Religion Group Project Rubric Group Name: Origin Of Religion 5 Pts Origin of religion is clear and is presented in a way that is easily understood. Time Of Formation Time of formation is clear and presented in a way that is easily understood. Key Figures Within Religion Key figures within the religion are clear and presented in a way that is easily understood. Major practices within the religion are clear and presented in a way that is easily understood. Major and Religious Practices Key Dates/ Holy Days (Holidays) Centers of Worship Fundamental Beliefs Key dates within the religion are clear and presented in a way that is easily understood. Centers of worship within the religion are clear and presented in a way that is easily understood. Fundamental beliefs within the religion are clear and presented in a way that is easily understood. 3 Pts Origin of religion is unclear and is presented in a way that is not understood. Time of formation is unclear and presented in a way that is not understood. Key figures within the religion are unclear and presented in a way that is not understood. Major practices within the religion are unclear and presented in a way that is not understood. Key dates within the religion are unclear and presented in a way that is not understood. Centers of worship within the religion are unclear and presented in a way that is not understood. Fundamental beliefs within the religion are unclear & presented in a way that is not understood. 1 Pts Not Shown or attempted Not Shown or attempted Not Shown or attempted Not Shown or attempted Not Shown or attempted Not Shown or attempted Not Shown or attempted New Vocabulary/ Key Terms Fundamental beliefs within the religion are clear and presented in a way that is easily understood. Creativity (X2) The project is presented in a way that is creative and creates a positive learning environment. The group displays the information in a way that casts a positive view of the given religion. The group works together to present the information and evidence is provided that everyone participated within the group. Group provides proof of research and provides at least 5 resources for information (2 Web and 3 Literary). Presentation (X2) Group Participation (X2) Resources (X2) Comments: Group Members: Score: /80 Fundamental beliefs Not Shown or within the religion are attempted unclear and presented in a way that is not understood. Project shows little No original thought creativity and some thought given to originality. Presentation is vague and unclear. Religion is cast in bias view. Presentation is unorganized and no clear thought is shown Some group members Only one person prove thought and shows effort in effort, but others did participation not help the group. Group uses less than 5 sources to prove the information is correct. No resources of information provided