Opening times – 10am – 3pm daily, A selection of local traders all under one roof offering Christmas gifts for all the family. To book a table or make an enquiry contact katie@ianstarkequestriancentre.co.uk
Refreshments will be available throughout the day
RING 1 - Indoor Arena – 9.30am prompt.
Class 1 – In-Hand Mountain & Moorland type Young stock – Open to Foal, Yearling, 2yo and 3yo. This class may split so please state age/ type of horse when entering.
Entry Fee: £6
Class 2 – In-Hand Mountain & Moorland type Adult – Aged between 4 and 14 years.
Entry Fee: £6
Class 3 – In-Hand Mountain & Moorland type Veteran– Aged 15 years and over.
Entry Fee: £6
In-Hand Championship (Classes 1-3)
Class 4 – Ridden Mountain & Moorland Adult – Aged between 4 and 14 years. Please state breed as this class may be split.
Entry Fee: £6
Class 5 – Ridden Mountain & Moorland Veteran - Aged 15 years and over.
Entry Fee: £6
Class 6 – Best All-rounder – This will be judged on a short show, Jumping 3 fences of different types (approx. 65cm) and bending through some poles.
Entry Fee: £6
Class 7 - Ridden Pony
Entry Fee: £6
Championship (Classes 4-7)
RING 2 – OUTDOOR ARENA – 9.30am prompt
Class 8 – Nursery Working Hunter pony 15hh & under – fences approx... 55cm
(Combination never to have won more than two working hunter pony classes at this height before)
Entry Fee: £8
Class 9 – Novice Working Hunter Pony 15hh & under– fences approx... 70cm
(Combination never to have won more than two working hunter pony classes at this height before)
Entry Fee: £8
Class 10 – Open Working Hunter Pony 15hh & under– fences approx... 85cm.
Entry Fee: £8
Class 11 – Tiny Tots Working Hunter Pony - – Cross Poles 45cm max – On or Off the Lead
Rein. Riders must be under 12 years.
Entry Fee: £8
Class 12 – Novice Mountain & Moorland Working Hunter Pony – fences approx... 65cm
(Combination never to have won more than two working hunter pony classes at this height before)
Entry Fee: £8
Class 13 – Open Mountain & Moorland Working Hunter Pony – fences approx... 75cm
Entry Fee: £8
Working Hunter Pony Championship (Classes 8-13) kindly sponsored by Carrs Billington & NAF
RING 1 - Indoor Arena - 9am prompt.
***Small warm up areas will be provided however, there will be a 10/15 gap between classes to allow competitors to warm up in the ring for classes 14 - 18***
Class 14 - RoR/Tattersalls Scottish Show Series Qualifier Thoroughbred mare or gelding, 4years old or over, any height. Riders must be 15 years or over. Horses should be ridden in a snaffle, pelham or simple double bridle. Horses should be plaited. The first three go forward to the championship at the
Royal Highland Show 2016. All entries MUST be registered with the ROR and have RACED in GB. There will be a prize for the highest placed veteran 15years or over. The class will be run under the rules of RoR.
Horses to be ridden by the judge. Racing injuries and blemishes are NOT ignored. All those entering horses and/or participating in the show agree to be bound by the Retraining of Racehorses Rules and Regulations from time to time in force’ Competitors must wear a safety/kite mark hard hat with a chinstrap.
Rosettes and Vouchers from 1-6th place, the winner also receives a voucher for a jacket. 1st £50 2nd £25 3rd £20
4th £10 5th £10 6th £10The Highest placed Veteran (NB 15+) will receive £25 and qualify for the Veteran
Final at Aintree 2016.
Entry Fee: £10
Class 15 – Ridden Hunter
Entry Fee: £8
Class 16 – Ridden Veteran (Horses must be 15 years or over)
Entry Fee: £8
Class 17 – Ridden Cob
Entry Fee: £8
Class 18 – Ridden 4/5yo
Entry Fee: £8
Championship (Classes 14-18)
Class 19 – In-Hand Hunter Youngstock – Open to any Foal, Yearling, Two Year Old and
Three year old to exceed 14.2hh at maturity. This class may split so please state age of horse when entering.
Entry Fee: £8
Class 20 – In –Hand Hunter Adult – Open to horses aged 4-14
Entry Fee: £8
Class 21 – In-Hand Veteran – Open to horses aged 15 years and over
Entry Fee: £8
Class 22 – In-Hand Ex Racehorse – Open to all ex-racehorses that have run at least once.
Entry Fee: £8
In-Hand Championship
Class 23 - RoR/TBA Retrained Racehorse Challenge Show Series Qualifier (Not before
11am) - Mare or gelding 4yrs old or over and of any height. Riders must be 15 years old or over on the 1 st
January. Horses to be ridden in any suitable bridle and should be plaited. The first 3 qualify for the final at
Royal Windsor Show 2016. All entries must be registered with RoR and HAVE raced in GB. There will be a prize for the highest placed veteran 15 years or over. Horses will NOT be ridden by the judge. Competitors must wear a safety/kite mark hard hat with a chinstrap.
All those entering horses and/or participating in the show agree to be bound by the Retraining of Racehorses Rules and Regulations from time to time in force’. The class to be judged 50% jumping 15% Style while jumping and performance. 15% awarded for individual show and 20% conformation and suitability to be retrained. Rosettes and Vouchers from 1-6th place, the winner also receives a voucher for a jacket. 1st £50 2nd £25 3rd £20 4th £10 5th £10 6th
£10The Highest placed Veteran (NB 15+) will receive £25 and qualify for the Veteran Final at Aintree 2016.
Jumping to be judged:
6 rustic jumps (2’ 9”) with 2 optional bonus fences (3’3”)
The following points to be deducted at the end of each jumping round: 4 points to be deducted for a knock down. 4 points to be deducted for a refusal. 3 refusals at any fence elimination
50 marks maximum (5 each fence for 6 fences and 10 for each bonus fence if bonus fence jumped clear)
15 extra marks style and performance while jumping.
Class returns without boots and judged for an individual show/conformation. (In some classes, at the judge’s discretion, horses might be asked to do a ‘show’ following their jumping without leaving the ring.
This is often the case with a large number in the class)
Each horse to complete an individual show of no longer than 1 ½ minutes. Show to include the following movements:
Walk, Trot, canter showing change of leg, extended canter (gallop) halt and stand, walk off on long rein.
Total marks out of 15 (to include performance, amount of retraining, suitability to diversify)
Each horse to be presented in front of the judge, ridden and prior to phase 2 for conformation and suitability to be retrained. Total marks 20 (Racing injuries will be overlooked.)
For further details visit the RoR website www.ror.org.uk
Entry Fee: £12
Class 24 - Nursery Working Hunter (Not before 12noon) –65cm for horses exceeding 15hh,
Horse and Rider combination never to have won in a Working Hunter Class at this height or above. Horses will not be ridden by the judge.
Entry Fee: £12
Class 25 - Novice Working Hunter –80cm for horses exceeding 15hh, Horse and Rider combination never to have won in a Working Hunter Class at this height or above. Horses will not be ridden by the judge.
Entry Fee: £12
Class 26 – Open Working Hunter – 95cm - For horses exceeding 15hh.
Entry Fee: £12
WH/ RoR Challenge Championship (Classes 23-26)
A horse may not be shared in any class.
Entries will not be accepted without payment.
Rosettes will be awarded 1st to 6th in every class (providing there are 10 or more entries, otherwise 1 st -3 rd ), 1 st Prize donated by NAF for all classes.
A riding hat that complies with PC/RC current regulations must be worn at all times when mounted.
Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times and only in the car park area.
Horses must not be left tied to trailers / Lorries unattended at ANYTIME.
Competitors must park as instructed.
All Ridden horses must be 4 years or over
Objections must be lodged in writing with the secretary, accompanied by a deposit of £10.
By entering a class at this show you agreeing to abide by the rules.
Only horses in class 14 (RoR Show Class) will be ridden by the judge.
Further information on timings / entry numbers will be posted on www.ianstarkequestriancentre.co.uk
by 12noon on Friday 27 th November
***Classes are LIMITED and may close prior to Saturday 21st– ENTER EARLY TO AVOID
LATE ENTRIES will NOT be accepted
Rider Name
Horses Name
Sex/Height/Age/ Breed
(if known)
Total Entry Fee Due
RoR No If applicable
Contact No
All cheques payable to ISEC
If Rider is Under 16 – Please complete the next section by Parent/Guardian
I hereby agree to abide by the Show Rules at all times
SIGN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PRINT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Please post to;
Katie Farnsworth, Mackside Farm House, Bonchester Bridge, Hawick, TD9 8RB