.3. Label every organ’s weight boat by writing the organ name on the top lid and the piglet ID number on the bottom lid. This should be done for every piglet. IX.C. Labeling organ vials IX.C.1. Obtain the necessary amount of scintillation tubes based on the amount needed in X.B. IX.C.2. Create computer-generated labels with the following information going from top to bottom: IX.C.2.a. Piglet ID IX.C.2.b. Organ name IX.C.2.c. Date of non-survival IX.C.2.d. Sample number IX.C.3. Label the caps of the tubes with the same information using a fine tip marker. IX.C.4. Organize the labeled organ tubes in the cardboard rack according to the design in X.C. Uncontrolled Copy Document1 CONTROLLED DOCUMENT-DO NOT DUPLICATE Controlled Copy No._______ SOP Number: CP094.00 Title: Labeling Organ Weigh Boats Revision No: 00 X Replaces: N/A Date in effect: 7/14/2010 Page: Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENTS X.A. For a list of materials and their locations, refer to SOP# CG098.00. X.B. Size and number of organ vials. Vials made by: _________________________ Weigh Boats made by: _________________________ Date:_______ Date:_______ Total Number of Vacutainers: 16 Total Number of plastic vials: 49 + 4 or more extras Total Number of Weigh Boats: 26 + 5 extras, Large Weigh Boats: 8 + 3 extras, Small Weigh Boats: 18 + 2 extras Organ Adrenals Bile Heart Kidneys Liver Lung Muscle Spleen Stomach Stomach contents Top 1/3rd of SI Top 1/3rd of SI contents Middle 1/3rd of SI Middle 1/3rd of SI contents Bottom 1/3rd of SI Bottom 1/3rd of SI contents Number of Vials (49) 1 1 3 2 4 3 3 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 Size of Weigh boat Small Small Small Large Large Large Large Small Small x Large x Large x Large x Large Intestine Large Intestine Contents Left Cerebrum Left Cerebellum Right Caudate Nucleus 2 2 1 1 1 Large x Small Small Small Uncontrolled Copy Document1 CONTROLLED DOCUMENT-DO NOT DUPLICATE Controlled Copy No._______ SOP Number: CP094.00 Title: Labeling Organ Weigh Boats Revision No: 00 Replaces: N/A Date in effect: 7/14/2010 Right Cerebellum Right Frontal Lobe Right Hippocampus Right Hypothalamus Right Lateral Temporal Lobe Right Medulla Right Occipital Lobe Right Parietal Lobe Right Pons Right Thalamus Page: Page 4 of 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small X.C. Layout for the cardboard racks used to the hold the organ vials. Urine Urine Adrenals Bile Heart Heart Heart Kidneys Kidneys Liver Liver Liver Liver Lung Lung Lung Muscle Muscle Muscle Spleen Stomach Stomach Sto. Con. Sto. Con. Sto. Con. TI TI TI Con. MI MI MI Con. BI BI BI Con. LI LI LI Con. L. Cerebrum L. Cerebellum R. Front. Lobe R. Hippocam. R. Hypothal. R. Medulla R. Occipital R. Parietal R. Pons R. R. Caudate Cerebellum R. Thalamus Uncontrolled Copy Document1 R. Lat. Temp. CONTROLLED DOCUMENT-DO NOT DUPLICATE Controlled Copy No._______