FACULTY POSITION REQUEST FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 BCP # DEPT. PRIORITY NO. DEPARTMENT: Engineering and Industrial Technology PLEASE CHECK THE BOX REPRESENTING THIS CATEGORY OF FACULTY REQUEST New position Replacement Full-time Temporary Conversion (grant to GU001) BUDGET AUGMENTATION – Ongoing One-time funding Other – explain (e.g. matching) TITLE OF INSTRUCTOR POSITION Professor, Electronics Technology PLEASE PROVIDE A SUMMARY AND RATIONALE OF FACULTY POSITION REQUEST (You may copy and paste from your COMPREHENSIVE OR ANNUAL PROGRAM REVIEW.) The Electronics Technology program, in anticipation of expanding our instructional program to the Delano Center, requests a new faculty position. We base this request on the following justification: We expanded our number of sections last year to 26, from 19 the year previous (a 36% increase). In fact, last year’s sections were at an all-time high. FTES rose to 93.5 last year compared to the previous record high of 78.6 the year before (an increase of 14.9 or 19%). The percentage of FTES from adjunct faculty was 22%, and 19% from overload last year. Demand continues to be strong for our program. Labor market data from EMSI shows a 10.51% increase in employees among the 15 occupational titles for which we train students, and the number of annual openings to be 244 positions within our BC service area. There continues to be a severe shortage of trained technicians, and in increasing numbers, local employers have been encouraging their employees with a desire for a promotion into a technical position to take courses in our program. One of our faculty members recently became qualified to teach Engineering courses, and took on a lab section of ENGR as overload this semester. This may increase in the future, and also serves as a buffer to any enrollment decrease that may occur in the future. We were able to add an additional full-time faculty member last year, due to our participation in the C6 grant and the grant-funding for that position. Despite this, for the fall semester 2014 we have a total of .666 FTEF in overload for full-time faculty, and 1.133 FTEF assigned to adjuncts for a total of 1.8 FTEF beyond faculty load. We anticipate a minimum of 3 sections (1.066 FTEF) per semester to be taught in Delano. As evidenced by the increase in the Welding sections new to Delano this semester (from 2 initially to 4 currently), local community demand for Industrial Technology coursework is strong. Once revisions to the Engineering Technology AS degree have been made that include Electronics and Automation pathways for the technical electives, demand for our courses will increase beyond our current Electronics Technology majors. We are planning to participate in the Bachelors of Applied Science degree pilot program, focusing on Automation. Many of the technical courses for that degree will be taught in our program. Since 2003, we have added seven new courses to our program, and have three more advanced-level courses that we wish to offer to meet the increased technical knowledge and skills that are becoming more critical to our students as evidenced by industry feedback, international certification competencies, and other sources. Revised by: Program Review Committee (June 2, 2014) Page 1 INTERNAL REVIEW OF POSITION A. Explain why the work cannot be reassigned to other staff within the department. Last year, after hiring a third full-time faculty member, we still had 22% of the FTES from adjunct faculty, and 19% from overload. This semester, we have a total of .666 FTEF in overload for full-time faculty, and 1.133 FTEF assigned to adjuncts for a total of 1.8 FTEF beyond full-time faculty load. Among other full-time faculty members in the Engineering and Industrial Technology department, of those that are minimally qualified to teach Electronics courses, all have either full loads or overloads. B. Impact on College/District if position is not filled It is clear that the District and College administration strongly support initiatives to increase student access in northern Kern County by expanding course offerings at the Delano Center. Additionally, since we are limited in the number of Electronics sections we can offer on the main campus due to limited facilities, our growth opportunities (increasing student access) will need to take place at locations other than the main campus. If this position is not filled, we will only be able to offer a limited presence (of one Basic Electronics course per semester) in Delano through the use of an adjunct instructor. This would not benefit the Delano area much, since all those students would need to come onto our main campus for the remaining Electronics courses for their degree and/or certificate(s). In addition, the new facility at Delano would need to be put together, organized, and implemented, which is beyond the scope of responsibilities of an adjunct employee. C. Is a temporary employee currently performing the work of this position? Yes No D. New position: How is the work assigned to this position presently accomplished? The work is not performed, since we have not expanded to the Delano Center or added the additional course sections that could be offered there. Current full-time faculty are assigned to the full complement of course sections on our main campus. ESTIMATE THE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS FACULTY REQUEST TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (include benefits) SUPPLIES or OPERATING EXPENSES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES $85,000 -0-0- Total $ SOURCE OF FUNDS GENERAL FUND SPECIAL FUNDS PREPARED BY Sean Caras $85,000 ORG Number ORG Categorical Funds OTHER FUNDS DATE 9/22/14 REVIEWED BY DATE IF PROPOSAL AFFECTS ANOTHER DEPARTMENT, DOES OTHER DEPARTMENT CONCUR W ITH PROPOSAL? Name the department YES NO ATTACH COMMENTS OF AFFECTED DEPARTMENT, SIGNED AND DATED BY THE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE. Revised by: Program Review Committee (June 2, 2014) Page 2