2.3 Angles and Perpendiculars, not conditional,biconditional

2.3 Angles and Midpoint Definitions.
She’s A Witch! – Monty Python
The point is….
What makes a good definition?
It must be precise
Avoid vague terms such as some, about, small…
Write it in a form that is reversible, when possible
Draw and carefully label the figures. Pay attention to detail. Use a protractor and a ruler when
1. Obtuse angle TWO with a measure of 120°.
2. Line segment TV such that T,O,M and V are collinear points and TO=OM=MV.
3. Conditional statement: “If I live in Britton, then I live in Michigan.”
Is the conditional true?
Converse statement:
Is the converse true?
Counterexample (if possible):
Biconditional statement (if possible):
4. Conditional statement : “If a polygon is a triangle, then it has exactly three sides.”
Is the conditional true?
Converse statement:
Is the converse true?
Counterexample (if possible):
Biconditional statement (if possible):
5. What congruence statements can you make using the below figure?