Achievement Test - University of Kufa

Test Design & Construction
Dr.abdul Hussein shaker Habeeb
University of Kufa - College of Education
Center for Development of Teaching
www. Kuiraq.omc/staff/abdlhussain
Hello to you in the workshop
L00k at this figure
what can you see? What does it mean for you? what can you reach at?
We have three terms
2. Measurement .
3. Evaluation.
What is test? What do you mean by test ?How can you define
the test? What is the meaning of the test ?
Test: It means an instrument compare between two
things in one feature of behavior(Cronbach).
Test: An instrument or activity used to
accumulate data on a person’s ability to
perform a specified task. The content of these
tests are usually either cognitive,
psychomotor (skill), or affective.
Use of Tests
1 .Achievement
2. Improvement
3 .Diagnosis
4 .Prescription
5 . Grading
6 . Classification
7 . Prediction
Data: The translation of behavior into a
numerical .
MESUREMENT :Is quantification (quantifying
abstract mass).It requires two condition:
*. Atool.
*. Standard.
MESUREMENT :The systematic assignment of
numerical values (quantitative) or verbal
descriptors (qualitative) to the characteristics
of objects or individuals
Evaluation :Is collecting data on a certain
phenomenon ;Quantifying the data ;Passing
judgments ;Modifying the weak points in the
Evaluation :The process of passing judgments
about the results of measurement.
HOW DO YOU Build Achievement Test
First method : Behavioral Objectives method.
There are four steps to build achievement Test
1. Identify aims .
2 . Translate that aim Into observable and
measurable Behavioral Objectives.
3.Reviwing the Behavioral Objective by experts.
4. Identify The content.
5. Set up the items according to Behavioral
Objective. .
Aim: Student acquisition the concept of the group.
Behavioral objectives : We Hope; After the lesson ; The
student can.
1. Define “group”.
2. Identify the symbol of “group”
3. Gives an example for a group.
4.Deduce the basic feature of “group”.
5. Compare between a group and non-group.
1.Define the “group” .
2.The symbol of a group is ……….
3 . Give the basic features of a group.
4. Which of the following gatherings is a group.
a. Water
b. air
c. student of second year.
HOW DO YOU Build Achievement Test
Second method :
There are ten steps to build achievement Test
1. Identify aims .
2 . Translate that aim Into observable and measurable Behavioral
3. Identify The content.
4. Identify The weigh of the Content.
5 . Identify The weigh of the aims.
6 . Design The table of specifications.
7. Setup the items according to the test map.
8. Distributing the items according to bloom taxonomy.
9. Arrange the items according to difficulty and simplicity.
10. Set up information of the test.
I will explain the identifying the weigh
of the aim.
First method: Experts method
In the first method the aim must be given to three
experts in the area (of the knowledge).They Will be
scale the according to(1 ; 2;3);The average of these
three values will represent the weigh of the aim.
expert1 gives the value 2
expert2 gives the value 3
expert3 gives the value 2
Then; The average will be 2+3+2/3=2.33itis the weigh of
Second method : the weigh of aim can found by
the following equations.
w.a=(the number of its b.o/ the total b.o (x 1oo
Weigh of the content: The weigh of content can be
found by the following equation.
W.C=( the number of its pages/the total )x100
Second method :The content could be given to some
experts and they asked to suggest the number
required hours teaching that content .
The mean of the suggested value will represent
the weigh of the content.
Example: suppose that:
expert1 gives 2hours
expert2 gives 3hours
expert3 gives 4hours
Then; the average will be =2+3+4/3=3
The weigh of content=3
Test map : It is a two dimension matrix show
that the relation ship between the content
and the outcomes. Horizontal dimension
include the aim of the topic(outcomes)while
the vertical dimension represent content.
The merit of the test map is to satisfy the test
Sample of atest map:
Number ofItems
Distribute the items according bloom taxonomy.
The weigh of remember can be found be
the following equation:
The weigh of remember=(The number
of its b.o/the total)x100
Thank you