Unit 1 – 2012 VCE Physical Education Examination SEMESTER ONE Written Examination Date: Thursday 7th June Time: 1.30pm – 3.15pm 15 minutes reading 90 minutes writing Name: House Group: Teacher: Mr Clark Structure of Examination Section Question Type Number of Questions Number of Questions to be Answered Total Marks per Section A Multiple Choice 20 20 20 B Written Response 13 13 119 33 139 Student Instructions Multiple Choice Section: to be completed on the answer sheet provided – no more than 15 minutes Written Response Section: to be answered in the space provided – allow 75 minutes minimum At the end of the Task: Place the Multiple Choice Answer Sheet inside the front cover of the exam paper 1|Page PART A : MULTIPLE CHOICE Question 1 There are five types of bones in the human body. What type of bone often acts as a stabiliser and allows the muscles attached to it to pull on other bones and cause movement. A. a sesamoid bone B. a flat bone C. a short bone D. a long bone Question 2 In which of the following does blood have the lowest concentration of oxygen? A. coronary artery B. inferior vena cava C. pulmonary vein D. carotid artery Question 3 The amount of air that can be inspired and expired with each breath is known as A. vital capacity B. residual volume C. tidal volume D. expiratory reserve capacity Question 4 The chemical breakdown of ATP to produce energy is A. ATP + Lactate + Hydrogen Ions → Energy B. ATP → ADP + Pi + Energy C. ATP → ADP + Energy D. ADP + CP → ATP + creatine Question 5 As part of the rehabilitation process from an Achilles tendon injury, an athlete is asked to do calf raises (rising up on tippy toes). Name the major muscle used and joint action produced, respectively, during the calf raises. A. gastrocnemius and dorsi flexion B. soleus and plantar extension C. gastrocnemius and plantar flexion D. gastrocnemius and plantar extension 2|Page Question 6 Which of the following equations is the correct method for calculating cardiac output (Q) for an athlete with a heart rate (HR) of 50 beats per minute (bpm) and a stroke volume (SV) of 90 millilitres/beat (ml/beat) A. 90 (ml/beat) – 50 (bpm) = 40ml/min B. 90 (ml/beat) + 50 (bpm) = 140 ml/min C. 90 (ml/beat) x 50 (bpm) = 4.5 L/min D. 90 (ml/beat) divided by 50 (bpm) = 1.8 (L/min) Question 7 The graph below shows energy contributions for various sporting activities. Match the Sporting Activity (SA) with the correct energy contribution (from SA1 to SA3) A. B. 1000 metre run, 400 metre sprint, 5000 metre run 5000 metre run, 100 metre sprint, 400 metre sprint C. 100 metre sprint, 5000 metre run, 400 metre sprint D. 100 metre sprint, 400 metre sprint, 5000 metre run 3|Page The following picture relates to Questions 8 and 9 Question 8 What muscular contraction is occurring for the gymnast to hold this position? A. Isotonic Concentric B. Isotonic Eccentric C. Isometric D. Isokinetic Question 9 What joint action has occurred at the gymnast’s shoulder joint to allow this position to occur A. Adduction B. Supination C. Abduction D. Circumduction Question 10 The food fuels of carbohydrates, fats and proteins are found in the blood respectively as: A. triglycerides, glycogen, and amino acids. B. glycogen, free fatty acids and triglycerides. C. glucose, free fatty acids and amino acids D. glucose, triglycerides and protein Question 11 When oxygen is present during Aerobic Glycolysis, pyruvic acid turns into A. lactic acid. B. hydrogen ions. C. lactate. D. CO2, H2O and heat 4|Page Question 12 A Brisbane Lions footballer weighing 95 kilograms collides with a Western Bulldogs player weighing 75 kilograms. Both players were prepared for contact, but the heavier footballer is knocked to the ground. Which of the following statements best explains why the heavier footballer was knocked to the ground? A. The Brisbane player was travelling at half of the speed of the Western Bulldogs player B. The Western Bulldogs player was travelling at half of the speed of the Brisbane player C. Both players were travelling at the same speed D. None of the above Question 13 The alveoli are a structure of which body system? A. Respiratory B. Muscular C. Cardiovascular D. Skeletal Question 14 The diffusion of gases during muscle tissue respiration involves: A. Oxygen entering the capillaries and carbon dioxide entering the muscle tissue B. Oxygen entering the alveoli and carbon dioxide entering the capillaries C. Oxygen entering the capillaries and carbon dioxide entering the alveoli D. Oxygen entering the muscle tissue and carbon dioxide entering the capillaries Question 15 Which of the following objects has the lowest level of inertia? A. Ten-Pin Bowling Ball B. Tennis Ball C. Basketball D. Table Tennis Ball Question 16 Which muscle is primarily responsible for shrugging the shoulders? A. Latissimus Dorsi B. Bicep C. Trapezius D. Deltoids 5|Page Question 17 Which of the following is most likely to represent the Tibia? A. A B. B C. C D. D Question 18 Which of these muscles is found on the anterior aspect of the body, inferior to the pelvis and superior to the patella? A. Gastrocnemius B. Quadriceps C. Hamstring D. Bicep Question 19 The current world record for women’s shot put is 22.63 metres. The shot put technique involves a spin which increases impulse by: A. applying force over a lesser period of time B. applying force over a greater period of time C. increasing the force over the same period of time D. decreasing force over the same period of time 6|Page Question 20 In developing a Risk Management Plan, which following two factors are most important to consider to decrease the risk of anything happening in a particular sport? A. Warm up and Cool down B. Likelihood of injury and consequence of injury C. Duty of care and Consent D. Direct injuries and indirect injuries 7|Page PART B: SHORT ANSWER Question 1 a) Provide ONE example for each of the following types of Joints found on the body GLIDING: ____________________________________ HINGE: ____________________________________ BALL and SOCKET: ____________________________________ PIVOT: ____________________________________ FUSED/IMMOVABLE: ____________________________________ 5 marks b) Match each of these movements to their corresponding muscle action/movement. A = Point toes away from the tibia B = Turn hand on the table, finishing with palm downwards C = Decrease the angle of a joint D = Point foot towards tibia E = Move a limb away from the midline of the body F = Roll ankle inwards G= Move a limb toward the midline of the body H = Rotate the arm through 3600 degree circles at the shoulder I = Increase the angle of a joint J = Roll ankle outwards K = Turn hand on the table, finishing with palm facing upwards L = Rotating your trunk around the midline Muscle Action/Movement Corresponding Letter Flexion Abduction Pronation Inversion Plantar Flexion Circumduction Extension Eversion Rotation Dorsiflexion Supination Adduction 12 marks – TOTAL = 17 marks 8|Page Question 2 b) List the four bones that form the knee joint. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4 marks c) If a gymnast performed a static balance as part of floor routine, what type of muscle contraction would this involve? _________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark The term reciprocal inhibition is used to describe how muscles work together in pairs to produce movement. Choose a body part and joint movement from the table above to demonstrate your understanding of this concept. _________________________________________________________________________ d) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks Total = 12 marks 9|Page Question 3 Question 4 During a VCE PE laboratory session a student was selected to complete two 60 metre sprints. After an adequate warm-up, the student in sprint 1 used a standing start. In sprint 2, a crouch start with starting blocks was used. After sprint 1, the student was given a 5 minute rest. Timers were placed at the 20 metre, 40 metre and 60 metre marks. The following results were tabled. 10 | P a g e a) Complete the table below for the information presented in the above table: 60m - Sprint 1 Predominant Energy System Fuel Source 2 marks b) Would the predominant energy system be different for the 2nd 60m sprint? Justify _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks c) Contrast the difference in sprint times based on the different starting methods. Use a biomechanical principle and the data to justify your response. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3 marks Total = 7 marks 11 | P a g e Question 5 Below is a graph indicating blood flow to different parts of the body during exercise a) Define cardiac output. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark b) Identify and justify which line, A or B, is most likely to represent blood flow to skeletal muscles during exercise _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks c) The table below shows A-VO2 difference at the 5 min mark i) Define a-VO2 difference _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark 12 | P a g e ii) a-VO2 difference was also measured at rest. In the table below suggest a suitable value for oxygen concentration in the veins at rest that correctly indicates how A-VO2 differs at rest. 1 mark Total = 5 marks Question 6 The following table outlines common high school sporting injuries that occur in America. a) Injuries are often classified into three different categories based on how they occur; direct, indirect and overuse injuries. State which category the following injuries from the table would be classified as: Sprain/Strain: ____________________________________ Concussion: _____________________________________ 2 marks ‘Shin splints’ is a common injury that athletes can experience, that involves severe inflammation of the shin area causing significant pain and discomfort. 13 | P a g e b) What category of injury would shin splints be classified as _________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark c) State the most important form of treatment for this type of injury _________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark For girls in high schools within America, Soccer has the highest rate of injuries, with sprains and strains being the most common cause. a) Outline how sprains and strains in soccer could in part be prevented by The Player _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ The Coach _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Officials in charge of conducting the sport _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3 marks Total = 7 marks Question 7 Each year approximately 130 young AFL players are invited to attend the AFL draft camp. At the camp players undergo a series of physical and psychological tests so clubs who are looking to recruit them have a very sound understanding of them as players and people. 14 | P a g e a) One of the tests that players undergo as part of physical fitness testing is the Repeated Sprint Test. Players are required to run 30m six times, with a 20-second time cycle. e.g. if the player runs 30 meters in 4.2 seconds, he then has 15.8 seconds to recover before starting his next 30 meter sprint. A player’s score is the total of his six times. The best results from 2011 are included below Repeat sprints (seconds) Rank Name Total Time (seconds) 1 Ahmed Saad 23.64 2 Lachlan Delgleish 23.79 3 Devon Smith 23.82 4 Matthew Haynes 23.87 5 Shannon Taylor 24.23 i) List the two energy systems that would provide the largest contribution to ATP resynthesis for this activity _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks ii) If the players were asked to complete a different test that involved them completing a continuous sprint for the times displayed in the table above (approx. 23 seconds), which energy system would be predominant in this new test? ________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark iii) Briefly justify your response to the question above _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks 15 | P a g e iv) For the energy system you have listed in part ii), use the space below to illustrate how this system resynthesises ATP. 5 marks b) The AFL uses the draft camp and its testing as its form of ‘pre-activity screening’ i) Explain the benefit to AFL clubs of pre-activity screening these potential players _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks Total = 12 marks 16 | P a g e Question 8 THE HEART b. Identify C and D. Compare and contrast the role of C and D. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3 marks Total 5 marks 17 | P a g e Question 9 The graph below displays the effect two different diets have had on the free fatty acid levels in the blood for two different athletes. The effects of High and Low Carbohydrate diets on blood free fatty acid levels (FFA’s) for two different Dietary dynamics following high carbohydrate athletes (A & B) and low carbohydrate diets 1800 1600 1400 1200 Blood FFA's 1000 (uM) 800 A 600 B 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Exercise Time (mins) a) Complete the table below for the following forms of food fuels Carbohydrates Storage form i) Fats ii) Protein Protein 2 marks b) State the two storage locations of the carbohydrate listed in question (a)- i) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks c) State the relationship evident in the above graph in relation to Blood FFA’s and exercise time _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark 18 | P a g e d) Which athlete would have consumed the low carbohydrate diet? _________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark e) Justify your response to question d) by referring specifically to the graph _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks Total = 11marks Question 10 In 2010 surfer Stephanie Gilmore has just been crowned number one in the world for the fourth consecutive year. Her sport is one that requires considerable physical exertion and therefore the significant production of energy a) Draw the compound used to produce energy for muscular movement 1 mark 19 | P a g e When Gilmore is competing in cold waters throughout the world it would be expected that she her body would occasionally shiver. b) What is one function muscles have that the process of shivering indicates? _________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark Gilmore relies on her skeletal muscles to produce the movements required for the tricks she performs when surfing c) Provide two other types of muscles in the body and an example of each Type Example 4 marks Surfing contests require the surfer to perform heats and then finals. Each heat lasts for 20 minutes and they are scored on their best four waves. In each heat the surfer has to: • Sprint to the water with their surfboard • Paddle out • Sit and wait for a good wave • Pick the better waves and then perform a series of technical manoeuvres and crazy tricks • Have astounding body control on the water and in the air. The body also has to absorb forces when landing tricks • Paddle back out after each wave that they ‘ride’ and wait for the next good wave. d) What is the predominant energy system for the 20 minute heat? _________________________________________________________________________ 1 mark 20 | P a g e e) This chart highlights the different fuel (chemical 20m Surfing Heat and food) sources and their proportions that Stephanie would use during her 20 minute heat A to help resynthesise ATP B Correctly label these fuel sources C Fuel ‘A’ Fuel ‘B’ Fuel ‘C’ 3 marks f) For the system you have stated in question d) complete the three gaps in the diagram below demonstrating the production of energy for ATP resynthesis ___________ ___________ ___________ iii) _______________________________ 5 marks 21 | P a g e g) Using the information provided on page 20, state and explain one specific example of how each energy system would contribute to Stephanie’s surfing heat You must provide references to the information provided ATP-PC _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ANAEROBIC GLYCOLYSIS _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ AEROBIC _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 Marks Total = 21 marks 22 | P a g e Question 11 Recently the tactic of ‘lifting’ has become an issue in Netball, after the Northern Mystics began the tactic of having one defender lift another to propel them into the air to block the opposition ‘goalers’ attempt on goal. It has created considerable debate on whether the tactic should be allowed. Currently there is not a rule that makes it illegal. a) List three ‘ethical considerations’ questions that the defenders might have considered in deciding to do this topic. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Total = 3 marks Question 12 a) Curling is a sport in which players slide stones across a sheet of ice towards a target area which is segmented into four rings. Two teams, each of four players, take turns sliding heavy, polished granite stones, also called "rocks", across the ice curling sheet towards the house, a circular target marked on the ice. Each team has eight stones. The purpose is to accumulate the highest score for a game; points are scored for the stones resting closest to the centre of the house at the conclusion of each end, which is completed when both teams have thrown all of their stones. A game may consist of ten or eight ends. The curler can induce a curved path by causing the stone to slowly turn as it slides, and the path of the rock may be further influenced by two sweepers with brooms who accompany it as it slides down the sheet, using the brooms to alter the state of the ice in front of the stone. House i) Define ‘Force’ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 1 Mark 23 | P a g e ii) Use the terms ‘internal’ and ‘external’ to contrast two different forces at work when a stone is pushed down the ice and the path is swept by two sweepers to get it towards the ‘centre of the house’. (In your answer you should specifically identify your example of an internal force and external force) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks iii) State two other examples (not stated above) of forces that can be applied to objects _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks b) Former Australian Cricketer, Matthew Hayden was renown for using an extremely heavy bat when he played. However, players smaller than Matthew Hayden in body mass, often prefer to use much lighter bats. i) Use the term ‘inertia’ to discuss why Matthew Hayden would have chosen a heavier bat compared to smaller players who chose lighter bats _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks Total = 7 marks 24 | P a g e Question 13 Use the space below (and diagram of the heart) to illustrate and describe the pathway that an oxygen molecule would take after it was inspired through the nose, utilised in the leg and then expired from the body as carbon dioxide 9 marks END OF EXAMINATION 25 | P a g e 26 | P a g e