Unitarian Universalist Church in Reston

Unitarian Universalist Church in Reston
Minutes of Special Meeting April 7, 2013
The Special Meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Reston was called to order at 12:40
PM on April 7, 2013 by Tom Day, Board President. Fifty members were present at the meeting.
Quorum Count
As reported to the Unitarian Universalist Association, UUCR has 175 active members. A 20%
quorum is required by the UUCR Constitution to conduct business. Church Secretary Paul
Cohen reported that the 48 members present constitute a quorum.
Congregational President’s Remarks
Tom Day welcomed the congregation and provided summary of the purpose of the meeting per
the agenda that had been forwarded to all members per the Church constitution. He emphasized
consultation the Board conducted with past search committee, UUA, and the JPD executive.
 Length and Complexity of the Search Purpose
 Shared Purpose Working Group
 Growth strategy
Tom then reviewed the short-term time line for obtaining an Interim Minister. We can expect to
make an offer on 5 May if there is an acceptable candidate the Search Committee to recommend
to the Board and Congregation. Tom answered questions from the members about the search
Tom reviewed time line for obtaining a settled minister. He then reviewed the role of the Interim
Minister for the church. He mentioned that there would be a Transition Team for the Interim
Congregational Input.
Congregational input was obtained on the following five questions that are an integral part of
UUCR’s application to the UUA for an Interim Minister.
1. UUCR’s Strengths. Cares and concerns/pastoral care concerns; community;
commitment to nature; welcome experience; financially stable; social activism;
welcoming; right relations; bond among the members; congregation that ministers to each
other; strong RE program that attracts people; willing to deal with difficult issues;
optimism about our future; interested in what’s happening here and around us; dedication
to our individual spiritual journeys.
2. Areas of focus for the Interim Minister. Don’t go back again through history.
Intellectually and spiritually challenging sermons; developing lay ministers and lay
leadership in general; sermons/worship; pastoral care; “the God question”; implement
safe congregation report; make the invisible visible; spirituality; organizational structure
of the congregation; tools that can help turn our diversity into our core strengths.
3. Desired Strengths of the Interim Minister. Experience managing staff?; understand
difference between their role and that of the Board; be accessible, around more than the
last Interim and settled minister; experience in adaptive ministry/mobilization; embedded
in the UUA ministerial community; spouse who wants to get involved with church
community; collaborative mind set; sense of humor; thick skin; good listner.
4. Current areas of momentum that should not lose steam. Following strategic plan and
keeping it alive; safe congregation task force empanelled and alive; maintain influx of
younger members; governance; maintain quality of worship; congregational memory;
build music program; intergenerational; continue community involvement engagement;
after hours activities such as movies, coffee house.
5. Current traditions or programs to be maintained. AGM; how to allocate work that
needs to be done; Thanksgiving dinner; Passover Seder; auction; stay connected to our
larger movement; small groups; building maintenance and improvements.
The congregation voted to approve pursuit of an Interim Minister, after motion by Ruth Grubb
and seconded by Mary Ellen Moge to proceed with a two year ministry.
Annie Simpson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Leslie Tyson seconded the motion. The
meeting was adjourned at 2:00 pm.