Resources on cancer and the environment HEAL PUBLICATIONS AND TOOLS Campaign: Sick of Pesticides A Europe-wide campaign to raise awareness of the links between pesticides and ill-health, and to mobilise collective action for change. Materials are available in English, French, Dutch and Hungarian. Website in four languages – On-line brochure on pesticides and health. Pesticides and Health eNews – a monthly news letter on the latest developments on pesticide reduction in the EU, from policy to community action. To receive Pesticides and Health eNews, please, send an e-mail to Pesticides resources - extensive library of scientific reports and tools on pesticides and cancer. Chemicals Health Monitor Dedicated web pages specific to cancers and environmental factors: cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Chemicals and Disease News Bulletin - A regular news service providing information on the impact chemicals on public health taken from media sources and scientific publications. To receive Chemicals and Disease News Bulletin, please, send an e-mail to Brochure: Chemical Cocktails: harmful mixtures upset our hormones Scientists believe that increasing rates of cancer, diabetes and infertility could be reduced by removing certain hormone disrupting chemicals from products. But to date political action has been half-hearted. This leaflet shows the opportunities to better implement chemicals legislation to protect human and wildlife health - they just need to be grasped. The brochure is available in English and French on (produced by HEAL, WWF, CHEMTrust). Report: Breast cancer and exposure to hormonally active chemicals - An appraisal of the scientific evidence The report provides a review of the scientific evidence that certain chemicals may be implicated in breast cancer, and focuses on the role of hormone disrupting chemicals. Particular reference is made to early life and multiple chemical exposures. Written by Professor Andreas Kortenkamp, Head of the Centre for Toxicology, School of Pharmacy, University of London, UK, the report has been peer reviewed by Professor Jan Ake Gustafsson (whose team discovered the oestrogen receptor-beta), Dr Julia Brody from the Silent Spring Institute, USA, and Prof Alastair M Thompson, Professor of Surgical Oncology at the University of Dundee. The report is available in English on (Produced by HEAL and CHEMTrust). Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), Briefing: Factors influencing the risk of breast cancer – established and emerging This briefing summarizes the key information on all the risk factors and breast cancer with particular focus on the potential role of certain chemicals in the environment. It is written in a language that is accessible to non-scientists and is suitable for the general public and breast cancer suffers. The briefing is available in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Armenian on (Produced by HEAL and CHEMTrust). Leaflet: Breast Cancer - Preventing the preventable This leaflet briefly describes the evidence that hormonally active chemicals may be implicated in breast cancer. Written for sufferers and a wide public audience, the leaflet highlights the risk factors for breast cancer, the views of several scientific groups concerning the role of chemicals, and what people can do to minimize exposure. It also briefly describes the policy actions needed in order to reduce exposures to hormonally active chemicals. The leaflet is available in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Czech and Armenian on (Produced by HEAL and CHEMTrust). Leaflet: Men Under Threat - A leaflet on the decline in male reproductive health, and the potential role of exposure to chemicals This leaflet briefly describes the evidence that hormonally active chemicals may be implicated in the deterioration of male reproductive health, gives some statistics on the rates of malformation of the penis, undescended testicles, sperm counts and cancer of the testicle. Written for those affected and a wide public audience, the leaflet explains the hypothesis of testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) and how all the above problems may be linked to exposure to these chemicals during a male baby’s pre-natal development. The information in this leaflet comes from the CHEMTrust report Male Reproductive Health Disorders and the Potential Role of Exposure to Environmental Chemicals (listed in the next section) and can be found on Consumer Guide: Bisphenol A in plastics: is it making us sick? Bisphenol A publication This guide explains what the chemical Bisphenol A is and how best it can be avoided. The use of plastics has become one of the defining characteristics of modern life. An increasing number of scientific studies have made a direct link between one of the major components of most clear, shatterproof plastic articles - Bisphenol A or BPA - and a surprising number in many diseases. BPA is a known endocrine or hormone disruptor and is implicated in diseases ranging from infertility, obesity, breast and prostate cancer, to diabetes, thyroid malfunction and attention deficit syndrome. The guide is available in English and French on (produced by HEAL and Friends of the Earth, Europe) What will new EU Chemicals Legislation Deliver for Public Health? This four page briefing introduces the new EU law called ‘REACH’, and briefly discusses the health problems linked to chemicals; how REACH can bring health benefits; the types of chemicals causing concern; and how members of the health sector, whose voice is important, can give input to the discussion on the law’s implementation. The briefing is also available in English, Italian, French, Czech, Slovenian, Hungarian and Dutch on Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), PUBLICATIONS FROM HEAL MEMBERS AND PARTNERS Male Reproductive Health Disorders and the Potential Role of Exposure to Environmental Chemicals (CHEMTrust) The report is available in English on Men under threat: A referenced briefing on the decline in male reproductive health and the potential role of exposure to chemicals during in-utero development (CHEMTrust) The briefing is available in English on A review of the role of pesticides play in some cancers: Children, farmers and pesticides users at risk ? (CHEMTrust) The report is available in English on Linking breast cancer and our environment (Women in Europe for a Common Future) The report is available in English on Short film on endocrine disrupting chemicals and breast cancer. (Breast Cancer UK). The film is available in English on and in French on No More BPA Report (Breast Cancer UK) The report is available in English on Collaborative ON HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT (CHE): Girl, Disrupted: Hormone Disruptors and Women's Reproductive Health (Collaborative on Health & Environment CHE). This public report is available in English on Hormone Disruptors and Women's Health: Reasons for Concern (Collaborative on Health & Environment CHE) Trifold summary brochure intended for a general audience. The report is available in English on "Female reproductive disorders: the roles of endocrine-disrupting compounds and developmental timing" (Collaborative on Health & Environment CHE). This scientific review is available in English on Working Groups (Collaborative on Health & Environment CHE) Breast Cancer Working Group Cancer Working Group Webpages on specific cancers & environmental factors (Collaborative on Health & Environment CHE) Brain Cancer: Breast Cancer: Childhood Leukemia Ovarian Cancer Prostate Cancer Testicular Cancer Factsheets and brochures on Cancer and Environment (Collaborative on Health & Environment CHE) Environmental Factors in Cancer: Industrial and Manufacturing Exposures (Collaborative on Health & Environment CHE). The Fact Sheet is available in English on Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), Environmental Factors in Cancer: Agricultural Exposures (Collaborative on Health & Environment CHE). The Fact Sheet is available in English on Environmental Factors in Cancer: Indoor/Outdoor Air Pollution and Water Contamination (Collaborative on Health & Environment CHE). The Fact Sheet is available in English on Environmental Factors in Cancer: Nuclear Fallout, Electromagnetic Fields, and Other Radiation Exposure (Collaborative on Health & Environment CHE). The Fact Sheet is available in English on OTHER USEFUL TOOLS Living Downstream Community Guide and educational DVD (Coming soon). A guide for educators who wish to use the film in their teaching. Filled with lesson plans, review questions, key concepts and extension activities, it is designed to encourage critical thinking. Produced in collaboration with teachers and their students. The DVD and guide are available on Reducing Environmental Cancer risk: What We Can Do Now (US Presidents’ Cancer Panel Report on Environment & Cancer). In May 2010, the panel advised President Obama "to use the power of your office to remove the carcinogens and other toxins from our food, water, and air that needlessly increase health care costs, cripple our nation's productivity, and devastate American lives." The 240-page report by the President's Cancer Panel is the first to focus on environmental causes of cancer. The panel, created by an act of Congress in 1971, is charged with monitoring the multibillion-dollar National Cancer Program and reports directly to the President every year. The report is available in English on: The Endocrine Disruption Exchange - Prenatal Origins of Cancer (TEDX - The Endocrine Disruption Exchange). The report is available in English on: The Environment Cancer and You (Canadian Cancer Society) The report is available in English on: ‘State of the Evidence’ on Environment and Breast Cancer (Breast Cancer Fund) About: The report: Environnement et Cancers: E-bulletin Prevention (Tour d’horizon / Leefmilieu en kanker) (Belgian Cancer League). The Bulletin is available in French on: An Environment and Cancer Booklet is available in French on and in Dutch on Cancer & the Environment: What health providers should know (US Physicians for Social Responsibility) available in English on Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL),