The aim of the technological platform
To create a segment of medicine of the future which is based on the complex of the
“breakthrough” technologies determining the possibility of appearance of new markets of hightech products and services as well as rapid distribution of advanced technologies in medical and pharmaceutical sectors.
The purpose of the technological platform
To facilitate contacts and enable effective interaction of stakeholders in the medical and pharmaceutical sectors including businesses, scientists and state institutions.
To develop the long-term strategic vision of the development of medicine as a sector, including scientific, innovation and production programs.
3. To concentrate intellectual, financial and administrative efforts on creation and commercialization of products and services which would be competitive on internal and external labor markets.
4. To optimize the state regulation of scientific and innovation processes, to standardize technological regulations and procedures, to improve customs regulations in the sphere of biomedicine with the view to facilitating the introduction of products onto the market.
5. To harmonize TP “Medicine of the future” with the TP of the European Union, to form joint space with the TP of the CIS.
6. To modernize the medical environment and educational space, to create conditions for implementation of new medical products and services in practical health care.
7. To bring scientific knowledge into the area of new breakthrough technologies for medicine which will ensure the decrease of mortality, morbidity, and increase life expectancy and quality of life as well as the population growth in Russia.
Objectives of the technological platform
The statement of goals, objectives and planned results of the technological platform
"Medicine of the Future (the upper part of the cell - a goal, under the lower dotted line – the result)
Goals and
Scientific technologic al
(nearest year)
Analysis of the existing scientific and technical resources and the development of the
Strategic Research Program
(2-4 years)
Elaboration of Roadmaps for development (RD) of technologies and products in the following directions:
innovative pharmaceutical products;
-multicomponent biocomposite medical materials;
-devices for diagnostics and treatment;
-diagnostic and therapeutic systems on the basis of
(5-8 years)
Ensure that key technologies and major product groups are competitive on the world markets.
Strategic program of research in the sphere of bio-medicine. molecular and cellular targets.
Road maps of key technologies and product groups.
Analysis of the existing industrial base of medical pharmaceutical and products of the Russian
Federation and the development of proposals on its development
2020. until
The strategy for development of industrial medical complexes specialists.
Projection base pharmaceutical pharmaceutical in biomedical and in Russia and abroad. of and products of the Russian
Federation until 2020.
Analysis of the needs of biomedical and for
Projections for demand of specialists until
Analysis of the market pharmaceutical sectors
Creation industrial including of
(pilot) new, attracted and technological modernization of the already existing industrial as well as experimental and resources foreign technologies and investments.
Adoption of legislative initiatives stimulating investments in medical and pharmaceutical sectors of
Realization of the first stage of development strategy of industrial base.
Modernization of medical environment for adoption of new medical technologies.
Development of educational standards and curricula on the basis of research works using the
Forsyth instrument on personnel demands.
Introduction of new educational standards necessary for development of bio-medical and pharmaceutical complexes
(management, new technological directions, etc.).
Creating demand, including demand from the government, for production of domestic biomedical and pharmaceutical complexes.
Perfection of quality control mechanisms and safety of medical products which are produced on the territory of the
Russian Federation and imported from abroad. for Adoption of legislative
The innovativeness of key technologies and major food groups are comparable to those existing in the world.
Putting into operation the pharmaceutical industries and production of medical equipment and medical materials.
Manufacturing of basic nomenclature of medical products in the amounts corresponding to the planned demand.
Realization of the second stage of development strategy of the industrial base.
Modernization of postgraduate training of specialists for biomedical and pharmaceutical complexes.
Meeting the demand for highly qualified scientific, technical and production personnel in biomedical and pharmaceutical sectors.
Ensuring that a great part of demand for biomedical and pharmaceutical products on the Russian and CIS markets is met by domestic producers.
Significant increase in
Social development of markets of biomedical and pharmaceutical products in the Russian
Federation and worldwide until 2020.
Structure of employment biomedical projection development
2020. in and pharmaceutical sectors in the Russian
Federation and of until
Manpower development program until 2020 which is linked to the development strategy of manufacturing base of medical and pharmaceutical products of the Russian
Federation until 2020. initiatives on stimulating the demand for products of biomedical and pharmaceutical complexes.
A program for attraction and retaining personnel in biomedical and pharmaceutical complexes.
Creating the necessary number of work places in the framework of the first stage of realization of development strategy of manufacturing base of medical and pharmaceutical products of the Russian Federation until
2020. the share of domestic products on key commodity groups.
Creation of work places with advanced professional culture and competitive wages in biomedical and pharmaceutical sectors.
Creating the necessary number of work places meeting the above mentioned conditions.
Brief description of the markets which are being developed in the framework of the technological platform for which the technologies are intended
Based on the goals and objectives of the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, technologies, which are being developed in the framework of the given technological platform, will have an impact, as a minimum, on the following segments of the markets:
The market of innovative pharmaceutical medicines on the basis of biotechnologies;
The market of biocomposite materials for medicine;
The market of medical appliances and equipment;
The market of test systems for diagnostics.
As part of the market of innovative pharmaceutical medicines on the basis of biotechnologies , the niche strategy is realized by the technological platform “Medicine of the future” on the following positions: vaccines (DNA-vaccines); hormonal medicines; clotting factors; medicines on the basis of cytokines; monoclonal antibodies; medications for demographically-significant diseases; antiseptics.
At the end of 2010, the total demand for innovative pharmaceutical medicines on the basis of biotechnologies in the Russian Federation, which fall under the technological platform
“Medicine of the future”, is estimated as 2,3 billion rubles. By the end of 2020, the growth in demand for the above mentioned medicines is expected to reach the amount of 140 billion rubles
(increase of more than 60 times).
As part of the market of biocomposite materials for medicine , the niche strategy is realized by the technological platform “Medicine of the future” in the following areas: biocomposite constructions for identifying diagnostically relevant proteins and separation of cells; new biomaterials for tissue and bone implantation; bandages with antibacterial properties.
At the end of 2010, the total demand for biocomposite materials for medicine in the
Russian Federation, which fall under the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, is estimated as more than 30 billion rubles. The growth of the given segment of the market is expected by 2020, exceeding 150 billion rubles (increase of more than 5 times).
As part of the market of medical appliances and equipment , the niche strategy is realized by the technological platform “Medicine of the future” in the following areas: medical appliances for diagnostics of treatment; medical appliances and equipment; medical devices made of textile, glass and polymers.
At the end of 2010, the total demand for medical appliances and equipment in the
Russian Federation, which fall under the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, is estimated as exceeding 70 billion rubles. The growth of the given segment of the market is expected by 2020, exceeding the level of 350 billion rubles (increase of more than 5 times).
As part of the market of test systems for diagnostics , the niche strategy is realized by the technological platform “Medicine of the future” in the following areas: molecular diagnostics; immunodiagnostics; other diagnostics in vitro. immunodiagnostics;
At the end of 2010, the total demand for test systems for diagnostics in the Russian
Federation, which fall under the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, is estimated as
23 billion rubles. The growth of demand for test systems for diagnostics is expected by 2020 in the Russian Federation up to 45 billion rubles (twice as much). At the same time, the development of technologies, which fall under the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, will allow to enlarge the share of test systems for diagnostics of Russian production from 6 billion rubles in 2010 up to 36 billion rubles by 2020 (6 times more).
The overall demand for the segments of markets, which are being impacted by the technologies, developed in the framework of the technological platform “Medicine of the future”, is estimated on the level of 150 billion rubles by the end of 2010. The demand will grow up to 700 billion rubles (4 times more) by 2020.
Description of the main activities on creation and support of the technological platform activity for the next year
Name of activity
№ Ongoing works Outcomes Executors Deadlines
1. Establishment of the technological platform
“Medicine of the future”
1.1. Involvement of the maximum wide range of interested parties into the participation in the TP,
Name of activity referred to as
TP), formation of mechanisms of the TP functioning and support of its organization development.
№ Ongoing works including:
Outcomes Executors Deadlines
1.1.1 Conduct of not less than four
TP information days to attract potentially interested parties, which were not included in the
TP on the initial stages of its development, to take part in the
Registration sheet of participants of the information days
Presentations of reports
TP executive directorate
1.1.2 Organization of the TP Internet forum as well as the TP web site to attract potentially interested parties, which were not included in the
TP on the initial stages of its development, to participate in the TP.
Internet forum and web site
Working group on information support
May 2011
April 2011 1.2 Creation within the TP of a working group
(WG) on the development of mechanisms of the TP functioning as well as support of organization its development.
WG on formation of mechanisms of the TP functioning and support of its organization development.
Executive directorate
1.3 Development and realization of management decisions, ensuring the
TP functioning, including settlement of interrelations among the participants, including:
1.3.1 Detection and systematization
Policy notes on the research
WG on formation of
May 2011
Name of activity
№ Ongoing works Outcomes Executors of factors contributing to the TP functioning.
Detection and systematization of obstacles and restrictions, risks and threats preventing the
TP functioning
(depth interviews and focus groups with representatives of the TP participants). results
(preparation for the expert discussion on the practice of the TP formation and functioning). mechanisms of the functioning
TP and support of its organization development.
1.3.2 Elaboration and signing of the cooperation agreement between the TP participants.
Cooperation agreement between the TP participants.
Steering committee,
WG on formation of mechanisms of the TP functioning and support of its organization development .
May 2011
1.4 Formation of the TP organization structure, including:
1.4.1 Design of the
TP organization structure
(without formation of the legal entity) ensuring the necessary conditions for realization of interaction between enterprises, scientific and educational organizations; as well as elaboration of proposals aimed at improvement of issue settlement in scientifictechnological and innovation
Organization structure approved by the constitutive conference.
Steering committee.
WG on formation of mechanisms of the TP functioning and support of its organization development.
March 2011
Name of activity
Foresight in the sphere of biomedical technologies which ensures development and market promotion of innovation medicines, medical biocomposite materials, medical devices and systems for diagnostics and treatment on the basis of post-genome and cell targets. I-III quarter of
Development and start of pilot realization of the strategic research program providing for determination of medium- and long-term
№ Ongoing works spheres.
Outcomes Executors
1.4.2 Conduct of the constitutive conference and elections in the
TP controls.
TP institutionalization
Constitutive conference
1.4.3 Elaboration of the constituent documents
Elaborated constituent documents
May 2011
Steering committee.
WG on formation of mechanisms of the TP functioning and support of its organization development
May 2011
1.5 Determination of possible sources of funding of the
TP functioning, including:
1.5.1 Elaboration of proposals on the use of various mechanisms of state financial support scientificof technological development
(target programs, institutes of development, foundations etc.)
List of proposals on the use of various mechanisms of state financial support scientificof technological development
WG on development of the Program of advanced technology implementation
April 2011.
1.5.2 Study of possibilities of agreement on the TP strategic documents and business development programs.
Plan of activities on agreement on the TP strategic documents and business development programs.
WG on development and realization of the Strategic research program
May 2011
1.5.3 Conduct of a series of discussions
(seminars) with the participation of business representatives and authorities, aimed at agreeing on the
Minutes meetings of and proposals.
Program of the TP business development.
Replication of the most effective mechanisms of public-private
Steering committee, executive directorate.
Name of activity priorities in carrying out
R&D, as well as forming mechanisms of scientificindustrial cooperation
(further referred to as
Development and start of pilot realization of the program of advanced technology implementation in the sphere determining various mechanisms and sources of funding, as well as obligations of the TP participants
(further referred to as
№ Ongoing works most effective financing mechanisms of the functioning,
TP including the ones within public-private partnership.
Outcomes partnership in the sphere of research and development.
1.6 Development and realization of the company plan on the TP promotion in
Russia (among the authorities, in the business community) and abroad (the
EU, European technological platforms, countries – participants of the CIS, business community)
1.7 Elaboration of proposals on formation of the normativelegal base of the TP functioning, including:
1.7.1 Analysis of the existing legal regulations of scientifictechnical and innovation activity for detecting provisions preventing or restricting the
TP functioning as well as possibilities of its improvement.
1.7.2 Conduct of expect discussions on
Minutes of meetings and a list
TP working group on preparation of
Proposals on formation of the normative-legal base for the TP functioning.
Systematization and analysis of remarks, ideas and proposals of experts and preparation of proposals aimed at improvement of scientifictechnical and innovation activity regulation.
WG on preparation of proposals aimed at improvement of dispute settlement in scientifictechnical and innovation spheres.
Experts. WG on preparation of proposals aimed at improvement of regulation in scientifictechnical and innovation spheres.
May 2011
Name of activity
№ Ongoing works prospects of formation of the normativelegal base of the TP functioning with the participation of the leading experts in the sphere of scientifictechnical and innovation policy as well as representatives of the federal executive bodies.
Preparation of proposals on the legal basis of the TP functioning.
Outcomes of proposals.
Executors proposals aimed at improvement of regulation in scientifictechnical and innovation spheres.
1.8 Elaboration of proposals on formation of coordination mechanisms of the TP activity with other technological platforms, including:
Proposals on formation of coordination mechanisms of the
TP activity with other technological platforms.
Contact working group on interaction with the TP.
1.9 Creation within the TP of a working group on long-term scientifictechnological forecasting.
Formed working group on scientifictechnological forecasting.
Executive directorate
April 2011
2.0 Attraction of the leading
Russian and foreign experts in the sphere of scientifictechnological and economic development to participation in the TP functioning.
WG on longtern technological forecasting and analytics.
During 2011
2.1 Analysis of
Russian and
Analytical report containing
WG on longtern
June 2011
Name of activity
№ Ongoing works foreign strategic documents
(foresights, road maps, strategies etc.) determining priorities and aims of development in the sphere of biomedicine.
Outcomes Executors determination of priorities and aims of development in the sphere of biomedicine. technological forecasting and analytics
2.2 Determination of long-term priorities of scientifictechnological development of biomedicine, including:
2.2.1 Formation of the “Image of the future” of this economics sector in the context of social-economic development on the whole for the long-term perspective
(focus groups).
Development of the Vision of this economics sector in the context of social-economic development on the whole for the long-term perspective.
WG on longtern technological forecasting and analytics
2.2.2. Development of strategic aims of the TP development as well as longterm priorities.
Strategic aims of the TP for the
Program of the strategic TP development.
WG on longtern technological forecasting and analytics
2.3 Formation of a road map on achievement of the TP objectives
(further referred to as
RM), including:
Executive committee.
Expert group on the Road map formation
2.3.1 Conduct of indepth interviews with members of the expert group.
Formation of the RM project, including visual
Analytical report on the research containing recommendations on formation of the RM for the TP
“Medicine of the future”.
Expert group on the RM formation
June 2011
Name of activity
№ Ongoing works Outcomes presentation reflecting research interconnections as well as intermediate and end products with the targeted strategic aims of the TP development. on strategies of development and implementation of innovationtechnological decisions within the TP.
Executors Deadlines
3.1 Creation within the TP of a working group on SIC development and realization.
The working group on SIC development and realization has been formed.
Steering committee
April 2011
3.1.1 Conduct of the forum of the TP participants for discussion and approval of
SIC program approved by the participants.
WG on SIC development and realization.
3.1.2 Development of mechanisms of public-private partnership in the sphere of research and developments to be realized within the TP.
List of proposals on the use of various mechanisms of state support financial of scientifictechnological development.
WG on SIC development and realization.
3.1.3 Elaboration of proposals on the use of results of research and developments obtained abroad within the TP.
Conduct of the conference
WG on SIC development and realization.
3.1.4 Launching of
SIC pilot projects to master realization
SIC mechanisms.
Elaborated projects investments for
WG on SIC development and realization.
In accordance with requirements of state contracts or agreements,
4.1 Creation within the TP of a working group on development and realization of the Program of advanced
Formed working group
Executive directorate
June 2011
Name of activity
5. Development and start of pilot
№ Ongoing works technology implementation
Outcomes Executors Deadlines
4.1.1 Specification of the RM to form subjects of the
TP projects on advanced technology implementation.
Preparation of the PATI project and its coordination by the TP participants.
The project of advanced technology implementation.
WG on PATI development and implementation
June 2011
4.1.2 Search business for partners and choice of production sites for realization of PATI pilot projects.
Data-base of production and technological sites for realization of
PATI pilot projects.
WG on PATI development and implementation
4.1.3 Development of mechanisms of public-private partnership on implementation of advanced technologies for them to be realized within the TP.
Minutes of expertanalytical activities with the participation of state and business on development of mechanisms of public-private partnership in the sphere of advanced technology implementation for them to be realized within the
WG on PATI development and implementation
4.1.4 Elaboration of proposals on technological borrowing from abroad (import of technologies)
Proposals on best practices
WG on PATI development and realization
4.1.5 Launching of pilot projects of
PATI to master mechanisms of
PATI realization
Developed projects investment programs for
WG on PATI development and realization
5.1 Creation within the TP of a working group
Formed working group
Executive directorate
April 2011
Name of activity realization of training programs
Elaboration of proposals aimed at improvement of regulation in the scientifictechnological sphere, including the following parts: specification of the subjects of
R&D, supported by the state; improvement of mechanisms for the stimulation of innovation activity; improvement of technical regulation; determination of perspective requirements to quality characteristics of production
(services) purchased for state needs; specification of programs of innovation development of big companies with state participation; specification of
№ Ongoing works on education and personnel training
Outcomes Executors Deadlines
5.1.1 Analysis of the potential of profile universities
Data-base personnel of programs within the priority TP projects
WG on education and personnel training
April 2011
5.1.2. Foresight competences of Analytical report on research.
Determination of the level training system. Proposals for development of new programs.
WG on education and personnel training
August 2011
5.1.3. Conduct of a series of discussions on possibilities of cooperation between universities, scientific organizations and the manufacturing enterprises within the framework of development and realization of educational programs.
Development and realization educational of programs, formation of work plans, teaching methodologies for concrete disciplines.
WG on education and personnel training
6.1. Creation within the TP of a working group on preparation of proposals aimed at improvement of regulation in scientifictechnological and innovation spheres.
Formed working group
Executive directorate
April 2011.
6.1.2. Analysis of the existing regulations in scientifictechnological and innovation spheres to identify provisions the preventing or restricting the
Analytical report, preparation information of materials for expert discussions on improvement of the regulations in scientifictechnological and innovation spheres with
WG on elaboration of proposals aimed improvement at of regulation in scientifictechnological and innovation spheres.
2011 г.
Name of activity directions and principles of support of scientifictechnological and innovation development by state institutions; improvement of educational standards; determination of directions of international scientifictechnological cooperation.
№ Ongoing works
TP functioning as well as possibilities of its improvement.
Outcomes participation of the leading experts in the field of scientifictechnological and innovation politics, representatives of the federal bodies of power. executive
Executors Deadlines
6.1.3. Conduct of the expert discussion on improvement of regulations in scientifictechnological and innovation spheres with participation of the leading experts in the field of scientifictechnological and innovation politics, representatives of the federal executive bodies.
Minutes of the meetings
WG on elaboration of proposals aimed at improvement of regulations in scientifictechnological and innovation spheres.
6.4. Systematization and analysis of remarks , ideas and proposals of experts; elaboration of proposals aimed at improvement of regulation in scientifictechnological and innovation spheres.
List of proposals aimed at improvement of regulation scientificin technological and innovation spheres.
WG on elaboration of proposals aimed improvement at of regulations in scientifictechnological and innovation spheres.
In 2010 Russian Government recognized a need for a new relationship between research and business, including strengthening the innovation system. Further impetus for development of biotechnology has been given on the federal level by decision of the Governmental Committee of High-Tech and Innovations to establish a broad set of national Technology Platforms (TP).
Initiated by the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, a leading Russian research university, and JSC “RT-Biotechprom”, a brunch of one of the largest national companies –
Russian Technologies State Corporation, with an active assistance of the most prominent national institutions and businesses, the Russian Technology Platform “Bio-industry and Bioresources – BioTech2030” has been founded in November 2010.
TP “BioTech2030” includes 3 sub-platforms: “Industrial Biotechnology”, “Forestry” and
“Food for Life” and embraces more than 140 participants 50% of which comprise big business and SME’s. Its main goals and aims are:
Drafting, discussion and further adoption of the documents (Foresight, Strategic
Research Agenda, Road Map and Implementation Plan) defining the principal scientific and technical development of the Platform priorities areas;
Development of the concept towards bio-industry and bio-resource sustainable growth and their interaction with other sectors of the national economy;
Integration of biotech knowledge and applications into various sectors of the economy;
Creation of new markets and developing areas traditional for the Russian
Transition to a new level of environmental standards in Russia;
Creation of new raw materials source (renewable biomass) for the chemical and allied industries, alternative to fossil hydrocarbons;
Creation of cheap and accessible material base for production of pharmaceutical substances;
Complex processing of low-value food and non-renewable raw materials into useful products with high added value;
Integrating viewpoints and opinions of all the stakeholders: government, industry, academia, regulatory authorities, users and consumers;
Creation of interaction network between experts in different fields of bio-industry and bio-resources, information sharing, dissemination and coordinated decision-making;
Monitoring of trends, analysis of market potential of technologies;
Cooperation with similar foreign entities in the EU and worldwide.
TP “BioTech2030” is emerging as a powerful instrument for coordination of efforts in the field of industrial biotechnology, forestry and food biotechnology, commercialization of innovations and effective communication of all stakeholders in the Russian Federation. It will create a solid basis for sustainable development of biotechnology sector of the national economy; however, a special attention is given to international contacts.
Among a number of on-going projects in the field of industrial biotechnology currently implemented in Russia could be mentioned just a few:
Pilot lingo-cellulosic bio-refinery;
A number of facilities for grain processing into bio-fuels and high-value added products;
Introduction of modern environmentally friendly bio-catalytic technologies into pulp and paper industry;
Use of microalgae for bio-fuel production, etc.
The central goal of the TP “BioTech2030” is to create modern Bio-industry in the
Russian Federation, for contribution to GDP, comparable with world leading economies (up to
The main result of the establishment and operation of TP should be to achieve competitiveness of Russian biotechnological sector on the world market, develop and create new technologies, products and services (see Appendix).
In the framework of TP “BioTech2030” with a view to the rational and sustainable industrial production and energy while reducing environmental impact production based on renewable raw materials will be developed and organized:
Bio-reagents (enzymes, products of fine organic synthesis, and basic raw materials for manufacture of drug substances, feed additives, protein, amino acids, plant protection and animal welfare, etc.).
Biomaterials (bio-plastics, monomers to polymers, chemistry, etc.).
Bio-fuels (bio-ethanol, biodiesel and bio-butanol).
Products for healthy food and food ingredients.
Deep forest industry products.
New energy efficient and “green” biotechnological processes.
It is also anticipated that technology platform will have following socio-economic performances:
Increase employment in rural areas.
Development of the regions of Siberia, Far East, the European North and grant
Environmental issues including megacities, agro-industrial complex.
Diversification of exports.
Contribution to the food and drug safety.
Markets and sectors that are expected to influence technology, developed under the
Technology Platform ”BioTech2030”
Sector of economy
Power and
Key Products
Biofuels and oxygenators
(biodiesel, and biospirty bioefiry, biogasoline)
Current production
1 st generation on the basis of food raw materials, and household and agricultural wastes
New technologies that will very likely that may appear in the world in the next 10 years
2 nd generation based on nonfood raw materials
(lignocellulose complex) and photosynthetic technologies
Pharmaceutics Raw materials for the production of substances of innovative drugs
Traditional fermentation processes
Bioreactors for immobilized cells and application of biocatalytic processes
Agricultural sector
Production of bioplastics
Amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan)
Use of natural strains, traditional production.
Implementing the concept of
"cell factory» (cell factory).
Probiotics and synbiotics
Feed additives
The use of attenuated vaccine strains of microorganisms and viruses.
New producers with a directional change in metabolism.
Fodder Vitamins
Molecular vaccines.
Feed enzymes
Preserving animal feed and silage ferment
Biotech feed protein (feed yeast)
Crop protection and plant growth stimulation
Intermediates for chemical industry and organic synthesis
Traditional synthesis based on refined petroleum products.
Fermentation of food raw materials.
New biocatalytic technology.
New enzymes with improved properties.
Enzymatic polymerization
(lipase-catalyzed synthesis of polyesters, laccasecatalyzed synthesis of polyphenols)
Creating a standard library of metabolic pathways for the construction of new producers
Further reduction in the cost of enzymes used in industry
Modification of synthetic polymers (PET / lipase, PA
/ laccase, PAN / nitrilase)
PHA, polylactides, copolymers based on alkanediols
Fermentation of food raw materials
Implementing the concept of bio-refineries.
Go to the disposal of non-food raw materials and photosynthetic processes.
Implementing the concept of
"cell factory"
Dietary Supplements
It is mainly used refinement of traditional products through the
Production of complex food supplements for a balanced
Functional Food Ingredients fortification missing components, or excessive extraction of product.
Food additives (emulsifiers, components
Using enzymatic and biogelling agents) catalytic processes for removing unwanted components (e.g., saturated fatty acids)
New enzymes with improved properties.
Technological aids
Functional foods, including enriched, therapeutic foods
Expanding the resource base through the use of low-value raw materials of vegetable and animal
Products preventive nutrition
Products specialized purpose. products with reduced fat products with reduced sugar content origin
Reagents products of organic production
Vitamins, minerals
Reagents: oilfield for mining
Pulp and Paper Industry
Traditional processes based on food raw materials
Processes on the basis of processing of lignocellulose complex and photosynthetic technologies reagents for the production of biofuels
Forestry Sector Forest monitoring system Technology terrestrial visual monitoring and / or sampling.
Instrumental technology ground monitoring of forests in situ.
Environmental protection
Remote sensing using optics.
Forest plantations, regeneration of forests
Service logging companies
Using traditional techniques such The widespread use of as reforestation, improvement programs, the use of vegetative propagation techniques, the use molecular markers and genomics to improve the properties of wood and fiber. of biomarkers
Traditional technologies of cutting, supply
Use of non-timber forest resources
Technology systems of wood supply, improve the integration of the various chains of the forest sector of wood raw material to finished product
Biodegradants, Using natural microbial associations
Information Technology for remote sensing and monitoring using optical and radar with high-resolution
Technology of waste disposal Specialized sensors and detectors
Equipment and
Traditional capacitive equipment New bioreactors for continuous processes based on immobilized producers.
New systems of separation and purification of in situ
Filtration Systems
Platform mission
Main objectives and goals
Design of development concept and Roadmap (forecast) for realization of domestic bioenergetics concept, its integration with other sectors of domestic and foreign economics, coordlegal regulation in the area of bioenergeticsination and long-term planning of principles and methods of interaction;
Development of strategy and research program in the area of bioenergetics structured by the train – scientific-research works – experimental development – commercialization – pilot projects;
Creation of the mechanisms of state, private and international support of scientific programs (state programs, FCP, R&D programs of companies, the 7 th
framework program of EC, programs of international scientific and technical cooperation);
Consolidation of efforts of the representatives of business, science, state and civil society in determining the strategic demands of business and society on the creation of prospective commercial technologies and equipment, new products and services in the area of bioenergetics and other analogous areas;
Stimulation of innovations, widening of scientific-technological cooperation and formation of new partnerships, support of scientific and technical activity and processes for the technological updating of the enterprises of bioenergetics and analogous areas, considerable growth on this basis of the competitiveness of energy, chemical and agricultural sectors of economics;
Monitoring of bioenergetics state, analysis of market potential of bioenergetics technologies, creation of a system of information exchange using the total set of modern information technologies;
Development of personnel potential of bioenergetics sector, interaction and support of scientific and educational centers, institutes of higher education, academic and branch science, business;
Improvement of reference and legal regulation in the area of bioenergetics; introduction of the projects of technological regulations, environmental standards etc.
Main directions of platform development
Technologies of permanent monitoring and forecasting of main directions of bioenergetics development on the basis of Forthite methods and software of International Energy
Agency (IEA).
Technologies of monitoring of the reserves of nonfood biomass in the world and
Russia for providing the development of economically efficient production of necessary equipment.
Technologies of steady-state industrial production of nonfood biomass and its utilization for obtaining the electricity, heat, biofuels and other products with high added value cost.
Technologies of selection and bioengineering methods for the creation of efficient types of nonfood biomass with prescribed parameters of the content of substances, which are necessary for the further production from them of energy carriers and other valuable products for the different sectors of industry.
Technologies of processing (mechanical, thermal, chemical, catalytic and other ones) of nonfood biomass in energy carriers and other valuable products.
Technologies for conditioning the energy carriers for using in the existing power and transport systems without changing their main design factors and technological parameters.
Technologies for utilization of organic nonfood waste of agricultural, food and timber industries, sediments of treatment facilities, solid domestic waste for production of electricity, heat and biofuels.
Technologies for absorption (utilization) of GHG emission of power and industrial plants, industrial and municipal wastes for intensification of nonfood biomass production.
Technologies for processing the nonfood biologic mass in raw material for chemical industry and heavy organic synthesis.
Technologies for obtaining the valuable chemical substances by means of catalytic processing of biologic spirits, biologic acids and other biologic substances obtained in the process of using the nonfood biomass.
Technologies for obtaining the biomass by means of processing of nonfood biomass with using the ferments.
Technologies for obtaining synthetic gas by means of gasification and pyrolysis of carbonated biomass.
Technologies for obtaining the wide spectrum of motor fuels (petrols, kerosene, diesel fuels etc.) from biomass with prescribed chemical methodological properties.
Technologies for obtaining the food supplements for industrial agriculture (animal husbandry, poultry farming, fish breeding) within the frameworks of complex utilization of biomass.
Coordinating company and its contact details
Joint Stock Company «CONCERN «SIRIUS», address: ulitca Kadashevskaya nabereshnaya, dom 6/1/2, stroenie 1, 119019 Moscow,
Russian Federation e-mail: phone: +7 (495) 926-78-96, fax: +7 (495) 988-79-75
List of members of the technological platform
The NSP Technological Platform joins commercial software firms, institutes of Russian
Academy of Science, universities, production firms, system integrators and three main russian software associations. We should specially mention such research institutes as Inst. for System
Programming, Inst. for Program Systems, Institute of Informatics Problems. Here are leading russian software firms including ABBYY, AVP (Kaspersky Lab), 1C, Ascon and other. Among free software developpers: ALT Linux, Etersoft, Centre Group, Rusbittech.
Software assotiations are: RUSSOFT — Russian software association joining main offshore programming firms; ARPP «National software» joining main developpers of ready software products; UFOSSA, russian free software association.
Brief description of anticipated targets and main outcomes from the establishment of the technological platform
The primary goals of the creation of the technological platform involve:
Improvement of expense structure (including public sector expenses) of IT-related procurement and re-orientation of financial streams towards the internal market.
Ensuring national security by means of technological independence and information security.
Elimination of inferiority in volume and quality of IT deployed in business, government and society.
Improvement of education system, encouragement of applied and fundamental research in the field of IT.
Development of world-class national centers of IT development that would benefit from broadening of integration between fundamental and applied science, education system and industry, including the establishment of international partnerships.
Boosting the competitiveness of domestic IT products on the local and international markets.
It is anticipated that the aforementioned goals will be achieved through the completion of the following primary tasks :
Incremental development and deployment of the Russian National Software Platform
(hereafter referred to as NSP ) based on Free Software and domestic proprietary software, that would include the following primary components:
Unified technical infrastructure for distributed development, building, packaging and distribution of software solutions and technologies included in NSP.
A set of standard profiles that ensure compatibility between the different components of NSP, a set of profile management and verification tools.
A set of technologies (including core software components, tools and systems) for effective development of software and IT solutions that are implemented as software components included in the unified technical infrastructure.
A set of standardized application solutions based on domestic Free Software and proprietary software included in the unified technical infrastructure.
Increasing the level of technology literacy , encouragement of deployment of solutions from NSP in public sector and business.
Integration of domestic Free Software developers into key international projects .
Advancement of the existing and establishment of new domestic teams and academic schools that combine research, educational and industrial activities in the field of IT.
Establishment of multi-level system of future-oriented training of IT professionals.
The primary outcomes will include the following components:
Complete technical infrastructure of NSP that ensures full cycle of distributed development, building, testing, support and distribution of software solutions and technologies included in NSP:
ensuring of distributed storage of all software components and their versions with support for versioning;
tools for control and maintenance of integrity and interoperability;
collaborative development and testing tools; creation of distributable software solutions for different purposes;
testing and consequential inclusion into the unified software repository of Free
Software and domestic proprietary software, including software developed under government contracts;
A set of mechanisms to ensure the quality and interoperability of software components and solutions built within the framework of NSP.
A set of open standard profiles , including specifications of application interfaces, data protocols and formats that are mandatory for all software components in NSP.
Management and decision making support tools used during the creation and improvement of NSP standards.
Tools for automated compliance verification of NSP components with the requirements of the mentioned standards.
A set of modern open technologies (including core software components and tools) that are supported by Russian competence centers and are integrated — in the form of software components — into the unified technical infrastructure:
Technologies of system programming, including operating systems, virtualization technologies, compiling tools and databases.
Technologies and instruments of software and system engineering (life-cycle support tools, modeling and verification tools, project management tools, requirements management tools etc.)
Technologies for distributed and high-performance computing.
Middleware technologies (web servers, application servers).
Telecommunication technologies (including video-conferencing).
Multimedia technologies.
Technologies for rapid development of management and accounting applications.
Technologies for information analysis and search, cognitive systems, semantic
High-precision positioning technologies (with a priority for Russian satellite navigation system GLONASS)
Biometric technologies.
Voice technologies (coding-decoding, signal processing, recognition and
Technologies for analysis of texts in natural language (primarily for the Russian
A set of standardized software application solutions based on Free Software and domestic proprietary software (including multi-components application stacks) assembled from
NSP components and technologies, including:
tracking etc.
; office applications e-mail, communications, groupware, video-conferencing over Internet; content management; systems for
, digital content processing tools; management of human resources, public procurement, inventory
documents ;
system for collection, consolidation and analysis of system for tracking of legislative acts ; accounting and reporting
systems for automated analysis of documents in Russian language (including machine translation, automated summarizing and classification of documents, Q&A systems, optical recognition of documents and forms, including handwriting recognition); a set of standardized software application solutions for management of state agencies and enterprises;
positioning solutions based on satellite navigation and integration of locationtracking technologies;
instruments for processing of geoinformation and spacial data; cloud platform for processing of big data;
systems for computer-aided design and management of industrial engineering data
(CAD/CAM/CAPP/CAE/PDM systems) and product life-cycle management (PLM);
systems for pre-production and production management; solutions for critical applications. For example: avionics and management of power generating systems.
Training programs and training materials for the technologies and components included in NSP.
Established teams of Russian specialists (including specialists in the newlyestablished competence centers) who possess the necessary knowledge and are involved in the development of all of the existing software solutions in NSP, while being tightly integrated into the global development community.
In the middle term, achievement of these outcomes and their gradual advancement will allow to overcome the current lag in scientific and technological development, while in the long
term, it will allow to gain solid competitive positions on the global level and become world leaders in certain areas.
Brief description of markets and economy sectors, which are expected to be influenced by the technologies developed within the TP
Technologies developed within the TP will influence both the immediate software development industry and the neighboring branches of economy:
software development for different purposes;
provision of software as a service (SaaS);
all the economy sectors, where massive standardized workspaces are common, are to be influenced;
production of computer appliances for different purposes;
branches of economy, where embedded appliances are used: automotive industry, aviation industry, missile industry, energy, healthcare, public utilities, transport;
branches of defense and civilian industry, where high-precision goods are manufactured (devices, transportation tools), including automotive industry, aviation industry, missile industry; energy, healthcare, public services, transport;
Improvements in interoperability, reliance on the single technological infrastructure will allow to decrease the dependency of government and corporate buyers from solution providers and, consequently, bring down the costs. This will be especially noticeable in the branches where standardized software is used. Together with the broadening of Free Software usage, this may result in cost savings in all the ICT-consuming industries.
Support for different hardware platforms will allow Russian developers to release different integrated appliances for telecommunications, geopositioning (GLONASS), embedded applications (automotive, aviation, missile, energy, healthcare, public services). Support for multiple hardware platforms is also crucial for the development of domestic microelectronics industry.
Development of domestic CAD and PLM systems will allow to achieve radically higher levels of technical precision of devices manufactured within both defense and civilian industries, improve their quality and reliability, while decreasing the production time and development costs. Advancement of distributed data processing technologies will allow to offer software applications to a broad range of users not as a product, but rather as a service. At the same time, ability to access source code and possessing the professional competence necessary to modify the code is a significant factor for high-quality provision of services.
Information concerning anticipated cooperation with foreign companies and organizations NSP is envisioned as an open consortium open to domestic and international members that express support for its goals . Participation is voluntary, and members are expected to concentrate on specific activities that match their business interests and needs.
Many projects within NSP could benefit from international cooperation with foreign public and private organizations provided these organizations are interested in some of the NSP technologies.
International cooperation could be particularly beneficial in such areas as:
Innovative location-based development tools and prototype applications for the
GLONASS platform.
Standardized components for government community cloud , including trusted and secure IaaS components, SaaS marketplace and delivery etc.
Distributed and high-performance computing .
Legal issues concerning the openness of the Russian IT products and services market , overcoming of legal barriers that hinder dissemination of Russian IT products and services.
Involvement in NSP could be particularly attractive for government agencies and private enterprises from the ex-USSR countries. There is a number of common IT-related tasks that all of these countries are facing, and there is still great room for advancement of the existing
IT systems:
Tariff management and analytic systems for the Customs . Cooperation between
Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan within the Customs Union calls for unified IT systems for
Customs management that would still allow for enough freedom and flexibility for the specific national needs.
Standardized software and hardware components for supercomputer systems .
Russia and Belarus already have a long history of cooperation in supercomputer development.
NSP can improve the efficiency of this cooperation and attract more international members.
Standardized components for healthcare management systems . More intensive use of IT could help to increase the quality of healthcare in ex-USSR. As the Western solutions do not always match the specifics of national healthcare systems, there exists huge opportunity for co-developed systems based on NSP.
Common framework for legislative databases and legal applications . Many
Russia's neighbors have similar legal systems, and more demand for international legal research and analysis is expected in the future. NSP could dramatically increase the availability and flexibility of such research and analysis tools.
Cooperation in the above-mentioned areas will allow to reap the benefits of regional economic integration organizations. At the same time, it also corresponds to the need for more intense regional coordination of effort in the light of Russia's upcoming accession to WTO.
The technology platform title:
Web-site (in Russian only yet): e-mail:,
Technology platform coordinators:
Program Systems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
4a, Petra I Str., Veskovo, Yaroslavskaya obl., Russia, 152021.
Tel. +7(48535)98064,
Moscow State University ,
Leninskie gory, GSP-1, Moscow, Russia, 119991
Tel. +7 (495) 939-1000,
Some of the major participants:
The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM
The State Corporation ROSTECHNOLOGII,
The State Corporation ROSCOSMOS
NRC «Kurchatovs Institute»,
Institute of the System Researches of RAS,
Institute of the Chemical Physics Problems of RAS
Semenovs Institute of Chemical Physics of RAS
Trapeznikovs Institute of the Control Problems of RAS
Institute of the Informatics Problems of RAS
Institute of the Mathematics and Mechanics of UrD of RAS
Geophysics Center of RAS
System Analysis Institute of RAS
Institute of the mathematic problems of the biology of RAS
Joined Institute of the problems of informatics of the Belorussian National Academy of
Russian Space Systems
Makeevs State Rocket Center
Sigma Technology
Kraftway Corp.
Kaledin & partners
E-Tegro Technologies
ArByte Computers
Microsoft Russia
… and many more …
Totally platform brings together more than 170 members.
Short description of the problems and expected results of the Technology Platform
The main goals of the Platform
Creation of the long term view of the HPC, perspective technologies definition;
Creation of the roadmap for the researches in HPC, networks, grid-technologies and cloud-computing;
Making up the schemes of the cooperation between research institutes, industries and government in HPC field;
Creation of the coordinated technology politics with respect to both delelopers and users of the HPC technologies;
Coordination of the national innovative programs in HPC field;
Developemnt of the national standards for the HPC and grid-systems compatible with
European standards;
Coordination of the efforts for domestic chips development;
Coordination of the efforts for domestic HPC software development;
Involving the additional government and private resources to the HPC area;
Working on the laws and norms improvement;
Consolidation and promoting the interests of the platform members on all the levels of the decision making;
Expected results:
Short term:
Forecast of the HPC trends and the main challenges for the nearest 20 years;
The HPC development program in Russia for the nearest 5 years and the roadmap for the nearest 15 years;
Schemes and principles of the interbranch cooperation;
Proposals for norms and laws improvements to make better conditions for HPC field
Proposals for some standards and other technical regulations;
Proposals for Federal Program of the HPC development;
Proposals for Federal Program of the domestic software development;
Middle term:
Well established schemes and principles of the interbranch cooperation;
Investments into HPC must grow significantly;
National-wide GRID systems connected to European GRIDs;
Domestic hardware must take the lion’s share on the local market;
Export the system software to other countries;
The domestic market of the middleware must appear;
The protection of Russian copyright owners get effective;
Most software for high-performance computations must be available through the SaaSlike techniques;
Universities must have the special HPC units and courses.
Long term:
The Russia must have all the domestic technologies (starting from chips and wires and up to the national-wide systems);
The domestic HPC market must get stable due to the demand from the domestic industries;
Russian companies must get the significant share on the world-wide market of the HPC solutions.
Short description of the markets the Platform is going to impact on
Defensive industries
Climate and weather research
Space research
Biology and Biotechnologies
Mechanical engineering
Semiconductors field
Transport and logistics
Technical regulations
The international cooperation possibilities
The Russian HPC Technology Platform is opened for international cooperation with any foreign company, research centre and other institution as soon as the partner respects goals of objectives of the Platform.
Some of well known foreign companies already joined the Platform (Intel, AMD, Microsoft)
The cooperation is highly welcomed in any field such as development, research, marketing, etc.
1. Name.
Full title: «Innovative laser, optical and optoelectronic technologies – photonics ".
Short title: "Photonics"
2. Organization-Coordinator : Laser Association (non-profit non-governmental scientific and technical organization, which unites institutions and enterprises of domestic laseroptical branch). Address: Vvedensky str., 3, build 1, Moscow, Russia, tel.: 495/333-00-22, fax:
495/334-47-80, e-mail:, website:
3. A brief description of the alleged problems and the main results of the creation
of this technology platform.
Currently, laser-optical and optoelectronic technologies, which are usually combined by the term "photonics" (highlighting the fact that they are based on the emission (absorption) of photons, or manipulating the photon flux) have become one of the drivers of innovations for the world economy.
Today it's difficult to specify the area of human activity where these technologies would not give a powerful effect - from basic research to show business. Meaningfully to technical progress and economic modernization implementation of modern photonics is analogous to the electrification in the beginning of the last century. Developed countries are making active efforts to accelerate the development of photonics branch as high-tech industry.
Global photonics market is now about 420 billion dollars a year, its growth rate – 8,6% per year.
Russia, with its extensive scientific and industrial potential in the field of photonics, unfortunately, is significantly inferior to the developed countries on the scale of its practical use.
It causes the country significant economic losses and slows its modernization. At the same time, numerous examples of the organization by our compatriots in the last 10 years, the successful laser-optical enterprises and highly efficient production of modern photonics abroad, various examples of photonics developments in some domestic defense enterprises indicate the presence in Russia of a large technological advance, as well as talented inventors and managers which are necessary for the successful development of the national laser-optical industry, opto - and photoelectronics, photonics in general.
Coordination is needed, support of promising developments, training of the necessary personnel and creation of the necessary infrastructure for continued dialogue between creators and users of photonics.
To solve these problems in Russia the Technology Platform "Innovative laser, optical and optoelectronic technologies - photonics" (abbreviation: TP "Photonics") was organized.
This Technology Platform should develop a strategic plan of action that provides: 1) the rapid learning to handle modern efficient photonic technologies in all sectors of national economy,
2) production in Russia the laser-optical and optoelectronic technology in accordance with the projected needs, 3) training of specialists that can effectively use photonics in various areas of its applications. Following the adoption of this program and its incorporation into the framework of the State industrial policy TP should assist in carrying out tenders for projects under the strategy adopted and implementation of projects that will win these tenders. In addition, the TP should conduct ongoing monitoring of the photonic industry and demand for its products from other industries, should forecast the development of photonics and its markets,
should submit proposals for the correction and development programs of laser-optical technologies implementations.
With the right strategy and the formulation of economically reasonable projects TP will stimulate the flow of investment into the laser-optical industry from both companies – users participating in the TP and financial institutions - as it takes place in the European Union.
Another important task of TP - the development of mutually beneficial international cooperation
- with the technological platform "Photonics21" of the European Union, with colleagues in China and other countries. Active involvement of business structures and industrial enterprises and institutions of the CIS countries into such cooperation should be achieved.
TP "Photonics" mission, the main results of its activities will be:
increasing innovation activity, flexibility and competitiveness of domestic manufacturing industries as a result of its modernization with usage of laser and optical equipment,
large scale introduction of photonics, laser and optical technologies in the national health care, agriculture, communications, transportation, environmental monitoring and other critically important for the country industries with a significant increase in their technical and economic capabilities, productivity and environmental security.
development of laser and optical industry in Russia to a level that ensures its dominance in the Russian and CIS laser markets, import substitution in terms of laser equipment, and active participation in the global laser market and technological independence of the country in laser-optical field.
transformation of the domestic photonics into the industry branch, stimulating innovations in the Russia economy, attractive to investors, enjoying support from the State.
Estimates show that under such circumstances as proper organization of the technological platform activity and availability of support from the State the volume of Russian market of photonics products may increase in 4-5 years up to 40-50 billion rubles per year, exports - up to 10-12 billion rubles per year
4. Brief description of markets and sectors, which are supposed to be influenced by technology, developed under the TP "Photonics".
Laser-optical and optoelectronic technologies are now the base for communications and telecommunications systems, information recording, storing and processing equipment, microelectronics. They entered the industry standards of material processing and diagnostics of products in many engineering industries, have become crucial for the development of special
traffic management systems, in light engineering and ecology monitoring, provide new opportunities for diagnosis and treatment of diseases in medicine, etc. TP "Photonics" will focus on the development of production and the broad practical utilization of the following products:
Laser processing equipment - for cutting, welding, marking, modification of the surface layer of materials, etc. This is one of the fastest growing sectors of the global laser market (production laser cutting machines are growing by an average of 10% per year for the past 15 years - it is 10 times higher than for traditional machine tools). Russian companies produce more than 250 models of such equipment, but the modern world standards, strictly speaking, today serves not more than a third of these models. At the same time, the objective need for such equipment in the real sector of the domestic economy is very large. It requires powerful efforts to saturate the domestic market by laser equipment of own production. Russia has a large backlog in industrial fiber lasers, laser surface hardening of metal, etc.), It should be realized urgently.
Optical communications equipment (fibers, transmitters, receivers, DWDM systems with appropriate software, diagnostics hardware). Domestic developers occupy here the leading position on a number of devices (fiber amplifiers, DWDM - systems, etc.), but because of weak demand for this technique at home and aggressive marketing policy of the foreign producers its production and use in Russia are growing poorly.
Laser-optical and optoelectronic equipment for medicine. Such equipment is now widely and to great effect used to diagnose and treat diseases in all areas of medicine. Russia has a powerful scientific schools in the area of laser medicine and extensive experience in development and production of medical laser technology, a number of achievements in developing such technology are well known in the world (laser apparatuses for ophthalmology, photodynamic therapy, dentistry and plastic surgery, diagnostics of capillary blood flow, development of medical equipment with semiconductor and fiber lasers, etc.). Wide usage of this technology in the national health care is restricted, above all, the shortcomings of Russia's system of buying new high-tech medical equipment. Entering the global market is constrained by domestic firms weakness, developers of this technique in Russia are small businesses. Rapid development of production of this type of equipment should give a very large economic and social effects, but coordination needed.
Lasers and optoelectronic information systems for special applications. This group includes a variety of devices created at the time for military applications, but today are becoming more common in the civilian sectors, as well as in security systems - laser gyroscopes, rangefinders, detectors of trace amounts of substances, airborne traffic control system, the system of pattern recognition, security systems and much more. Russia has unique achievements
in this field, for many types of devices keeps the world level of development, but our representation on the world markets of this equipment is small. The direct dependence of the quality of weapons systems in a modern army from the level of laser information systems used demands on developing this sector of the national laser-optical industry, increasing the use of its opportunities for domestic needs and for export as well.
Light emitting diodes (LED) and lighting systems based on them. Production of this technology is growing rapidly in all developed countries due to the acute need to reduce energy consumption. Domestic manufacturers still lag behind the world's highest level of quality parameters and price and do not provide the required production volumes. Rapid and vigorous development of this sub-sector of domestic photonics is needed, which seems quite feasible by the availability of active scientific schools, which owns many pioneering developments in this area, and attention to the problem of energy saving in the State. Such a development requires, above all, pragmatic cooperation of manufacturers of lighting equipment with the developers of
LED and investment to the creation of a modern technological base for mass production of
Laser-optical equipment for agriculture and veterinary medicine. Russia has a unique development in the field of laser agrotechnologies, laser biostimulation of plants (it increases productivity, enhances drought tolerance and disease resistance of plants), the use of low-intensity laser radiation for the treatment and prevention of cattle, poultry and pigs disease.
All these laser techniques have passed extensive testing that confirmed their high efficiency, but their large scale development in the country is hindered by general poverty and low innovation activity of agricultural enterprises, as well as counteraction of producers of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for agriculture, pharmaceutical products for veterinary use. Manufacture of laser products for agriculture and veterinary medicine in Russia should give a sighificant economic and environmental effect and ensure an active export.
Apparatus for technical measurements and diagnostics, including systems of industrial process control and environmental monitoring. Such equipment, which provides noncontact distance measurement of technical parameters (size, speed and acceleration, flow rates vibration, etc.), express - diagnostics of mixtures and alloys compositions, surface conditions, deviations of movements and geometrical forms from the set, and much more - from setting directions for installation large-sized objects to the analysis of nanoparticles and implementation of machine vision, is manufactured today in a wide variety. Without such equipment, in essence, it is impossible to ensure the quality of industrial production, and in a number of industries - in the nuclear industry, chemical industry, etc. - where distance and high accuracy are required, laser and optical technology are simply irreplaceable. Development and production of such
technology occupy a substantial part of the global photonics market, being actively demanded in production facilities and research laboratories. Russia has a big technological advance in this area, pioneering a number of developments (for rail transport, for example). It is necessary to actively use this potential and to modernize the domestic industry.
Laser radiation sources. Currently, the most rapidly developing are semiconductor and fiber lasers and solid-state lasers with diode pumping as well, but many other types of lasers are demanded at the world market too. The main directions of improving laser sources are efficiency and service life increasing while reducing prices, expanding the spectrum of available wavelengths and generation regimes. Maintenance of laser sources and light emitting diodes production in Russia is precondition of photonics survival as a viable domestic industry.
Optical materials, components and units. Along with the laser sources form the fundamental basis of photonics. Available in a wide variety of types, sizes and functions. The main task of the Russian manufacturers of these products is to maintain competitiveness by continuously reducing prices and improving product quality, development of nanotechnology control of optical materials and components characteristics.
Detectors and receivers of optical radiation sensors are developed in a wide variety - from the counters of single photons to power meters for multi-kW level. Some domestic developments are rather good - thanks to strong science schools and the demand for this technique by the manufacturers of special equipment - but at the world market the share of
Russian producers is very moderate.
Scope of use of photonics, laser and optical technologies covers all economic sectors - mining and processing industry, transport, communications, agriculture, and health care, defense and other. Developing or even maintaining current levels of any of these sectors requires the use of modern photonics, therefore the development of this industry is, as already noted, one of the main directions of scientific and technical progress in industrialized countries. Long-term attractiveness of photonics markets are guaranteed, many of its applications listed above essentially have no alternatives. Russia urgently needs this industry to modernize its economy.
The import of the latest laser-optical and optoelectronic equipment for a long time will be significantly limited, because most of such equipment is included in the international list of dual use equipment. Established Technology Platform "Photonics" is to provide the country own efficient photonics industry and give the opportunity to preserve the competitiveness of the real economy.
5. A brief description of the expected measures of the State support for the development and use of technologies, suggested by the technology platform "Photonics".
The most important measures of the State support seem to be as follows:
Determination of medium - and long-term priorities of scientific-technological and industrial policy.
Creation of legislative basis for stimulation of innovation activity
Improving conditions for the introduction of advanced technologies by supporting domestic enterprises and organizations that, develop such technologies and modernizy their equipment, by the adoption of the priority measures program in the area of photonic technologies in Russia and ensuring its implementation.
Improvement customs and tariff regulation mechanisms in order to reduce the cost of products of Russian manufacturers of photonics at the expense of decreasing custom fees for the import of industrial components.
Improvement of technical regulation system to accelerate the process of practical development of new technical solutions and new designs that became available with use of photonic technologies.
6. Description of the major activities the technological platform for the coming year
The main stages of formation and functioning of the Technology Platform "Photonics" are:
Stage I (2011) - formation of TP as a standing structure, determination of its interaction with the federal executive bodies and professional associations (unions) representing the economic sectors most in need today in a laser-optical technologies, as well as funds supporting financially the domestic high-tech. Signing of appropriate agreements.
Phase II (2011) - monitoring the needs and demand for photonics in the regions of
Russia and the preparation of TP proposals for priority actions in the practical development of economically and socially beneficial laser-optical technologies, ensuring the country equipment needed. Transfer these proposals to the Government Commission on High Technologies and
Stage III (2012) – making the project of national strategic program of development of photonics and its involvement in modernizing the economy, improving health, providing technological independence in critical areas for national defense, etc. Determination of the most promising R&D works and infrastructure projects for the industry. Matching the program developed with the Government bodies.
Stage IV (2012-2020 years) - active participation in implementing an adopted strategic program in a mode of public-private partnership. Regular correction of this program according to the results of continuous monitoring of the situation at the domestic and global photonics market, as well as domestic laser optical industry.
Very limited time allotted for the first 3 stages, is explained by the fact that the relevant work has long been carried out in the Laser Association and the necessary experience is available there.
7. The structure of the technological platform, the composition of its participants.
The main structural element of the technological platform is the working group. TP
"Photonics" has 11 working groups:
► "Component base of photonics"
Organization - Coordinator: State Optical Institute named after S.I. Vavilov,
St. Petersburg
► "Education and training in the field of photonics and its applications"
Organization - coordinator: National Research University of Information Technologies,
Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg
► "Laser technology and techniques in the industry"
Organization - coordinator: JSC "Center of shipbuilding and ship repair technology", St.
► "Photonics in medicine and life sciences"
Organization - coordinator: A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow
► "Laser information systems for special applications"
Organization – coordinator: R&D Institute "Polyus" named after M.F. Stelmakh, Moscow
► "Laser Information and Communication Technologies"
Organization - coordinator: JSC "Rostelecom", Moscow
► "Optoelectronic modules and systems"
Organization - coordinator: JSC "SPA "Alpha", Moscow
► "Applications of optoelectronic technologies"
Organization - coordinator: Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Moscow
► "Photonics in agriculture and natural resources use"
Organization - coordinator: Michurinskiy State Agrarian University, Michurinsk
► "Photonics in geodesy and navigation"
Organization - coordinator: JSC "SPC " Systems of Precise Instrument-making", Moscow
► "Photonic nanotechnologies"
Organization - coordinator: A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of
Science, St. Petersburg
These working groups included representatives from nearly 100 organizations and enterprises from 21 regions of Russia.
Among the participants of the Technological platform "Photonics "- "Scientific-
Production Concern "Optical Systems and Technologies" of State Corporation "Russian
Technologies", JSC" United Shipbuilding Corporation ", JSC "National Institute of Aviation
Technology ", JSC" Rostelecom ", State Research Center of Laser Medicine, Scientific-
Production Concern" Systems of Precise Instrument – making" of the Federal Space Agency,
State Scientific centers - "Institute of Experimental Physics "and " TRINITY "of JSC "Rosatom",
15 R&D institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 12 leading technical universities of
Russia, more than a dozen major scientific-production amalgamations (SPA) and design offices
(DO) and dozens of small and medium-sized innovative enterprises.
Secretariat of the technological platform was organized on the basis of the Laser Association.
Experts Council of the Platform uses the Collegium of CIS countries National Experts on Lasers and Laser Technologies. Coordinating Committee of the Technology Platform is composed as follows:
Chairman of the Coordinating Committee:
Vladimir N. Vasiliev, Rector of the National Research University "ITMO" (St. Petersburg),
Coordinator of the Working Group (WG) "Education and training in the field of photonics"
Committee members:
Viktor M. Belokonev, Deputy General Director of JSC "SPA "Alpha" (Moscow), Coordinator of the WG "Opto-electronic modules and systems"
Ivan M. Bortnik, President of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises of
Scientific and Technical Sphere (Moscow)
Sergey G. Garanin, Deputy General Director of Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russia
Institute of Experimental Physics " (Sarov)
Vladimir D. Gorbach, General Director of JSC "Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Technology
Center" (St. Petersburg), Coordinator of the WG" Laser technology and techniques in the industry "
Andrey G. Zabrodsky, Director of A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Science (St. Petersburg), Coordinator of the WG "Photonic nanotechnologies
Alexander A. Kazakov, Director of R&D Institute "Polyus" named after. M.F. Stelmakh
(Moscow), Coordinator of the WG "Laser information systems for special applications"
Nikolai A. Kvochkin, Rector of Michurinsk State Agrarian University (Michurinsk), Coordinator of the WG "Photonics in agriculture and natural resources use"
Ivan B. Kovsh, President Laser Association (Moscow), Head of the Technological Platform
Vladimir N. Krutikov, Deputy Head of the Federal Agancy on Technical Regulation and
Metrology (Moscow)
Mikhail A. Lobin, General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "S.I. Vavilov State
Optical Institute" (St. Petersburg), Coordinator of the WG "Component base of photonics"
Nicholai N. Mashnikov, Director of Center at Moscow State University of Geodesy and
Cartography (Moscow), Coordinator of the WG "Application of optoelectronic technologies"
Viktor V. Nikitin, Director of Departament in JSC "Rostelecom" (Moscow)
Alexey A. Fomichev, professor at the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, Chairman of the
Technological Program Expert Council.
Artem E. Shadrin, Acting Director of the Departament in the Federal Ministry of Economic
Development of Russia (Moscow)
Victor D. Shargorodsky, General Designer of "JSC" SRC "Systems of Precise Instrument - making" of Russian Space Agency (Moscow), Coordinator of the WG" Photonics in geodesy and navigation "
Ivan A. Shcherbakov, Director of A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian
Academy Science (Moscow), Coordinator of the WG "Photonics in medicine and life sciences"
8. Prospective areas of cooperation with foreign companies and organizations.
Technological Platform "Photonics" is open for mutually beneficial international cooperation at the level of the Platform, at the level of individual organizations - participants of this Platform and its working groups.
Participation of foreign partners in joint projects, which will be organized within the framework of a strategic program of R&D works and innovative projects is strongly encouraged. TP
"Photonics" is interested in information exchange in part of the organization of education and training specialists in photonics and its applications, in part of certification of products, development of technical standards. Foreign partners are invited to participate in the international specialized exhibition "Photonics", held annually at the Moscow Expocentre. This exhibitions has a great deal of attendees from all branches of the real economy sector in Russia.
Brief description of objectives and expected results of the technology platform
The main objectives of the technology platform are:
Establish an advanced level LED industry and some related industries
Ensure the competitive world-class R&D in LED lighting
Ensure the effective interaction between the leading Russian academic schools of semiconductor electronics, manufacturing companies, state-financed and private venture investment funds for expediting development and application of new LED technologies and products
Integrate efforts between the governmental authorities, academiс and manufacturing organizations to ensure the technological, legal, financial, administrative and informational basis for the sustained development of LED industry
Build up demand in LED technologies and shape the civilized market
Scale up export of LED products.
The technology platform performance results as expected:
The implementation of this Technology Platform will enable to maintain Russia’s priority in LED technologies, to establish a new export-oriented industry based on a powerful national scientific reserve.
Also, the development of LED industry will make it possible to maintain and develop one of the fundamental national scientific schools, start practical commercialization in Russia of original fundamental R&Ds that have been funded and implemented using the government funds for many decades (fundamental research in semiconductor light had been carried out in the
USSR since 1930s, including at the Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS since 1950s).
Country-wide use of LED lighting will ensure drastic power cost reduction for lighting, which is estimated at up to 18-20% of all generated power consumption. Saving on construction of power generation facilities will result in at least 124 billion roubles and save over 2.5 GW of power. At the same time, it will ensure conservation of nonrenewable natural resources that serve as fuel for power generation, as well as lower the load on the power generating facilities and reduce CO
emission to the atmosphere. And the released power generating capacity can be used in other industries or exported.
It is worth emphasizing the expected sharp cost reduction for the related power generation infrastructure due to much lower requirements (to 10 times) to power consumption at the same amount of light.
If LED light is used everywhere, it will enable the application of self-sustaining photovoltaics systems, comprising LED lamps, energy storage, and solar modules or small wind turbines having a net zero energy consumption. Such technologies in return improve the quality of life and make living more comfortable.
Brief description of markets and economy segments, which the technologies from the technology platform are expected to impact
LED market as a whole
In 2010, the main LED market was the mobile market, which currently consumes approximately 40% of all the LEDs produced. Despite of all the new mobile devices appearing at the market, e.g. gadgets and tablet computers, this segment practically has no growth potential due to LED price constantly going down. LED market growth is expected in TV set TFT segment, where a great number of manufacturers started to move from classical light to LED.
This growing trend, however, is expected to slow down by 2014-2015 due to a complete replacement (when all the TV sets produced will be with LED light only), as well as due to gradual entry of still expensive organic LEDs (OLEDs) to market.
However, by 2014, the screen light market will reach the maximum and amount to a half of the total LED market.
OLED-based screens have a much better contrast than TFT screens with LED light but now OLEDs absolutely yield to LEDs in the competition due to price and durability. The status can change as the OLED technology develops by 2015-2016 and OLEDs can become strong rivals to LEDs in this segment by 2020.
Along with the TFT screen light, good growth rates is typical of ambient light with its current LED market share of 12-14%.
Automobile segment will show little growth as white LEDs are started to be used as low and high beam, where they will replace existing lamps.
As for the LED grades, low current LED sales will go down and at the same time, 350mA and above high-brightness LED segment is expected to grow quite quickly. This growth will primarily be due to active application of LEDs in ambient (including street) lighting.
Forecast LED market performance
Base (medium) case is based on the assumption that after 5% market sinkage in value terms in 2009, the market will regain. First, (in 2011) this will be a recovery of 15-20% per year.
Then the growth rates will keep staying at 10-12% per year in money terms.
The main application area is currently the manufacture of mobile devices (40%), primarily, mobile phones. In the future, this trend is expected to change due to phone market saturation.
However, in the mid term, this segment will still grow due to other mobile devices, namely smartphones, МРЗ-players, laptops, GPS-navigators, and digital cameras. In relative terms, the segment’s weight can go down to 20% by 2020, not due to its drop though but due to rapid progress of other segments (primarily, displays). LED lighting and automobile application is going to be relatively stable.
Russian LED market
LED market in Russia is estimated to total about 1% of the world market, which amounted to 1,200 million roubles or over 50 million US dollars in 2008.
Even at the backdrop of the world market’s rapid growth, Russian LED market was evolving twice as more slowly. The market growth rate in 2001-2003 approximately amounted to 20-25% but went down to 10-12% in 2004-2008.
List of segments which the technologies from the technology platform are expected to impact
The main segments to be influenced by LED technologies are as follows.
1. As for the lighting devices based on LED technologies, the main customers will be from the housing and utilities sector and transport (including automobile industry), and vehicles and transportation (to the extent of street and highway lighting, public transport, vehicles, and other segments using LED lights).
2. As for the different mobile electronic devices and large screens – primarily, electronics,
IT, transportation, services (including hotels, food service industry).
3. As for allied sectors – electronic industry, chemistry – primarily, phosphor chemistry, silicone coatings and lenses, as well as novel ceramic materials for substrates. As for OLEDs – immediately in fabrication of polymer LED materials.
At the same time, LED evolution in illumination engineering will give impetus for development of several medium-tech industries, e.g. metalwork, special plastics.
Key events in establishing and maintaining activity of the technology platform for the nearest year
Involve as many stakeholders as possible to TP
Work out and implement managerial solutions that ensure the TP performance, including the regulation of the participants’ interface
Shape the TP organizational chart
Identify various possible funding sources for TP performance
Have a number of discussions (workshops) involving authority and business representatives, assigned to coordinate the most efficient funding mechanisms of TP performance
Develop and implement а campaign plan to promote the TP in Russia and abroad
Develop recommendations for forming a regulatory and legal framework for TP performance
Review Russian and foreign strategic documents setting the priorities and development goals in hydrocarbon processing
Identify long-term priorities of scientific and technological development of LED engineering and strategic goals of TP development
Build a road map for achieving TP objectives (hereinafter the RM).
Develop and start implementing a pilot of strategic R&D program setting forth the mid- and long-term priorities in conducting R&D, align the mechanisms for scientific and production cooperation.
A short-term goal of the Technology Platform performance is to develop in 2011-2012 a
LED prototype emitting an over 200 lm light beam at 1 W and commercialize such a LED before
2014 yearend at the latest. The 2012 objective is to create a 250 lm/W LED prototype (at 1 W).
Name of Technological platform and general information about the initiative of its formation
The name of technological platform (ТP) is determined by urgency of increasing air mobility of the population in Russia, increase in the volume of freight traffic and aerial work at the expense of development and introduction of new domestic technologies.
The radical increase in transportations of people and freights by means of air transport is: firstly, priority public interest as it contributes to:
• strenghtening of territorial integrity of the country,
maintenance of transport accessibility of the country’s remote regions;
equalization of imbalance in arrangement of productive forces;
more deep integration of Russia into the world community; secondly, important public need since it provides:
development of socially important air-freight and air-passenger operations;
free movement of the people as an element of improving quality of life in the country;
development of socially important aerial work (emergency, fire fighting, agricultural activities, various kinds of environment monitoring); thirdly, condition for business development as it improves:
economic communications of business entities;
territorial mobility of labor forces;
air transport maintenance of large-scale investment projects.
The way of increasing air mobility (as it follows from the name of TP) is development and introduction of domestic technologies, which are the key ones for developing aeronautical engineering, air traffic controls and aviation infrastructure.
The organization-initiators of TP « Air mobility and aviation technologies » are
FSUE ”Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky”
FSUE “State Research Institute of Aviation Systems” (FGUP ”GosNIIAS”),
FSUE “Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov”
• FSUE «State Research Institute of Civil Aviation” (FGUP “GosNIIGA”).
The organization –initiators agreed that FGUP “Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky” should become the coordinator of the platform.
The organizations representing aviation business (airline “Aeroflot”, group of the companies “Volga-Dnepr”), industry (SC “Rostechnologii”, “UAC”, “Russian Helicopters”, UEC
(ОDK), “Aircraft Engineering Concern”, “Concern PVO “Almaz-Antey”), Institutes of Higher
Education (MAI) and other organizations, joined the TP later.
Brief description of prospective purposes, problems and primary results of technological platform
Strategic purpose of Technological platform “Air mobility and aviation technologies” is to create a technological basis for radical improving indices of population air mobility, to increase the volume of freight traffic and aerial work in the interests of various branches of Russian economy.
Problems of technological platform:
organization of an opened constantly operational interbranch communication site for discussion, identification, demand making and organization of high-technology projects of creation and modernization of aeronautical engineering and other technique of air transport;
development of a coordinated program of investigations and development conducted by research organizations and teams in the interests of realization of problem-oriented projects determinated by management bodies of technological platform;
implementation of a system for assessment of technology readiness levels, organization of effective transfer of “breakthrough” technologies into the practical activity of companies - developers, manufacturers and consumers of engineering;
synchronization of financing investigations and development on the part of the state and business for concentration of government and off-budget financing on the most significant technological directions, organization of partial-government investment partnership in the field of development of aeronautical engineering and air transport;
commercialization of the developed technologies, practical introduction of technologies capable to increase the level of air mobility, physical and economical accessibility of passenger and cargo air services for people and business entity of the country;
want formation in staffing of high-tech areas of creation and use of aeronautical engineering and other means of air transport, assistance in personnel training on aviation specialties.
assistance to elaboration of norms, rules and standards of government regulation that accelerate innovation processes stimulating the entering of new products and services into the market of air operations;
organization of transfer of technologies created within the scope of Technological platform, into other branches;
harmonization of aviation technology development in Russia with the appropriate directions of activities within the framework of foreign technological initiatives.
Technological platform “Air mobility and aviation technologies” will become a way for joining efforts of the parties concerned (state, business, scientific community). Consolidation of participants of any organizational legal status will be conducted on the basis of realizing principles of voluntariness and equality.
Introduction of technologies developed in Russia into a system of air transport of the country will become the main result of functioning technological platform. This ensured that the system would increasingly answer modern requirements; there will occur an essential growth of passenger and freight turnover, application of aircraft in economic complex of Russia. The increase of air mobility and development of aircraft industry and high-technology branches related to it will promote transfer of domestic economy to the innovation course of development, increase in educational level of people and formation of highly skilled specialists.
3. Brief description of markets and sectors of economy which are supposed to be effected by technologies developed within the framework of technological platform
The main target markets of technologies and products (on which development
Technological platform activity is directed at) are the markets of aircraft technology, aircraft operations and aerial work in the interests of various branches of economy.
In order to remove barriers on the course of developing market of aircraft operations and aerial work, it is necessary to conduct wide package of investigations and development directed to creation and introduction of innovation high technology products and services capable to affect on physical accessibility of air transport, cost saving and improving of air traffic quality. This can be achieved due to mass introduction of new technologies and products created on their basis, into all structural elements of air transport system (aeronautical engineering, system of air traffic management, infrastructure of aircraft operations).
Promotion of advanced domestic technology to the markets of aircraft operations is provided with competitiveness of the proposal, which should meet the requirements imposed on air transport system in whole and on each of its three basic elements separately. Such requirements
(recognized by the world aviation community) are safety and regularity of flight operations, ecological compatibility and ergonomics, energy efficiency and accessibility (physical and financial).
Markets and market requirements determine a structure of TP “Air mobility and aviation technologies”.
Technological directions aimed at developing elements of air transport system and providing satisfaction to the main advanced requirements to this system, form a structure, in which groups (complexes) of technologies are formed on the intersection of technological directions, which are supposed to develop within the framework of Technological platform (Fig. 1)). In general case these groups of technologies will include new technologies related to creation and the subsequent phases of life cycle (investigations, designing, manufacture, operation, utilization) of appropriate kinds of engineering.
Рис.1. Scheme of forming technology groups which are supposed to develop within the framework of technological platform
It should be noted that in every country including Russia, the increase in air mobility is directed at solving both universal and specific (in relation to the countries) social and economic problems. So, as to our country the urgent problem that solves by way of increase in air mobility is providing and strengthening of territorial integrity of the country, maintenance of transport accessibility of all its regions, including the remote ones of Siberia, Far East and Extreme North.
Other example of problem urgent for Russia is necessity for developing socially significant regional and local air transportation (passenger and cargo). Within the framework of TP “Air mobility and aviation technologies” various technologies developed for solving specific social and economic problem, are combined into integrated problem-oriented projects.
A number of such integrated projects will be realized within the bounds of Technological platform, i.e. the structure of TP “Air mobility and aviation technology” has a view presented in Fig.
Fig.3. System of integrated problem-oriented technological projects as structure-forming mechanism of Technological platform “Air mobility and aviation technology»
While making a list of integrated problem-oriented projects it was accepted that for ensuring managing ability (at least at the first stage of TP functioning) the number of such projects should not be significant. Therefore, five first-order projects (Tab. 1) were selected of large quantity of the proposals received from TP participants. It appears that the successful realization of the projects (marked in the Table) developed within the framework of TP “Air mobility and aviation technology” will exert positive influence on a whole number of Russian economy sectors.
Name of integrated project
1. Development of local air service
List of integrated problem-oriented first-order projects
Purpose of project
Organizations offered a project
Development of technologies to ensure accessibility of local air service for the population, including creation of new generation airborne vehicles for or its elements
GrC “Volga-
CIAM, VIAM local airlines, development of small aviation, hydroaviation, reconstruction of air transport infrastructure of local airlines on a new technological base, formation of social standards of air transport maintenance in remote regions
2. Long-range aviation
(Aircraft- 2020)
Development of technology aimed at creation of new generation competitive passenger aircraft and a perspective infrastructure for maintenance of their operation
ЦИАМ Aeroflot,
3. Helicopter engineering
Helicopters of
4. Perspective air cargo transportation system
5. Effective air transportations
Development of technology aimed at creation of new generation competitive helicopter and rotarywing engineering and a perspective infrastructure for maintenance of their operation
Development of cargo aviation technology including creation of cargo airports-hubs, systems of transportation of bulky and heavyweight cargos at realization of the large-scale infrastructure projects, including ones on the basis of the non-traditional schemes of flight vehicles (aerostatic, wing-inground effect crafts and others)
Development of transportation technology directed at cost saving and increase of quality of air transport services, ground air transport infrastructure, system of air traffic management and maintenance of complex aircraft safety
GrC “Volga-
TsAGI, Aeroflot,
Organizationcoordinator of project
Helicopters of
GrC “Volga-
5. Brief description of the offered measures in the field of state support of development and use of technologies
After passing an expert examination of proposals and conducting the competitive appraisal much of the technologies which are planned to develop within the framework of technological platform, may receive support from the state within the bounds of the state programs, first of all, of the State program “Development of Aircraft Industry of Russian Federation for 2012-2025 years” and the federal goal-oriented program (FTsP) ”Development of Civil Aircraft Engineering of Russia for 2002-2010 years and on the period till 2015” included in it, and a number of out-of-program measures. Besides, development financing of the technologies supported by TP is expedient to organize within the framework of the subprogram “Civil Aviation” of the federal goal-oriented program (FTsP) “Development of Transport System of Russia (2010-2015 years)”, FTsP
“Modernization of the Unified System of Air Traffic Management of Russian Federation (2009-
2015 years)”, FTsP “Global Navigation System”, FTsP “Investigations and Designing on Priority
Lines of Russia’s Scientific and Technical Complex Development for 2007-2012 years”, State program for providing flight safety of civil aircraft.
TP projects may also receive state support in the form of approval of financing technologies in the framework of innovation development programs of major companies with the state participation, developed at present in accordance with the solution of Governmental commission of high technologies and innovations. Among such companies are SC “Rostekhnologii”, “UAC”,
”Oboronprom”, «Aeroflot» and others.
Financing of integrated research projects realized (pursuant to the Government regulation
No. 218 of April 9, 2010) by enterprises of aircraft industry and an air transport in cooperation with the institutes of higher education may become one more instrument of the state financial support.
Joint projects of Airline “Volga-Dnepr” and Ulyanovsk State University (development of an automated system of air crash prevention), Corporation “IRKUT” and Irkutsk State Technical
University (development of a complex of technologies of designing, design training and manufacturing of the airplane MS-21), Kazan Helicopter Plant and Kazan State Technical
University named after A.N. Tupolev (modernization of the helicopter АNSAT) and a number of other ones have already begun on the subject matter of PT “Air mobility and aviation technology”.
It appears that the credits for realization of innovation projects of aviation infrastructure development on the part of state development institutes could promote to achievement of purposes and problems of TP “Air mobility and aviation technologies”. The initiators of such projects might be the major companies of private practice interested in realization of the projects of private-state partnership.
The measures of state support are not bounded by use of financial instruments. The state can also essentially increase efficiency and effectiveness of activity in the field of development of
Russian aircraft building by realization of structural conversions in a segment of aircraft science and introductions of the modern approaches to formation of scientific and technical backlog in the field of an aircraft building. Creation of the branch “National Research Center named after
N.E. Zhukovsky” will allow to strengthen the innovation component of Russian aircraft building, to concentrate resources and to improve organization of activities on developing new technologies of aircraft building and transfer of them to other economic sector. The new approach to formation of scientific and technical groundwork based on assessments of technology readiness levels in innovation cycle will permit to essentially increase effectiveness of scientific activity, to lower risks of realizing projects of competitive aircraft technology formation.
The state support of technological platform activity is also expected in the sphere of normative regulation including the problems of standardization and certification, and in the field of development of international communications of the participants of technological platform with the
appropriate organizations and institutes working within the framework of the similar foreign technological initiatives.
The bodies of Technological platform management will develop the recommendations for federal organs of executive authority, and also for the their participants on updating the programs and subjects of R&D, synchronization of financing from several diverse sources and coordination of activities. With this purpose it is desirable to ensure participation of the representatives of the state including state customers of federal, departmental and regional programs, in a platform management.
6. Description of basic measures on creation and maintenance of technological platform activity for the nearest year
To the present moment the following organizational stages have been completed:
1. The confirmation is received about participation in the technological platform from
14 enterprises presenting various branches of economy (air transport, industry, and training).
2. The main bodies of management, Supervisory Board and Governing Board of the
Technological platform, are generated.
3. On the basis of the proposals of organization-participants of the platform five firstorder projects are recommended for the further development: “Revival of local aircraft operations”,
“Long-range aviation” (“Aircraft-2020”), “Perspective high-speed helicopters (Helicopter-2020)”,
“Perspective cargo air transport system”, “Improvement of aircraft operation quality".
Sequence of the further activities on technological platform formation:
1. Development and acceptance of the rules of TP management bodies.
3. Formation of labor bodies of problem-oriented projects (board of administrators) and labor bodies of technological platform in whole (councils of experts, working groups).
4. Determination (by bodies of management) of integrated projects of a list of technologies for creating aeronautical engineering, air traffic management system, and objects of an aviation infrastructure, which should be developed to realize everyone of the priority integrated projects.
5. Detection of critical technologies within the framework of lists of technologies to be developed, for every project.
6. Complexification of lists of critical technologies for all priority integrated projects with the purpose of forming a summary list of critical technologies ensuring achievement of the purposes and problems of a technological platform.
7. Drawing up a strategic program of investigations and technology development according to a summary list of critical technologies.
FGUP Central Research Institute of Machine Building
4, Pioneer Street, Korolev, Moscow Region, 141070, Russian Federation, +7 495 513-59-48.
4, Volokolamskoe Shosse, A-80, GSP-3, Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation, +7 499 158-40-66
List of participants
1. FGUP Central Research Institute of Machine Building
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (State University of Аerospace Technologyies)
3. Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center
4. S.A. Lavochkin Scientific Production Association
5. The Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI).
6. IPROVEN RSC Energia
7. Kazan State Technological University
8. P. A Soloviev Rybinsk State Academy of Aviation Technology
9. S.P.Korolev Samara State Aerospace University
10. M. F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University
11. Ufa State Aviation Technical University
12. State Research and Production Enterprise “Basalt”
13. Rybinsk Instrument Making Plant
14. Design Bureau "Lutch"
15. National Nuclear Research University "MEPI"
16. Managing Company United Engine Corparation "Saturn"
17. Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU)
18. Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics
19. S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia
20. Novosibirsk State Technical University
21. Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
22. Omsk State Technical University
Main tasks:
Development of the long-term strategy of scientific and applied research in the industry branch and its regular adjustment.
Building up an open information and communication site including Internet tools to secure communication and public access to the information on projects, initiatives and financing mechanisms.
Achieving synergic effect in the industry through the building of effective individualstate partnership when cooperating with the representatives of the state, industry, scientific and expert organizations.
Main results:
Coordination of scientific and research work in the area of space activities with due account made for their further use in other branches of economy.
Securing individual-state partnership in the area of innovation activities related to rocket and space industry.
Information support and intensification of the use of space technologies and results of space activities in various branches of economy.
Creation of innovative educational infrastructure in the interests of educational institutions of various levels pursuant to the technological platform profile.
Rocket and space industry.
Aviation industry.
Radio-electronic industry.
Machine building industry (aircraft building, car building, transport vehicle manufacturing, power engineering and agricultural vehicle manufacturing).
Professional equipment building.
Nano-industry (nano-electronics, nano-optics).
Residential building.
Agricultural complex and food industry.
Pharmaceutical and medical industry.
Transportation (aviation, rail road, riverine).
Defense industry complex.
Small and medium-sized businesses.
Forecast and analytic activities, specification of strategic research trends with due account of world tendencies, international expertise of projects;
Information activities, propagation of information about the platform functioning, information support to the Platform events, connection with related foreign platforms, entities and organizations; organization of conferences, meetings, workshops, schools, etc.;
Financial activities, attraction of foreign private and corporate finances for implementation of programmes and projects, building up funds for project development, securing of sustainable functioning of the technological platform.
1) The title of a Technology Platform: «National information satellite system»
2) The brief description of perspective tasks and basic results of the Technology
Platform development:
The strategic goal of the Technology Platform «National information satellite system» is the development of breakthrough technologies combination for: radical increase of users’ characteristics of a new generation spacecraft and availability of personal packet space services; significant presence expansion on the world markets of hi-tech products and services in space, telecommunications and other branches of economy.
Functioning of the Technology Platform is oriented to achieve the following:
Strategic and organizational objectives:
-Technological upgrading of domestic enterprises producing space products
-Increase of competitiveness at the world level concerning domestic enterprises producing space products
-Implementation of new technologies of communication, navigation and monitoring in hitech sectors of the Russian Federation economy
-Broadening of the Russian Federation access to Near Earth Orbit types mostly demanded by state and commercial users
-Broadening of information space technologies application to manage the regions of the
Russian Federation
-Development and implementation of dual-purpose space technologies in civil sectors of the Russian Federation economy
Involvement of business structures into the scientific development and commercialization of its the results
-Coordination of scientific, personnel and financial resources participating in the
Technology Platform to concentrate on breakthrough directions of innovative development and
efficient management
-Development of an integrated system for training highly-skilled personnel for the space industry based on science, education and hi-tech manufacture integration
Technological objectives:
-The system integration and process coordination of an advanced scientific and technological practice in the field of design, manufacture and tests concerning some new generations of competitive space equipment of various missions
-Development of new breakthrough space facilities and technologies
-Workout and implementation of complex design, technical and technological solutions to create advanced spacecraft as well as navigation, Earth remote sensing and communications systems of new generation for defense, scientific and commercial application with competitive world level performance, including the lifetime over 15 years
-Establishment of a service system for orbital objects to maintain the national orbital constellation, commercial satellites, as well as to solve the problem concerning space debris
-Development and implementation of space systems on the basis of solar power system in order to increase an efficiency of transfer from one to another Near Earth Orbit
-Substantial increase of a payload mass delivered in orbit with existing and perspective launch vehicles
-Creation of the unified information field in the Russian Federation territory for effective development of remote areas
The main results of the Technology Platform creation.
As a result of the Technology Platform functioning there will be created or developed:
New products, services and technologies: un-manned new generation spacecraft to provide a full range of space services in the interests of business structures, public authorities and individuals scientific and technical, technological bases for qualitative change of the advanced practice on service modules and target devices to design spacecraft of a various functionality with the increased lifetime up to 15 and more years critical technologies and key elements for perspective space complexes with manufacturing period up to 2 years technological foundations and bases to create a series of unified, functionally complete modular elements of onboard systems, bearing structures and mechanisms with standard interfaces integrated information systems of multimedia personal communication, navigation, geodesy and monitoring of the Earth accessible for a wide range of users in the interests of social and economic development of the Russian Federation infrastructure providing a wide range of services on the on-line space monitoring of the
Earth for the state, municipal authorities, enterprises, business structures and individual users new means and methods of natural resources monitoring and the Earth remote sensing to prevent dangerous natural and technogenic catastrophes on ground robotic complexes for operation in extreme conditions on the basis of the technological base of planetary research means
Social and economic effects: expansion of space products and services export for diversification of the Russian economy increase of investments into the space industry from private domestic and foreign business structures using the mechanisms of the private-public partnership decrease of the manufacturing cost of spacecraft and onboard equipment expansion of a wide range access of modern space information and telecommunications
services for population in all regions of the country creation of new workplaces in hi-tech production increase of appeal concerning professional activity in the sphere of space development and research increase of domestic launch vehicles competitiveness on the market of commercial space services. missions
New methods and principles of activity: application of new modular design technologies for small and ultra-small spacecraft development and application of multisatellites cluster orbital systems of different development of a brand new space platform type excluding the necessity of traditional boosters application decrease of environmental effect and increase of energy saving in production where the
Technology Platform participants are involved decrease of spacecraft design duration up to 1 year creation by high schools and other participants of the Technology Platform of a joint small innovative enterprises network according to Federal Law # 217 with the purpose of commercialization of the space activity results and application of space facilities and technologies in civil sectors of economy
3) Brief description of the markets and economy sectors where it is supposed to apply the technologies developed within the framework of the Technology Platform:
The list of the markets on which it is supposed to apply the technologies developed within the framework of the Technology Platform:
The target markets of products and services:
Agriculture, hunting and forestry
Fishery and fish breeding
Mining of energy and non-energy mineral resources
Textile and clothing manufacture
Manufacturing of coke, mineral oil and nuclear materials
Chemical production, including chemical substances, chemical products and chemical fibers, pharmaceutical production
Manufacturing of rubber and plastic articles
Manufacture of vehicles and equipment
Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Building industry
Services in the field of transport and communication
State management and military security provision; obligatory social maintenance
Manufacturing of other nonmetallic mineral products
Metallurgical production and manufacturing of finished hardware
Manufacturing of cars and equipment
Manufacturing of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment, including:
-Office equipment and computer machines
-Electronic components, equipment for radio, TV and communication
-Medical articles, devices and tools for measurement, inspection, tests, navigation and control
Provision of other municipal, social and personal services
The sectors of economy list where it is intended to apply the technologies developed
within the framework of the Technology Platform:
Machine manufacturing and metal working
Military-industrial complex
Agriculture, hunting, forestry
Transport, air traffic control
Communication and telecommunications
Chemical industry
Radio-electronic industry
Science and education
Instrument engineering
Building industry
Fuel-energy complex, solar power engineering
Textile industry
Manufacture of electronic and optical equipment
Mining operations
Aircraft, shipbuilding and motor vehicle industry
1.1. "New technology platform: closed nuclear fuel cycle with fast reactors" (NTP).
1.2. NTP Coordinator – Directorate for Scientific and Technical Complex, Rosatom State
Nuclear Energy Corporation.
1.3. List of enterprises and organizations involved in the creation of technology platform:
JSC "OKB Gidropress";
FSUE CRISM "Prometey";
JSC "Afrikantov OKBM";
JSC AKME-engineering;
1.4. Main technology areas to be realized within the framework of the technology platform:
1.4.1. "The development of fast neutron reactors with closed nuclear fuel cycle": "The development of lead-cooled fast reactors"; "The development of fast reactors cooled with lead-bismuth"; "The development of sodium-cooled fast reactors"; "The development of integrated systems of new generation codes for analysis and justification of the safety of advanced nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel cycle".
1.4.2. "Modernization of nuclear power experimental base": "The development of multi-purpose fast neutron research reactor MBIR"; "Technical upgrading of 60 MW(t) fast neutron development reactor"; "Technical upgrading of the complex of fast critical facilities for modeling of fast reactors and fuel cycles".
1.4.3. "The development of advanced nuclear fuel production technologies": "The development of technologies and creation of the production of mixed oxide fuel for fast neutron reactors"; "The development of technology for fabrication of dense fuel for fast neutron reactors"; "The development of advanced structural materials for fast- and thermal-neutron reactors".
1.4.4. "The development of materials and technologies of closed nuclear fuel cycle for fast- and thermal-neutron reactors": The construction and commissioning of multifunctional radiochemical research complex; Computational and experimental justification of the conditions for ultimate disposal of radioactive waste and the development of advanced support technologies; The development of pyrochemical technology of dense fuel reprocessing and radioactive waste management technologies for testing of closed nuclear fuel cycle technologies; The development of design documentation for a special-purpose line at a centralized plant of SNF reprocessing from fast- and thermal-neutron reactors including testing and justification of technological solutions applied.
CFTP has been initiated by the Russian State Corporation on Atomic Energy.
Institutes and organizations participating in CFTP development:
Science Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”
State Research Center Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research
D.V.Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus
N.A.Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering
A.A. Bochvar All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Inorganic Materials
Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Krasnaya Zvezda”
National Research Nuclear University – Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, State University
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Moscow State University Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
Basic technological directions of CFTP
Development and modernization of tokamak innovative experimental base
New plasma diagnostics tools
Theoretical foundations of the processes in fusion devices
Blanket technologies, including nuclear technologies of controlled fusion, tritium production, etc.
IT, models and codes.
Plasma control technologies and systems
Demo fusion neutron source
Hybrid fusion-fission systems
First wall and divertor technologies, including lithium technology of capillary-porous structures
Development of new materials
Physics of HF and SHF heating, neutral injection
Technologies of electron-cyclotron systems (gyrotrons, transmission lines, antennas)
Education in plasma physics and control fusion
Economic sectors to be influenced by CFTP
Research and development in plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion;
- Nuclear technologies, nuclear engineering, nuclear power;
- Power engineering;
- Mechanical engineering
- Technical superconductivity
International cooperation
International project ITER
Russia-Italy international project IGNITOR
International cooperation in plasma studies and controlled fusion
International education programs
Information about CFTP initiator
Russian State Corporation on Atomic Energy,
Address: ul.Bol’shaya Ordynka, 24, Moscow, Russian Federation
Contact person: Cherkovets Vladimir Evgen’evich,
Science Research Center of Russian Federation
Troitsk Institute of Innovation and Fusion Research,
Phone: 8(495) 334-53-08
Fax: 8(495) 334-57-76
1. Name of the technology platform
Radiation technologies.
2. Coordinator of the technology platform
State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”
“Radiation technologies” Program
Mr. Mikhail Lobanov
Tel.: 8-965-209-4012 e-mail:
3. Participant list of technology platform
State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom” and associated companies:
D. Efremov Research Institute of Electrophysical Instrumentation (NIIEFA), FSUE (St.
Petersburg)Institute of High-Energy Physics, State Scientific Center of the Russian
Federation (SSC IFVE), FSUE (Protvino, Moscow Region)
Izotop Trans-Regional Association, JSC (Moscow)
L.Ya. Karpov Physical-Chemical Research Institute (NIFKhI), FSUE (Moscow)
NIITFA— Research Institute of Applied Physics and Automation, JSC (Moscow)
A.I. Alikhanov Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation (SSC ITEF), FSUE
V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute, Research and Production Complex (RPC), FSUE (St.
Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, State Scientific Center Of Russian
Federation, JSC (Dimitrovgrad-10, Ulianovsk Region)
Mayak Production Association (PA Mayak), FSUE (Ozersk, Chelyabinsk Region)
N.L. Dukhov All-Russian Research Institute of Automatics (VNIIA), FSUE (Moscow)
Center for Strategic Research “North-West” Foundation
The Ulyanovsk region government
4. Main tasks and results of technology platform construction
The main tasks of technology platform are represented in the table below:
Table 1. Technology platform main tasks
Area Short-term Medium-term Long-term
Market development
Minimization of organizational, financial costs through strengthening cooperation inside technological platform.
Supply chains quality raising
Attracting additional resources for radiological
Creation of competitive products and services, that could be sold on the world market
Attraction of private and state investment to the companies working in the radiation technologies field
Achieving sufficient share of the world medical and industrial radiological equipment market
Technological platform participants to be included in the global product value adding chains
Social security
Providing information about the nuclear medicine methods to the population
National and international nuclear medicine centers creation
Substantial upgradу of the
Substantial reduction of mortality caused oncological diseases by
Scientific and technical development
New radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostics and therapy
Short-living and ultra-shortliving radiopharmaceuticals production setup medical service quality
Development of the new types of linear accelerators
R&D of the new diagnostic and therapeutic medical equipment
Proton therapy center setup
Creating of the centers for new medicines development, testing and certification
Creation of the industrial and technological zones for
Methods radiopharmaceutical of
Development of new manufacturing lines for radiological equipment production индустриально-
Development and modernization of the application for diagnostics and therapy development
Development engineering of design radiopharmaceuticals production complex the of radiopharmaceuticals
Development of new manufacturing lines for diagnostic and therapeutic medical recycling equipment linear production
Development accelerators of the diagnostic information base
Development and
Mass production of the
GMP-certified radiopharmaceuticals production setup
Cyclotrons and cyclotron complexes production setup implementation of the new logistics schemes for radiopharmaceuticals distribution expansion
Organization of the modular complexes for radiopharmaceuticals production
modern linear accelerators
Mass production modern of the diagnostic radiological equipment
Organization refresher courses for medical and technical staff of radiological equipment
Creation of the training centers for specialists in engineering and maintenance of linear accelerators
Creation of the training centers for radiologists and medical physicists
Organization of the special educational centers for radiologists in the universities
The main results of technology platform operation are represented in the table below:
Table 2. Main results of technology platform operation
Results Level Terms
SPECT, SPECT-CT, PET-CT production setup
Non-destructive production setup testing equipment
Equipment for radiological therapy (proton therapy, neutron therapy) production setup
Short-living and ultra-short-living radiopharmaceuticals production setup
Development of new manufacturing lines for radiopharmaceuticals production
R&D of the new diagnostic and therapeutic medical equipment
Creation of the training centers for specialists in engineering and maintenance of radiological medical equipment, radiochemists, radiologists and medical physicists
Nuclear medicine centers construction
(Dimitrovgrad, Obninsk, Tomsk, etc.), providing technological base for modernization of healthcare agency.
World level competitiveness
World level competitiveness
World level competitiveness of
Elimination of the lag behind the world level
World level competitiveness
World level competitiveness of of of of
Elimination of the lag behind the world level
Elimination of the lag behind the world level, in long-term prospect -
World level competitiveness of
5 years
5 years
5 years
3 years
5 years
10 years
5 years
5 years
5 . Markets and sectors of economy that would be influenced by technological platform
Medicine (oncological diseases diagnostics and therapy – more than 2.5 mln of potential patients annually).
Transport (security arrangements for airports, railway stations and subway).
Light and heavy industry (material features changing), food (imported food disinfection).
6. Possible collaboration with international partners
Collaboration with international manufacturers, distributors, R&D specialists and scientists is useful for the development of the technological platform. It is planned to start and carry on negotiations with foreign companies mentioned below:
Table 3. Foreign companies for possible mutual benefit collaboration
Market sector
Diagnostic medical equipment
Therapeutic medical equipment
Isotopes production
Radiopharmaceuticals production
Security arrangements
Non-destructive testing equipment
Main players
GE Medical Systems
IS2 Medical Systems
Mediso Medical
Imaging Systems
MDS Nordion
Covidien IRE
IBA Molecular
Bracco Diagnostics
GE Healthcare
MDS Nordion
Rapiscan Systems
Inspection Products
Inspection Products
GE Inspection Tech.
Consolidation level
$45 bn
Less than $50 bn
$9 bn
Less than $5.5 bn
Less than $3 bn
Source: Bain & Company, Frost & Sullivan.
1. Technology platform name – "Intelligent Power System of Russia".
Organization-coordinator of the technological platform and its contact
Russian Energy Agency,
Alexey Konev, Innovation Director, tel. (495) 789-9292, e-mail:
List of Technology Platform participants "Intelligent Power System of Russia"
1 Cisco System
2 LLC ASTpribor
3 Urals Power Engineering Company
4 GE Energy
5 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
6 Russintek LLC
Sagem Communications (SagemСОМ)
9 Closed Joint-Stock Company «Energy Forecasting Agency» (the EFA)
10 AFNOR Rus
11 OJSC Bashkirenergo
12 BioTerm
OAO VNIPIneft - Research and Design Institute for Oil Refining and Petrochemical
14 VNIPIenergoprom
15 Wind Energy Systems - South
16 Gazprom Neft
17 Gazprom energo
18 Gazprom energoholding
19 JSC "Generation Company"
21 National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
22 Industrial Institute (branch) SEI HPE Altai State University. II Polzunova "
23 Far Eastern Federal University
24 Ivanovo State Power Engineering University (ISPEU)
25 Irkutsk State Technical University (ISTU)
26 Kabardino-Balkaria State University
27 Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)
28 Tomsk Polytechnic - National Research University of resource-efficient technologies
29 GOU VPO Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. REAlexeev
30 Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)
31 International Graduate School of Management (MVSHU)
33 VPO South Ural State University (SUSU) (city Miass)
Pöyry Group
35 Far Eastern Generating Company
36 Far Eastern National University
CJSC "Russian Telecom Equipment Company” (RTEC)
39 UES Engineering Center
40 Open Joint Stock Company« Volga Power Engineering Center »
The Design & Research Institute of Power Systems and Networks
42 Institute of Integrated Research in Energy
43 LEU VPO "Institute of Continuing Education"
44 the Institute for Safe Development of Atomic Energy Sciences
45 Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Energy Systems. LA Melentyeva
46 Institute of Energy Strategy (PG PWI)
48 Interautomatika AG
49 the Institute of Advanced Studies of civil servants
50 Company GloWers
52 Ltd. Engineering Center ENERGOAUDITKONTROL
53 Limited liability company "COWI engineering, environmental and economic consultations"
54 Committee on Energy Policy and Energy Efficiency
55 Accenture PLC COMPANY
56 company 3-GIS
57 Russian superconductor Corporation
58 Kuzbass Joint-Stock Energy and Electrification Company
59 Limited Liability Company "Lithium-ion technology (LLC LIOTEH")
60 International Finance Corporation - IFC
Joint Stock Company “FGC UES”
63 JSC Mentor-TehEnergo
64 Scientific-Technical Center "Optimizing Control in energetics"
65 Non-profit Partnership “Russian Mining Operators”
66 NEOLANT Group
68 Rosneft
Development Fund Center for the development and commercialization of new technologies
69 (the Fund Skolkovo)
70 Ltd. Novo Salavat CHP
71 the North-Caucasian Mining and Metallurgical Institute (State University of Technology)
72 Russian Technology Transfer Network (RTTN)
74 Non-profit Partnership “Innovations in Electric Power Industry” (INVEL) non-profit partnership "International Centre for Energy Efficiency, energy and renewable
75 energy sources" (SRO NP MTsEEiVIE ")
76 non-profit partnership "Council electricity producers and strategic investors Electricity signed a Cooperation Agreement
77 Non-Profit Partnership "The Guild energoauditorov"
78 OJSC R&D Center for Power Engineering
Public expert council "Power equipment repair & maintenance effectiveness (with advanced
79 training institute)"
80 United Metallurgical Company (OMK)
81 JSC WGC-3
82 JSC WGC-4
83 JSC WGC-6
84 Ltd. Portal Engineering
85 “PricewaterhouseCoopers”
86 Proline LCC
87 RAO Energy Systems of the East
88 The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM incorporates
90 RusHydro
Joint Stock Company “North-West Power Engineering Center”
92 Open Joint Stock Company "Tatenergo"
93 Siberian Energy Association (CEA)
94 Siberia-Urals Petrochemical Company (SIBUR)
96 Siemens AG
97 Stroy-Marketing LCC
98 the Siberian Coal Energy Company
99 JSC "TGC-2"
100 JSC "TGC-11"
101 JSC "TGC-16"
104 Closed Joint-Stock Company "Management company" Infrastructure Investment "
105 St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS
106 Russia Academy of Sciences Institute of Control Sciences
107 Institute for Energy Studies
108 Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of High Temperatures RAS
109 Siberian Federal University
110 Taganrog Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University
111 FSUE REA Russian Ministry of energy
Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute. Lenin" (Federal
State Unitary Enterprise VEI)
114 Joint Stock Company “FGC UES”
115 I.T. Co.
116 Branch of JSC "UES Engineering Center" - "Firm ORGRES"
117 FNK Engineering Company
118 Joint Stock Company “FGC UES”
119 Hitachi, Ltd.
120 Open Joint Stock Holding Company «ELEKTROZAVOD»
121 JSC "IDGC Holding"
122 Honeywell International Inc.
123 U.S. and Canada Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISCRAN)
124 Center for Energy Efficiency EES Consulting
125 CIAM PI Baranova
126 OJSC Enel OGK-5
4. Brief description of prospective tasks and main results of technology platform foundation
Main tasks of technology platform :
definition of main requirements for domestic power system of the future and its functional properties with regard to current and prospective challenges of Russian and world power development trends;
formation of Russian strategic power development ;
definition of main technological development directions of all power system elements: generation, transportation and distribution, sales as well as consumption and management ;
definition of innovative components, technologies, information and management solutions in above mentioned spheres;
modernization coordination (to overcome technological gap) and innovative development of Russian power industry;
establishing (improvement) of incentives, tools and mechanisms for development of scientific and technical capabilities of Russia, upgrade of production capacity associated with power industry and related sectors of Russian economy (science, machine building industry, instrument engineering, electrical engineering, information technology and management systems , communications, education and training);
creation of highly efficient, environmentally friendly, safe and reliable power system of
Russia (Russian power system) on the basis of innovative technology.
Main results of technology platform creation:
Short-term results:
concept and roadmap of Russian intelligent power system;
list of major Russian competencies, technologies and equipment, competitive in domestic and international markets;
definition of requirements in equipment and technologies, identification of technological gaps in strategic sectors of the economy;
R & D programs, technology transfer and production localization ;
training program in the field of intelligent technologies ;
standards development program in the field of intelligent power technologies;
new research and production chains, consortia, clusters to solve strategic tasks of technological platform.
Medium-term results:
For power engineering companies :
transparent accounting and cost calculating system for electric supply and related infrastructure ;
real time monitoring of parameters and power system modes ;
automated power modes control, including change of network topology in real time;
algorithms and software products, hardware, providing management improvement for power facilities and power system control as a whole ;
reduction of power losses and expenses for auxiliaries;
transition to intelligent monitoring, accounting and production equipment diagnostics techniques to ensure effective functioning and operation, as well as the reduction of process risks and consequences of accidents.
For supervising agencies:
transparent system of electric power supply and consumption accounting to establish commercially reasonable rates based on actual data .
For end users:
power supply reliability improvement ;
overall service level enhancement ;
access to real time power consumption data;
ability to control energy consumption.
Long-term results:
reduction of system failure risks;
increase of generation economic efficiency due to "flexible" management and improved equipment efficiency ;
increased power system resistance to natural disasters ;
increase in the share of renewable and distributed generation, as a part of Russian united power system;
consumers participation in demand management and ability to sell power produced by their own generating equipment on the market ;
enhancement of revealed Russian competitive advantages and elimination of technological gaps in strategic sectors of the economy ;
increase of Russia's share on international market of intelligent equipment and technologies;
innovative renovation of power sector with minimal capital investments aimed at
ensuring high power, economic and environmental efficiency of production, transportation, distribution and use of energy ;
development of small-scale power engineering in decentralized energy supply area through more efficient use of local energy resources, development of power facilities, reduction of imported petroleum products consumption;
reduction of transportation losses due to performance optimization and consumers demand assessment ;
reduction of commercial losses in distribution and sales by improving accounting system, remote spot cut-offs for non-payment, introduction of prepayment system;
increase of electrical networks capacity due to active network elements and reactive power compensation ;
reduction of energy costs for government organizations, housing and communal facilities
electric power supply quality improvement ;
mitigation of negative impact on the environment ;
improved economic competitiveness and job creation in high-tech field ;
efficient use of production assets throughout their life cycle .
5. Brief description of markets and economical sectors, expected to be influenced by technologies, developed under this technology platform
Techniques, developed in the framework of this technology platform bear stimulating effect on the following markets :
wholesale and retail electric power markets
electric power transmission services
electric power export
production and supply of energy fuel
transportation services for energy fuel
production and supply of electrical equipment and products of power-machine building industry
provision of engineering services in power engineering field
IT technology market
financial markets (long-term investments in strategic sectors of the economy)
industrial risks insurance market
maintenance market in power engineering field
labour market in power facilities operation and capital construction sphere
services market in educational sphere and economic sectors :
power engineering
industrial energy sector
production, transportation and supply of energy fuel
power-plant engineering
capital construction
information technologies
housing and communal services .
6. Information about the prospective directions of cooperation with foreign companies and organizations
Creation of joint research & development centers aimed at:
Elaboration of requirements for the future energy industry
Definition of research fields of the first priority
Elaboration and testing of new technologies
Elaboration (improvement) of computer models for united energy system of Russia taking into account new smart technologies
Joint pilot projects in Russia and abroad
Training of specialists
Creation of demonstration sites (including virtual) for promotion of modern achievements in the sphere of smart technologies for energy industry on the basis of national innovation centers.
Regular information exchange, including:
Acquisition of information about research & development, conducted by EPRI, CEATI and other scientific organizations;
Pilot projects and their results;
Efficiency of smart technologies implementation
Methods for assessment of implementation efficiency of smart technologies in different spheres;
Currently implemented innovation technologies as well as planned for implementation with the next 5-10 years
Participation of members of Russian technological platform “Smart energy system of
Russia” in international workshops, conferences and symposiums
Setting-up of cooperation with international organizations and companies, operating in smart technology for energy industry sphere, including signing of cooperation agreements with
European technological platforms, foreign scientific centers and research funds
Invitation of leading foreign companies and experts/ operating in the sphere of smart technologies for energy industry to take part in Russian technological platform «Smart energy system of Russia»
Harmonization and elaboration of standards in order to provide large-scale implementation of smart technologies
Cooperation in the field of information security and technological reliability during implementation of smart technologies in energy industry.
The name of a technological platform
«Environmentally safe thermal power of high efficiency»
The coordinating organization of a technological platform and its contact data
Name: JSC «All-Russia Thermal engineering institute» (JSC "VTI")
The legal address: The Russian Federation, 115280, Moscow, Avtozavodskaya street, 14/23
The actual address: The Russian Federation, 115280, Moscow, Avtozavodskaya street, 14/23
The contact person (First name, middle initial, last name, position):
Alexander Viktorovich Klimenko, General director
The contact information (phone, a fax, e-mail): (495) 234-76-17, (495) 234-76-30
Fax: (495) 234-74-27; (495) 679-59-24,
№, п/п
The organisation name
JSC "Scientific research institute of heat power instrument making"
JSC "The central scientific research institute of technology of mechanical engineering"
JSC «Research-and-production association on research and designing of the power equipment of I.I.Polzunov»
FSUE The All-Russia electrotechnical institute
The St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University (СПбГПУ)
JSC «Power Machines»
JSC "EMAlliance"
United institute of heats of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Open Company «Gazprom energy holding»
Non-commercial enterprise « National carbon agreement»
JSC "Agency on forecasting of balances in electric power industry"
Open Society «Russian Open Society East Power systems»
Open Society branch «The engineering center of the Uniform Power system» -
Institute " The thermal electric project "
The Moscow power engineering university (Technical university)
The Russian center of science «Kurchatov institute»
JSC "Interavtomatika"
Open Society "AtomEnergoMash"
JSC "Power institute of G.M.Krzhizhanovsky"
JSC “The Moscow Industrial Bank”
JSC "Gazprombank"
The independent noncommercial organization «The e ngineering center of power machine industry»
Open Society "Aircraft engine"
Institute of thermophysics named by Kutateladze the Siberian Branch of the Russian
Academy of Science
The short description of prospective problems and the basic results of a technological platform creation
Realization of priority directions of scientific and technical progress in power and machinery building, defined in the Power strategy of the Russian Federation for the period till 2030;
Creation of new highly efficient environmentally safe technologies for electric and thermal energy generation;
Modernization of technologies and equipment for generation of the electricity and heat with achievement of the indicators corresponding to world level;
Development of “advanced” technologies for creation of power industry of future;
Development of the unified equipment and conventional projects for reduction of modernization terms of electric power industry and economy of financial assets by its realization;
Development of an effective control system of creation and implementation of innovative technologies during realization of a technological platform on the basis of efficient application of state-private partnership mechanisms, application of efficient forms of financing, application of scientific and technical potential of domestic power machinery building;
Training of specialists in a field of a technological platform with modern expertise, the arrangement of effective system for operating specialists professional skills advance training.
Within the framework of tasks performance the following results will be achieved:
Development of equipment manufacture and application of standard range of gas turbine and combined cycle installations for replacement of steam power units at gas and fuel oil
TPPs, providing 25-30 % economy of consumed natural gas and high manoeuvrability in a variable part of generation schedules,
Creation by 2020 domestic Gas Turbine Unit with capacity of 350–400 MW, competitive with foreign analogues,
Development of the equipment manufacture of and application of environmentally safe coal power units of big capacity (600–800 MW) with supercritical properties of steam and steam power units with capacity of 100–200 MW for the coal thermal power plants of new generation equipped with pulverized coal boilers and and boilers with circulating fluidized bed, with achievement of 10-15 % of economy of fuel with significant reduction of emissions into the atmosphere,
Creation and development in operation of combined cycle gas turbine plants with gasification of the coal, providing 10–15 % of fuel economy and essential improvement of ecological conditions;
Creation of prospective construction materials for manufacture of the power equipment of new generation, construction steels specifications and technical documentation actualization, preparation of complex production schedules, development of new technological processes, including complex technologies of a metallurgic manufacturing cycle and manufacturing of half-finished products and elements of the power equipment made of nanostructured steels.
Creation of turbogenerators with capacity of 60-1000 MW on the basis of modern electroinsulating materials and the technologies which allow to increase terms of operation up to 50 years and to provide a repair interval up to 7 years.
Achievement of planned results will provide world level of domestic thermal power industry and competitiveness of Russian energy and electric machinery building in the global market.
The short description of the markets and economy sectors which are supposed to be influenced by the technologies developed within the limits of a technological platform
Technologies Machinery building sector
Domestic Gas turbine units with capacity of 65-270-
350 MW and CCGT on the basis of their unit capacity up to 500-
1000 MW with efficiency of of
60 % and prospective technologies with the use of fuel elements, providing efficiency up to 70 %.
Coal units with supercritical properties of steam with unit capacity of 330-660-
800 MW and efficiency of 44-46
%, prospective technologies for ultrasupercritical steam properties (35 MPa, 700/720
0 С), providing efficiency of 51-53 % and coal thermal power plants of new generation with unit capacity of 100-200-300 MW with use of various technologies of fuel combustion.
The industrial enterprises of power mechanical engineering JSC
"EMAlliance", JSC «Power machines», JSC «SPA Saturn».
The enterprises of metallugic and steel industry specialised in manufacturing of high-strength materials for Gas turbine units.
The industrial enterprises of power mechanical engineering JSC
"EMAlliance", JSC «Power machines».
The enterprises of metallugic and steel industry specialised in manufacturing of high-strength materials for boiler and steam turbine equipment with required properties
(for heats and pressure).
The markets which will be influenced by technologies of a platform
The basic consumer of production based on this technology - the large wholesale and areal generating companies in the European part of the Russian
The basic consumer of production based on this technology - the large wholesale and areal generating companies with a considerable share of coal generation, mainly in region of
Urals, Western and Eastern
Siberia of the Russian Federation.
Generation of the electric power and heat with use of
CCGT with incorporated gasification of fossil fuel, with unit capacity of 200-400 MW and efficiency up to 50 % and prospective technologies with application of fuel cells, providing efficiency up to 60 %.
Technologies of environmentally safe use of fossil fuel and the gas purifications providing emissions of SO
, NO x
, ash residuals and other components close to zero values, , including removal from a cycle, comprerssing and subsequent storage of СО
The enterprises of chemical mechanical engineering manufacturing fuel cells of big capacity.
The enterprises of chemical mechanical engineering specialisied in manufacturing of gas purification equipment.
The basic consumer of production based on this technology - the large wholesale and areal generating companies with a considerable share of coal generation.
The basic consumer of production - the generating companies of electric power industry with a high share of coal generation, the enterprises of metallurgic and steel industry, regarding the manufactures demanding similar processes of gas purification, sector of petrochemistry - in a part of compressing and subsequent storage of СО
Technological complexes as a part of modular CCGP with unit capacity of 100-200 MW and heat pump installations, providing efficiency of 95-98 % taking into account the use of sources low potential heat.
The industrial enterprises of power machinery building.
The basic consumers - the areal generating companies, the power generating companies of municipal unions and cities, departmental thermal power plants of large industrial consumers of the electric power and heat, large consumers of electric and thermal energy in housing and communal services
Turbogenerators with capacity of 60-1000 MW on the basis of modern electroinsulating materials and the technologies which allow to increase terms of operation up to
50 years and to provide a repair interval period till 7 years.
The industrial enterprises of power machinery building specialisied in manufacturing of electric generators of various capacity for thermal and atomic engineering.
The basic consumer - the wholesale and areal generating companies over all territory of the
Russian Federation,
"Rosenergoatom" regarding the equipment for nuclear power plants, departmental power plants of large industrial consumers of electric energy.
The information concerning prospective directions of cooperation with the foreign companies and the organisations
Interaction with world leading companies on carrying out of research and design works, purchases of completion materials and technologies, creation with them joint ventures is supposed.
Exact directions of cooperation and its form will be defined in the course of detailed studies planned in this technological platform.
Technological platform coordinator – JSC RusHydro
The list of enterprises and organizations engaged in creation of the process platform
JSC RusHydro
Non-Commercial Partnership “Hydro power Engineering”
Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University
JSC B.E. Videneev VNIIG
JSC Hydroproject Institute
CJSC Lead Institute of Energy Strategy
OJSC “Research Center of Power engineering”
Ioffe Physical Technical Institute
RSC Kurchatov Institute
LLC Center of Energy Efficiency Inter RAO UES
Non-Commercial Partnership National Carbon Union
Moscow Energy Institute (TU)
Russian State Hydrometeorological University
Far East Federal University
LLC Heat Pump Systems
LLC Branan
LLC Energy-invest
The TP objective is to combine the efforts of the state, innovative community, construction industry, power engineering, research, design
and educational spheres, electric power consumers and the RF subjects in creating the conditions for
RES development, implementation of highly efficient power generating technologies, meeting the requirements of domestic economy and rendering competitive services and products in the domestic and global markets.
Basic tasks being solved by the platform:
market monitoring and analysis, assessment of technical level and usage of RES in Russia and in the World.
development of general strategic research program coordinating and directing the science actions for the benefit of industry and consumers;
synchronization of activities carried out by state authorities, scientific and research organizations with objectives and time frames of strategic program;
determination of commercial projects in the sphere of design and introduction of basic equipment and their implementation and following-up;
encouragement of state and private investments into R&D within the framework of strategic development program;
assistance in developing of regulation rates, rules and standards making it possible to carry out design, construction and operation of generating facilities based on new technologies with RES usage.
assistance in education development and qualification enhancement in RES usage.
Renewable and hydropower generating technologies are planned to be developed within the framework of this TP:
Hydro power generation (incl. small-scale power generation)
Wind power generation
Tide, wave and stream power generation
Solar power generation
Geothermal power generation
Energy storage systems
Power supply systems based on comprehensive usage of RES.
Information about the process platform coordinating organization
Legal address: 660099, Russian Federation, the Krasnoyarsk Region, Krasnoyarsk,
Respubliki str., 51.
Actual address: 117393, Moscow, Arkhitektor Vlasov str., 51
Official internet web page:
Contact person: O.A. Kalinko, Head of Direction for Innovation Development
Contact details (telephone, fax, e-mail):
Tel. +7 (495) 2253232*1412, +7 (916) 2236867, fax +7 (495) 2253737,
1) Technological platform
Technological platform Small-Scale Distributed Power Generation was established by the founders at a meeting held in the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Protocol №1-ТП-
18-11-10, Nov.18, 2010) at the request of Energy Forecasting Agency, Russian Peat and Bioenergy
Society and INTER RAO UES.
2) Platform coordinator
Technological platform Small-Scale Distributed Power Generation is coordinated by the
Energy Forecasting Agency, headed by general director I.Kozhukhovskiy.
Contact information:
Olga Novosyelova, Director of Department of Ecology and Energy Efficiency,
Energy Forecasting Agency, phone (495) 710-59-06,
Natalya Ushakova phone (495) 710-47-33,
3) Platform participants
As of May 16, 2011, the project included 139 members, i.a. United Institute for High
Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Russian Research
Centre Kurchatov Institute, Korolev Institute for Hydrogen Energy Generation, Energomash Group,
United Engine-Building Corporation (UEC), RAO Energy Systems of East, the executive authorities of the Yaroslavl Region and the Republic of Tatarstan, member organizations of the Russian Peat and Bioenergy Society, the National Association for Small-Scale Power Generation, as well as other participants from various Russian regions.
4) Key objectives of the technological platform
The platform Small-Scale Distributed Power Generation seeks to generate new technologies and innovations to overhaul the Russian energy generation system; this can be achieved by transition from large centralized facilities to a plurality of energy generation patterns
that better meets individual consumer demand, corresponds to local environment and fulfils requirements of the federal policy for higher energy efficiency.
The Small Distributed Power Generation platform seeks to achieve the following results:
To achieve more efficient use of local energy resources and renewable sources of energy;
To create standard technological solutions for a wide-ranging modernization in the housing and utilities area, to improve rural energy infrastructure and remove the imbalances in territorial development due to inhibited access to energy;
to minimize the investment threshold in order to facilitate the participation of grassroots investors in energy generation facilities, i.e. small and mid-size businesses, venture capital, municipalities and a wide spectrum of stakeholders;
to reduce energy-related consumer expenditures and improve energy price formation;
to enable consumers to choose their energy supply patterns, to involve individual savings and other resources in providing environmental and energy security and create good living conditions;
to optimize Russia’s power generation system through connecting a portion of consumers to local energy grids;
to foster the creation of a Smart Grid in Russia.
5) Markets and sectors the Russian economy to benefit from the technologies emerging within the framework of this project
Small-scale power generation will benefit virtually every sector of economy : production, housing and utilities, agriculture and forestry, construction industry, transport and logistics, tertiary industry etc. Current, distributed energy generation will primarily fulfill the needs of rural communities, as well as remote and isolated regions of the country that have no centralized system of energy supply (which accounts for as much as 2/3 of Russia’s territory and 20mln inhabitants); this technology could also be used as a portable energy source in emergencies.
Distributed Power Generation is particularly sought after in:
remote and isolated areas in which energy supplies present a considerable challenge and incur substantial costs;
new industries based on digital technologies which are particularly sensitive to the quality of energy supply;
public power supply, as well as services and industries which are in a permanent need of both heat and electricity, which makes co-generation facilities particularly relevant;
mobile consumers (transport, construction industry, timber harvesting, tourism, emergency and rescue operations, households etc.)
The capacity of these sectors will be growing due to external markets. Diversification of energy supplies is a global trend which is instrumental in conducting a global search of the most advanced technological solutions for any individual project. At the same time, designers of local energy systems or their elements have ever more opportunities to market and implement nonstandard technological solutions.
The Platform supports a wide range of technologies, i.a. in energy-related fields:
engines for energy generation equipment: gas turbines, microturbines, new engine types (external heat rotary engines) etc.
fluidized bed energy generation units
fuel cells
Efficient energy technologies in local grids:
- energy storage units
- automated energy management systems (microgrids)
- new technologies in constructing local power networks
Engineering technologies that make an efficient use of resources
- heat pumps
- energy conservation and heat recuperation in central heating, ventilation and air conditioning
- local systems of gas supply, distribution and LNG storage.
Technologies based on renewable and local energy resources:
modern peat technologies
gasification of local fuel resources, production and household wastes using synthetic gas in power generation
utilization of renewable energy sources in local integrated power grids, i.a. in modular electricity generators that generate power from combined sources: the sun, the wind, small rivers, etc. plus conventional fuels.
Related energy-conserving construction technologies, including:
- integrated construction, engineering and architectural solutions
- low-energy technologies (passive houses).
6) Prospective avenues of cooperation with foreign companies and organizations
At its initial stage, the development of the Platform will require cooperation with foreign companies and organizations (primarily with participants to European energy platforms) in order to acquire relevant experience in the management of technological platforms, attraction of investments etc.
In the mid-term, Small-Scale Distributed Power Generation is to give rise to new forms of cooperation, i.a. joint R&D initiatives, pilot projects in the implementation of the platform-related solutions. Another aspect of cooperation is to analyze gaps in the Russian market of respective technologies and attract foreign companies for the purpose of manufacturing components that cannot be produced domestically.
Over the long term, the technological platform is designed to give a boost to the Russian science and technology, secure its technological excellence and provide it with access to foreign markets, which can be achieved through cooperation with leading international business and production communities.
Organization-coordinator of technology platform:
Full name of the organization — open joint stock company RUSNANO.
Short name of the organization — OJSC RUSNANO.
Postal address: 10A Prospekt 60-letia Oktyabrya, Moscow, Russia, 117036
P.: +7 495 9885388
F.: +7 495 9885399 e-mail:
Technology platform participants:
OJSC RZD (Russian Railways);
JSC NIIAS (Research & Design Institute for Information Technology, Signalling and
Telecommunications on Railway Transport);
JSC OCV (Branch center for new technics and technologies implementation);
SC Avtodor (State Corporation Russian Highways);
OJSC GTLK (State transportation and lease company)
Ministry of Transport and Highways of the Ryazan region;
Deutsche Bahn AG (Russian general representative office);
State Technical University – MADI (Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
RosdorNII (Russian road research institute);
OJSC Road Research Institute (SoyuzdorNII);
CJSC Galileo Nanotech (RFID tag producer);
RST Invent Ltd. (RFID tag producer);
CJSC Plackart (ex TSPC Ltd., manufacturer of equipment for applying anticorrosion and wear resistant coatings);
Galen Ltd. (manufacturer of composite structural materials);
Holding Company Composite (manufacturer of composite structural materials);
CJSC Optogan (LED & luminaire manufacturer);
Hevel Ltd. (thin film solar modules manufacturer);
Unicom Ltd. (asphalt modifier producer);
Liotech Ltd. (Lithium-Ion battery manufacturer);
OJSC Avangard (manufacturer of the stress-strain state control system of buildings and structures);
CJSC Svetlana Optoelectronics (LED & luminaire manufacturer);
Project Company “Gorhimproekt-Luminet” Ltd. (reflecting coatings manufacturer);
SUE SPC Elvis (manufacturer of intelligent traffic management systems).
Brief description of alleged problems and main results of technology platform:
Among the priorities to implement these goals is development and ensure implementation of following technologies:
1. Design technologies for transport routes and artificial structures according to modern requirements;
2. Innovative technologies for construction and repair works;
3. Building and construction materials production technologies for the construction of transport infrastructure facilities;
4. Automated systems for monitoring the status of transportation routes, assess preemergency state;
5. Road and rail traffic management technologies;
6. High-speed transportation technologies;
7. Production localization of the latest innovative technics and technologies with the application of the lease on the territory of Russia.
The main result of the technology platform functioning should be improving the technical and user-defined parameters of transport routes to the level of European Union similar facilities, increasing the service life of road construction, energy efficiency and competitiveness of the industry.
Brief description of markets and sectors that are expected to be influenced by new technology (under the Technology Platform):
During the development of technologies within the technology platform is expected a strong impetus to the development of a wide range of related industries, including:
Chemicals and petrochemicals, chemical production;
Transport building;
Manufacturing of machinery and equipment, including installation services, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment;
New construction materials production (polymer composites, organic and inorganic coatings);
Electronics, including power electronics and manufacturing LED lighting technics;
Information Technology;
Navigation Technologies.
Information about the intended direction of cooperation with foreign companies and organizations:
Thin wear protective layers with 2.5 cm maximum thickness with modified binders usage
Granular bituminous binders for road construction
Complex polymer additives for the preparation of asphalt mixtures with modified bitumen
Roll materials for upper coating layers (wear layers)
Innovative technology of composite organic binders to provide the durability of road constructions
Rigid pavements innovative technology
Energy-efficient road lighting technology with minimum environment adverse impact
Modern railway rolling stock
High-speed transport rails (tracks)
Automatic rail transport infrastructure (including application of intelligent transport management systems)
Coordinator of the technological platform
The Joint Stock Company «Russian Railways».
Expected participants of the technological platform
In order to facilitate development and implementation of the technological platform it is planned to bring in the state authorities, state-owned corporations, research institutions, universities, domestic agencies and diverse form ownership companies from various industries (more than 150 participants in total). It will contribute to acceleration of scientific and technical development and advancement of technologies in virtually all basic industries.
A summary of projected tasks and principal results of creation of the technological platform
The contents of this technological platform (further mentioned as TP) fully correspond to the priorities of scientific, technological and technical development, established by the President of the Russian Federation’s decree of May 21 st , 2006 (No. Пр-843).
Development of the high-speed railway transport and intellectual traffic management systems is a priority of respective modernization programs for transportation systems of advanced countries. The TP is in accord with these priorities as well.
In the mid-term, implementation of the TP will permit to bring the speed of railway service up to 400 km/h, to begin with the Moscow –St.-Petersburg line. In the long run, it will open the way for creation (in cooperation with leading foreign companies) an entirely new mode of transport, based on principles of magnetic levitation and capable of considerably higher speeds.
Major tasks to be solved in the framework of the TP include:
Integration of state-of-the-art machine-building, information and telecommunication technologies as well as automated facilities into the transport infrastructure and vehicles to ensure higher safety and effectiveness of transportation process, provision of proper comfort and transportation quality;
Development of a set of technical regulations and national standards with full consideration of world experience of design, building and operation of fast and high-speed railway transport, thus bringing transportation process up to the world level;
Development and implementation of projects’ funding system, including all possible sources of investments, identification of roles and participation forms for public and private investors in the implementation of fast and high-speed railway projects;
Implementation of high-speed railway infrastructure projects;
Development and manufacturing of new generation equipment and facilities for high speed railway lines, including rail infrastructure and rolling stock;
Staff training for the provision of fast and high speed services.
List of industries to be affected by technologies being developed in the framework of the technological platform: transport and telecommunications; transport machinery (vehicles, equipment etc.); electrical engineering;
metal industry; tool engineering; chemical industry; electronic engineering; space industry; civil engineering.
Technological directions
The complex production technology of carbon fibrous materials (from initial chemical components and the Pan- precursor to a carbon fiber and textile forms of the wide nomenclature and assortment on their basis);
Technologies of reception of monomers, oligomers, elastomers and new generation of highly nonrigid binding materials with high physic-mechanical characteristics;
New production technologies precision calibrated prepregs, preforms, etc. halffinished products of polymeric composite materials;
Technologies non-autoclave formations, including large-sized designs from polymeric composite materials with application modern highly automated processes (RTM, RFI,
VaRTM, RIM, Quick Step, ATL, AFP, etc.);
Technologies of reception of polymeric composite materials of intellectual type II and III generations;
Economic and power effective technologies of mass production of products from composite materials constructional and a functional purpose on the basis of polymeric
(thermoplastic, thermo-jet) and elastomeric multipurpose matrixes, including for application in the building industry and other sectors of national economy;
Technologies of forecasting of properties, modeling of structures, including at molecular level, and realization of modern processes of designing and manufacture of products from polymeric composite materials with use digital (IT) the methods compatible with CAD/CAM/CAE and PLM by systems;
The complex approach in the organization of educational activity by preparation and retraining of profile experts of engineering, scientific structure, professional working and administrative shots.
The short description of prospective problems and the basic results of creation of a technological platform
The short description of prospective problems of creation of a technological platform
The primary goals solved within the limits of the Platform, are:
Formation of a uniform industrially-technological platform on working out, manufacture and use of polymeric composite materials and designing of products from them for various industries;
Wide attraction of results of the fundamental and is fundamental-focused researches of institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the state centers of science and establishments of the higher school for achievement of strategic scientific, technological and industrial problems;
Working out and realization of curricula and educational programs for preparation and retraining of profile experts of engineering, scientific structure, professional working and administrative shots, attraction and fastening at the enterprises and the organizations of branch of perspective young experts and scientists;
Essential decrease in expenses for materials, technological processes and consumption of power resources, increase of labor productivity at the expense of realization of new technological approaches, depreciation of products from polymeric composite materials and essential expansion of their functionality;
Conformity maintenance to the international requirements shown to products from polymeric composite materials, including in civil sectors of economy;
Creation in Russia hi-tech, universal, with a stock of future development resource, innovative-active manufacture of a full cycle (from initial components to concrete products) and the organization of new workplaces at modernization existing or creation in territory of the Russian
Federation of new manufacturing enterprises;
Strengthening of influence of strategic requirements of a society and business on realization of the major directions of scientifically-technological development in the field of polymeric composite materials;
Association of efforts of representatives of a science, the state, civil society and the business, interested in the organization of joint activity on strengthening of efforts on creation of the perspective commercial technologies, new products and services;
Stimulation of innovations, expansions of research-and-production cooperation and formation of new partnership, supports of scientific and technical activity and processes of modernization of the enterprises applying new generation of polymeric composite materials;
Working out of strategic plans of carrying out of researches and workings out in the field of polymeric composite materials, technologies of their processing and their introduction by means of all interested parties;
Attraction of additional public, corporate and private financial and other material resources for carrying out of necessary researches and workings out;
Perfection of is standard-legal regulation in a scope of polymeric composite materials;
Consolidation of the Russian and foreign community of developers, manufacturers and users of the technologies connected with polymeric composite materials;
Upholding of interests of community of developers, manufacturers and users of the specified technologies at all levels and creation of mechanisms of influence on acceptance of political-economical decisions by public authorities.
The nearest purpose of the Platform is its institutionalization – inclusion in the list of
Technological platforms of the Russian Federation, formed the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian
Federation to execute the decision of the Governmental commission on high technologies and innovations (the report from August, 3rd, 2010 № 4). The basic strategic target of the Technological platform «New polymeric composite materials and technologies» – a gain of 10-15 % (instead of current 3 %) the world market of manufacture and sale of details and designs from polymeric composite materials.
Problems on which decision joint activity of participants of a technological platform will be directed
Polymeric composite materials are difficult heterogeneous (non-uniform) systems in which reinforcing filler is responsible for level is stress-strain properties characteristics, and a polymeric matrix, providing their teamwork, defines working temperature of a composite, its ability to resist to deformations, firmness to influence of a moisture and other external factors. Advantage of a composite material is that a material, the technology and a design are created simultaneously – it defines high degree of innovations at all stages of life cycle of a material from reception of initial raw materials before modeling, creation and operation of products.
As the basis for formation of a national technological platform serious backlog of the
Russian Federation in the field of research, developmental works and the industry of constructional polymeric composite materials (PCM) serves. Besides, researches and workings out in this area in interests of various customers and for various sectors of economy are conducted is not co-ordinate.
Now attracts attention accent displacement in the world market in application of constructional materials from metal to the nonmetallic. The analysis of foreign sources, and also the general tendencies of development of materials technology show that workings out and researches in the field of the composite materials, the reinforcing components binding for them and technologies of their processing in hi-tech high technology production with the big share of an innovative component now are intensively conducted. Such workings out in the field of PCM spend firms of the USA, Japan, EU, China, India, ЮВА, the South America, guided by transition from research works to their commercial use.
In Russia segments of the market of constructional composite materials and products from them except for aircraft, astronautics and the nuclear industry (application of composites in which, for today it is essentially limited) practically are not mastered, in spite of the fact that there are favorable technological and scientific preconditions for this purpose.
Within last two decades development of direction of PCM has been abroad focused on transition from research works on their commercial manufacture. In Russia as certain backlog already was marked, outlined in this area. Until recently financing of these works practically is not carried out, and for export to Russia as foreign fibers (high-strength and high-modulus) and binding
(especially high-temperature), and prepregs of PCM on their basis, essential restrictions as on strategic raw materials operate.
The comparative estimation of technological development has revealed that foreign workings out in the field of PCM considerably surpass domestic level. The alternative of import production – proceeding from reasons of national, economic and technological safety at the same time should be created; for the purpose of elimination of dictate of monopoly of the prices by foreign suppliers; preservations of domestic design, technological collectives, unique industrialexperimental and bench base, and also increase of level of preparation of experts in corresponding area.
The fact that in Russia works on PCM, lag behind the advanced foreign workings out and are in experiment stages, and also a number of other reasons, essentially constrains development of perspective techniques and development of new areas of the industry.
Proceeding from the spent analysis of scientific and technical development in the field of working out and use of composite materials and considering developed world tendencies, raw and resource possibilities - a problem of working out of a complex of base technological decisions for creation of new generation of the composite materials reinforcing fibrous fillings, highly strain binding, and also development of some allied industries of manufacture of chemical components and auxiliary materials, with creation of new approaches to modeling of technological processes and designing of products with application PCM is rather actual.
The short description of the markets and economy sectors on which influence of the technologies developed within the limits of a technological platform is supposed
Prospects of formation of the new hi-tech markets of production (services), developments of the new industries on the basis of essentially new technologies
The success in application of composite materials is promoted by increasing requirements to preservation of the environment and reduction to energy consumption, and also search of various environments easier and steadier against influence and conditions of materials. Now the world volume of the market in sector of composite materials comes nearer to 60 billion euro. Taking into account annual world rate of increase of 5-10 % - it can reach to 2015 80 billion euro. Today the total amount of world production PCM makes more than 8 million tons, and the sales volume does not exceed 40 billion euro, thus the contribution of manufacture of products from PCM makes practically half of this market.
The basic consumers of polymeric composite materials in the Russian Federation are the nuclear industry, the aviation industry, whereas abroad most heavy users - building, mechanical engineering, power, the sport industry; now, capacities on consumption are increased by motor industry, aviation. In Russia in building branch polymeric composite materials practically are not applied, while this branch is represented as one of the most important in market PKM creation.
Composite materials can be used for manufacturing of armature for concrete designs, as strengthening and repair overlays, also application of polymeric composite materials effectively at building of bridges, inhabited and industrial buildings in seismically dangerous areas of the Russian
Today application of composite materials allows many companies to create conditions for growth of profitability of production, and tendencies of development of technologies steadily expand area of their application. On the other hand, modern market mechanisms lead to consolidation of the basic players of the given segment – to creation of the groups of companies investing large means in research and development of new generation of polymeric composite materials.
The bases for wide introduction of polymeric composite materials in various segments of the market are caused by a complex of their unique properties defining possibility of wide application: the high it is stress-strain characteristics, corrosion firmness in natural atmospheric conditions, and also good stability to influence of acid and alkaline environments, chemically active substances, a number of other operational characteristics. In a combination to high durability composite materials provide to power designs high operational reliability and durability that besides traditional scopes (aircraft and astronautics) is the extremely actual in designs of a building and road infrastructure and, in particular, bridge constructions, and also in other sectors of the industry
(shipbuilding, a fuel and energy complex, motor industry, the sport industry, consumer goods, etc.).
It is possible to notice that the weight of the plane without fuel and a pay load approximately twice is less than weight of the equipped plane, including about 30 % it is necessary on various designs of a glider. Weight reduction of these designs thanks to polymeric composite materials allows to reduce engine dimensions, the sizes of plumage and etc. that leads to decrease in weight of the plane, and accordingly, and the fuel expense. Decrease in weight of constructional materials of all on 1 kg leads to decrease in lump of the plane on 3-7 kg. Use of composite materials in manufacture of planes allows to vary flexibly designing conditions, and also to lower a total cost of a product on 20-30 % at the expense of reduction of power inputs, increases capacity ratio, reduction of total of operations, decrease in expenses at machining (details are made practically at size), etc.
Working out of rather cheap methods of mass production will lead in the near future to that various composite materials, and, first of all, carbon fiber composites, will receive wide application in motor industry. Thanks to already designated advantages by decrease in weight of the car first of all, the economy of fuel, and accordingly, and increase of ecological compatibility of motor transport is reached. For increase of profitability of the car on 0,0042 km/l it is necessary to lower its
weight approximately on 7 kg. By means of replacement of details from a steel and pig-iron on a detail from carbon fiber composites, fibreglasses and other constructional polymeric materials probably to lower weight of cars approximately on 320 kg.
Polymeric composite materials allow to create case designs seldom supported with a set modern, including high-speed courts, combining the same advantages, as to aviation designs.
Besides, creation of large-sized elements in shipbuilding from PCM does not demand welding application that also reduces cost of manufacturing of products not less than on 10 % and raises reliability of their operation. Creation of modern bathymetrical off-shore means is almost impossible without use of composite materials. The analysis of dependence of possible depth of immersing from constructive characteristics of the device reveals advantages high-strength and high-modulus composites. High shock-absorbing ability of last, combined with high physic-mechanical characteristics, leads to reduction of overloads of such difficult technical systems. The small density of materials at maintenance of fire safety allows to apply them in architecture of a surface part of courts of all types that promotes stability improvement, reduction of a radar-tracking visibility of courts, simplification of operation of the case.
Presently the power problem connected with use of classical kinds of the electric power which development demands considerable raw expenses has globally become aggravated and causes deterioration of an ecological situation in the world. In this connection also necessity of development of independent energy sources constantly grows. Inexhaustible wind power can become a part of the decision of a global power problem. During the last years the quantity of the developed energy with application of the given technology has increased in tens times. However at present in the world with use of wind turbine than 1 % of the electric power though according to the experts this figure should reach 15 % is developed only a little more.
Besides, for last 15 years at manufacturing of blades of turbines for wind turbine its sizes about 23 m to 45 m and even to 90 m have essentially increased, the longest blades weigh today to
18 tons everyone that causes of application of new materials for manufacturing of blades so that they became much easier and thus stronger and durable in operation. PCM, applied at manufacturing of "wind-driven generators" satisfy, etc. to the important requirement – their cost less in comparison with traditionally used alloys of metals.
Energy of wind turbines has the lowest cost in comparison with cost of energy of all renewed sources. Foreign experts (the British Association of wind energy) have calculated that modern cost of development of energy of 1 kW makes approximately 2,5 pence (0,50 RUB) that corresponds to cost of energy from the stations working on coal. Transition to development of the electric power with the help of wind turbine with the general capacity 1,75 mW, providing with an electricity approximately 1000 houses, will lower emission in atmosphere СО
on 2000 tons.
High stability PCM to corrosive attacks, the equal and dense surface of products received at formation allow to refuse in some cases coloring and in the near future will define the leading part of these materials in the building industry. Already today abroad from total amount of manufacture
PCM (about 8 million tons/years for the sum about 59 billion Euro) 30 % go for use in building. On the average volume weight PCM in 2 times is less, than aluminum and in 5-8 times has less, than at a steel, copper, lead. Strength at compression and stretching PCM are high enough and surpass in this respect many building materials of silicate group (a brick, concrete). As a whole the complex of properties of building materials can be described in factor of constructive quality which for a bricklaying makes 0,02 (lowest of all building materials), at cement concrete of mark 150 - 0,06, there were Item marks 3 - 0,5, pines - 0,7, duralumin - 1,6, composite designs - 2,2. Thus, on factor of constructive quality polymeric composite materials are unsurpassed till now. Introduction in building of materials with high factor of constructive quality predetermines the correct decision of one of its basic problems - weight reduction of buildings and constructions, increase in terms of their operation and between-repairs service.
On an example of bridge constructions it is possible to notice that application PCM does them much easier Ferro-concrete is allows to erect them quickly and practically without breaking a traffic. At rather higher cost (now) initial materials on expenses for all period of operation the bridge from PCM to become is more competitive, than traditional. Usual bridges demand major repairs through 15 — 20 years while the bridge made with application PCM is ideal for long-term use. By expert estimations term of operation of such constructions will make till 50 years without repair as the used material is not subject to corrosion.
For example, as has shown foreign experiment of creation and operation of bridge designs from polymeric composite materials, their efficiency is defined by reduction of terms of building, the big warranty periods and increase in reserve maintenance periods. Use of polymeric composite materials in bridge constructions will ensure qualitatively new durable designs that will be reflected in the general condition of a road and city infrastructure.
Besides, by expert estimations at replacement, for example, pig-iron protections from PCM cost of installation works is reduced to designs with 13 200 to 2 500 rubles for running meter, shipping expenses – with 880 to 50 rubles/items of m, expenses at operation – with 8 200 to 1 300 rubles/items of m. In comparison with similar metal pipes, pipes from a composite material have also a number of advantages: service life without major repairs in 2-2,5 times longer, than at metal pipes; small relative density of a composite material and high factory readiness of designs allows to simplify essentially installation and to reduce its duration several times; absence of corrosion processes in the conditions of a tropical climate and in environments of exhaust gases at any modes and fuel kinds; Water resistance, and also low heat conductivity of a composite material allow to reduce working costs at the expense of period increase between renewal of coloring of a surface in comparison with metal pipes.
Composite materials will find more and more application in land building. Repair of bridges (a carbon fabric, lamellas), building of lamella bridges (anchor roost), reinforcing of constructions in quake-prone regions, strengthening of high-rise constructions and difficult engineering designs. Considering numerous advantages – ease of a design, durability of operation, non-exposure corrosion, ecological compatibility, the big freedom for designing – becomes Russia obvious requirement for composite materials of a domestic production.
The description of planned (expected) results of functioning of a technological platform.
In short-term prospect realization of actions of operating federal target programs is supposed, including: development existing and creation of new capacities (a full cycle) on release of carbon fibrous materials with indicators of durability of a fiber at a stretching to 4,5-5 hPa; creation of new generation of highly nonrigid binding on working temperatures to 180
С; development of modern base technological processes (calibrated prepregs, nonautoclave technologies, mechanical processing and connection). And also creation of an educational, scientific and test infrastructure, standard base for carrying out of researches, qualifications of polymeric composite materials according to the international requirements; definition of "perspective shape» sectors on long-term prospect (20-30 years); modeling and study of the concept of perspective projects.
In intermediate term prospect (for 2011-2015) – working out of the concept of full life cycle PCM; creation of large-capacity manufacture of carbon fibers with maintenance of competitive prices and characteristics; working out of new technological and design approaches; development of an industrial infrastructure; development at designing and in the industry of new digital technologies and IT decisions at manufacturing of designs from PCM; introduction in the industry of new technologies and materials; creation of manufacture and the market of consumption
PCM of the wide nomenclature.
As long-term results (for the period till 2020) realizations of a national technological platform should be noted: full-scale introduction in manufacture of products of new materials and technologies;
maintenance of support of full life cycle of products from PCM; development of manufacture and the market of consumption PCM; creation of a scientific and technical reserve, formation and development of the industrial critical and base technologies providing manufacture of perspective products (military and civil appointment) the various industries corresponding to world level 2020-
Besides, it is supposed to provide the complex approach in the organization of educational activity by preparation and retraining of profile experts of engineering, scientific structure, professional working and administrative shots on lines of activity of the Technological platform.
As a result of realization of the Technological platform «New polymeric composite materials and technologies» new principles of activity and interaction of the educational, scientific organizations, the industrial enterprises and the business structures directed on creation of essentially new generation of polymeric composite materials, technologies of their manufacture and the organization realization is planned for territories of the Russian Federation of new workplaces at modernization existing or creation of the new manufacturing enterprises using offered technologies.
Thus level of planned results at the first stage assumes liquidation of backlog from world level in the field of polymeric composite materials at the expense of the decision of local technological problems to similarly works spent at world level, and further maintenance of competitiveness of
Russian production in the world market, with leadership on separate technologies. Production principal views, on working out which (perfection) activity of the Technological platform is directed assume their application in various branches of economy, providing reception of direct and indirect social and economic effect.
The basic expected result of the Technological platform «New polymeric composite materials and technologies» – a gain of 10-15 % (instead of current 3 %) the world market of manufacture and sale of details and designs from polymeric composite materials.
Proposals specified by the Technological Platform «Materials and technologies of the metallurgy» are focused on the use of the domestic sources of raw-material and unified throughout various areas of engineering. They are featured with simplicity and economic efficiency in comparison with technologies existing in our country and abroad. The offered proposals are suitable for the subsequent commercialization providing creation of economically effective and competitive hi-tech domestic production.
Realization of the tasks in view allows one to create additional workplaces since it will require settlement of specialized bays and production processes for preparation and processing of initial components, semiproducts and also for manufacturing of parts and units of advanced products and structures, including so-called "unmanned" completely automated shops in various industry branches. It will provide competitiveness of domestic hi-tech production in foreign and Russian markets.
It is necessary to note, that payback of investments in creation and development of hi-tech technologies for manufacturing alloys and steels with special properties, including complex protection systems and heat-resistant coatings is one of the highest. According to the evaluation of international experts, profitability of new technologies, which development is stipulated by the national Technological Platform, is with 40-60 % depending on regional salary/wages, costs of
electric power and energy carriers and taxation features. The term of repayment of investments in metallurgy (considering the whole industrial complex) does not exceed 3-5 years after putting production facilities into operation.
Available estimations show that in the developed countries from 50 % up to 90 % of GDP growth are caused by innovations and technological progress and innovations become an obligatory condition and the basic "motor" of development in all industry branches.
According to Rosstat’ data, 72.4 mln tons of steel (an increase by 2.2 % as compared with
2006), 3.9 mln tons of aluminium (an increase by 6 %), 982.7 thousands tons of copper (a decrease by 0.3 %), 280.7 thousands tons of nickel (a decrease by 0.8 %) and 19.8 thousands tons of titanium were produced in Russia in 2007.
The share of metallurgy in employment structure and in total volume of industrial output was increased 1.5 times during the last 15 years; its share in the income structure (financial result) of the industry was raised 6.5 times. The share of export of metals and metal products in Russian currency receipts was increased from 6 up to 20 percent, which is 3.4 times.
Forecasts of Ministry for Economics and Development for 2020 show, that domestic demand for metal will exceed existing production volumes. Besides of the above, there is a need for labor, power and transport resources to develop processing industries. At present, the above resources are engaged in metallurgy. Disengagement of the resources and satisfaction of the demand is possible on the basis of resource saving only. As it was predicted by the Ministry for Economics and Development, the peak of resource saving will be in 2015-2020.
It is supposed, that the following decrease in resource consuming will be provided: a reduction of steel consumption per one ton of rolled products - down to 1.1 ton; a decrease in consumption of concentrates of heavy nonferrous metals per one ton of finished products - down to
1.02 ton (in terms of metal); a decrease in power consumption of metallurgical conversion by 10-12
% in 2015, by 15-17 % in 2020 and in metal mining industry by 8-10 % in 2015 and by 14-17 % in
An innovative manufacture of nonferrous metals will allow one to raise their production by
43-44 % in 2020 as compared to the level of 2007.
The socio-economic benefits gained due to realization of the national Technological
Platform «Materials and technology of the metallurgy» can be presented in an integral form as an increase in volume of innovative production of the metallurgical complex of the Russian Federation.
Taking into account "the full" influence of technological modernization within 2010-2025 the above benefits will grow 2.06 times (as expressed in prices as for the year 2007). By 2025, material consumption will be decreased by 10-13 % in comparison with the basic scenario, which does not take into account the technological modernization. In 2025, the level of manufacture of hi-tech metal products will be approximately by 7-9 % higher than in the base variant.
Innovative development within 2015-2025 assumes creation of a principally new technological basis of the metallurgical complex (corresponding to a new level of public needs). It will be featured with integration of processes of structural material production (multi-component products) and processes of deformation and processing of metal products and their domination in metallurgy within the framework of the united technological scheme.
Predictable development of aviation- and shipbuilding, power engineering, automotive and railway transport engineering will cause an essential increase in demand for aluminium semiproducts, first of all in sector of mechanical engineering and metal working. By 2020, its share will increase up to 24 %; consumption will rise 2.8 times as compared with the level of 2007. It will be accompanied by an increase in demand for hi-tech products: large-sized aluminium plates
(including those for export deliveries to large aircraft constructing foreign companies such as
Boeing and Airbus) and die- and open forgings intended for such projects as regional plane Superjet
100, Ilyushin, Tupolev and others; aluminium drill pipes, including those for drilling ultra-deep wells with the purpose of further development of oil-and-gas industry, etc.
The tendency of an increasing demand for aluminium rolled products for manufacture of containers and packing, and also for extruded shaped products and rolled sheets for construction industry will be kept as annual growth of demand for aluminium shapes is 10-15 %. By 2020, demand for building-purposed aluminium shapes can increase 2.5 times up to 320 000 tons (130 00 tons - in 2007). The share of construction industry in the pattern of aluminium consumption will increase up to 25-27 %.
One of the major tasks of the development of the domestic market of aluminium building structures is the replacement of imported products with domestic ones. An increase of competitiveness of Russian products is connected with a drastic improvement of their quality due to the use of high-effective equipment and technologies allowing manufacture of structures of any complexity and within a wide color spectrum.
Taking the innovative scenario as a base, the total domestic demand for hi-tech aluminium products (including aluminium castings) will increase ~1.9 times by 2020 rising up to 1340 000 tons
(in comparison with 717 700 tons in 2007).
A dominant trend on the domestic market is the growth of production of stainless steels and superalloys. The main growth in nickel consumption intended for production of stainless steel and manufacture of hi-tech production from stainless and special steels is caused by realization of the
Federal Programs on development of mechanical engineering, atomic power engineering, oil- and gas production, chemical and food industries.
The key task is to cover the main part of domestic demand for various kinds of products from stainless and special steels with domestic materials (now their share on the market is less than
43 %). According to preliminary estimations, consumption volume of stainless steel in Russia will be increased up to 420 000 tons by 2012, up to 615 000 tons by 2015 and up to 740 000 tons by
2020 (in comparison with 278 000 tons in 2006, where import share was 57 % ). Total demand for nickel is supposed to be at the level of 30 000 tons in 2015 and 42 000 tons by 2020 (2.2 times higher than in 2007).
Aircraft construction is the largest and most actively developing market of titanium products. Its share in titanium consumption pattern is 49-52 %. More than double increase in consumption of titanium production for aircraft construction is supposed - up to 9800 tons by 2020
(it was 4200 tons in 2007).
An intensive growth of demand for titanium rolled products in other branches is expected during the time period till 2020.
The most intensive demand for titanium products is observed in power machine building which is closely connected with forthcoming comprehensive reconstruction of atomic power engineering. According to the plan for expansion in atomic power engineering till 2020, «Power
Strategy of Russia» stipulates construction of forty nuclear heat stations in Russia and sixty stations
- abroad.
It is supposed to enter six new blocks at operating nuclear stations (Rostov, Leningrad,
Tver’, Tomsk, Baltic) by 2015 and 26 nuclear blocks by 2020 (including those at the stations:
Leningrad - 1, Tver’ - 3, Tomsk - 1, Nizhniy Novgorod - 4, South-Ural - 4, Kostroma - 4, New-
Voronezh - 2, Kola - 4, Seaside - 2, Primorsk – 1). The share of atomic power engineering in the total amount of electric power generation in the Russian Federation will increase up to 20-25 % (at present it is 16 %). By 2020, demand for titanium rolled products intended for these purposes will increase up to 3 000 tons (3.5 times higher than in 2007); its share in total titanium consumption will reach 15 % (10.8 % in 2007).
The shipbuilding is also one of the most developing sectors of demand for titanium products purposed for manufacturing deep-water engineering, offshore engineering structures for extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons and minerals from under ocean floor deposits.
Realization of the Development Strategy of Russian shipbuilding till 2020 assumes an increase in demand for titanium products 2.7 times in comparison with the level of 2007 (from 1980 tons up to
5400 tons). The share of shipbuilding will increase from 24.8 % up to 27 % accordingly.
Total demand of the domestic market for hi-tech rolling titanium products will increase up to 20 thousand tons by 2020 exceeding the level of 2007 2.5 times and will reach the value of
58 000 tons taking into account export deliveries (27 600 tons in 2007). The share of deliveries on the domestic market will increase up to 35 % (as compared with 29 % in 2007).
It was predicted, that after 2011 investments into metallurgy will increase to provide high rates of innovative development with the purpose of conformity of the engineering and economic level of companies and their production to the world requirements regarding environmental safety.
Average annual investments into metallurgical industry (taking into account investments into metallurgy-purposed raw materials, coke, refractory materials and processing of scarps accompanied by scrap separation for the subsequent production of ferrous and nonferrous metals) are predicted in the following volumes: 150 billion rubles in 2009 - 2011 (96 billion rubles in ferrous metallurgy and 53 billion rubles in non-ferrous metallurgy), 190 billion rubles in 2012 -
2015 (117 billion rubles and 75 billion rubles respectively) and 210 billion rubles in 2016 - 2020
(125 billion rubles and 90 billion rubles respectively).
The investments will be basically formed via own funds of companies: depreciation charges, profits and dept capitals, such as credits of domestic and foreign banks, bonded loans, leasing of equipment and sales of shares.
Proportion of these sources will be defined by each company (enterprise) of metallurgical industry in view of its specific conditions.
Among all possible sources of investments (own and external) depreciation charges are the most favorable source in terms of its economic importance; their volume will constantly increase
with the process of saturation of the industry with new fixed assets.
Average annual investments into metallurgical industry formed due to own financing sources (depreciation charges and profits) reach 120 billion rubles in 2009 - 2011 year, 150 billion rubles in 2012 - 2015 and 162 billion rubles in 2016 - 2020.
In this case, the investments provided via profits (the share of which prevails now) will constantly decrease: from 59 % in 2009 - 2011 down to 53 % in 2012 - 2015 and down to 49 % in
2016 – 2020.
The share of investments via depreciation charges will increase respectively owing to an enactment of the Law on preferential amortization of fixed assets newly introduced into practice.
By 2020, labor productivity in this branch will increase by 50-60 % in comparison with that in 2007. As for highly skilled staff, the share of working population once again engaged after retraining (now it is estimated about 60 %) will increase up to 70 % in 2015 and up to 80 % in 2020.
It is supposed to create so many new workplaces as 10 000 in 2011, up to 2 0000 by 2015, and up to 40 000 by 2020.
The balanced financial result caused by the innovative development of metallurgy will increase from 780 billion rubles in 2007 up to 950 billion rubles in 2020 or by 21,8 %.
It is assumed, that application of the basic kinds of products (which development or upgrading is subjected to the scope of the Technological platform) in various industry branches provides direct and indirect socio-economic benefits.
The main expected result of the Technological Platform «Materials and technologies of the metallurgy» is 15 - 20 % gain of the world market of manufacture and sale of components and structures from alloys and steels of new generation .
Name of Technology Platform
Full name: «Development and commercialization of innovative energy efficient and resource-saving technologies of complex development of solid minerals deposits and management of flows of natural and anthropogenic mineral materials, its deep processing to create products with high added value.
Short name: «Technology Platform on Solid Minerals» (TP SM).
Short description of prospective tasks and main results of technology platform establishment
The aim of the technology platform is the development, commercialization and implementation of energy efficient and resource-saving technologies providing an increasing of products added value, expansion of the mineral resource base, improvement of labour productivity, improvement of products competitiveness in sectors of Russian Federation economy related to mining and processing of solid minerals.
One of the key priorities of the technology platform on solid minerals are technologies of raw materials deep processing followed by the re-equipment of domestic processing plants with
R&D-based technologies.
Short-term objectives:
Communication and actions integration of interested parties (business, production, science, education) on the basis of existing technical and technological solutions;
Development of data bank for innovative ideas and solutions for business according to prospective and priority development directions;
Medium-term objectives:
Organisation of high-tech import-substitution equipment (including localization of import equipment production in Russian Federation) for the industries of solid minerals extraction and processing;
Implementation of innovative technologies and organization of production with high added value by the industries of solid minerals;
Development and deployment of the modern monitoring systems of solid minerals extraction, processing and complex use;
Development and implementation of efficient management arrangements for deployment of innovative technologies on the enterprises engaged in solid minerals deposits mining and solid minerals deep processing.
Long-run objectives:
Energy efficiency improvement of extraction, processing and complex use of solid minerals, current and previously stockpiled mining wastes by means of breakthrough technologies;
Modernisation and development of mining machinery in the field of extraction and deep processing of solid minerals;
Replication of innovative technologies of comprehensive exploitation of mineral resources, deep processing and complex use of solid minerals (including production residues) in
Russia and access to foreign markets.
The level of planned results:
Achievement of the global leading scientific-technological and economic positions by the industries of solid minerals of Russian Federation.
Significant advance on the global level in several areas of scientific and technological research in the area of extraction and deep processing of solid minerals.
Main areas of technology platform expected performance :
Development Strategy of Russian mineral resources sector: energy efficiency improvement and ensuring of resource-saving, industrial and environmental safety in the mining industries;
Technologies of comprehensive exploitation of solid minerals resources;
Technologies of efficient use of raw material potential of natural and anthropogenic placers and residual soil deposits;
Technologies of formation and exploitation of anthropogenic structures in the comprehensive exploitation of solid minerals resources;
Technologies of formation and quality management of natural and anthropogenic mineral raw materials flows, including technologies of renewable energy sources use;
Technologies of deep processing of solid minerals;
Re-equipment of solid minerals mining and processing enterprises;
Geoinformative support of mining technologies;
Technologies aimed at ensuring of environmental and industrial safety, sustainability and operational risks of mining facilities;
Professional development of highly qualified staff, training and retraining of specialists deploying new technologies in the industrial production.
Short description of markets and sectors of economy, on which an impact of technologies developed by Technology Platform is expected:
− prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits;
− mining;
− metallurgy;
− mining of raw materials for chemical industries (fertilizers production and other);
− electrochemical industry;
− glass industry;
− hydrogen economy;
− nuclear power;
− electronic industry;
− coal-based power utilities and renewable energy power plants;
− oil-refining industry;
− aircraft industry;
− automotive industry;
− space industry;
− medicine;
− construction industry (production of construction materials);
− construction of highways and railroads;
− machinery (development of new types of equipment for mining, processing and transportation and use of solid minerals);
− agriculture (use of revegetated areas of closed mines and open pits; use of mine water for agricultural needs);
− defence industry;
− environmental safety (liquidation of negative ecological effects of mining activities; forecasting of dangerous situations in the areas of mining activities);
− R&D and design organisations;
− educational organisations;
− housing and communal services (use of thermal coal, briquetted thermal coal, energy gas, fuel oil; use of renewable heat and power sources for mining industry needs; mine water recycling).
Coordinator of Technology Platform on Solid Minerals:
OJSC «Siberian Coal Energy Company» is the coordinator of Technology Platform on
Solid Minerals (OJSC «SUEK»).
List of participants of Technology Platform on Solid Minerals:
Initiators of Technology Platform on Solid Minerals:
Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian
Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Mining Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Saint-Petersburg State Mining University,
Skochinsky Institute of Mining,
Mining Institute of the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Metallurgy Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
• «Mineral Nano-Technology» Ltd.,
• Institute of Natural Science of Perm State University
Ural State Mining University,
• «Experimental Plant» Ltd.,
• OJSC «Russian Leading Research Institute of chemical technology» of State
Corporation Rosatom (VNIIHT).
Participants of Technology Platform on Solid Minerals:
More than 100 enterprises, occupied in the mining sector, including:
OJSC «Polyus Gold»,
State Atomic Energy Corporation «ROSATOM»,
OJSC MMC «Norilsk Nickel»,
OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» (NLMK),
CJSC «PhosAgro AG»,
«URALCHEM holding» P.L.C.,
PSC «VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation»,
«UMMC Holding» Ltd. (UGMK),
OJSC Severstal Resources
OJSC «Kuzbassrazrezugol Holding company»,
OJSC «Uchalinsky GOK»,
OJSC «Siberian Business Union - Coal»,
OJSC «Uralkali»,
OJSC «Silvinit»,
JSC «Chelyabinsk Tube-Rolling Plant» (ChelPipe),
OJSC «Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works»
SIBUR Holding JSC,
JSC «Krastsvetmet»,
OJSC «Mineral and Chemical Company «EuroChem»,
OJSC «Tulachermet»,
OJSC «MMC «Dalpolimetall»,
OJSC «Primorsky GOK»,
More than 80 research institutes, universities, design organizations, including:
Skochinsky Institute of Mining,
Saint-Petersburg State Mining University,
Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian
Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Mining Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Mining of the North of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of
Institute of Coal Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Mining of the Ural
Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Metallurgy Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Mining Institute of the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Natural Science of Perm State University,
Ural State Mining University,
OJSC «Russian Leading Research Institute of chemical technology» of State
Corporation Rosatom (VNIIHT),
Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Solid Fuel Preparation Institute»,
Moscow State Mining University,
Institute of Mining Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Chemistry Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences,
OJSC «Uralgiproshaht»,
Baykov Institute of Metallurgy and Science of Materials,
Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
«SPb-Giproshakht» Ltd.,
Yakutniproalmaz Research and Design Institute,
Geological Research and Exploration Enterprise (located in Mirny),
Research-and-production company «Russian rare metals»,
Federal State Unitary Enterprise «GIPROTSVETMET»,
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University,
National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»,
Federal State Unitary Enterprise «GINTSVETMET State Research Center of
Russian Federation»,
OJSC «Kuzbassgiproshaht»,
Far Eastern State Technical University,
National Research Atomic University «MIFI»,
Near 30 enterprises from machinery, engineering, geological, high-tech segments, including:
«Mineral Nano-Technology» Ltd.,
«Experimental Plant» Ltd.,
OJSC «OMZ Group»,
OJSC «Uralmashplant» (Machine-Building Corporation),
OJSC Research-and-production company «Ural Freight Car Plant»,
OJSC «United Machinery Technologies»,
OJSC «Ural Motor Plant»,
Research and Engineering Corporation «MEKHANOBR-TEKHNIKA»,
Federal State Unitary Enterprise «UralTransMash»,
«Siberian Industrial Holding» Ltd. (located in Ekaterinburg),
«Itomak» (Pty) Ltd. (located in Novosibirsk),
«Geoline» Ltd. (located in Perm),
OJSC «Permgeolnerud»,
Concern «Nedra»,
OJSC «Uralmekhanobr»,
OJSC «Ural geological survey expedition» (located in Ekaterinburg),
«Sovmash» Ltd.,
«Ural - Techreserve» Company» Ltd.,
Coordinator of Technology Platform contact information:
Legal and Postal addresses of Technology Platform Coordinator:
Coordinator: OJSC «Siberian Coal Energy Company» (OJSC «SUEK»)
Registered address: 29 Serebryanicheskaya embankment, Moscow 109028, Russian
Postal address: 29 Serebryanicheskaya embankment, Moscow 109028, Russian Federation
Official web-site:
Phone contacts:
Coordinator Name
Vice-CEO, Member of the Management Board,
Strategy and Corporate
Development Director
Contact information
Technological directions
Technologies oil recovery, gas, gas-condensate, helium and other gases.
Technologies of extraction, preparation, processing, transport, use of passing oil gas and liquefied natural gas.
The equipment for prospecting works, technologies of carrying out of new kinds of seismic prospecting, program complexes for increase of accuracy of forecasts.
The new equipment for drilling of chinks. New technologies, materials, reagents for drilling and building of chinks.
The new pump equipment for the oil recovery, new, power effective installations for extraction and transport of oil, gas, multiphase systems.
New technologies, reagents, the equipment, mathematical algorithms of hydrorupture of a layer.
New technologies, reagents, the equipment, mathematical algorithms of processes of an intensification of oil recovery, gas and gas condensate.
The equipment for research of chinks.
New technologies, reagents, the equipment, mathematical algorithms of processes of increase of oil recovery factor of a layer.
New technologies, reagents, the equipment, mathematical algorithms of processes of working out and oil recovery and gas on a shelf.
Extraction of hydrocarbons from nonconventional sources (Bazhenov formation, very heavy crude oil, slate and coal gas, gas hydrate).
Use of hydrocarbon gases in aircraft and transport
The short description of prospective problems and the basic results of creation of a technological platform
As a result of functioning ТП will be developed and introduced:
- Technologies oil recovery, gas, gas condensate, helium and other gases.
- Technologies of extraction, preparation, processing, transport, use of passing oil gas and liquefied natural gas.
- The equipment for prospecting works, technologies of carrying out of new kinds of seismic prospecting, program complexes for increase of accuracy of forecasts.
- The new equipment for drilling of chinks. New technologies, materials, reagents for
drilling and building of chinks.
- The new pump equipment for the oil recovery, new, power effective installations for extraction and transport of oil, gas, multiphase systems.
- New technologies, reagents, the equipment, mathematical algorithms of hydro-rupture of a layer.
- New technologies, reagents, the equipment, mathematical algorithms of processes of an intensification of oil recovery, gas and gas condensate.
- The equipment for research of chinks.
- New technologies, reagents, the equipment, mathematical algorithms of processes of increase of oil recovery factor of a layer.
- New technologies, reagents, the equipment, mathematical algorithms of processes of working out and oil recovery and gas on a shelf.
- Extraction of hydrocarbons from nonconventional sources (Bazhenov formation, very heavy crude oil, slate and coal gas, gas hydrate).
- Use of hydrocarbon gases in aircraft and transport.
The short description of the markets and economy sectors on which influence of the technologies developed within the limits of a technological platform is supposed
The market of technologies developed within the limits of technological platforms are the thermal power station enterprises, oil and gas service on objects of the Russian Federation, the CIS countries, the developing countries, the developed countries.
1. Description of Technological Platform (TP)
Deep Conversion of Hydrocarbon Resources (DCHR)
3. List of main companies and organizations engaged in origination of the Technological
1) Higher School of Economics
2) Rusnano State Corporation
3) Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCP
2. Technological Platform coordinator
4) Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, RAS (Moscow)
5) Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch (SB) RAS (Novosibirsk)
6) Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing, SB RAS (Omsk)
7) N. S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, RAS
8) Institute of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry of the Republic of Bashkortostan
9) Institute of Organic Chemistry, RAS (Moscow)
10) Institute of Organic Chemistry, SB RAS (Novosibirsk)
11) Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, SB RAS
12) Siberian Federal University
13) Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
14) St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University
15) Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk)
16) Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University (MSU)
17) Faculty of Physical Chemistry, MSU
18) Oil and Gas Center of MSU
19) Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology (MITHT)
20) Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
21) A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry
22) Kazan Scientific Center of RAS
23) Kazan State University
24) Irkutsk State Technical University
25) Kazan State Technological University
26) National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
27) University of Manchester
28) Southern Federal University
29) Far Eastern Federal University
30) Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, SB RAS
31) Moscow State University of Technology and Management
32) Ukhta State Technical University
33) Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
34) TGU (Tomsk)
35) TGTU (Tomsk)
38) ОАО GrozNII
ОАО Gazprom - ОАО Sibur Holding
ОАО Gazprom - ОАО Gazpromneft - Omsk Refinery
ОАО Gazprom - ОАО Gazpromneft - ОАО Moscow Refinery
42) ОАО Rosneft - ОАО Novokuybyshevsk Refinery
ОАО Rosneft - ООО Novokuybyshevsk Catalyst Plant
ОАО Rosneft - ОАО Angarsk Petrochemical Company
45) ОАО Rosneft - ОАО Angarsk Catalyst & Organic Synthesis Plant
ОАО Tatneft
48) ОАО Bashneft
ГК Titan (Omsk)
ОАО Tobolskneftekhim
ОАО Acron
55) ZАО Kuybyshevazot
ОАО Togliattiazot
ОАО Sayanskkhimplast
ОАО Kaustik
ОАО Plastkard (Volgograd)
ООО Saratovorgsintez
ООО NIAP-Katalizator (Novomoskovsk)
ОАО Lukoil
64) ОАО Katalizator
ООО Branan
4. Brief description of assigned tasks and main results of the Technological Platform origination
The Technological Platform goal is concentration of intellectual assets, financial resources and administrative facilities aimed at arrangement of conditions for technological modernization and significant competitiveness rise in the areas of oil refining and gas processing, petrochemical and organic synthesis industry through prompt introduction of advanced and, among other things,
“breakthrough” processes and technologies for refining various kinds of carbon-bearing feedstock
(hydrocarbon resources), developing high-tech innovation-focused plants of full-cycle production.
The Technological Platform tasks are as follows:
Short-term tasks
Formation of mechanisms of TP DCHR functioning.
Foresight in the area of deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources.
Development and start of pilot-mode implementation of a Strategic
Research Program (hereinafter SRP), which shall provide deciding medium- and long-term priorities in carrying-out of research and development, formation of scientific-production cooperation mechanisms.
Development and start of pilot-mode implementation of a Program for
Introduction of Advanced Technologies (hereinafter PIAT) in the area of deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources to define various mechanisms and sources of funding, commitments of Technological
Platform participants.
Development and start of pilot-mode implementation of training programs.
Elaboration of proposals with a view to improvement of regulation in the scientific technological and innovation field.
Medium-term tasks
Support of TP DCHR organization enhancement.
Implementation of SRP. Origination of competitive technologies in the area of deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources. Buildup of engineering and pilot infrastructure to provide carrying-out of applied research and development.
Implementation of PIAT. Introduction of most promising new technologies in the area of deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources.
Implementation of training programs. Enhancement of staff potential in the area of deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources and support of scientific & educational centers.
Updating of proposals with a view to improvement of regulation in the scientific technological and innovation area.
Long-term tasks
Buildup of a complex of new technologies for deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources in order to launch output of high-tech products.
Comprehensive modernization of chemical, oil-refining and petrochemical facilities for the purpose of transition of oil-refining and petrochemical industry to an essentially new state-of-the-art.
Strengthening of competitive positions of Russian products in domestic and foreign markets.
Results of the Technological Platform origination
Short-term results
Medium-term results
Long-term results
Provision of communication infrastructure to consolidate interests of a wide circle of concerned parties.
Foresight into scientific and technological advancement in the area of deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources.
SRP, which provides deciding medium- and long-term priorities in carrying-out of research and development, building of scientificproduction cooperation mechanisms.
PIAT in the area of deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources to define mechanisms and sources of funding, commitments of Technological
Platform participants.
Training programs in the area of deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources.
Package of proposals with a view to improvement of regulation in the scientific technological and innovation field.
Efficient mechanisms of scientific-production cooperation among scientific, applied, design organizations, business community in the area of origination of new processes and catalysts for oil refining, petrochemical and organic synthesis to provide engagement of public and private funding sources.
Efficient models of public private partnership in the area of origination of new processes for oil & gas chemistry, petrochemical and industrial organic synthesis, development and production of new catalysts with regard to opinions of all concerned parties: state, industry, science community, regulatory authorities, users, and consumers and dissemination of expertise.
Engineering and pilot infrastructure for development of new processes, making, testing and production of up-to-date catalysts of oil refining and petrochemistry both for existing processes of refining of carbon-bearing feedstock and for bra nd new, “breakthrough” processes (including statof-the-art basis of pilot and experimental plants to test processes and catalysts, demonstration plants for proposed processes, semicommercial catalyst production lines).
Mechanism of stocking a portfolio of projects most topical for the industry and formation of scientific-production chains suitable for project implementation, deciding possible consortiums to resolve strategic issues most important for the industry.
Competitive domestic technologies in the area of deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources to develop output of high-tech products.
Revamped and new production facilities based on elaborated
technologies in the area of deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources.
Significant rise in domestic market share of high-quality chemical and petrochemical deep-conversion products made by Russian manufacturers.
Significant rise in export of petrochemical and refined petroleum products with a high added value.
5. Brief description of markets and economy sectors that are supposed to be influenced by technologies developed within the scope of Technological Platform
Economy sectors supposed to be influenced by technologies developed within the scope of
Technological Platform are as follows:
- Oil refining and motor fuel production (primary and secondary oil refining, production of feedstock for petrochemistry and motor fuels). The world’s total volume of primary market comes to about 5.8 billion t of crude primary refining; with about 1.4 billion t of deeper conversion aimed at production of fuels and feedstock for petrochemistry; about 2.2 billion t of hydro-upgrading, about 800 million t of gasoline production. Russia’s oil refining capacity is about 236 million t per annum. The gasoline market is about 35 million t., diesel market, 69 million t. With regard to adopted process regulations, the vast majority of fuels produced cannot be used and shall be considered as feedstock for production of ecological fuels.
- Chemical processing of natural and associated gases. Worldwide, 5% of natural gas is used to obtain products (110 billion m
per annum). Staple product of the industry is methanol with output over 45 million t. In Russia, only 1.5% of produced gas is used in oil & gas chemistry. To date, the main part of gas chemical processing is accounted for by recovery of hydrogen, ammonia (nitrogen industry), carbamide and, to a lesser extent, methanol. The nitrogen industry comprises about 25% products of the country’s entire chemical industry.
- Petrochemical synthesis industry (petrochemistry (output of petrochemical products)). Primary is production of feedstock for petrochemistry: ethylene, propylene, higher olefins, aromatic monomers, etc. Based on them, a wide range of product groups is being obtained that can be considered as TP target markets. Russia plays minor role in the world’s output of petrochemical products (its share in ethylene production is 2.6%), though country’s demand for such products is grate and increases with GDP rise.
- Industry of polymers and polymeric materials. Worldwide, it is one of the most advanced industries. In Russia, it accounts for 35% of the country’s entire chemical complex.
- Branch of industrial organic synthesis. This branch uses petrochemical products to fabricate end products of higher process stages, such as detergents, lube oil components, plasticizers, solvents, chemicals for agriculture, etc. In Russia, this industry accounts for about 8%.
- Related industries and, first of all, catalyst industry. It includes production of catalysts for all above-mentioned processes. For oil refining alone, the total output of catalysts is about 400 thousand t
(which amounts to over 3.5 billion USD) and will near 450 thousand t in 2015. Catalysts for chemical processes are produced at the rate of about 200 thousand t annually.
Introduction of the results will lead to development of new technologies and growth of demand in such sectors of the economy as construction, machine building and to elaboration of production control systems.
Introduction of new technologies will make it possible to apply their results in other sectors, such as energy, pharmaceutics, fine organic synthesis.
6. Information on expected lines of cooperation with foreign companies and organizations
Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) is an organization established specially for performing its activity in this field in cooperation with scientific organizations of the Netherlands and European companies. Within the framework of the technological platform activity a collaboration with TNO is intended to develop and implement an innovation process for chemical processing of associated gas to produce an analogue of straight-run gasoline and natural gas conversion into olefins.
Chevron Lummus Global is one of the leading engineering companies in oil-refining.
Collaboration with this company is connected with developing a new process for heavy petroleum residue conversion using engineering knowledge of the company.
The technology platform “Technologies of mechatronics, embedded control systems, radio-frequency identification and robot-building” (hereinafter referred to as the “technology platform”) is a Russian network bringing together researchers, education, industry and other relevant stakeholders in the field of:
embedded control systems;
radio-frequency identification;
technologies of mechatronics and robot-building; in order to foster Russian research and development in the concerned areas.
The mission of the technology platform is to become a communication instrument, consolidating state-run enterprises, academic science, higher educational institutions and commercial sector in the concerned areas, as well as to shape partnerships among the members of the technology platform aimed at cooperative research and development projects and commercialization of their results.
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)
Legal address: 1A building 1 Kerchenskaya Str., Moscow, Russia, 117303
De facto address: 9 Institutsky lane, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia, 141700
Contact person: Konstantin Zaytsev, Vice-Principal on Innovative Development and
E-mail: :
Office tel.: +7 (495) 408-64-54
Open joint-stock company “RUSNANO”
Legal address: 12A Nametkina Str., Moscow, 117420
De facto address: 10A Prospekt 60-letia Oktyabrya, Moscow, Russia, 117036
Contact person: Georgy Kolpachev, Managing Director of a Business Unit
Office tel.: +7 (495) 988-53-88, доб. 1644
Russian State Scientific Center of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, RTC
Legal address: 21, Tikhoretsky prospect, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 194064
De facto address: 21, Tikhoretsky prospect, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 194064
Contact person: Victor Kirichenko, Deputy Director
Office tel.: +7 (812) 552-4521
Among the members of the technology platform there are
about 40 industrial enterprises, including Sitronics, Intel, Honeywell, АВВYY,
Rosneft, and others;
more than 30 research organizations, including Keldysh Research Center,
TSNIIMASH, Concern Central Scientific and Research Institute "ELEKTROPRIBOR" and others;
more than 30 higher educational institutions, including Bauman Moscow State
Technical University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics
(Moscow) and others.
Navigation and motion control;
Robot-building, mechatronics and operational units;
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technologies;
Communication technologies;
Microprocessor-based electronics and “system-on-a-chip”;
Information processing technologies, software for embedded control systems and technologies of its development
2. Coordinator of the technology platform: Russian Electronics, JSC
Information on coordinating agency
1. Agency full registered name Russian Electronics, JCS
2. Legal/postal address
3. Phone (fax)
4. E-mail
5. Official web-site
12, Kosmonavt Volkov str., Moscow
8 (495) 229-03-60 (229-03-79) www.
5. Name and position of agency head
6. Person in charge of drawing-up of a technology platform application form in the coordinating agency
Zverev Andrey Vladimirovich, Director
Kochnev Alexander Mikhailovich,
Deputy Director General,
(495) 229-03-71, 916-244-85-44
3. List of participants of technology platform
Russian Electronics, JCS
Concern "Orion", JCS
Research & Production Corporation "Istok", FSUE
Research & Production Corporation "Almaz", FSUE
Research & Production Corporation "Toriy", FSUE
Radio Engineering Corporation "Vega", JCS
Concern "Almaz-Antey", JCS
Concern "Sozvezdie", JCS
Vladikinsky Mechanical Plant, JCS
Research & Production Corporation " Pulsar ", FSUE
State Plant "Pulsar" , FSUE
Svetlana, JSC
Svetlana-Rost, CJSC
Research & Production Corporation "Kontakt", JCS
Spetsmagnit, FSUE
Scientific research institute of semi-conductor devices, JCS
Scientific Research Institute of microelectronic devices "Progress", FSUE
Television scientific research institute, FSUE
Vekshinski Scientific Research Institute of Vacuum Technology, FSUE
KB "Ikar", JCS
Central Scientific Research Institute of Measuring Equipment, JCS
Research-and-production firm "Incet", CJCS
Kozitski Plant, CJCS
Meteor plant, JSC
Tantal, JSC
Special Konstruktorsko-Technological Bureau Relay Techniques, JCS
Novelkom, LLC
Institute of Superhigh-Frequency Semi-Conductor Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" (ETU)
Moscow state technical institute of radio engineering, electronics and automatics
National research nuclear university "MEPhI"
Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
Research & Production Corporation "Salut", FSUE
Scientific Research Institute "Ferrit-Domen", JCS
"Pluton", JCS
NP "Faza", JCS
Institute of radio electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Lomonosov Moscow State University
National Research University Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology
Concern "RTI Systemi", JCS
Concern "Morinformsystema-Agat", JCS
Research & Production Corporation "Radar-MMS", JCS
NPF "Information and network technologies", CJCS
Germanium, JCS
Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)
Saint-Petersburg State University
Tomsk Polytechnic University
Ryazan Metal Ceramics Instrumentation Plant, JCS
Research-and-production enterprise of the equipment of systems of telecommunications,
The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
St.-Petersburg State University of information technology, mechanics and optics
St.-Petersburg institute of exact mechanics and optics
Dipol, JCS
Russian institute of powerful broadcasting, JCS
Priboy, JCS
Information telecommunication technologies, JCS
Elecard, CJCS
Svyazinvest, JCS
4. Major objectives and supposed results of technology platform creation
Major objectives:
determination of promising directions for the development of microwave technologies and products providing for substantial improvement of qualitative characteristics of microwave products and global leadership for Russian products and technologies;
implementation of integrated approach to solving problems from microwave technologies engineering to implementation thereof in microwave appliances, units and devices in compliance with customer requirements.
The following results are planned to obtain owing to creation of “Microwave technologies” technology platform:
obtain a control system for engineering and manufacturing microwave equipment providing for global leadership of Russian scientific engineering potential in the field of microwave technologies;
focus the scientific engineering potential and financial investments on engineering of breakthrough technologies, implementation of promising and breakthrough projects in the field of microwave technologies and elaboration of innovative products competitive on domestic and foreign markets;
provide conditions for substantial reduction of microwave equipment production cost due to mass implementation of elaborated technologies.
5. Markets and sectors of economy, which are supposed to be influenced by technologies being developed within the scope of the technology platform
The main segments of the market of nondefense products produced within the scope of
“Microwave technologies” technology platform are:
1. High-speed information and telecommunications systems: mobile communications, cognitive programmable distributed radio systems, digital television, data transmission systems, wireless modems, navigation systems. Market size is 10–12 bln RUR/year.
2. Air, sea and land transport safety systems: friend-or-foe identification systems, air traffic control systems (airfield systems, en-route radars, weather conditions radars, anti-collision systems, traffic density analyzers). Market size is 15-18 bln RUR/year.
3. Objects radio frequency identification system: microwave devices for reading information from “marks” on transport vehicles, systems of tracking and control of freight containers, radio beacons (ships, tourists, animals, children). Market size is 10–13 bln RUR/year.
4. Health protection: medical apparatus for diagnostics and therapy, apparatus for stimulation and angenesis of skin and connective tissues, microwave treatment of large volumes of liquid and bulk substances in the course of production and transportation (grain, milk, alcoholic beverages, juices). Market size is 3–4 bln RUR/year.
The main sectors of economy , which are supposed to be influenced by technologies being developed within the scope of the technology platform are:
1. Establishment of high-speed wireless multichannel data transmission networks including: digital television, communication systems, state, public, municipal and commercial services, safety systems, systems of traffic and other information control.
2. Avionics and air traffic control.
3. Safety systems and objects radio frequency identification systems.
4. Automotive transport and traffic management systems.
5. Russian Railways.
6. Medical science.
7. Atomic power engineering.
8. Agricultural complex.
6. Information on prospective directions of cooperation with foreign companies and organizations
Joint applied researches and manufacture:
High-speed information and telecommunication systems: mobile communication systems, the programmed distributed radio systems, digital television, systems of data transmission, radio modems, navigating systems;
Innovative materials for manufacture of products of the microwave electronics;
Technological equipment for the microwave electronics;
Systems of radio-frequency identification of objects;
Medical equipment of diagnostics and therapy, equipment of stimulation and regeneration skin and connecting fabrics, microwave processing of great volumes of liquid and loose substances during of manufacture and transportation (grain, milk, alcoholic drinks, juice);
Workings out on compatibility of systems:
Safety air, sea and ground transport: systems of the State identification, a control system of air traffic (air field, route locators, meteolocators, systems of the prevention of collisions, analyzers of density of transport streams)ж
Radio-frequency identification of objects: microwave device of reading of the information of "labels" of vehicles, systems of support and control of cargo containers, radio beacons (vessels, tourists animals, children).
Technological and «know-how» transfer in the field of the microwave electronics and microwave technologies.
2. Co-ordinators: JSC “Concern “Morinformsistem-Agate”, JSC «United Shipbuilding
Corporation», JSC “Concern “Morskoe podvodnoye orugiye – Gidropribor”
3. The basic technological directions realised within the technological platform:
Technologies of the marine robotised systems:
Research and development of uninhabited underwater vehicles (robots);
Research and development of an underwater infrastructure for the marine robotised systems;
Research and development of operating structures, navigating maintenance and communication, information handling methods;
Technologies of rescue operations to make use of automatic systems;
Research and development of a complex of mobile and hardware-software means for tests on location of new samples of marine equipment and the robotised systems.
· Technologies natural resources development of the World ocean:
Research and development of the automated extraction and raw materials transportation;
Research and development of a complex of means for underwater-subglacial drilling of borehole;
Research and development of underwater pipelines and communication lines of new generation;
Research and development of the automated processes of reproduction of bioresources;
Research and development of the automated control of populations of marine organisms;
Research and development of marine bionics technologies.
· Information technologies and systems for development of the World ocean:
Research and development of the remote (automated) methods of the analysis of a status of the oceanic environment, including space communication facilities;
Research and development of the mobile and automated complexes for underwater tests;
Research and development of deep-water fixed installations, including underwater neutrino telescopes and power plants;
Research and development of systems and means of the automated control of underwater engineering procedures;
Research and development of new technologies of underwater connection and communications.
Research and development of marine engineering (perspective shipbuilding):
Research and development of manned devices and systems;
Research and development of new systems of marine transportation of hydrocarbonic raw materials;
Research and development of new methods and technologies of marine geophysical researches, including specialised vessels building;
Use nanotechnology for research and development of perspective vessels and the marine engineering.
The contact information on the co-ordinators of a technological platform «Ocean
The name: JSC “Concern “Morinformsistem-Agate”
The address: 105275, Moscow, shosse Enthusiastov, 29
The contact person: Kobylyansky Valery Vladimirovich, the deputy of the general director on innovative development
The contact information: phone: +7(495)673-74-29; a fax: +7(495)673-41-30, e-mail:, website:
The name: JSC «United Shipbuilding Corporation»
The address: 191119, St.-Petersburg, street Marata, 90
The contact person: Forafonov Sergey Nikolaevich, the vice-president
The contact information: phone: +7(812)494-17-42, a fax: +7(812)494-17-43, e-mail:, website:
The name: JSC “Concern “Morskoe podvodnoye orugiye – Gidropribor”
The address: 194044, St.-Petersburg, Bolshoy Sampsonievsky avenue, 24
The contact person: Osipov Vadim Alfredovich, the general director
The contact information: phone: +7(812)542-01-47, a fax: +7(812)542-96-59, e-mail: website:
The main objective of the technological platform development is formation of the mechanism for improving the efficiency and competitiveness of the Russian Federation economics on the basis of coordination of science, government, business and society efforts in implementation eco-efficient and energy-efficient Russian technologies, solving the accumulated environmental problems, and ensuring environmental safety.
This goal is to be achieved by solving the following tasks:
– development and implementation of technologies providing, along with increase of efficiency and resource saving, reducing the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment and human health, as well as healthier environment and quality of life;
– formation of a technological base to eliminate the consequences of the accumulated negative impact on the environment, ensuring environmental safety of large energy and infrastructure projects;
– elimination of the gap between the national and foreign technologies in this field, ensuring their competitiveness in the global and national markets;
– increase the innovative activity of enterprises, including that based on the mechanisms of applied research coordination on the pre-competitive stage, which are created within the technology platform, joint usage of high tech research and laboratory equipment, forming sustainable partnerships with leading research and educational organizations;
– concentration of public funding for research and development, taking into account their level of demand from business, in order to achieve maximum effect from the respective state programs focused on the improving the economy’s competitiveness and increasing the volume of co-financing of high-technology projects, attracted from non-budgetary sources;
– eliminating the risk of duplication of research funded from different sources, creating the conditions for combining different sources of funding of joint innovative projects;
– significant expansion of capacity for effective technology commercialization, in particular, through creating opportunities for estimating the demand for innovative products and to attract private sources of financing investment projects of innovation orientation.
Operation of the technological platform should provide significant contribution to the long-term socio-economic development and technological upgrading, including:
– solving significant problems in the field of environmental protection and ensuring of environmental safety, development of up-to-date systems of monitoring and forecasting natural and man-induced emergencies, as well as negative climate changes;
– technological modernization, introduction of advanced environmentally efficient technologies and significant increase of the competitiveness of individual industries and sectors of the economy taking into account environmental factors ("green o growth"), the expansion of high-tech exports;
– increasing efficiency and reduction of resource-commodity of primary sectors, formation of additional repartition and enhanced recycling;
– developing complex of "breakthrough" technologies, which determine the possibility of formation of new markets for high technology products (services), in the first place: developing the high tech market of environmental services (MES) and the recycling industry, founding new high-tech companies, expansing small and medium-sized businesses working in production of environmental goods and services, improving conditions for its growth; o additional inflow of private (including foreign) investments in development of advanced technologies, development of high-tech environmentally friendly and safe productions.
Environmentally friendly manufacturing technologies
technologies that reduce/exclude the use and formation in the manufacturing processes dangerous substances and materials;
technologies and systems of water treatment and gas purification, icluding development of environmentally friendly chemicals for air purification, implementation of special materials, catalysts, special absorbers for air filtration systems;
technologies of utilization of new insulating materials for protection of surface and ground waters from technogenic and anthropogenic impacts;
technologies for controlling emissions and reduce the carbon intensity of production using market mechanisms for carbon finance.
Technologies that provide environmentally friendly waste management, including the elimination of previously accumulated environmental damage
technologies for utilization and recycling various types of solid domestic waste, with obtaining from them secondary raw materials and end product;
environmentally friendly resource-saving technologies and equipment for recycling production waste to produce products and materials for mass application, as well as valuable components;
technologies for utilization and processing of food industry and agriculture wastes to produce secondary raw materials and finished product;
technologies and equipment for processing and disposal of materials and raw materials containing hazardous and extremely hazardous pollutants, including the waste of oil refining industry, medical and extremely toxic wastes;
technologies for ensuring the environmental safety of landfills and facilities in waste management of production and consumption patterns, including particularly toxic;
technologies of reclamation of dumps, tailings, landfills, areas of marine and inland waters, including those contaminated with oil and oil products, and, in particular, cleanup of the
Arctic zone of the Russian Federation of chemical and radioactive contamination.
Technologies and systems for monitoring, assessing and predicting the environment state, natural and technogenic emergencies, negative consequences of climate change, including innovative ways of instrumental pollution control
technologies and systems of assessment of the state and dynamics of the resource of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, restore the resource potential of areas with high anthropogenic load;
technologies and systems for environmental monitoring and forecasting a state of the environment in large industrial cities and especially protected areas;
technologies and systems for environmental monitoring (observation) of coastal zones, water bodies, groundwater, and for forecasting components of the environment the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation on the basis of multi-purpose Russian space system "Arctica";
technologies for instrumental control of emissions / discharges of pollutants into the atmosphere, water bodies, soil;
technologies for obtaining, transferring and using information about the environment and its change using various means of obtaining the necessary information: surface, aerial, satellite;
technologies and systems for early detection and prediction natural and technogenic emergencies;
technologies of environmental risk management associated with development of offshore oil and gas fields in marine aquatoria, including ice-covered areas;
technologies of formation and updating the cadastre of territories and the water areas with the highest level of environmental risk;
technologies and systems for preventing cross-border negative impacts on the environment;
technologies and systems for monitoring the environmental impacts of climate change, including processes in the permafrost.
Technologies of rational nature management, ensuring environmental safety and new environmental standards of life
environmentally friendly energy saving technologies that are used to ensure compliance with environmental quality standards taking into account the natural features of the territories and water areas including specially protected areas, as well as environmental management;
technologies for monitoring and prediction of the negative impact of weather and climate changes, radioactive components, toxic substances of man-made and natural origin and their combination on public health, including the creation of a modern system of assessment and forecasting of these factors harmful effects on public health and demographic indices.
The long-term attractiveness of target markets for products of the technology platform is caused by world tendencies tightening of environmental requirements for products, works and services not only in developed countries but also in countries with developing economies. Experts estimate the global market for environmental goods as quite capacious (as a minimum of $ 1.4 trillion euro) and one of the fastest growing. According to forecasts by 2020 the global market of
these products will more than double (up to 3.1 trillion. euro) and the proportion of "green" economy, for example, in 2020 the GDP of the Federal Republic of Germany's will have risen by
According to expert estimates, the annual volume of environmental services in Russia is from 600 billion to 2 trillion rubles. While the market considered is composed of two spheres
(accordingly to EU classification, developed in the framework of negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO) – so-called "Green", representing a range of services, related to the assessment and conservation of biodiversity, and "Brown", which includes a wide range of commercial products, such as industrial plants, technologies, equipment, reagents, services on preparation of various environmental documentation.
The main consumers of the technological platform are a very wide range of companies, whose activity is associated with the natural environment, production of environmentally-friendly products, environmental protection, resource-saving machines and technological equipment, and many others.
Due to the adopted in OECD countries strategy "green growth" modernization is expected to jump in development and implementation of eco-efficient technologies at the most attractive markets, resulting in outdated technologies that do not take into consideration these factors become less competitive.
In the field of ecological and natural resources monitoring the most advanced technologies are required, that are based on the use of autonomous automated means of control. Besides, the transition to the adopted by EU mechanism of indicators of best available technologies requires the use by enterprises and controlling bodies the modern means of instrumental control of emissions, discharges, that form waste;
Development and implementation of the mentioned above technological directions of the technology platform implementation will facilitate the formation and development of the market for environmental goods and services, the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises, specializing in providing services in waste recycling, recultivation of contaminated land, etc. The development of technologies for environmental safety and a new valuation of the environmental impact will contribute to the development of environmental insurance and auditing.
The Federal Bodies of legislative power:
The Russian Federation State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and
The Federal Bodies of Executive Power:
The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
The Minister of the Russian Federation on affairs of Civil Defense , Emergencies and
Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Hydrometeorological Service of the
Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense)
Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
The business sector:
Open Joint Stock Company «Gazprom»
«Russian Technologies» State Corporation
Open Joint Stock Company «Oboronservis»
Open Joint Stock Company «RusHydro»
Open Joint Stock Company «Oil Company «SURGUTNEFTEGAS»
«Joint-Stock Company for transportation of oil «Transneft»
Open Joint Stock company
Oil Company»
Open Joint Stock Company «Concern «Oceanpribor»
Open Joint Stock Company
«Concern PVO «Almaz-Antey»
Open Joint Stock Company «Corporation
Open Joint Stock Company «Siberian Coal Energy Company»
Open Joint Stock Company «Mineral and Chemical Company»EuroChem»
Federal State Unitary Enterprise
Closed Joint-Stock Company «Russian Copper Company»
Limited Liability Company «Podzemgazprom»
«Applied Technologies
Company» Limited Liability Company
Limited liability company «The Pure World M»
Limited Liability Company Scientific-Production Company «RINEKO»
Limited Liability Company «ECOCOM»
Limited liability company «Bureau of the five experts»
Limited Liability Company «Femta»
Investment companies and funds, public institutions of development:
Non-profit organization the Foundation for Development the Centre of new technologies development and commercialization (the Skolkovo Fund)
The Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Consulting and engineering companies
Ernst & Young ( CIS ) B.V., Branch in Moscow
Public organizations and associations
1. All-Russian public organization «Russian Geographical Society»
The Public Chamber of Russian Federation (Inter-Commission Working Group for
Modernization of Industry)
The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg Association of Recycling
The World Wide Fund for Nature
Closed Joint-Stock Company «International Innovation Consortium «Pure World »
The All Russia Trade Association of Employers
«Russian Engineering Union»
All-Russian branch association of employers «Ecosphere»
Russian Regional Environmental Centre
Moscow representative office of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Russian State
Hydrometeorological University»
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «M.V. Lomonosov
Moscow State University»
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education
«National Research
University «The Higher School of Economics»
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «St. Petersburg State
Polytechnical University»
Saint - Petersburg State Mining Institute (Mining University ) named after G.V. Plekhanov
State educational institution of Higher Professional Education «Tver State University»
State educational institution of Higher Professional Education «Friendship University of
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Far
Eastern Federal University»
State educational institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint - Petersburg State
University of Aerospace Instrumentation»
State educational institution of Higher Professional Education «Tyumen State University»
Cheboksary Polytechnic Institute (branch) SOU VPO «Moscow State Open University»
Federal State budget institution of Higher Professional Education «The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation»
Federal State budget institution of Higher Professional Education «Volga State Academy of
Water Transport»
State budget institution of Higher Professional Education «Northwestern State Medical
University named after I.I. Mechnikov» under the Ministry of Health Care and Social
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
«Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky» under the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Federal State budget institution of Higher Professional Education «Samara State Aerospace
University named after academician S.P. Korolyov» (National Research University)
Federal State budget institution of Higher Professional Education «Stavropol State
Federal State budget institution of Higher Professional Education «Nizhny Novgorod State
University of Civil Engineering»
Institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences:
Saint-Petersburg Scientific-Research Center for Ecological Safety RAS
Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Centre RAS
The General Physics Institute named after A.M. Prokhorov RAS
Space Research Institute RAS
O.Yu. Schmid Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS
A.N. Severtsov's Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS
Institute for Monitoring Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS
A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of RAS
Institute of Geography RAS
Institute of Applied Physics
A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology FEB RAS
Research centers and institutions:
Limited Liability Company Scientific-Research Institute of Natural Gases and Gas
Limited Liability Company «TyumenNIIgiprogaz»
Federal State Institution «Scientific Research Centre for resource saving and waste management»
Limited Liability Company «Scientific-Technical Center for innovative recycling technologies»
Federal State Institution of Science «North-West Scientific Center of Hygiene and Public
Autonomous Institution of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District – Ugra «High-Tech
Industrial Park»
Northern Scientific-Production Association for Marine Geological Prospecting
Federal State Unitary Scientific and Production Company for Marine Geological Prospecting
Federal State budgetary research institution «Research Institute of Aerospace Monitoring
State unitary enterprise of Moscow «Ekotechprom»
East European Turf Institute (Instorf) Tver State Technical University
Ltd. «Venture projects Exchange of the sixth technological system»