A Community of Teachers Revision: 08/05/12 Participating School Arlington High School 4825 N. Arlington Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46226 http://www.722.ips.k12.in.us/ Current and Past Mentor Relationships Arsenal Technical High School 1500 E. Michigan St. Indianapolis, IN 46201 http://www.s716.ips.k12.in.us/ Past Mentor Teachers: Avon Middle School South 7199 East US Highway 36, Avon, IN, 46123 Judith Lowry -jalowery@avon-schools.org Tyson Fritts - tfritts@warren.k12.in.us Bay Kelley in Special education -bkelley@mccsc.edu Amy Martin in Math almartin@mccsc.edu Past Mentor Teachers: Molly Giddens in English (mgiddens@mccsc.edu) Becky Boyle in social studiesbboyle@mccsc.edu Marcia Davis in English – mdavis@mccsc.edu CoT alum: Jaclyn Macal in English jmacal@mccsc.edu Batchelor Middle School 900 West Gordon Pike Bloomington, IN 47403 http://www.batchelor.mccsc.edu/ Bedford North Lawrence High School 595 N. Stars Blvd. Bedford, IN 47421 http://www.nlcs.k12.in.us/bnlhs Bedford Middle School 1501 N Street Bedford, IN 47421 http://www.nlcs.k12.in.us/bedjrhi Chris Kupersmith in English kupersmithc@nlcs.k12.in.us Contact Person/Phone Greg Allen, principal (317) 226-2345 alleng@ips.k12.in.us IPS central office contact for student teaching: Doris Minton. Building contact for student teaching: Dan Mathis Sarah Bogard, principal BogardS@ips.k12.in.us (317) 693-5300 IPS central office contact for student teaching: Doris Minton Dan Chapin, Principal DWChapin@avon-schools.org Comments Arlington is one of the first HSs in Indiana to begin converting itself into several small schools. It will be an interesting place to work for the next few years. Eric Gilpin, principal egilpin@mccsc.edu (812) 330-7763 Contact: Start with the principal. He will then give you any available teacher names for further contacts. CoT is highly thought of in the school. 6 miles from campus. Bill Denney, principal denneyb@nlcs.k12.in.us (812) 279-9756 33 miles from campus. David Schlegel, principal schlegeld@nlcs.k12.in.us (812) 279-9781 31 miles from campus. 65 miles from campus A.T. is located in the heart of the city on a campus that feels like a small college. Many of its buildings date from the Civil War. 58 miles from campus. 57 miles from campus 1 Participating School Current and Past Mentor Relationships Beech Grove Sr. High School 5330 Hornet Ave. Beech Grove, IN 46107 http://www.bgcs.k12.in.us/bghs/bghs.htm Beech Grove Middle School 1248 Buffalo St. Beech Grove, IN 46107 http://www.bgcs.k12.in.us/bgms/welcome.ht ml Ben Davis High School 1200 N. Girls School Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46214 http://www.wayne.k12.in.us/bdhhome Bloomington High School North 3901 N. Kinser Pike Bloomington, IN 47404 http://www.north.mccsc.edu/ Contact Person/Phone Comments Steven Cox, principal scox@bgcs.k12.in.us (317) 786-1447 B.G. is a Coalition-affiliated school. Heavy on technology. They use an 80 min. block schedule. 53 miles from campus. 55 miles from campus. Tom Gearhart, principal tgearhart@bgcs.k12.in.us (317) 784-6649 Past Mentor Teachers: Kevin Britt in chemistrykevin.britt@wayne.k12.in.us Mr. Joel McKinney, principal joel.mckinney@wayne.k12.in.us (317) 244-7691 Molly Jeon in Japanese & ESL - mjeon@mccsc.edu Sarah Klaiber in Special Ed. - sklaiber@mccsc.edu and Julie Childers in English – jchilder@mccsc.edu Jan Nichols in Special Ed. -jnichols@mccsc.edu Alexis Butera in English -abutera@mccsc.edu Debra Tyree in Social Studies - dtyree@mccsc.edu Shaun Caudell - scaudill@mccsc.edu Rebecca Phillipsen in Special Ed. Student teaching in Spring ‘09 - rphilipp@mccsc.edu Past Mentor Teachers: Joanne Frye in English -jfrye@mccsc.edu Sara Klaiber in English -sklaiber@mccsc.edu George Leonard in social studies -gleonard@mccsc.edu Jan Pearson in math (two Apprentices) Steve Philbeck in geography -sphilbec@mccsc.edu Jeffry Henderson principal (812) 330-7724 jhenders@mccsc.edu Also includes the new 9th Grade Academy. Starting with a teacher whose name you already have is probably the best contact procedure for BDHS. 58 miles from campus. Contact Principal or Asst. Principals (Betty Anderson, Marcus Denbro, Andrea Mobley) through the main office. Mention CoT mentors; they are well-known in the school. You can leave a message for an individual teacher by asking the receptionist to give you her voice mail. Block schedule. 5 miles from campus. 2 Participating School Bloomington High School South 1965 S. Walnut St. Bloomington, IN 47401 http://www.south.mccsc.edu Broad Ripple High School 1115 Broad Ripple Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46220 http://www.717.ips.k12.in.us Current and Past Mentor Relationships Rebecca Philippson in special education rphilipp@mccsc.edu Jean Schick in chemistry - jschick@mccsc.edu Gail Seegert in English - gseegert@mccsc.edu Curt Simic in Physical Education - csimic@mccsc.edu Janice Stockhouse in instrumental music - jstockho@mccsc.edu Rachel Nichols in English - ranichol@mccsc.edu Jessica Willis in Computer Technology - jwillis@mccsc.edu Shaun Caudell in Special Ed. - scaudill@mccsc.edu Elizabeth Sweeney in English - esweeney@mccsc.edu Barb Stork in Special Ed. - bstork@mccsc.edu Sheila McDerrmott-Sipe in English - smcdermo@mccsc.edu Allen Dick in social studies - adick@mccsc.edu John Jefferies in English - jjeffrie@mccsc.edu Aaron Parker in special education - aaparker@mccsc.edu Catharine Rademacher in theater - crademac@mccsc.edu Beth Smith in French - bsmith@mccsc.edu Carol Neill in SPED - cneill@mccsc.edu Angela Berzins in Art - aberzins@mccsc.edu Jane Feller in Special education - jfeller@mccsc.edu Past Mentor Teachers Cris Fields - FieldsC@ips.k12.in.us Contact Person/Phone Comments Mark Fletcher, principal mfletche@mccsc.edu (812) 330-7714 Cindy Chrzastowski, asst. principal cchrzast@mccsc.edu Contact Cynthia Chrzastowski.. She, in turn, will work with department heads to arrange initial visits to teachers. 3 miles from campus. Linda Davis, principal DavisLX@ips.k12.in.us (317) 693-5700 59 miles from campus. 3 Participating School Brown County High School 235 S. School House Lane P.O. Box 68 Nashville, IN 47448 http://forms.brownco.k12.in.us/highschool Brown County Junior High School 95 School House Lane P.O. Box 578 Nashville, IN 47448 http://www.brownco.k12.in.us/ Brownsburg E. Middle School 1250 East Airport Rod. Brownsburg, IN, 46112 http://www.isimti.org/ Brownstown Central High School 500 N. Elm St. Brownstown, IN 47220 http://www.btownccs.k12.in.us/bchs/default. htm Cardinal Ritter High School 3360 W 30th St Indianapolis, IN 46222 http://www.cardinalritter.org/ Carmel High School 520 E. Main St. Carmel, IN 46032 http://carmelhighschool.net Current and Past Mentor Relationships Barb Kelp in Special Ed., - bkelp@brownco.k12.in.us Steve Makurat in science - smakurat@brownco.k12.in.us Megan Frisbee in Special Ed and English - mfrisbie@brownco.k12.in.us Past Mentor Teachers: Julie Miller in English -jmiller@brownco.k12.in.us Amanda Jennings in social studies - ajenning@brownco.k12.in.us Alice Mannix in Spanish (two apprentices) - amannix@brownco.k12.in.us Greg Mosley in journalism (two apprentices) - gmosley@brownco.k12.in.us Jane Phillips in English - jphillip@brownco.k12.in.us Deb Strother in art - dstrothe@brownco.k12.in.us Past Mentor Teachers: Patti Bartels in art CoT alum: Mike Taylor Contact Person/Phone Mr. Matt Stark, principal mstark@brownco.k12.in.us Christy Wrightsman assistant principal cwrights@brownco.k12.in.us (812) 988-6606 Comments CoT is well-known in the school. 18 miles from campus. Mike Roane, principal mroane@brownco.k12.in.us (812) 988-6605 18 miles from campus. Chad Miller in Spanish Marsha Webster, Principal MWebster@brownsburg.k12.in.us (317) 852-2386 -ChadMiller@brownsburg.k12.in.us Grace Heebner: Westlane MS - gheebner@gmail.com Courtney Orawiec, limited license teacher in Latin Joe Sheffer, principal jsheffer@btownccs.k12.in.us (812) 358-3453 43 miles from campus. E. Jo Hoy, principal info@cardinalritter.org (317) 924-4333 54 miles from campus. John J. Williams, principal jwilliam@ccs.k12.in.us (317) 846-7721 x:7410 67 miles from campus. 4 Participating School Cathedral High School 5225 E. 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46226 http://www.cathedral-irish.org/ Central Middle School 725 7th St. Columbus, IN 47201 http://www.bcsc.k12.in.us/centralMS Center Grove High School 2717 S. Morgantown Rd. Greenwood, IN 46143 http://www.centergrove.k12.in.us/cghs/site/ default.asp Current and Past Mentor Relationships Past Mentor Teachers: John Hannon in English - jhannan@Cathedral-Irish.org Contact Person/Phone David L. Worland, principal dworland@Cathedral-Irish.org (317) 542-1481 Comments 59 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers: John Bagan in English. - baganj@bscs.k12.in.us Randy Gratz, principal (812) 376-4286 37 miles from campus. John Frank in Social Studies - frankjm@centergrove.k12.in.us Cathy Campolattara in Special Education - campolattarac@centergrove.k12.in.us Jo Jones in Spanish - jonesj@centergrove.k12.in.us Bobbi O'Neal in French - onealb@centergrove.k12.in.us Casey Tedrow in English -tedrowc@centergrove.k12.in.us CoT alum: Tammy Chadwick in special education - chadwickt@centergrove.k12.in.us Matthew Shockley, principal shockleym@centergrove.k12.in.us (317) 881-0581 39 miles from campus. Chatard High School 5885 N. Crittenden Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46220 http://www.bishopchatard.org/ CoT alum: Nanette Jackson - njackson@bishopchatard.org Al Holok, principal aholok@BishopChatard.org (317) 251-1451 59 miles from campus. Clark Pleasant Middle School 222 Tracy Street Whiteland, IN 46184 http://www.cpcsc.k12.in.us/cpms/ Clay City Jr./Sr. High School 601 Lankford St. Clay City, IN 47841 http://www.clay.k12.in.us/cchs Mr. Helgeson in English/Journalism - shelgeson@cpcsc.k12.in.us Mr. Rinehold, principal trinehold@cpcsc.k12.in.us (317) 535-7121 44 miles from campus. Teachers Interested in Being Mentor Teachers: Scott Stucky in chemistry -stuckys@clay.k12.in.us Current Mentor Ryan Swearingen in social studies -swearinr@clay.k12.us Mr. Jeffrey Bell, principal bellj@clay.k12.in.us (812) 939-2154 39 miles from campus. Gary Huddleston, principal ghuddles@ccs.k12.in.us (317) 844-7251 x:6701 68 miles from campus. Clay Middle High School 5150 E. 126th St. Carmel, IN 46033 http://www1.ccs.k12.in.us/clm/home 5 Participating School Clear Creek Elementary School 300 W. Clear Creek Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 USA Phone: 812-824-2811 http://www.clearcreek.mccsc.edu/ Cloverdale Junior-Senior High School 205 E. Market St. Cloverdale, IN 46120 http://www.cloverdale.k12.in.us/chs Columbus East High School 230 S. Marr Road Columbus, IN 47201 http://www.bcsc.k12.in.us/easths Current and Past Mentor Relationships Kraig Bushey in Special education No email found Contact Person/Phone Tammy Miller, Principal - tmiller@mccsc.edu Comments 5.7 miles from campus Past Mentor Teachers: Sonny Stoltz, principal sstoltz@cloverdale.k12.in.us (765) 795-4203 x:5504 35 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers: Janelle Runge in Perf. Arts - rungej@bcsc.k12.in.us Lisa Vincent in English - vincentl@bcsc.k12.in.us 38 miles from campus. Columbus North High School 1400 25th St. Columbus, IN 47201 http://www.bcsc.k12.in.us/northhs/site/defa ult.asp Kim Green in Journalism. - greenk@bcsc.k12.in.us Past Mentor Teachers: Denise Briner in chemistry - brinerd@bcsc.k12.in.us Cheryl Dieckman in chemistry - dieckmannc@bcsc.k12.in.us Stacey Doub science in the H.I.P. Program - doubs@bcsc.k12.in.us Lisa Enneking in chemistry - ennekingl@bcsc.k12.in.us Tom King in social studies in the H.I.P. Program - no email Ed Niespodziani in social studies - niespodzianied@bcsc.k12.in.us Lora Rich in math in the H.I.P. program - richardsonl@bcsc.k12.in.us Rick Weinheimer in English - weinheimerr@bcsc.k12.in.us Wayne Britton, science, CoT alum - brittonw@bcsc.k12.in.us Mark Newell, principal newellm@bcsc.k12.in.us (812) 376-4369 Central office contact for student teaching: Linda Merritt (812) 3764472 merrittl@bcsc.k-12.in.us. David Clark, principal clarkd@bcsc.k12.in.us (812) 376-4431 Central office contact for student teaching: Linda Merritt (812) 3764472 merrittl@bcsc.k-12.in.us. Craig Middle School 6501 Sunnyside Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46236 http://craig.ltschools.org Past Mentor Teachers: Julia Majercak in ESL - juliamajercak@msdlt.k12.in.us Troy Knoderer, principal troyknoderer@msdlt.k12.in.us (317) 964-6400 x:485 68 miles from campus. Tom Harmas, Principal 74 miles from campus. Creekside Middle School 38 miles from campus 6 Participating School 3525 W. 126th St. Carmel, IN 46032 http://www.ccs.k12.in.us/Creekside/Main.ht m Crispus Attucks Middle School 1140 Dr. Martin Luther King St. Indianapolis, IN 46202 http://www.518.ips.k12.in.us Contact Person/Phone tharmas@ccs.k12.in.us (317) 733-6420 Comments Robert Faulkens , principal FaulkenR@ips.k12.in.us (317) 226-2800 54 miles from campus. Brenda Crauder, Principal crauderb@fcsc.k12.in.us (317) 346-8600 42 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers: Maureen Madden (English) mmadden@msddecatur.k12.in.us Mark Anderson, principal manderson@msddecatur.k12.in.us (317) 856-5274 46 miles from campus. Eastern Greene High School Rural Route #4 Box 351 Bloomfield, IN 47424 http://egreenes.schoolwires.com/588410918 12522377/site/default.asp CoT alum: Ted Baechtold, HS English/Language Arts - tbaechtold@egreene.k12.in.us Kevin Frank, principal kfrank@egreene.k12.in.us (812) 825-5621 x:235 East Washington Middle School 1100 N. Eastern School Road Pekin, IN 47165 http://www.ewsc.k12.in.us/ewms/ Past Mentor Teachers Linda Luedeman, principal lluedeman@ewsc.k12.in.us (812) 967-5000 29 miles from campus. Second Street West (becomes Highway 45), continue through Stanford. Go 2-3 more miles past stop light. School sits back; look for school zone signs; high school entrance is straight ahead in parking lot. 74 miles from campus. Edgewood High School 601 Edgewood Drive Ellettsville, IN 47429 http://www.ehs.rbbcsc.k12.in.us/ Steve Brewer in English - sbrewer@rbbcsc.k12.in.us Jeff Carmichael in Special Ed. - jcarmichael@rbbcsc.k12.in.us Dough Uhls in Math -huhls@rbbcsc.k12.in.us Past Mentor Teachers: Larry DeMoss in English (2 Apprentices) - ldemoss@rbbcsc.k12.in.us Bob Dodson in history - rdodson@rbbcsc.k12.in.us Ginny Miller in special ed. - gmiller@rbbcsc.k12.in.us Dirk Ackerman, principal (812) 876-2277 dack6849@rbbcsc.k12.in.us Please note: In order to visit teachers, CoT students must submit a request to Mr. Ackerman and provide him with a brief resume. Custer Baker Middle School 101 W. State Road 44 Franklin, IN 46131 http://www.fcsc.k12.in.us/TPage813.aspx Decatur Middle School 5108 South High School Road Indianapolis, IN 46221 http://decatur.dms.schoolfusion.us/ Current and Past Mentor Relationships 11 miles from campus. 7 Participating School Edgewood Junior High School 851 W. Edgewood Drive P.O. Box 277 Ellettsville, IN 47429 http://www.ejhs.rbbcsc.k12.in.us Edinburgh Community Middle School 300 S. Keeley Street Edinburgh, IN 46124 http://www.edinburgh.k12.in.us/MiddleSch ool.htm Emma Donnan MS (IPS#72) 1202 E. Troy Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46203 http://www.572.ips.k12.in.us Fall Creek Valley Middle School 9701 East 63rd Street Indianapolis, IN 46236 http://fallcreekvalley.ltschools.org Franklin Township MS East 10440 Indian Creek Road Indianapolis, IN 46259 http://www.ftcsc.k12.in.us/Schools/MS/FT MSE/ftmse_index.php Guion Creek Middle School 4401 West 52nd Street Indianapolis, IN 46254 http://www.pike.k12.in.us/NR/exeres/20A4 7010-995E-43C1-8467AFBE3A20D9BC.htm Hamilton SE Junior High School 12001 Olio Road Fishers, IN 46037 http://www.hse.k12.in.us/hjh/ Hamilton SE High School Current and Past Mentor Relationships Steve Brewer in English -sbrewer@rbbcsc.k12.in.us Contact Person/Phone Comments Larry Sparks, principal lspa6866@rbbcsc.k12.in.us (812) 876-2005 x:310 11 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers Allison Kearns in Special education Mr. Micah Heath in Language Arts - mheath@ecsc.k12.in.us CoT alum: Roxie Kindelsperger - rkindelsperger@ecsc.k12.in.us Past Mentor Teachers: Josh Edwards, principal jedwards@edinburgh.k12.in.us (812) 526-3418 x:2229 45 miles from campus. Viveca Carter, principal cartervl@ips.k12.in.us (317) 226-4272 52 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers: Teachers Interested in Being Mentor Teachers: James Joiner, principal jamesjoiner@msdlt.k12.in.us (317) 964-6600 67 miles from campus. Meredith McClarnon is working with Barb Balbach in Special Education/English Charles McCoy, principal charlie.mccoy@ftcsc.k12.in.us (317) 803-5354 62 miles from campus. Mrs. Kurt Benjamin KBenjami@pike.k12.in.us (317) 293-4549 63 miles from campus. Shari Switzer, principal sswitzer@hse.k12.in.us (317) 594-4120 80 miles from campus. Jon Milleman, principal 73 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers: 8 Participating School 13910 E. 126th St. Fishers, IN 46037 http://www.hse.k12.in.us/HHS/ Hammons Off-Campus School 159 N. Second St. Martinsville, IN 46151 http://msdadmin.scican.net/hammons/ Current and Past Mentor Relationships Contact Person/Phone jmilleman@hse.k12.in.us (317) 594-4190 Comments Past Mentor Teachers: Will Bain in English Hammons is a new public alternative school of the Martinsville School System. 22 miles from campus. Harmony School 909 E. 2nd St. Bloomington, IN 47401 http://www.harmonyschool.org Martin Belcher in English, will student teach spring ‘10 - mbelcher53@hotmail.com Brittany Stern is mentored by Tom Hastings in English - coupcoupdad@sbcglobal.net Past Mentor Teachers: Tom Hastings, English/Language Arts - coupcoupdad@sbcglobal.net Sallyann Murphey in social studies - smurphsj@gmail.com Emily Sprowls in special ed. (science) - emilysprowls@harmonyschool.org Melody Bentley: Instructor bentleym@msdmail.net Jenifer Martin: Instruct. Aide martinje@msdmail.net (765) 342-0120 Steve Boncheck, Exec. Director harmony@indiana.edu (812) 334-8349 Jan Williamson, Principal jawillia@mccsc.edu 5.4 miles from campus David Ennis, principal dennis@nhj.k12.in.us (317) 878-2160 40 miles from campus. Highland Park Elementary School 900 Park Square Drive Bloomington, IN, 47403 (812) 825-7673 http://www.highland.mccsc.edu/ Indian Creek Intermediate School 1000 S. Indian Creek Drive Trafalgar, IN 46181 CoT Alum: Paul Swanson - pswanson@harmonyschool.org Stacey pace- Multi-categorical teacher - space@mccsc.edu Indianapolis Metropolitan High School 1635 W Michigan St. Indianapolis, IN, 46222 http://www.indianapolismet.org/ Tarek Zawahri -tarek.zawahri@indinapolismet.org Jackson Creek Middle School 3980 Sare Road Bloomington, 47401 http://www.jackson.mccsc.edu Past Mentor Teachers: Bob Courtney, Social Studies - rcourtne@mccsc.edu Joel Keefer, Lang. Arts. Harmony is a small, K-12, private alternative school with an economically diverse student body. Steve is one of the people who helped plan CoT. 2 miles from campus. 53 miles from campus Donna Noble, principal Please contact Ms. Noble to arrange to visit a teacher. dnoble@mccsc.edu J.C. has its English, social studies, and science teachers organized in teams that stay with their students for two years. 9 Participating School No placements available for social studies or language arts/English. Please e-mail CoT Director Gretchen Butera (gbutera@indiana.edu) to facilitate an initial contact with Jackson Creek. Current and Past Mentor Relationships - rkeefer@mccsc.edu Lora Snow in special education - lsnow@mccsc.edu Sarah Steffey-McQueen in art - smcqueen@mccsc.edu John Marshall Community HS 10101 E. 38th St. Indianapolis, IN 46236 http://www.524.ips.k12.in.us Key Learning Community 777 S. White River Parkway West Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46221 http://www.616.ips.k12.in.us Lawrence Central High School 7300 E. 56th St. Indianapolis, IN 46226 https://lawrencecentral.ltschools.org/ Lawrence North High School 7802 N. Hague Road Indianapolis, IN 46256 http://lawrencenorth.ltschools.org Contact Person/Phone (812) 330-2451 Comments 4 miles from campus. Jeffery White, principal WhiteJe@ips.k12.in.us (317) 693-5460 62 miles from campus. Chris Kunkel, principal kunkelc@ips.k12.in.us (317) 226-4992 IPS central office contact for student teaching: Doris Minton KLC is a K-8 nationally known magnet school that has now “grown” a high school on top of its previous K-8 structure. 50 miles from campus. 61 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers: Michael Burr in Social Studies - michaelburr@msdlt.k12.in.us Ed Freije, principal edwardfreije@msdlt.k12.in.us (317) 964-7400 Past Mentor Teachers: Mark Frankum in Math - dfrankum@msdlt.k12.in.us Steve Goeglein, principal stevengoeglein@msdlt.k12.in.us (317) 964-7700 64 miles from campus. C. E. Quandt, principal cquandt@msdwt.k12.in.us (317) 259-5301 x:5373 L.U. is a relatively small, alternative school-within-aschool (SWAS) inside NCHS. CoT alums: Brett Baltz in Math - brettbaltz@msdlt.k12.in.us Learning Unlimited North Central High School 1801 E. 86th St. Indianapolis, IN 46240 http://www.nchs.cc/academics/lear.html Lighthouse Christian Academy 1201 W. That Road Bloomington, IN 47403 http://lighthousechristian.com/CMS/index.php Past Mentor Teachers: Glenn Gero (English) supervised indirectly by Rayna Amerine (principal) CoT alums: Joe Ladwig in science Rayna Amerine , principal questions@lighthouse-christian.com (812) 824-2000 62 miles from campus. 6 miles from campus. Not authorised to access the Address Book module. 10 Participating School EManual High School 2405 Madison Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46225 http://www.715.ips.k12.in.us Current and Past Mentor Relationships Past Mentor teachers: Cheryl McManama mcmanamc@)ips.k12.in.us in social studies Contact Person/Phone Rocky Grismore, principal GrismorR@ips.k12.in.us (317) 226-2200 Comments 49 miles from campus. Martinsville High School 1360 E. Gray St. Martinsville, IN 46151 http://msdadmin.scican.net/mhs Past Mentor Teachers: Vince Cerbone in social studies - cerbonev@msdmail.net Janice Frields in special ed. - frieldsj@msdmail.net Phoebe Rodgers in Theatre/ English - rodgersp@msdmail.net Don Alkire, principal alkired@msdmail.net (765) 342-5571 22 miles from campus. Martinsville West Middle School 109 E. Garfield Martinsville, IN 46151 http://msdadmin.scican.net/wms McKenzie Career Center 7250 E. 75th St. Indianapolis, IN 46256 https://mckenzie.ltschools.org/ Meadowlawn Elementary (Twin Lakes School Corp) (574) 583-7720 Mitchell Junior High School 1010 Bishop Blvd. Mitchell, IN 47446 http://www.mitchell.k12.in.us/Junior%20Hi gh/mjhs%20main%20page.htm Mooresville High School 550 N. Indiana St. Mooresville, IN 46158 http://www.mcsc.k12.in.us/mhs/ MTI School of Knowledge 2846 Cold spring Rd. Indianapolis, IN, 46222 http://www.isimti.org/ Suzie Lipps, principal (765) 342-6628 Past Mentor Teachers: Jane Miller in English - janemiller@msdlt.k12.in.us Barry L. Norman, Director barrynorman@msdlt.k12.in.us (317) 576-6420 63 miles from campus. Current Mentor Roxanne Robertson rroberts@twinlakes.k12.in.us Past Mentor Teachers: John Tyree in math - tyreej@mitchell.k12.in.us Mr. Pritchett, principal pritchettt@mitchell.k12.in.us (812) 849-3747 Work through the principal to visit teachers. He’ll ask teachers of your major whether they’re interested in a CoT relationship. He also interviews and okays all student teachers so get that clearance before proceeding to a three-way meeting. 34 miles from campus 37 miles from campus Kathy Tolliver in English - tolliverk@mitchell.k12.in.us Griffith, Sarah - griffiths@mitchell.k12.in.us Chuck Muston, principal cmuston@mcsc.k12.in.us (317) 831-9203 x:180 Amir Zahed -reduxs5@yahoo.com Principal: Tewfik Choukri (317) 923-0328 55 miles from campus New Augusta Public Academy-North 6450 Rodebaugh Road 11 Participating School Indianapolis, IN 46268 http://www.pike.k12.in.us/schools/nanc/defa ult.htm Current and Past Mentor Relationships Contact Person/Phone Comments Kenneth Coudret, principal kcoudret@pike.k12.in.us (317) 388-7750 Greg Allen, principal alleng@ips.k12.in.us (317) 226-4350 N.A.P.A. is a middle school in Pike Township. 59 miles from campus. N.B. is a small, academicallyoriented alternative high school program. 53 miles from campus. New Beginnings High School 1840 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46202 http://www.798.ips.k12.in.us/ Teachers Interested in Being Mentor Teachers: Pam Jackson in English Jethro Knazze, principal (317) 226-4228 Sharon Wilkins, Head of IPS alternatives (317) 226-4351 H. contains grades 7 and 8 51 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers: Mrs. Annetta Petty, principal annetta_petty@mail.nobl.k12.in.us (765) 773-4680 x:163 74 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers: Keith Shelton in English - nstout@msdwt.k12.in.us C. E. Quandt, principal cquandt@msdwt.k12.in.us (317) 259-5301 x:5373 It’s best to have a teacher in mind before visiting. N.C. is one of the largest schools in Indiana. 62 miles from campus. North Montgomery High School 5945 N. US 231 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 http://www.nm.k12.in.us/schools/nmhs/ Doug Miller, principal dmiller@nm.k12.in.us (765) 362-5140 x:224 80 miles from campus. North Putnam High School 8869 N. CR 250 East Roachdale, IN 46172 http://nputnam.k12.in.us/hs/best20012002/in dex.htm Alan Zerkel, principal azerkel@nputnam.k12.in.us (765) 522-6282 60 miles from campus. New Horizon 510 Laurel Street Indianapolis, IN 46201 http://www.597.ips.k12.in.us Noblesville High School 18111 Cumberland Rd. Noblesville, IN 46060 http://nhs.noblesvilleschools.org/ North Central High School 1801 E. 86th St. Indianapolis, IN 46240 http://www.nchs.cc/ Northrop High School 7001 Coldwater Road Fort Wayne, IN 46825 http://northrop.fwcs.k12.in.us/index.html Past Mentor Teachers: Heather Lee in English No email address Barb Ahlersmeyer, principal Cheryl Strader, assistant principal (260) 467-2300 171 miles from campus. Northside Middle School 1400 27th St. Columbus, IN 47201 http://www.bcsc.k12.in.us/northsidems/site/ Past Mentor Teachers: Laura McCracken in English - mccrackenl@bcsc.k12.in.us Allison White in Math Amy Dixon, principal dixona@bcsc.k12.in.us (812) 376-4403 39 miles from campus. 12 Participating School default.asp Current and Past Mentor Relationships -whitea@bcsc.k12.in.us Julie D. Calfee - calfeej@bcsc.k12.in.us Contact Person/Phone Comments Northwest High School 5525 W. 34 St. Indianapolis, IN 46224 http://www.723.ips.k12.in.us Northeast Dubois High School P.O. Box 249 4711 N. Dubois Road Dubois, IN 47527 http://www.nedubois.k12.in.us/hs Oolitic Jr. High School 903 Hoosier Avenue Oolitic, IN 47451 http://www.nlcs.k12.in.us/oljrhi Owen Valley Community High School 622 W. State Hwy. 46 R.R. 4, Box 13 Spencer, IN 47460 http://www.socs.k12.in.us/ Past Mentor Teachers: Larry Yarrell, principal yarrelll@ips.k12.in.us (317) 693-5601 53 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers: Rick Gladish, principal rgladish@nedubois.k12.in.us (812) 678-2251 66 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers: David Dean, principal Deand@nlcs.k12.in.us (812) 275-7551 22 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers: Mary Ackerman in English - mackerman@socs.k12.in.us Kelly Helms in Special Ed. - khelms@socs.k12.in.us Jeff Bond, principal jbond@socs.k12.in.us (812) 829-2266 19 miles from campus. Owen Valley Middle School 622 W. State Hwy. 46 R.R. 4, Box 12 Spencer, IN 47460 http://www.socs.k12.in.us Past Mentor Teachers: Jennie Redenbaugh in Health - jredenbaugh@socs.k12.in.us Becky Hayes in language arts - bhayes@socs.k12.in.us Amy Elkins, principal aelkins@socs.k12.in.us (812) 829-2249 19 miles from campus. Mike Chisley, principal ChisleyM@ips.k12.in.us (317) 226-4080 A small alternative school in Union Station in downtown Indianapolis that runs from 10:00-5:00. 51 miles from campus. 44 miles from campus. Pacer Academy 39 W. Jackson Place, Suite #500 Indianapolis, IN 46225 http://www.495.ips.k12.in.us/ Perry Meridian High School 401 W. Meridian School Road . Joan Ellis, principal jellis@msdpt.k12.in.us 13 Participating School Indianapolis, IN 46217 http://pmhs.msdpt.k12.in.us/ Current and Past Mentor Relationships Contact Person/Phone (317) 789-440 Comments Pike Freshman Center 6801 Zionsville Road, Indianapolis, In, 46268-2465 http://www.pike.k12.in.us/schools/phs/defau lt.htm Pike High School 5401 West 71st Street Indianapolis, IN 46268 http://www.pike.k12.in.us/phs/index.html Shannon Workman- sworkman@pike.k12.in.us Sara Marshall - smmarshall@pike.k12.in.us PHS Principal Troy Inman tbinman@pike.k12.in.us (317) 387-2600 65 miles from campus Past Mentor Teachers: Donna Cracraft in theater - ddcracra@pike.k12.in.us Karin Stratton in theater - kastratt@pike.k12.in.us Liz Wittich in English - lwittich@pike.k12.in.us Troy Inman, principal tbinman@pike.k12.in.us (317) 347-8565 59 miles from campus. Princeton Community High School Old Highway 41 North RR #5 Box 49 1108 N. Embree Street Princeton, IN 47670 http://www.ngsc.k12.in.us/highsch.html Past Mentor Teachers: Jon Abbey, principal jabbey@ngsc.k12.in.us (812) 385-2591 97 miles from campus. Project School Bloomington 349 S. Walnut Bloomington, Indiana 47401 http://www.bloomingtonprojectschool.org/ Raymond Park Middle School 8575 E. Raymond St. Indianapolis, IN 46239 http://raymondpark.warren.k12.in.us/home/ John Searey -jsearcy@theprojectschool.org School Project Foundation Director/School Leader -Daniel Baron 1.6 miles from campus Past Mentor Teachers: John Kleine, principal jkleine@warren.k12.in.us (317) 532-8904 R.P. has an outdoor lab, including several acres of mature woods that it ties into its entire curriculum. 56 miles from campus. Chuck Weisenbach, principal (317) 787-8277 x:224 cweisenbach@roncallihs.org 49 miles from campus. Debbie Perkins, principal (317) 881-7422 x:270 44 miles from campus. Roncalli High School 3300 Prague Road Indianapolis, IN 46227 http://www.roncalli.org/ Saint Barnabas Catholic School 8300 Rahke Road Indianapolis, IN 46217 http://www.saintbarnabasparish.org/school/i ndex.html CoT alum Emily Morris in Spanish No email found 14 Participating School Current and Past Mentor Relationships Contact Person/Phone Comments Saint Charles Catholic School 2224 E. 3rd St. Bloomington, IN 47401 http://www.stcharlesbloomington.org/school Cheri Haskell in Spanish -chaskell@stcharlesbloomington.org Marie Coomes in English - schapman@stcharlesbloomington.org Past Mentor Teachers: Mike Bodner in science - mbodnar@stcharlesbloomington.org Alec Mayer, principal amayer@stcharlesbloomington.org (812) 336-5853 1 mile from campus Shawswick Middle School 71 Shawswick School Road Bedford, IN 47421 http://www.nlcs.k12.in.us/shjrhi Shoals Jr.-Sr. High School 7900 US Hwy 50 Route #2 Box 1A Shoals, IN 47581 http://shoals.k12.inl.us/jrsrhigh.html Southmont High School 6425 US 231 South Crawfordsville, IN 47933 http://www.southmont.k12.in.us/index.php? option=com_content&task=view&id=47&It emid=81 Past Mentor Teachers: Pamela Horner in English - Hornerp@nlcs.k12.in.us Roger Dean, principal Deanr@nlcs.k12.in.us (812) 275-6121 x:1203 Past Mentor Teachers: Dennis Dahlen in English - dahlend@shoals.k12.in.us David Springer, principal springerd@shoals.k12.in.us (812) 247-2090 53 miles from campus Past Mentor Teachers: Mr. Thompson - rthompson@southmont.k12.in.us Kevin Stewart, principal kstewart@southmont.k12.in.us (765) 866-0350 x:203 67 miles from campus Southport Middle School 5715 S. Keystone Ave. IN, 46227 http://websites.msdpt.k12.in.us/sm/ Speedway Senior High School 5357 W. 25th St. Speedway, IN 46224 http://www.speedway.k12.in.us/hs Teen Learning Center 705 W. Coolidge St. Bloomington, IN 47403 http://www.adult.mccsc.edu/tlc.htm Teresa Sylvester in Special education No email found Robert Bohannon - Proud PrinciPal – 789-4611 49 miles from campus Past Mentor Teachers: Timothy McRoberts, principal TMcRoberts@speedway.k12.in.us (317) 244-7238 x:10004 52 miles from campus. Past Mentor Teachers: Martha L. Myers in spec. ed. - mmyers @mccsc.edu Sherry Dick, Director sdick@mccsc.edu (812) 330-7731 4 miles from campus. Terre Haute North Vigo High School 3434 Maple Ave. Terre Haute, IN 47804 http://vigoschools.org/%7Ethnvhs/index2.ht ml Past Mentor Teachers: Steve Higham in math - sjh2@vigoschools.org Stacy Mason, principal slm8@vigoschools.org (812) 462-4312 59 miles from campus. 27 miles from campus 15 Participating School Tri-North Middle School 1000 W. 15th St. Bloomington, IN 47404 http://www.tri-north.mccsc.edu/ University Elementary School 1111 N. Russell Road Bloomington, IN 47401 http://www.university.mccsc.edu/index.html Warren Central High School 9500 East 16th Street Indianapolis, IN 46229 http://wchs.warren.k12.in.us/home/ Current and Past Mentor Relationships Past Mentor Teachers: Lisa Riggins in English - lriggins@mccsc.edu Dr. Binford, Paul in Social studies - pbinford@mccsc.edu Melinda Davis in Special Education Contact Person/Phone Dr. Gale Hill, principal ghill@mccsc.edu (812) 330-7745 x:201 LeeAnn VanBenten, emergency license teacher in Special Ed. - 317.869.4637 No email found Tyson Fritts, emergency license teacher in Japanese - 317.532.6253 Rich Shelper, principal rshepler@warren.k12.in.us (317) 532-6200 60 miles from campus. Rob Ramey, principal Rob.Ramey@webo.k12.in.us (765) 482-6143 x:2407 72 miles from campus. Stacey McGuire, principal mcguires@wws.k12.in.us (317) 867-6810 72 miles from campus. Linda Lawrence, principal llawrence@msdwt.k12.in.us (317) 259-5412 x:1210 64 miles from campus. Chris Willis, principal cwillis@zcs.k12.in.us (317) 873-3355 x:12999 64 miles from campus. Mr. Sean Conner, principal sconner@zcs.k12.in.us (317) 733-4001 64 miles from campus. Western Boone Jr.-Sr. High School 1205 N SR 75 Thorntown, IN 46071 http://bccn.boone.in.us/webo Westfield High School 18250 N. Union St. Westfield, IN 46074 http://www.wws.k12.in.us/whs Westlane Middle School 1301 W. 73rd St. Indianapolis, IN 46260 http://wl.msdwt.k12.in.us/ Zionsville Community High School 1000 Mulberry Street Zionsville, IN 46077 http://www.zcs.k12.in.us/zchs/index.htm Zionsville Middle School 900 North Ford Road Zionsville, IN 46077 http://www.zcs.k12.in.us/zms/ Teachers Interested in Being Mentor Teachers: Jennifer Hasler in Spanish (a CoT alum) - haslertroutmanj@wws.k12.in.us Kurt Frederick in Special Ed. (CoT alum) - frederickk@wws.k12.in.us Grace Heebner, limited license teacher in Chinese Sue Welch, limited license teacher in English - no email found Past Mentor Teachers: Tim Yovanovich tyovanovich@zcs.k12.in.us Social Studies Janice Bizzari, principal (812) 330-7753 x:51302 Comments T.N.’s English teachers are currently engaged in a project which precludes their working with Apprentices. 3 miles from campus. 2 miles from campus 16 Participating School Current and Past Mentor Relationships Contact Person/Phone Comments 17