ACEC2010-TITLE - acec2014 - Australian Council for Computers in

eExams transforming curriculum.
Andrew Fluck and Mathew Hillier
Andrew Fluck1 and Mathew Hillier2
1University of Tasmania
2University of Queensland
The eExams project in Australia has sought to prove a sustainable, scalable and secure
pathway for computers to be used in examinations. Initially developed at the University of
Tasmania, it has been used in various degree courses and in the pre-tertiary sector across
the state.
Over a thousand students have used the eExam System since its launch in 2009. Candidates
bring their own devices to the examination, and boot up from a specially crafted USB stick.
This provides the same modified Ubuntu software environment (based on Linux) and a full
office suite to every candidate; access to the exam materials and a secure partition for the
candidate’s answers.
As with any long-term software development project, the eExam System continues to evolve.
Work on the version 5 began at the University of Queensland in 2013. This will add a copy
of the learning management system Moodle on the USB stick to include a range of
computer marked question types, such as short answer and multiple-choice. A restricted
network connection to an institutional LMS is also possible, using a secure gateway.
This presentation illustrates the way users have made the transition from paperreplacement to post-paper examinations. The style of emerging post-paper exams
illuminates the way in which curriculum change may be facilitated through this new
assessment format.
The fundamental role of computers in education at all levels is evolving. In many cases they are used
to support the existing curriculum. As students become more able to bring their own devices, this
situation may change to re-define curricula (Puentedura, 2013), perhaps even schooling itself
(Downes, Fluck, et al., 2001, p.23). In a cautious way, the Exams project seeks to accelerate
understanding and capability where it is prudent to do so.
In 2014 the inception of the new Digital Technologies subject is foremost in many Australian
computer educators’ minds. They may have some difficulty assessing student achievement in the
subject without using computers. It would seem anachronistic this subject should be wholly assessed
on paper. This makes a case for a computer-based assessment environment that can be implemented on
a class-by-class basis. A good solution will scale from individual classrooms to nation-wide
assessments. The eExam System provides this range using free and open-source software whilst reusing USB sticks for each test.
In other subject areas, teaching topics and skills using school computers which will be assessed
without them may be discordant to many teachers. One of the authors has personally witnessed the
distress for both teacher and Year 5 student when the latter requested the use of a computer ‘like I
normally do’ at the commencement of a NAPLAN literacy test.
Our speculation is that the introduction of a method for conducting assessments on student computers
in a fair and secure fashion will provide a useful lever for transforming curricula in the future. Our
project and its future extension should change high stakes testing and by implication give students a
wider range of contexts for assessing new digitally-based skills. These skills have been shown in the
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eExams transforming curriculum.
Andrew Fluck and Mathew Hillier
parallel ‘Calculus for Kids’ project as outpacing chronological age by many years (Fluck,
Ranmuthugala, Chin & Penesis, 2011).
This is important because of the tension between the high rate of innovation in the information
industries, and the slow rate of technology adoption in education. Computers are rapidly changing our
world. But school curricula change slowly, at the mercy of politics, restricted resources for teacher
professional development, and well-intentioned social inertia. An individual teacher desiring to
innovate by presenting newly discovered knowledge in the classroom has to provide evidence of
student achievement at the end of each year according to pre-ordained accountability frameworks,
mostly using pen-on-paper techniques. There are tensions between information technology and school
use as expounded by the former prime minister of Australia:
While ICT has fundamentally reshaped whole industries, revolutionized production
processes and generated massive improvements in productivity in our workplaces, our
education systems have been slower in adapting. (Gillard 2008)
Previous work
Paper-based exams in the UK are a major barrier to curriculum change (Ripley 2007, p.10). This helps
to explain why the recent revision of the English National Curriculum, which schools have to
implement from September 2014, makes almost no reference to digital technology. To tackle this
deficiency, three ministers (Education, Skills and Enterprise, and Higher Education) have set up the
Educational Technology Action Group (ETAG) in order to advise government on how to overcome
barriers to transformation of the education system through the use of digital technology (Hancock
There is extensive work on educational transformation, and widespread agreement that assessment is a
major barrier to, or enabler of, change in education. We need to develop new ways of assessing people,
to better reflect the knowledge, skills and personal attributes that are needed in the Information Age
(Heppell 1994, p.154; Twining et al. 2006). There is a significant mis-match between current
assessment practices and new learnings like computational thinking that digital technology facilitates
(e.g. Ridgway & McCusker 2004, p.38; Venezky & Davis 2002, pp. 11-12). Computational Thinking
(Wing 2006) is at the heart of the new subject released by Australian Curriculum, Assessment and
Reporting Authority (ACARA) in February 2014. This project works to make this kind of thinking
evident in many other subjects. There is strong support for the need to change how we assess learning
in order to rectify this mis-match (for example Lemke and Coughlin 1998, p.18; Lewin et al 2000;
McFarlane et al 2000; Barton 2001 pp.27-28; ICTRN 2001; Trilling and Hood 2001). Newhouse
(2013, p.15) writing on computer-based transformational assessment identified the “lack of experience
for students and teachers [as] a constraint in using ICT to support summative assessment, particularly
where the stakes are high”.
As indicated above, accountability and assessment are strong levers determining the nature of skills
and content in educational curricula at all levels. The qualities of e-assessment (if and how computers
are used in the assessment process) and the extent of e-assessment are important determinants of the
relationship between rapid technological innovation and socially conservative education. Ripley
(2009) presents two ‘drivers’ of e-assessment: business efficiency and educational transformation.
Drivers emanating from the business efficiency have focussed upon computer-based assessment. This
is often implemented as multiple choice questions (MCQ), as is common within learning content
management systems, and have the advantage of automated marking. There is extensive literature on
the business efficiency aspects, but the eExam System is a new approach that aligns well with the need
for educational transformation. Candidates start up their own personal computers from a specially
crafted USB drive in an eExam.
The USB drive controls the computer throughout the exam, providing a secure operating system which
prohibits access to any other drive or communication function. By putting the computer into the hands
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eExams transforming curriculum.
Andrew Fluck and Mathew Hillier
of every examination candidate, assessors can leverage educational transformation and include the use
of professional software tools into the curriculum. Knowing candidates can be asked to undertake
highly complex investigations or engineering design work in the exam hall can boost expectations in
the classroom.
The technology for implementing examinations on computers is developing. Some systems rely upon
institutional equipment and ‘thin client’ (dumb computers) with networking connections to a central
server. These are reliant upon all elements in the communication link remaining operational
throughout the critical period of the exam; if any one element, such as a wireless access point, should
fail, the examination has been jeopardised. Also, each candidate is restricted to questions of a very
simple nature within the confines of a web page window. Typically question material relies upon preset text stimuli, or diagrams, video or interactive elements at successively rising cost making them
viable only for very large cohorts. Multiple choice question types are popular within this paradigm.
Fluck, Pullen and Harper (2009) in explaining the eExam system, described how candidates boot their
own personal computers from a live operating system USB and complete short and essay style
questions while preventing access to unauthorised networking or other data sources. They are also able
to run specialist software (beyond Office tools) within the secure eExam system. The specialist
software can include Windows programs running under the Wine compatibility layer or any other
program chosen by the assessor which runs in a native Linux/Ubuntu environment. Examples include
educational software (which candidates have critiqued in the examination, or digital multi-media
products from school pupils which candidates have assessed). This goes beyond the limited MCQ
aspects of previous systems.
The eExam System is therefore scalable (not reliant on institutional equipment limitations), resilient
(communications infrastructure is not essential), fair and unbounded (every candidate gets the same
full operating system environment; no-one has personal access to software unavailable to other
candidates). The eExam System provides a unique opportunity to transition to paper-replacement
exams on computer, and then beyond to post-paper exams. This simple pathway for adoption is
possible because existing exams translate easily to the new computer-based environment (in the paperreplacement stage), whilst laying the foundation for running complex software applications as part of
the exam in post-paper tests. The technological advantages with this implementation pathway are a
winning combination. The icing on the cake is the free and open source nature of the system,
eliminating licencing costs and extra fees for students.
Figure 1: Example security image on desktop of student personal computer
booted from eExam USB.
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eExams transforming curriculum.
Andrew Fluck and Mathew Hillier
Deciding upon an eExam Platform
The idea of using word processors for text production appears un-controversial; but improving
academic performance through the use of advanced software is far rarer in other fields such as
mathematics or science. Yet important discoveries are being made in the latter, for instance the award
of Nobel prizes for computational chemistry in 1998 and 2013. This symbiosis of human endeavour
with computational techniques generates important new knowledge to which students need access. By
allowing examination candidates to demonstrate proficiency using software tools, they will be able to
perform more complex tasks which will also be more authentic in relationship to the real world and
professional practice.We argue the use of computers in final exams (as a component of balanced
assessment methods) will remove hurdles to curriculum transformation.
There is fierce competition from proposers of various exam-on-computer vendors. At the heart of this
contention are key philosophical debates relating to costs, the ideal format, and technological delivery
platforms. Who should pay – should the candidate, teaching institution or qualification authority pick
up the cost? Would a free, open source (FOSS) method be better (compare Microsoft Windows – a
commercially available operating system, with Ubuntu, a FOSS equivalent). Beyond this debate is that
of reticulation. Is the current internet infrastructure reliable, resilient and sufficiently capacious to be
trusted with people’s lives as determined by the outcome of a high stakes assessment? Finally, in this
tense area, can all assessment questions be sufficiently well posed within the confines of a webwindow as part of a locked-down test oriented software application; or should we be looking to assess
student ability within an unrestricted computer operating system where specialist software of any
complexion can be run? Is there an implicit cultural bias embedded in a particular system? Would
Australia be better to adopt a system devised locally, or to import a commercial system from the USA,
or a FOSS system from Finland?
This area of intellectual enquiry is new ground. It is particularly important we gather impartial,
unbiased knowledge in this area because adoption of particular strategies can have a knock-on effect.
Thus, when a state university adopts an eExam strategy, there is huge incentive for feeding school
systems to adopt the same eExam approach with its associated benefits or restrictions (Fluck &
Mogey, 2013).
Current status of eExams
eExams have been used at the University of Tasmania since 2009, and with official sanction in the
formal exam halls since 2011 following their acceptance by academic senate in March of that year. A
parallel adoption was made by the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority in 2011, when a paperreplacement eExam was used for Information Technologies and Systems at Year 11/12 pre-tertiary
level statewide. This was followed in 2012 by a post-paper eExam, where candidates were required to
view a web-site on screen – patently not possible on paper. In 2013 the Authority went further and
held an open internet-accessible exam, which pushed the boundaries yet again.
Figure 2: An eExam USB.
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eExams transforming curriculum.
Andrew Fluck and Mathew Hillier
Since that time, eExams have been held in a wide range of disciplines, ranging from educational
technology, constitutional law and history. They have also been held in a wide range of places – in the
conventional exam hall alongside candidates using pens; in formal computer laboratories; in public
libraries in Amsterdam (for students enrolled by distance).
Three key security features make eExams fair. All communication ports are blocked or monitored by
the modified implementation of Ubuntu, as are all accesses to data storage devices other than the USB
boot device. The last feature is purely visual. Assessors are asked to supply a unique image to be
placed on the desktop at bootup; one which candidates could not acquire elsewhere. For non-technical
exam supervisors, this image assures them each candidate has booted up into the exam environment
rather than using the operating system on their own laptop hard drive. This guarantees every candidate
has access to precisely those software applications permitted for the exam.
In most cases, assessors begin by offering their students the choice of pen or keyboard for the
examination. This makes a low-impact change which individuals control their rate of adoption. We
refer to this stage as paper-replacement exams, because to all intents and purposes the nature of the
assessment is unchanged. Over various cycles, more and more students select the keyboard, and when
a sufficiently large proportion do so, the next stage can begin.
This is the post-paper exam. This kind of exam contains elements which are difficult, if not impossible
to present on paper. It may be something as simple as a full colour photograph; or perhaps include a
video file to be viewed as a stimulus. For instance, a mathematics education exam contained a video of
a teacher introducing a fractions topic – candidates were invited to comment on the pedagogical
techniques used in the lesson. These two examples could still have been delivered via a web-page, but
using current wireless network access point standards there would be great difficulty simultaneously
downloading a movie to several hundred candidates.
Table 1: Changing aspects of eExams
From 2007
120 candidates
Paper replacement
Institutional equipment
Educational computing
Launceston campus
To 2013
Over 1000 candidates
.. to full multimedia and questions requiring software operation. personally owned computers
UTAS Law, Mathematics pedagogy, TQA Information Technology & Systems
Statewide, interstate and overseas
One of the authors trains teachers to assess digital products created by schoolchildren. These can
include narrated powerpoints with animation. This is an example it would be difficult to embed into a
web-page. The digital product could be a file from almost any program – not just from an Office
application. Therefore the full operating system available to each candidate becomes more important.
Another skill taught is that of evaluating digital educational resources. Using the eExam System,
cadidates can be asked to review a novel piece of software against pre-set criteria. Another post-paper
examination could ask candidates to use a particular software tool to accomplish a professional task
and submit the output file (a bridge design, an evaluation of a new molecule, a statistical analysis of
two very large datasets) as part of their response.
In this way the eExam System allows a transition to a testing environment which is far more
sophisticated than pen-on-paper. This facet provides strong support for curriculum transformation,
making it possible to assess new skills far beyond those which can be demonstrated using pen-onpaper. Figure 3 illustrates the kinds of question we anticipate:
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eExams transforming curriculum.
Andrew Fluck and Mathew Hillier
Watch the video Complex DNA [95 seconds] and
use the enzyme replication simulation software to
construct a molecular junction inhibiting the binding
Figure 3: Example of a possible future post-paper examination question
As at 2014, eExams are extending into several subjects at the University of Tasmania, whilst trials are
commencing at the University of Queensland.
Conclusion and future
The adoption of eExams by different bodies, even in the same state, has not led to uniform standards
or procedures. This is not intrinsically a bad thing. It surely indicates vibrancy and a range of
experimentation with an innovation. However, this diversity has illuminated some areas for discussion
and resolution of important new social issues.
For instance, university lecturers have accepted the idea of a graduated progression into eExams with
the initial foray being a paper-replacement stage. This means each candidate can be given the option of
using keyboard or pen, making individual choices up to the last minute (and sometimes beyond). In
this environment, ‘equity’ has been interpreted as ‘an equal chance to choose a suitable text-production
However, in the Year 11/12 context, with high-stakes testing leading to major life-forming educational
opportunities, the definition of equity became ‘one in, all in’. All candidates in this sector were
required to use a computer for the whole examination. No student could argue they were
disadvantaged through the use of a different assessment environment to any other.
Working through these divergent understandings of ‘equity’ will take some social adjustment and open
discussion. It’s especially important this happen, otherwise the paper-replacement stage will become a
hurdle preventing the more strategically vital post-paper stage emerging.
A similar project in Finland, the DIGABI project, has gone one step further. The focus of a hacking
competition to identify shortcomings of the original open-source core code, the Matriculation
Examination Board of Finland has published a schedule for the conversion of all examinations
(presumably for Years 11/12) to eExams by the year 2020. This international adoption of the technique
is instructive for other societies wishing to find some consistency in high-stakes assessment ‘going
The future of the eExams project will build upon the current funding provided by the Australian
Government Office for Learning and Teaching. It will incorporate Moodle, an open-source learning
management system which facilitates automatically marked questions of several complexions. Trials
for this are expected in late 2014.
There is also discussion around the concept of establishing an ‘eExams Foundation’ analogous to the
Moodle Foundation, to promote further development of the open-source code base and underpin
related commercial services. This will provide a governance model for eExam development, a forum
for inter-institutional sharing of ideas and a launchpad for supportive relationships with operational
services commercial entities.
The eExams project will continue to develop complementary research capabilities across the social
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eExams transforming curriculum.
Andrew Fluck and Mathew Hillier
and economic sciences that can connect data-driven and analytical models to promote evidence based
policy development. This project has the potential to generate student assessment material in digital
format in vast quantities, opening up the possibility of applying big data techniques. Providing ethical
clearance is obtained, we will use such data to answer questions such as ‘how much more text do
students type compared to handwriting?’ and ‘do candidates achieve at higher levels when using
computers in a paper-replacement examination?’ Answers to such questions will provide the evidence
to drive curriculum transformation policy adoption.
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Andrew Fluck and Mathew Hillier
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