ART HISTORY RESEARCH PAPER 200 points...due November 30

200 points...due November 30, 2009
Write a comprehensive report about a topic chosen from the following
list under your grade that is 7 paragraphs long and includes 2 pages of
illustrations or photos to accompany the report. This photos or
illustrations may be within the text.
Format: Double spaced; Font 12—one style; and include a Title Page.
Title Page: Title, Name, Class name, Date and photo or illustration.
1st paragraph: Begin with a definition and a background of your
topic, informing reader of years, place, and typical art works.
2nd paragraph: Describe the country’s geography, religion,
demographics and any significant historical events that had a direct
effect on what art was produced. (For example, silk was used in Asia
because the silk worm was used to produce their clothing also; or wood
was used in Africa because that is the material readily available and
later metal was used with the growing knowledge of producing it.)
3rd paragraph…Describe ONE of the art works in detail...masks,
sculpture, illuminated manuscripts, frescoes, stained glass, textiles,
etc. Describe media, purpose, style, changes in styles, message sent, or
whatever else necessary to understand the art.
4th paragraph…Describe the NEXT main art work.
5th paragraph...Describe ANOTHER art work.
6th paragraph…Talk about the EFFECT the art had on the people.
Compare this to the art of own modern society and the effect it has on
people also.
7th paragraphs…What does what you studied about remind you of
about our modern art world? How will it affect your art? How will it
affect the way you view modern art? Write your conclusion.
Possible topics 7th grade
Islamic Art
Ancient Roman Art
African Art
Meso-American and Andean
Medieval European Art
Middle Age Chinese Art
Middle Age Japanese Art
Renaissance Art (1430-1625)
Art of the Reformation Period (16th century, Western Europe and
Protestant church)
Scientific Revolution Art (1450-1789, art inspired by the scientists of
this era, de Vinci, Michaelangelo, etc.)
Art of the Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason
(art from 15th century to 17th century)
Possible topics 8th grade
Native American Art
Harlem Renaissance
New Deal Art
Abstract Expressionism
Pop Art
American Art
American Impressonism
Refer to under my webpage for links to resources.
Or go on-line on your own
Or try the library…Gage MS or Huntington Park Public library.
Or use the encyclopedias.