Running head: PEDIATRIC HEALTH PROMOTION PROJECT Trinity Valley Community College Associate Degree Nursing Program Level I Pediatric Health Promotion Project Project Identifiers Elementary School Site: Date Project Implemented: Nursing Students Involved: 237 PEDIATRIC HEALTH PROMOTION PROJECT Paper Outline: Section 1. Assessment:(GROUP) Demographics: School location, Age Range, Educational Level Project Needs (based on discussion with School Nurse): Cultural & Developmental influence: Section 2. Identify Concept Problems First Concept Problem (identify Health Promotion need for your population) Supportive data Second Concept Problem (for your population) Supportive data Section 3. Planning (GROUP): First Concept Problem (same as problem #1 above) Goal(s) Learning activity(s) Resources Second Concept Problem (same as problem #2 above) Goal(s) Learning activity(s) Resources Included all resources used to prepare project Brief minutes of each meeting Section 4A. IMPLEMENTATION (GROUP): Professional attire according to TVCC policies Contribution of each member All members present during presentation 238 PEDIATRIC HEALTH PROMOTION PROJECT Description of presentation & if it was completed as planned Section 4B. IMPLEMENTATION (GROUP): Describe performance of each individual member Section 5A. Evaluation (GROUP): Evaluation of intervention QUESTION 1: What is the outcome of the planned goals; Fully met, Partially met, or Not met? What are the responses from your students, school nurse, or teacher(s) that has lead your team to this conclusion (support your evaluation with facts.) QUESTION 2: What were the unintended/unexpected outcomes either positive or negative as a result of your project? QUESTION 3: Describe the dynamics of your team. QUESTION 4: What changes would your team make to your project if it were to be used for another group of children, and why? Section 5B. Evaluation: (INDIVIDUAL): Evaluation of group by individual QUESTION 1: Was the work for this project distributed equally among team members? Were all team members professionally dressed according to TVCC guidelines, present and on time for the presentation? Fully discuss any variations. QUESTION 2: What were the contributions of each group member (i.e. generated ideas, creativity, did not contribute just listened, complainer, disagreed with most ideas, completed artwork, typed paper) QUESTION 3: If you could start this group activity over, what changes would you make? QUESTION 4: Discuss any group dynamics or problems that were encountered and what steps were taken to resolve the issue? 239 PEDIATRIC HEALTH PROMOTION PROJECT (Do not include this section on your final paper) NOTE to STUDENTS: Prior to submission remove this section and any notes in the text above that is written in blue. This is a group project which includes a team presentation at an elementary school and a formal paper. Your formal paper is to be written in APA format with fully developed sentences, paragraphs, and utilizes correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Please refer to the PowerPoint along with the PowerPoint notes for detailed explanations. You should type into this template as it has been formatted for you as an example of APA formatting. The faculty has also provided an outline for you to use as a guide in writing your paper. It is also important that you read the criteria on the grading rubric so you will understand where your points will come from. You will notice that there is no point penalty for formatting, however, APA 6th ed format is the scholarly way to write papers in the healthcare sciences. This TEMPLATE has been formatted in APA for you. Please use it to write your nursing papers. Also please understand most of you have been taught to write in MLA format which is utilized in composing literature. Nursing is a science and APA is the format utilized when writing science based papers (remember research is where we get our body of knowledge and research is science.) Delete the comments that are in blue prior to finalizing your paper for submission. Do not forget to include a reference page also in APA format. Your reference page will be a separate page, refer to the tutorials listed below for formatting. TUTORIALS: APA 6th ed. formatting: Purdue Online Writing Lab: HELPFUL HINTS for APA: There is only one space after a period at the end of a sentence before beginning a new sentence (instead of 2 spaces that is required by MLA format.) Double line spacing Title page with different header: [Running head: ABBREVIATED TITLE] » (the abbreviated title refers to the title you give your paper, though this one has been named for you.) Headers for 2nd page and remaining pages: [ABBREVIATED TITLE] Headers & Sub-headers – follow outline provided 240 PEDIATRIC HEALTH PROMOTION PROJECT In-text citations: (author 1, author 2, & author 3, year) References: Last name, first name initial. & Last name, first name initial. (year). Title of article. Journal title, volume(issue), pp. doi: (Always include the doi number when available even if you did not acquire the article via an online source.) 241