Revolutionary War Tic-Tac-Toe Board - Hobson`s US History


The Revolutionary War Tic-Tac-Toe Board

Choose a famous

Revolutionary War battle.

Draw a 6-panel comic strip of the event.

Design a set of colorful flashcards with important people, events, and vocabulary.

Write a paragraph biography of one of the people in the Watagua

Settlement. Explain why this person was important to the Cumberland

Write a journal entry as if you are one of the people living in the Watagua

Settlement. Explain what life is like there. Make sure to reference the things listed in our key terms and people below.

Design an advertisement for a new piece of technology that was invented during the

Revolutionary Era.

Create a timeline of the

Battles of the

Revolutionary War listed below. Make sure to include the dates of the events and explain at the bottom importance of the event in one sentence.

Write a paragraph biography for one of the people listed in our unit.

Use Britannica as your source. (link found on

CMS library website)


Using a map of the 13 colonies (get from Mrs.

Hobson), locate and label all of the battles. Make sure to show who won the battles.

Write identifications of important people, events, and things related to the

Watagua Settlement.

Explain the importance of these events and the connection of the event to the American Revolution.

NAME _________________________________________

HONORS CLASSES – must make a diagonal tic-tac-toe

STANDARD CLASSES - can make diagonal, horizontal, or vertical


DUE THURSDAY, October 8.

PERIOD _______________

8.25 Identify and explain the significance of the major battles, leaders, and events of the American Revolution, including:

Important Battles

Battles of Lexington and Concord

Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

Battle of Bunker Hill (Breed's Hill)

Battle of Trenton and Princeton

Battle of Saratoga

Valley Forge

Battle of King’s Mountain

Battle of Yorktown

Important Leaders and People

George Washington

Benedict Arnold


Marquis de La Fayette

Friedrich von Steuben

George Rogers Clark

Francis Marion

8.26 Events in TN History - Summarize the effect of the Revolution on the Wataugans and the reasons, plans, and struggles in creating the

Cumberland Settlement, including:

Important Events

The formation of Washington


Cherokee War

Watauga Petitions

Transylvania Purchase

Cumberland Compact

Indian attacks

Battle of the Bluffs severe winter and river travel


Important People

Nancy Ward

Richard Henderson

James Robertson

John Donelson

Your textbook, Encyclopedia Britannica,

to find the links to the Watagua websites, which are mainly found on the Tennessee Encyclopedia, and classroom atlas.
