23 December 2015 Local Strategy Service Daventry District Council Lodge Road Daventry Northamptonshire NN11 4FP TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Daventry District Council Housing Supplementary Planning Document Consultation Draft – November 2015 Following a review of the draft Housing Supplementary Planning Document for Daventry District, the Town Council submit the following Policy Ho2 – DTC has reviewed the policy and concurs with its aims. Policy Ho3 – DTC has reviewed the policy and is supportive of the proposed approach to ascertain viability of levels of affordable housing within developments and concurs with the need for a review mechanism on a regular basis. Policy Ho4 - DTC has reviewed the policy and concurs with its aims. Policy Ho5 - DTC has reviewed the policy and concurs with its aims. Policy Ho6 - DTC has reviewed the policy and concurs with its aims. Policy Ho7 - DTC has reviewed the policy and would suggest that, in areas of rapid development, a more pro-active approach should be taken in collecting and reviewing data on housing needs i.e. updating a database on a regular basis that is reviewed annually. Policy Ho8 - DTC has reviewed the policy and supports the proposal for properties to be marketed to local people for a limited period of time before they are offered on the open market. The DTC would suggest that market forces dictate the period of time the availability of properties is restricted. The DTC agrees that commuted sums should only be considered in exceptional circumstances, and does not see this as an option to be considered for development in Daventry Town. The DTC is unable to comment on the proposal to formally end the arrangement with Preferred Management Partners, as full details of the proposed alternative were not available at the time of this review. The DTC has no comment to make on Appendix K – all clauses appear to be relevant. Policy Ho9 - DTC has reviewed the proposed approach to affordable housing design and concurs with the aims particularly in relation to accommodation tailored for family living, parking and specialist provision. The DTC would also like consideration of the inclusion of Page 1 of 3 Daventry Town Council 3 New Street, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 4BT Tel: 01327 301246 Website: www.daventrytowncouncil.gov.uk 23 December 2015 Local Strategy Service Daventry District Council Housing Supplementary Planning Document Consultation Draft – November 2015 outdoor space/community areas – to accommodate refuse areas, laundry facilities (i.e. hanging out washing) pram/bike parking and play areas. The Town Council would like this policy to be extended to specify affordable housing for the elderly and single persons. Policy Ho10 - DTC has reviewed the policy and concurs with its aims. Policy Ho11 - DTC has reviewed the policy and supports the aim to build energy efficient homes to level 4, together with initiatives to recycle rain water. The DTC supports and would request that Part 2a Local Plan introduce the additional technical requirements to ensure accessibility in homes. Accessibility should be built into designs to ensure accessible living, catering for changes in household needs. The DTC also supports and would request that Part 2a Local Plan introduce the nationally described space standard. The DTC’s view is based on Daventry District having the capacity and ability to introduce new optional national space standards and should require this in new local plan polices to promote excellence in housing standards for the region. The DTC would refer to Policy 09, designing houses for living and crowded living spaces are not conducive to the well-being of tenants or the community. Policy Ho12 The DTC notes Daventry Districts intention to encourage the inclusion of Lifetime Homes, wherever appropriate, and refers to Policy Ho9 and Ho11 which provide for accessibility and national space standards. Policy Ho13 The DTC notes the aim to provide units to meet specialist needs and integrate these within new developments. The Town Council would like the policy to extend the specialist building requirements to include the surrounding environment/infrastructure – dropped kerbs, proximity to public transport and commercial and community hubs. Policy H014 - DTC has reviewed the policy and agrees with the sentiment and concept of self-build and custom build housing as an option to provide affordable housing but questions the practicality of imposing S106 restrictions to secure the future occupancy of the property to ensure that it meets the needs of those in need of affordable housing in perpetuity. Policy Ho15 Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Show People - DTC has reviewed the policy and supports its aims and the need to make provision for Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Show People within all communities. Policy Ho15 – Starter Homes – The DTC is supportive of the provision of starter homes, but feels the policy is confusing and does not demonstrate any significant incentive to a first time buyer. Page 2 of 3 Daventry Town Council 3 New Street, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 4BT Tel: 01327 301246 Website: www.daventrytowncouncil.gov.uk 23 December 2015 Local Strategy Service Daventry District Council Housing Supplementary Planning Document Consultation Draft – November 2015 To conclude Daventry Town Council supports the objectives for the Housing SPD, but are mindful of the need for all parties to refer to this document when considering significant planning applications. The SPD does not make provision for the housing for homeless, rough sleepers and young people requiring temporary accommodation and the Town Council feels this should be included within the document. The document also refers to Village Design Statements, and would suggest consideration is given to a review mechanism, to ensure these documents are relevant to newly developed Town’s/villages. The Town Council also notes the SPD refers to the vision for Daventry Town up to 2040 but does not feel this has been sufficiently publicised or consulted upon for the vision to reflect the views and aspirations of residents. DTC notes that the Daventry Housing Needs Survey was completed in 2011 and the demography of the town has changed dramatically, therefore the DTC would ask that a further survey is completed urgently. The Town Council hopes the above comments will be considered and welcomes any dialogue or feedback on observations made. Yours faithfully Deborah Jewell Town Clerk Page 3 of 3 Daventry Town Council 3 New Street, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 4BT Tel: 01327 301246 Website: www.daventrytowncouncil.gov.uk