AS2 Assignment: Change Name:


AS2 Assignment: Change Name:

The Renaissance opened up a world of change. Access to new ideas through the written word and challenges to old/accepted ways of life and teaching meant that Europe was quickly evolving. One area that particularly benefited was science and technology.

Select one of the following men influenced by the change of the Renaissance, or complete your own research and select another person who greatly contributed to our understanding and culture because of the changes initiated during the Renaissance.

 Francis Bacon

 Nicolaus Copernicus

 Rene Decartes

 Galileo Galilei

 Johannes Kepler

 Isaac Newton

Complete research about the person you select and then complete the following:

 In your own words write a paragraph biography of this person’s life that includes information about: o how this person was impacted by the time and place he/she was born in o any trials or tribulations of his/her life o any people that impacted his/her work

 In another paragraph briefly describe some of his/her more important discoveries/inventions

 Finally write a final paragraph about how this person’s discoveries changed humankind's view of the world and your view of the world today.

 Correctly cite 2 resources that you utilized to write your 3 paragraphs.
