YEAR 6 – LONG TERM PLAN TERM 1&2 – The Greeks Ancient and Modern o About the Greeks, Ancient, Modern and our Legacy from Ancient Greece o o o o o o o o o o o Rivers Who they were + How we use their ideas Marathon, City states, Athens V Sparta, Hoplites, Battles etc. Greek Life, theatre, schools etc. Famous Greeks Scholars etc. Government Types - Democracy, Oligarchy monarchy etc. Tie in with visit to Houses of Parliament. Greek Pots and Ceramics, making containers Where Greece is – related Map work, location, climate and terrain. Fact File Having a holiday there, Modern day life in Greece Greek Music, traditions, dancing, Greek plays and drama/performance allied to a play/story Internet searches and power point to present work o Creation Stories o o o Looking at Creation Stories from different cultures including Ancient Greece Christmas story compare/contrast/amalgamate versions from different books in the Bible Carol Concert o PSED o o New beginnings, Getting on and Falling out Rights and Responsibilities UNICEF Dissolving, separating, filtering Micro-organisms Tie in with bread Classify reversible and irreversible changes, including exothermic reactions Classifying materials according to properties Note taking etc. Fact files - Scholars-this term, varies termly depending on theme Using texts – Broad range of genres and books - The Iliad, The Birds, The Odyssey, Holiday brochures Performing to audience-talk to peers on a subject of personal knowledge Money management Je Me Presente o All about Me/Health and Lifestyle o o o o o o o o Good to be Me DIPSY Drugs Education Childhood illnesses Keeping Healthy Life Cycles How we see things. Circulatory System Plants and conditions for growth A Sense of Place o o o o record their observations in sketch books use them to review and revisit ideas Use a viewfinder to frame view Investigate famous artists Present work in the style of… Easter o o PowerPoint, Presentations, Data bases Compare and contrast C of E and Baptist Church Look at symbols used in religion Baptism, compare and contrast John the Baptist Design, make and trial a computer game to suit a chosen aim for younger children Suggest improvements, modify and give reasons o English Country Dancing o Work on a selection of English Country dances PHSE o Going for Goals, Say no to bullying Art and Design – ongoing throughout the year Improve mastery of techniques across the board TERM 5- Mayan Civilization SATs o Non-European Society-Broad History Study -Mayan Civilization o o o o o o o o o Rise and fall Location Writing, Maths, Astronomy, Calendar, Science Religion/Gods Art and Architecture/Buildings Literature Geography Culture Comparison with UK and Ancient Greece Church Year o o o Ascension Church Schools’ Festival Relationships Using ICT for Research and Presentations o Term 6 Moving on Educational Experiences Revise, recap, review PSED Visits to Church Work on the meaning of Easter with the Rector o Using ICT for Research and Presentations o o o o o o TERM 4 - Me Locate World’s rivers using maps to focus on concentrating on environmental regions&biomes key physical features/land use allied to and impinging on rivers Vocabulary allied to rivers Water cycle in greater depth human characteristic that impinge on rivers countries, and major cities they pass through compare and contrast rivers from different regions in depth on River Severn Local river study including measuring speed at which it flows 4 and 6 figure grid references o Places of Worship and allied symbols o o o Literacy allied to Greeks-this term, ongoing throughout the year. See National curriculum document for further details o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Interdependence and adaptation o Evolution and adaptation o Look at how we and creatures/plants have evolved and are adapted to their environment o Games-Too Simple o Dissolving, Micro-organisms, reversible and irreversible o o o o TERM 3 - Rivers PowerPoint, Presentations, Data bases o o o o o o o Visit London or Ilam Contrasting localities Geography fieldwork Forest Schools Games-Matches/experiences cricket/rounders/athletics/tennis etc. as offered Outdoor adventure Maths Trails PHSE/RE o Changes, Puberty, Relationships, responsibilities, allied to visit. o Bikewise o Compare and Contrast Religious buildings/faiths Performing o Summer Performance o Leavers’ Worship o What’s in the News – Presentation by each child D and T/Art o Slippers, shelters-allied to something happening during the term, Mod roc/People in Action. o Learn about great architects, designers Map work o Allied to visits and Mathematics Using ICT for Research and Presentations o PowerPoint, Presentations, Data bases