Supporting information for: 1 2 3 4 Heat and mass transport during a groundwater replenishment trial in a highly heterogeneous aquifer 5 6 Simone Seibert1,2, Henning Prommer1,2,3*, Adam Siade1,3, Brett Harris4, Mike Trefry1,2 and 7 Michael Martin5 1 8 2 9 10 CSIRO Land and Water, Private Bag No. 5, Wembley WA 6913, Australia National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training, Flinders University, 3 11 12 Adelaide, GPO Box 2100, SA 5001, Australia Curtin University of Technology, Dept. Exploration Geophysics, Dick Perry Ave, 4 13 14 School of Earth and Environment, University of Western Australia, Australia 6151, Perth, WA 6151, Australia Water Corporation Western Australia, Leederville, WA 6902, Australia 5 15 16 17 Submitted to Water Resources Research 18 Running Title: Heat and mass transport in a heterogeneous aquifer 19 20 *Corresponding author phone: +61-8-93336272; email: 21 Current address: CSIRO Land and Water, Private Bag No5, Wembley WA 6913, Australia 22 1 23 Parameterization of hydraulic conductivities in MZ3 and the low permeability layers 24 The layers in MZ3 were combined into one, uniform hydraulic conductivity zone because the 25 observed, steep chloride-breakthrough behaviour indicated little difference between arrival 26 times for the individual layers in this zone. 27 The low permeability layers were separated into three, laterally homogeneous, zones 28 according to reported facies associations [Leyland, 2011] and geological interpretations. The 29 first zone, between 124 mbgl and 174 mbgl, includes the low permeability layers stratified 30 within the upper, high permeability zone of the aquifer, which predominantly consists of tidal 31 channel deposits. The intermediate zone, between 174 mbgl and 204 mbgl, represents the low 32 permeability layers stratified within the predominantly low permeable section of the aquifer, 33 which are primarily tidal flats deposits. The third zone consists of a single model layer, from 34 204 to 224 mbgl, for which a mixed silty-sand – sand lithology was identified; this includes 35 an 8 m thick interval of tidal channel deposits at the layer bottom [Leyland, 2011]. Based on 36 geological evidence and minor flow log contributions, this 8 m thick sand interval and some 37 additional minor interbedded sand layers indicate the existence of high permeability units 38 within the deep, predominantly low conductive layer. However, this layer lies beneath the 39 perforated intervals of the monitoring wells and therefore was not subdivided into low and 40 high permeability layers as no monitoring data were available to support the separation. 41 Instead, an average hydraulic conductivity was implemented in this layer and was allowed to 42 vary over a relatively wide range during calibration with the upper limit set to a maximum 43 overall transmissivity contribution of 20%. 44 45 [Figure S1: Cross-section through the model domain north of the injection well. Red 46 cells indicate Multi-Node well nodes at the injection well (IW) and the 20N, 60N and 47 240N monitoring location. White sections show high permeability layers with the layer 48 name detailed on the figure. Light and dark grey areas show low permeability layers in 2 49 the upper and lower injection interval. The deepest modelling layer (Layer 69) is 50 displayed in blue.] 51 3 52 Influence of Multi-Node Wells 53 As discussed earlier, all monitoring bores were explicitly simulated as multi-node wells (i.e., 54 using the MNW package in MODFLOW) to account for the intra-borehole flows that may 55 occur during both pumping (i.e., sampling events) and ambient conditions. In order to 56 quantify the effects of MNW wells, the associated model results were compared with an 57 additional simulation where monitoring bore sampling was not explicitly modeled and 58 transmissivity-weighted concentration values were calculated for the well-node cells instead 59 (Figures 4 and S2). The comparison of simulated temperatures and chloride concentrations 60 showed generally only very small differences, in contrast to the findings by Ma et al. [2012], 61 who observed a strong influence of intra-borehole flows for similar screen lengths in a 62 vertically heterogeneous aquifer. Only the two long-screen monitoring locations, BY19 and 63 BY22, exhibited a notable influence of intra-borehole flow on simulated chloride 64 concentrations (Figure S2). At these wells, significant intra-borehole flow occurred from the 65 deeper model layers towards the shallower model layers throughout the injection period. 66 Therefore, deeper groundwater containing higher chloride concentrations was transported 67 through the well into layers of lower ambient chloride concentrations. This intra-borehole 68 flow caused an increase in the simulated chloride concentrations, above the transmissivity 69 weighted chloride concentrations, and agreed well with the rise in chloride concentrations 70 above background concentrations, that was observed in the field after the start of injection 71 (Figure S2). 72 73 At all other monitoring locations, the simulation of multi-node wells did not provide any 74 substantial influence or improvement of the simulation results. However, at some bores the 75 simulated chloride concentrations during no-pumping events oscillated between close to 76 background and relatively reduced chloride concentrations during breakthrough and thereafter 77 (Figure S2). These concentration changes occurred when fluxes from different model layers, 4 78 at different stages of injectant breakthrough, were entering the well. Concentrations obtained 79 from simulated pumping events showed no significant difference from the transmissivity- 80 weighted concentrations without pumping. Notable effects of the simulated pumping of the 81 monitoring wells on the surrounding boreholes were not observed for any of the monitoring 82 bores. 83 84 Fig. S2: Measured (black dots) and simulated chloride concentrations at selected monitoring 85 locations. Simulation results include chloride concentrations from Multi-Node Wells (grey 86 lines) and simulated sampling events (red dots), as well as computed transmissivity 87 weighted chloride concentrations when the Multi-Node Well option and the monitoring 88 well pumping are neglected (green line). Background conditions are marked in grey, the 89 model calibration period in white and the model validation period in light blue. 90 5