St Anne's Design Guide St. Anne's on the Sea Design Guide Q1: Do you agree with the vision of the Neighbourhood Development Plan and the detailed ideas set out in the Design Guide for St. Anne's to become a 'Garden town by the Sea' and be a model town for sustainable development?* Yes No Don't Know Comments: Q2: Do you agree with the requirement for all large residential development schemes to be designed along 'West Coast Garden Neighbourhood' principles? * Yes No Don't Know Comments: 3a: Criterion 1: Connections Does the scheme integrate into its surroundings by reinforcing existing connections and creating new ones; whilst also respecting existing buildings and land uses along the boundaries of the development site? What to encourage in St. Anne's: What to discourage in St. Anne's: 3b:Criterion 2:Facilities & Services: Does the development provide ( or is it close to) community facilities, such as shops, schools, workplaces, parks, play areas, pubs or cafes? What to encourage in St. Anne's: What to discourage in St. Anne's: 3c: Criterion 3: Public transport Does the scheme have good access to public transport to help reduce car dependency? What to encourage in St. Anne's: What to discourage in St. Anne's: 3d: Criterion 4: Meeting local housing requirements Does the development have a mix of housing types and tenures that suit local requirements? Meeting local housing requirements What to encourage in St. Anne's: What to discourage in St. Anne's: 3e: Criterion 5: Character Does the scheme create a place with a locally inspired or otherwise distinctive character? New developments should have their own contemporary character. For new housing, picking out small details to incorporate into a new design can easily become pastiche. One approach would be to try and avoid estates which are too large, to perhaps have different architects design smaller sections. This might avoid the style of a particular developer dominating. What to encourage in St. Anne's: What to discourage in St. Anne's: 3f:Criterion 6: Working with the site and its context Does the scheme take advantage of existing topography, landscape features (including water courses), trees and plants, wildlife habitats, existing buildings, site orientation and microclimate? What to encourage in St. Anne's: What to discourage in St. Anne's: 3g: Criterion 7: Creating well defined streets and spaces Are buildings designed and positioned with landscaping to define and enhance streets and spaces and are buildings designed to turn street corners well? What to encourage in St. Anne's: What to discourage in St. Anne's: 3h: Criterion 8: Easy to find your way around Is the development designed to make it easy to find your way around? Will the scheme be legible places where people can find their way and move around easily, regardless of whether or they are disabled, and will they feel safe ? What to encourage in St. Anne's: What to discourage in St. Anne's: 3i: Criterion 9: Streets for All Are streets designed in a way that encourage low vehicle speeds and allow them to function as social spaces? What to encourage in St. Anne's: What to discourage in St. Anne's: 3j: Criterion 10: Car Parking Are streets designed in a way that encourage low vehicle speeds and allow them to function as social spaces? What to encourage in St. Anne's: What to discourage in St. Anne's: 3k: Criterion 11: Public & private spaces Will public and private spaces be clearly defined and designed to have appropriate access and be able to be well managed and safe in use? What to encourage in St. Anne's: What to discourage in St. Anne's: 3l: Criterion 12: External storage and amenity Is there adequate external storage space for bins and recycling, as well as vehicles and cycles? What to encourage in St. Anne's: What to discourage in St. Anne's: Q4: Do you have any other comments about the Design Guide or Companion Corridors and Gateways Prospectus? (untitled) Q5: What is your association with St Anne's?* I live here I have family here I have friends here Clubs / Group membership Work Business owner Day visitor Holiday visitor Other (required) - please specify: * Q6: How long have you been associated with St Anne's?* I am a day or holiday visitor Less than a year 1 - 5 years 5 - 10 years 10 - 15 years Over 15 years Generations Q7: What is your approximate age? 5 - 10 years of age 11 - 16 years of age 17 - 21 years of age 22 - 30 years of age 31 - 50 years of age 51 - 65 years of age 66+ years of age Q8: If you live in St. Anne's or have a business here and would like more infomation on the St Anne's Neighbourhood Plan then please supply your contact details below (if not, please just supply your postcode): Name: Address: Postcode:: Email:: Business name (if applicable): Thank You!