Lab Handout - LE MMT - PHT 1261c Tests and Measurements

Keiser University
PHT 1261C Tests and Measurements
Lower Extremity MMT Lab Handout
Po = Position; Pa = Palpation; M = movement; R = resistance; S = Stabilization
AG = against gravity; GM = gravity minimized
1. Psoas Major/Iliacus
Po: sitting with knees flexed and posterior pelvic tilt (AG);side lying with test LE on top
supported; hip neutral rotation & knee flexed 90 (GM)
Pa: Psoas = deep abdomen below ribs and above iliac crest; iliacus = iliac fossa
M: Flex hip
R: to proximal knee an anterior surface of thigh
S: opposite side of pelvis
2. Sartorius
Po: sitting with PPT; knees flexed 90 off edge of table (AG); supine with test leg flexed, abd, ER
Pa: below & slightly medial to ASIS
M: bring heel to opposite knee (AG); slide heel up opposite leg (GM)
R: at medial malleolus & lateral thigh pushing into IR< adduction and extension
S: counter pressure between 2 hands giving resistance
3. Gluteus Maximus
Po: standing with trunk flexed over table and knee flexed (AG); side lying with test leg on top
supported with knee & hip flexed to 90 (GM)
Pa: between sacrum & greater trochanter with hip in ER
M: extend hip from flexed position
R: proximal to knee joint on posterior thigh
S: Stabilize pelvis to prevent hyperextension of lumbar spine
4. Gluteus Medius and Minimus
Po: side lying with uninvolved extremity on bottom hip & knee flexed to 90; top LE on table
behind bottom LE; hip neutral knee extended (AG); supine with LE supported on table in neutral
Pa: Medius – laterally below iliac crest and proximal to greater trochanter; Minimus – deep to
medius & not distinguishable
M: abduction of hip without flexion or ER
R: proximal to knee joint on lateral side of thigh
S: pelvis
5. Tensor Fascia Latae
Po: side lying test leg on top, in 45 degrees hip flexion, knee extended & resting on table in front
of uninvolved LE (AG); recumbent position with trunk supported by UE, hips flexed to 45 legs
supported on table (GM);
Pa: below & slightly lateral to ASIS
M: abduction of hip while maintaining 45 degrees hip flexion
R: distal thigh lateral side
S: pelvis
6. Adductor Group (Longus, Brevis, Magnus, Gracilis, Pectineus)
Po: side lying with uninvolved leg on top & supported in 25 degrees abduction; bottom leg is
test leg in neutral (AG); supine with uninvolved leg in 25 degrees abduction; test leg slightly
Pa: Longus = medial side of thigh immediately below pubic arch; Magnus = medial aspect of
thigh middle to lower half; Brevis = too deep to palpate; gracilis = medial aspect of knee (pes
anserine tendon); pectineus = just inferior to superior pubic ramus (difficult to palpate)
M: Adduct test limb to lift up off table
R: proximal to knee medial thigh into abduction
S: pelvis
7. Hip Lateral Rotators (Obturator Internus & Externus, Superior & Inferior Gemellus, Quadratus
Femoris, Piriformis)
Po: Supine with knee flexed over end of t able & opposite leg hip & knee flexed & foot resting on
table (AG); Supine with leg extended & hip IR supported on table or standing NWB on test limb
& hip IR (GM)
Pa: piriformis only – deep buttock region & tendon as it approaches greater trochanter
M: ER of hip
R: to distal leg proximal to medial malleolus or proximal to knee joint if painful
S: stabilize knee on lateral side
8. Quadriceps Femoris (Recuts Femoris, Vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis)
Po: semi-reclined sitting with hips flexed to 45 & knees flexed to 90 over edge of table with
support under the knee (AG); side lying with test leg supported & hip flexed to 45 and knee
flexed to 90 (GM)
Pa: rectus = between TFL & sartoris; Intermedius = deep to rectus (palpate medial & lateral
sides); medialis = medial thigh; lateralis = lateral thigh
M: extend knee to 0 degrees or full extension
R: anterior surface of leg proximal to ankle joint
S: thigh
9. Hamstrings Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus)
Po: prone with hip flexed & neutral rotation & knee flexed 10 degrees (AG); side lying with leg
supported; hip slightly flexed & knee flexed 10 degrees (GM)
Pa: Biceps = lateral posterior thigh; semimembranosus = posterior proximal knee on both sides
of semitendinosus (first 45 degrees); semitendinosus = proximal medial posterior knee
M: flex the knee to 90
R: posteriorly, proximal to ankle with tibia in ER for Biceps and tibia in IR for semimembranosus
& semitendinosus
S: thigh
10. Gastrocnemius and Plantaris (***see grades on page 350 Palmer Textbook)
Po: WB: standing with knee extended & opposite foot off the floor; NWB: Prone with foot off
edge of table (AG); side lying with ankle in anatomical position (GM)
Pa: distal to posterior knee joint, medial and lateral heads of gastroc; plantaris not palpable
M: PF ankle; stand on tiptoes
R: body weight for standing; to plantar surface of rear foot in prone/side lying
S: place hands on table for balance; stabilize leg in prone
11. Soleus (***see grades on page 350 Palmer textbook)
Po: Prone knees flexed to 90 degrees or standing with knees flexed (AG); side lying knee flexed
to 90 (GM)
Pa: distal to gastrocnemius muscle belly on either side
M: PF of ankle (point toes) or go up on toes
R: to plantar surface of rear foot
S: leg; balance by placing hands on table if testing in standing
12. Tibialis Anterior
Po: sitting with knee flexed over table; ankle anatomical position (AG); side lying with top leg
test leg
Pa: lateral side of tibia & tendon across dorsum of foot from lateral to medial
M: Dorsiflexion & inversion of ankle
R: medial dorsal aspect of forefoot into plantar flexion and eversion
S: leg
13. Tibialis Posterior
Po: side lying with test leg on bottom & leg off end of table (AG); supine with foot off edge of
table (GM)
Pa: tendon just posterior to medial malleolus
M: inversion with slight plantar flexion
R: medial border of forefoot into eversion and dorsiflexion
S: leg
14. Peroneus Longus/Brevis/Tertius
Po: side lying with top leg test leg; ankle in anatomical position (AG); supine with foot over edge
of table and ankle in anatomical position (GM)
Pa: Longus = distal to lateral malleolus down to plantar surface of foot; brevis = distal to lateral
malleolus to base of 5th metatarsal; tertius = lateral forefoot toward 5th metatarsal
M: eversion with ankle in neutral
R: lateral border of forefoot into inversion
S: leg
15. Flexor Hallucis Brevis/Longus
Po: sitting or supine
Pa: FHB = medial arch of foot adjacent to 1st metatarsal head; FHL = crossing plantar surface of
proximal phalanx of great toe
M: flex great toe MTP & IP joints
R: proximal and distal phalanx of great toe
S: foot and 1st metatarsal
16. Flexor Digitorum Brevis/Longus
Po: sitting or supine
Pa: FDB = plantar surface of proximal phalanx of 4 toes; FDL = plantar surface of middle phalanx
of 4 toes
M: flexion of IP joints of 4 toes
R: beneath the distal & proximal phalanges
S: foot & metatarsals
17. Extensor Hallucis Longus/Brevis
Po: sitting or supine
Pa: EHL = dorsum of foot, lateral to TA to first metatarsal; EHB = dorsal lateral surface of foot
with EDB muscle belly
M: extend MTP & IP of great toe
R: to dorsum of both phalanges of first toe
S: foot and first metatarsal
18. Extensor Digitorum Longus/Brevis
Po: sitting or supine
Pa: EDL = dorsolateral surface of foot to 4 toes; EDB = muscle belly on dorsolateral surface of
M: extend MTP & IP joints of 4 toes
R: to dorsal surface of proximal and distal phalanges
S: ankle and metatarsals
19. Abductor Hallucis
Po: sitting or supine
Pa: medial side of first metatarsal
M: abduction of MTP of great toe
R: medially to distal end of first phalanx
S: metatarsals
20. Adductor Hallucis
Po: sitting or supine
Pa: too deep to palpate
M: adduction of proximal phalanx of first digit toward the second digit
R: to lateral side of proximal phalanx of first digit
S: metatarsals
21. Lumbricals
Po: sitting or supine
Pa: too deep to palpate
M: extension of IP and flexion of MTP of 4 toes
R: to middle and distal phalanges of lateral 4 digits
S: 4 metatarsals
22. Plantar Interossei
Po: sitting or supine
Pa: too deep to palpate; part of extensor hood of lateral 3 toes
M: extension of IP joints of lateral 3 toes; some adduction but usually not practical
R: middle and distal phalanges
S: lateral 3 metatarsals
23. Dorsal Interossei & Abductor digiti minimi
Po: sitting or supine
Pa: interossei too deep to palpate; part of extensor hood of middle 3 toes; Abductor digit minimi
= lateral side of 5th metatarsal
M: extension of IP joints & abduction of MTP joints of 4 toes
R: Interossei = middle & distal phalanges; SDM – lateral side of proximal phalanx of 5th digit
S: metatarsals