Universal Alcorn, Audenried, Vare Meeting Minutes September 29

Universal Alcorn, Audenried, Vare
Meeting Minutes
September 29, 2015
Sultan Ahmad
Glenn Ellis
Jermaine Millhouse
Claudia Sherrod
Curtis Savoy
1. Meeting Minutes
a. No minutes available
2. Monthly Reports
a. Financial Report
i. Alcorn Charter School
1. From July 2015 - June 2016 the total income is $1,243,193.91, the
budget is $6,079,401.
2. Alcorn is 20.4% ($-4,836,207.09) over budget.
3. From July 2015 - June 2016 the total expenses are $1,226,217.61,
the budget is $6,079,401.
4. The expenses are 20.2% ($4,853,183.39) over budget.
5. Mr. Ahmad asked for a motion to accept the Alcorn Financial report.
6. Mr. Ellis made a motion to accept the report and Ms. Sherrod
Second that motion.
7. The Alcorn financial report was approved unanimously.
ii. Audenried Charter School
1. From July 2015 - June 2016 the total income is $1,700,936.92, the
budget is $10,159,114.
2. Audenried is -8,458,177.58 over budget.
3. From July 2015 - June 2016 the total expenses are $2,036,476.61,
the budget is $10,159,114.
4. The expenses are -$335,539.69 over budget.
5. Mr. Ahmad asked for a motion to accept the Audenried Financial
6. Mr. Millhouse made a motion to accept the report and Ms. Sherrod
Second that motion.
7. The Audenried financial report was approved unanimously.
iii. Vare Charter School
1. From July 2015 - June 2016 the total income is $1,057,587.62, the
budget is $5,271,394.00.
2. Vare is -$4,213,806.38 over budget.
3. From July 2015 - June 2016 the total expenses are $1,281,927.56
the budget is $5,271,394.00.
4. The expenses are -$3,989,466.44 over budget.
5. Mr. Ahmad asked for a motion to accept the Vare Financial report.
6. Mr. Ellis made a motion to accept the report and Ms. Sherrod
Second that motion.
7. The Vare financial report was approved unanimously.
b. Alcorn Monthly Reports
i. Ms. Mallory and Mr. Starke presented the Alcorn Report.
1. The results in PSSA math from 2014-2015:
a. There were 205 scholars who scored below basic, 75 scored
basic, 24 scored proficient, 4 scored average and 28 scored
2. The results in the PSSA ELA from 2014-2015
a. There were 121 scholars who scored below basic, 125 scored
basic, 63 scored proficient, 1 scored average and 64 scored
3. The 2015-2016 student achievement plan will focus on:
a. 2014-2015 PSSA data
e. Professional Development
b. Academic achievement goals f. The RTI Plan
c. Identifying problematic areas
d. Implementing instructional techniques and strategies
4. There are 8 focus areas and action strategies that include:
a. Program implementation, test administration, aligning &
embedding common core curriculum, data analysis, meeting
individual scholar needs, professional development, student
achievement plan and culture of achievement.
5. The Step Up to Writing Program will be implemented to help with
open ended math and reading questions.
6. Before and after school tutoring will be in place to help students who
have trouble with reading and math.
7. Based upon the 2014-2015 PSSA scores the scholars showed growth
in reading but minimal growth in math.
8. There has been a 5% increase in 6th , 7th and 8th grade reading and
math proficiency.
ii. Ms. Mallory and Mr. Starke presented the Alcorn Principal Report
1. Back to school night was 09/10/2015.
2. Alcorn is fully staffed, with the exception of a Emotional Support
Teacher (K-5 bldg.) and a Special Education Liaison that is shared
by both locations.
3. Alcorn is slightly under enrolled in the elementary & middle years
4. Daily professional development is implemented during our Zero
periods & after school.
5. All teachers K-3 will receive 25 hours of CLI coaching.
6. AIMSweb: This assessment system will provide tools and systems
for universal screeners and progress monitoring for grades K-2.
7. Principal’s and FSRC Chair have begun planning and implementing
parent & community involvement initiatives through workshops &
student mentoring programs.
8. Alcorn Home And School Association has been revitalized under
the direction of Ms. Roberson and Ms. Pettiford.
9. Mr. Ahmad asked for a motion to accept the Alcorn Monthly Report.
10. Mr. Ellis made a motion to accept the report and Ms. Sherrod
Second that motion.
11. The Alcorn Monthly Report was approved unanimously.
c. Vare Monthly Reports
i. Mr. Metcalfe and Mr. Rothmiller presented the Vare monthly report
1. 2013-2014 percent proficient or advanced on the PSSA:
a. Math- 27.09%, Reading/Lit- 33.05%, Science/Bio- 11.39%,
Writing- 32.43%
2. The future goal is to have all students excel in science, technology,
engineering, arts and math.
3. 2014-2015 there were 390 students enrolled and 15 out of school
suspensions. 2015-2016 there ate 420 students enrolled with only 4
out of school suspensions.
4. Scores on the PSSA increase by 5.89% in sciences and 50% scored
proficient or advanced on their keystone test.
5. There is a new music and STEM class.
6. There are advanced placement math classes for some 6,7 and 8th
7. Some points of pride are:
a. F.I.R.E, W.O.A.R, F.A.S.T, AUNI, D.A.R.E, Chef Barnard
cooking class, Odunde 365 and the Legacy Youth Tennis
and Education partnership.
8. Back to school night was 09/30 from 5-7pm.
9. The STEM and Arts Academy is fully staffed.
10. There are 420 students enrolled and the cap is 425.
11. The instructional leadership team provides feedback to the teachers
on a daily basis.
12. Daily professional development is implemented during zero periods.
13. The Researched Based Interventions and the Universal Instructional
Program is used as assessment tools.
14. A CLI coach will come in on a weekly basis to coach teachers.
15. PSSA benchmarks for scholars grade 3,5 and 8 will take place
October 26th and the keystone benchmark testing for grade 8 will
begin November 16th.
16. The SAC and FSRC have set up meetings to talk with the parents.
17. Recently, the main office and library were painted and the
classrooms are being rekeyed for teachers.
18. The recent order for projectors and document cameras for all
teachers have been completed.
19. Mr. Ahmad asked for a motion to accept the Vare Monthly Report.
20. Ms. Sherrod made a motion to accept the report and Mr. Millhouse
Second that motion.
21. The Vare Monthly Report was approved unanimously
d. Audenried Monthly Reports
i. Mr. Diavua, Mr. McCann, Ms. Pereira and Ms. Vina presented the
Audenried report
1. The number of suspensions and days missed from school has
decreased from September 2014- June 2015.
2. Students are in a variety of field including nursing and technology.
a. After staying at Audenried for 4yrs they will be certified in
their respective fields.
3. Google classroom is being implemented in the classrooms.
4. The action plan for improving school climate in the 2015-2016
school year includes:
a. Acknowledging and celebrating students
b. Social and emotional support
c. Parent engagement
d. Increased numbers in extracurricular activities
e. Increase in adult presence in the hallways
f. Improving instructional practices.
5. The attendance action plan will include calling parents of absent
6. The school based health center, VOCTI, SAT prep and college and
carrer readiness were discussed.
7. There were 9 students in the CCP program last year and this year
there are 24 students who will receive college and high school credit.
8. So far, 16 students were accepted to 4yr colleges out of 85 who
9. In order to improve student achievement, Audenried focuses on:
Lesson planning, co-planning, effective observation and feedback
10. Keystone Data from spring 2015 was discussed.
11. Areas of growth include: increasing the number of students who
scored proficient and who completed constructed response
questions and decreasing the number of students who scored below
12. In order to encourage, acknowledge and celebrate student growth
this year, Audenried will focus on:
a. Student ownership of personal and school-wide
b. Academic achievement Attendance
c. Parent engagement
d. Academic culture and climate
13. Mr. Ahmad asked for a motion to accept the Audenried Monthly
14. Ms. Sherrod made a motion to accept the report and Mr. Ellis
Second that motion.
15. The Audenried Monthly Report was approved unanimously
3. Board Matters
a. New Board Member
i. Mr. Curtis Savoy was recommended to be the new board member
1. Mr. Millhouse asked for a motion to accept Mr. Curtis Savoy as a
new board member.
2. Mr. Ahmad made a motion to accept Mr. Curtis Savoy as a new
board member and Mrs. Sherrod seconded that motion.
3. The motion to accept Mr. Curtis Savoy as a new board member was
approved unanimously
b. Board Term Limits
i. Moving forward there will be two sets of Term limits for each board
1. Class A, which is members who serve three years; and Class B,
which is members who serve five years.
ii. Mr. Ahmad asked for a motion to accept the Board Term Limits.
iii. Ms. Sherrod made the motion to accept the Board Term Limits and Mr.
Savoy second the motion.
iv. The board term limits were approved unanimously.
c. Committee Structure
i. Moving forward there 5 standing committees:
1. The facilities committee, the nomination committee, the academic
committee, the HR committee and the finance committee.
ii. Mr. Ahmad asked for a motion to accept the board Committee Structure.
iii. Ms. Sherrod made the motion to accept the board Committee Structure and
Mr. Savoy second the motion.
iv. The 5 committees were approved unanimously.
d. Meeting Schedule
i. The additional meeting times will be October 27, 2015, January 12, 2016
and May 03, 2016.
4. Public Comments
a. There was one comment: Wants more parents involved to help the children in
culinary class.
5. Adjournment
a. The meeting concluded at 8:50 p.m.