10.6.15 - Associated Students of Oregon State University

Cabinet Meeting
Fall Term
Tuesday, October 6th, 2015
Active Shooter Debrief
a. Collaborative message from Cassie and Susie Brubaker-Cole
b. Upcoming Active Shooter training
c. Threat Assessment Team
d. Negative feedback
i. Folks think our campaign isn’t relevant or it instigates fear
ii. Suggested language to use:
1. Didn’t intend to instill fear, but confidence amongst students on
e. Awareness is being spread
i. Conversations occurring around campus/community
ii. Opportunity to continue the conversation
a. President
i. Faculty Senate President Mike Bailey will be in the office today from 11am12pm! This is an amazing opportunity to come and speak with him about
ANYTHING regarding faculty (ask his opinion on events you want to do,
how you can engage with faculty, if he has heard of any issues regarding
your task force). He will be coming in frequently this term to collaborate
with us and will be doing an office hour in here weekly. This guy is
extremely important and a mover and shaker on our campus, so use him
while you can!
ii. The Sexual Assault Survivor Advocacy Center grand opening is this
Thursday the 8th at 5:30pm if you all would like to attend, it is completely
optional but can count as one of those events you must attend every
iii. United States Senator Jeff Merkely will be with us on Tuesday the 13th of
October from 11am-12pm. The ASOSU is hosting him for a town hall event
where he will come talk about his plan for college affordability with
students. Talk about an amazing chance to come and speak with
someone as impactful as he is/can be!
b. Vice-President
i. Working on tailgater
1. Need to get some games and buckets
2. Will start at 11:00 AM
ii. Alumni Homecoming Brunch
1. Working on organizing contact information
2. Contacted many alumni, not very many have confirmed
3. Many plans for next year or the year after to engage more alumni
iii. Bad Day Book
1. Send in submissions
iv. Senate
1. Many things happening
2. First reading of JB 07.01 (Outlining SIFC process) is tonight
a. Time line for this
b. If this doesn’t pass by end of Week 3 – there will have to be
an emergency election for SIFC
3. Termly updates for cabinet in the Senate and House
c. Executive Director of Operations
i. Working on filling committees
1. Especially Student Conduct and Community Standards
ii. Executive Branch Meeting will be Thursday of week 3 from 6-7:30 PM
iii. Hunger and Homelessness Week
1. Week 8
2. Many events
3. Want to do an event around policy related hunger and
1. First event is next week on Wednesday, Oct. 14 th
a. Topic = diversity
2. Started confirming folks for the JumboTron video
3. Calendar invite coming soon
4. Next event is week 8, topic = safety
d. Executive Director of Community Programs
i. Active Shooter training finalized for Greek and others
1. Tracking system is finalized
2. Plaque and $100 to the chapter with the highest percentage
ii. Active Shooter posters are being hung still
iii. Off-Campus Housing Expo – Jan. 27th
1. Promotions are being finalized
2. Committee is being developed
iv. Talked to Madison Ave. Task Force
1. Taking hedge out and putting concrete there
2. Getting in contact with folks on campus to get the word out
v. Talked to Urban Services Committee
1. Need tenants to help with the process
a. They are basically lobbying their property owners for it
vi. Graduate Success Center
1. Want us to split costs for their movie screenings
2. Probably won’t happen, but might do posters
vii. Wellness TFD – confirmed that the CAPS emergency service/suicide
hotline will be on student IDs
1. Had a Task Force meeting with 10 students
2. Dixon Dream Project – expanded Dixon to include SHS and CAPS
viii. Campus TFD – looking at Spring and is networking with many folks
1. Thinking about starting a Random Acts of Kindness campaign
ix. Environment TFD – water bottle ban
1. Working on education with international students related to
2. Working with all Cultural Resource Centers
x. Veterans TFD
1. Planning on doing many things for Veterans Day/Week
a. Video with people that were in the video
2. Honor a veteran in each cultural center (plaque)
e. Executive Director of Diversity Programs
i. Going to go on another campus tour to see if changes were made
ii. Cambodian Student Association will have a culture night soon
iii. Multicultural gathering at the BCC
iv. Jan. 29th – Diversity Career Symposium in Salem
v. Jazmin from OSCC will be at OSU on Oct. 14-15
vi. Womens Center is putting on an event – my culture is not a costume and
wants some ASOSU support
vii. Accessibility TFD
1. First event today – “Accessibility Is To Me…”
viii. Multicultural TFD
1. Meeting with Jason and others about sending survey about
getting paid 2x/month
ix. Queer TFD
1. Trans Awareness Vigil
x. International TFD
1. Surveying international students and a student wants to partner
with us on this
2. Working on “Danger of a Single Perspective”
3. Trying to get donations from outside folks
xi. Womens TFD
1. Working on doing a self-defense seminar
2. Take Back the Night event
3. Campus lighting initiative
a. Work with Jonathan and Cassie
4. Beginning of Nov wants to table and discuss sexual assault
f. Executive Director of Government Relations
i. Card for Umpqua Community College
1. Please sign!
ii. Task Force meeting
1. Not very many people showed up, so tactics will be a little
iii. Survey for OSA
1. Intentional survey collection to listservs, CRCs, Graduate Success
Center, Greek raps
a. Could use people to assist with Greek raps and group raps
– to give the raps and to brainstorm places to go
iv. Textbook Rally
v. Trick-or-Treating
1. Need to know when things need to be completed
2. Will find out at all-executive staff meeting
vi. Voter education
1. Events for November election
2. Will ask City Council (Roen Hogg)
vii. Lobby meeting with Sen. Gelser and Rep. Olsen went really well
1. Slim that we will get 55 million, but should still push for it
viii. Angela Batista wants an ASOSU shirt!
Executive Director of Finance
i. Working on fundraiser with Lyndi
1. Can do this pretty quickly and efficiently
ii. Working on expenses for various events
iii. Preparing for SIFC
Promotion Team
i. INTO Tailgate Promo- near completion (need social media promo ASAP)
ii. ASOSU Alumni Brunch Promo- near completion (need social media promo
iii. ASOSU Collateral
1. Brochures- done and ordered only need to go over proof
2. Business cards- done and ordered only need to go over proofs
3. TFD Email Signatures- done
4. TFD, SafeRide, Sanate Name Tags- Ordered and ready to pick up
5. Judicial Poster- done and ordered
6. MU Board- near completion
iv. Website
v. Process of updating profiles, but some people need photo retakes
(scheduled for next week)
vi. Thinking of adding tab specifically for ASOSU information
Office of Advocacy
i. Newsletter- near completion
ii. Annual Report- near completion
iii. Website graphics- in progress
Finance Graphics- In progress
WTF Promo- In progress
ASOSU Birthday promo- In progress
Off Campus Housing promo- In progress
Textbook Rally Promo- In progress
i. Cold Cuts Textbook Rally video
1. Not getting any help from people I have contacted
2. Retry for this upcoming week
ii. I am ASOSU football video
1. Near completion
iii. WTF video
1. In progress