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Amelia Walker
Title: War Horse
Author: Michael Morpurgo
Brief Description of the Book:
War Horse is a sad but adventurous read. It begins with the beautiful
relationship of a young boy Albert and his horse named Joey. Joey is
sadly sold to a soldier, to save Albert’s family’s farm and is sent to
France to fight war against the Germans. The book is written from
Joey’s perspective and briefly states the story of each of his riders. After
being stabled for a short while, it's back to the rough of the war for Joey,
pulling a cart ambulance. He faces continuous challenges and through
this becomes a hero of war. Despite all his heroics Joey still longs for
Albert again. But will Albert and Joey be reunited?
Character Description:
Trooper Warren is one of the many riders, of Joey at War. Having left his
love and parents behind, also his apprenticeship as a young black smith,
Trooper Warren isn’t the keenest of riders. He is nervous and unsteady
in the saddle. The tragedy of his own horse, before meeting Joey,
contributes to his worries. Though while riding Joey he regains his
confidence and makes a new friend. Trooper Warren is a loving and
gentle man towards Joey and greatly appreciates the effort he puts in.
Though it takes a bit of time, he soon realises he can trust him and cares
for him, as anyone should for the magnificent horse.
8 Items Chart:
Christmas fruit cake
and letter
What it suggests/reveals about the character (description):
Christmas should be a festive and joyful time of year. During
Christmas at war against the Germans, it is a frosty snow filled
winter season with little carollers and decorations about.
Trooper Warren or Charlie is sent a heart filled homemade
fruitcake and small letter from his mother, to cheer him up in
Amelia Walker
Soft knitted socks
Rusty horseshoe
Pack of playing
Small medical kit
Hanky and letter
these tough times. This reveals to us that even though he is
not with his family, they can still celebrate from afar and are
thinking of him.
The gift of nice soothing soft socks knitted by Trooper Warren
or Charlie’s mother would keep his toes warm and give him a
homely feel. They would certainly be used as in winter at war
it is damp, also muddy and wet underfoot. Charlie’s clothes
would begin to deteriorate in the conditions. The socks would
give him an extra layer of comfort, be a replacement pair and
would have given his mother something to do, while praying
for his survival.
An old rusty horseshoe is a great delight for Charlie to receive
from his father. This item is a memorabilia of home as before
leaving for war, Charlie was beginning an apprenticeship as a
blacksmith with his father. It reveals to us that Charlie’s father
is worried about him and wants to keep his spirits up. The
horseshoe is something that can remind Charlie of home and
motivate him in getting through the war.
Cards cannot only be used to play a basic game but can be
used to create tricks, illusions and are just entertaining. A set
of old playing cards is sent, from Trooper Warren or Charlie’s
little brother. By sending cards, it suggests to us that Charlie’s
little brother understands the concept of war but also looks on
the good side of things. It reveals to us that he can create fun
even in the most miserable situations.
Injuries commonly occur at war and so a small medical kit
would often come in handy. This kit could not only come in
use to the soldiers but their horses too, as bandages and more
are included. It proves to us that his family is concerned for his
safety, as they have gone to the extent of creating an
individual kit for him. It also reveals that they are longing for
him to return home in one safe piece.
Hot bran mash is part of the horses feed during war and
consists of bran and water. As it is used almost everyday, the
quantity of bran would lower quickly. Trooper Warren or
Charlie’s family obviously have a good understanding as to
what is needed for the horses during wartime, as they send
him some extra bran. This would be particularly useful during
the current season of winter, as stocks would be low.
As Sally is Trooper Warren or Charlie’s love, she is unsure
about his survival at war. Her heart is filled with sorrow and
worry, longing for him to come home. Sally contributes to the
care package sent from his family, by adding her special lace
hanky and a photo of her. She wants him to know that she will
keep him in her heart forever and never forget the good times
Amelia Walker
Canvas sheet
they had together.
Weather has a huge impact on the safety, survival and living
conditions of soldiers at war. They don’t receive a lot of
protective gear or shelter, which is why an old canvas sheet is
ideal for this situation. This sheet found and sent by Charlie’s
family is multipurpose. It can be used as shelter for himself or
rug for his horse. Sending this item tells us that Charlie’s
family is concerned about the conditions for him and his