MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING VALLEY GRANDE, ALABAMA Regular Meeting February 21, 2012 Call to order by Mayor Tom Lee at 6:02 PM Meeting held at Valley Grande City Hall Minutes from last meeting on February 6th were submitted by: Kim Harris, City Clerk Presiding: Mayor Tom Lee Invocation by: Mayor Tom Lee In Attendance: Tom Lee, Mayor Gene Middlebrooks Donna Downs Libby Ezelle Steven Neighbors Patsy Moore Present Present Present Present Present Present Quorum was made with all council members present. The minutes of the February 6, 2012 regular meeting were read by Kim Harris, City Clerk. Motion was made by Libby Ezelle to adopt the minutes as read. Donna Downs made the second. Motion carried by unanimous consent of the council members by a show of hands vote. SHOW OF HANDS VOTE Gene Middlebrooks Donna Downs Libby Ezelle Patsy Moore Steven Neighbors Mayor Tom Lee YEA X X X X X X NAY Reports of Officers: Boyd Pugh /Public Safety Director: No report. Steven Neighbors /Public Safety & Recreation Advisory Group: Steven Neighbors reports that the 7-8 year olds will have a team this year. Mr. Neighbors also stated that they are in the process of scheduling now. Patsy Moore/Parks & Beautification Advisory Group: Patsy Moore stated that the walking trail has a tree limb hanging over the fence. Ms. Moore also stated that she will call Dale Allday to have it cut down. Libby Ezelle /Annexation & Zoning Advisory Group: No report. Gene Middlebrooks /Public Relations & History Advisory Group: No report. Donna Downs/Business & Community Development Advisory Group: No report. Old Business: None New Business: Mayor Tom Lee presented the Council with Ordinance # 2012-86 to amend Ordinance #2006-24 Section 2 that will establish fees for residential building permits over ten thousand dollars. Patsy Moore made the motion to suspend the rules. Libby Ezelle made the second. Motion was carried by unanimous consent of the council members by a roll call vote. ROLL CALL VOTE Gene Middlebrooks Donna Downs Libby Ezelle Patsy Moore Steven Neighbors Mayor Tom Lee YEA X X X X X X NAY_______________________ Gene Middlebrooks made the motion to adopt the Ordinance #2012-86. Libby Ezelle made the second. Motion was carried by unanimous consent of the council members by a show of hands vote. SHOW OF HANDS VOTE Gene Middlebrooks Donna Downs Libby Ezelle Patsy Moore Steven Neighbors Mayor Tom Lee YEA X X X X X X Mayor Lee declared Ordinance #2012-86 adopted. NAY Ordinance No. 2012-86 To Amend Ordinance No. 2006-24 Section 2: An Ordinance To Establish The Schedule Of Fees For Building Permits And Inspection Fees On All Buildings, Structures Or Alterations Requiring A Building Permit As Set Forth In The City Of Valley Grande, Alabama Building Code. Be It Ordained by the City of Valley Grande, Alabama, as follows: SECTION 1: A schedule of fees on all buildings, structures or alterations requiring a building permit as set forth in the City of Valley Grande, Alabama Building Code, shall be paid as required at the time of filing application in accordance with the following schedule. Inspections shall be as required by Section 109 of the IBC-2003. *On any job started before a permit is obtained, a fine of $150.00 shall be added to the price of the permit. SECTION 2: PERMIT FEES PROJECT VALUE $0.00 to $10,000 SCHEDULED FEE No Fee PROJECT VALUE $10,001 to $15,000 SCHEDULED FEE $50.00 for the first $10,000 plus $5.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $15,000. PROJECT VALUE $15,001 to $25,000 SCHEDULED FEE $75.00 for the first $15,000 plus $5.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000. PROJECT VALUE $25,001 to $50,000 SCHEDULED FEE $125.00 for the first $25,000 plus $5.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000. PROJECT VALUE $50,001 to $150,000 SCHEDULED FEE $250.00 for the first $50,000 plus $5.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $150,000. INSPECTION Minimum of 4 Inspections at $75.=$300. $150,001 to $250,000 $750.00 for the first $150,000 plus $5.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $250,000. Minimum of 4 Inspections at $75.=$300. $250,001 to $500,000 $1,250.00 for the first $250,000 plus $3.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000. Minimum of 4 Inspections at $75.=$300. $500,001 to $1,000,000 $2,000.00 for the first $500,000 plus $3.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including, $1,000,000. Minimum of 4 Inspections at $75.=$300. $1,000,000 to Unlimited $5,000 Flat Fee Minimum of 4 Inspections at $75.=$300. Record Only SECTION 3: Project value shall be assigned as follows: Residential: $60/ sq. ft. for all finished / conditioned areas Commercial: $80/ sq. ft. for all finished / conditioned areas SECTION 4: Each of the provisions of this ordinance are severable; and if any provision shall be declared to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5: All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in any manner conflicting herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall become effective ____________________, 2006. Adopted and approved this _____ day of ____________, 2006. _______________________________ Tom Lee, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ Kim Harris, City Clerk SEAL Mayor Lee presented the Council with Resolution # 2012-87 to increase salary step levels for the City Clerk and the City Treasurer as of 01/01/12 due to the increase of job duties. Libby Ezelle made the motion to adopt Resolution # 2012-87. Patsy Moore made the second. Motion carried by unanimous consent of the council members by a show of hands vote. SHOW OF HANDS VOTE Gene Middlebrooks Donna Downs Libby Ezelle Patsy Moore Steven Neighbors Mayor Tom Lee YEA X X X X X X Mayor Lee declared Resolution # 2012-87 adopted. NAY RESOLUTION NO. 2012-87 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VALLEY GRANDE, ALABAMA that due to increase job duties, the following salary step levels will be in effect as of 01/01/12 for the current employees, Municipal City Clerk is placed at Salary Level 3 and Municipal City Treasurer is placed at Salary Level 2.5. ADOPTED THIS 21st DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2012 ______________________________ Tom Lee, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ Kim Harris, City Clerk Mayor Lee presented the council with details of Ordinance # 2012-88 that will establish sewer rates, policies and procedures for the City of Valley Grande Sewer Collection. Libby Ezelle made the motion to suspend the rules. Patsy Moore made the second. Motion carried by unanimous consent of the council members by a roll call vote. ROLL CALL VOTE Gene Middlebrooks Donna Downs Libby Ezelle Patsy Moore Steven Neighbors Mayor Tom Lee YEA X X X X X X NAY_______________________ Patsy Moore made a motion to adopt Ordinance # 2012-88. Donna Downs made the second. Motion was carried by unanimous consent of the council by a show of hands vote. SHOW OF HANDS VOTE Gene Middlebrooks Donna Downs Libby Ezelle Patsy Moore Steven Neighbors Mayor Tom Lee YEA X X X X X X Mayor Lee declared Ordinance # 2012-88 adopted. NAY Ordinance No. 2012-88 An Ordinance To Establish Sewer Rates, Policies And Procedures For The City Of Valley Grande Sewer Collections As Set Forth in The City Of Valley Grande, Al., “VALLEY GRANDE SEWER SYSTEM Policies, Rules & Regulations Manual” Be It Ordained by the City of Valley Grande, Alabama, as follows: SECTION 1. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1.) The “Valley Grande Sewer System – Policies, Rules & Regulations Manual” is hereby adopted and shall be the governing document subject to amendment by the City Council of the City of Valley Grande. SECTION 2. SCHEDULE FEES Basic Residential Service Basic Commercial Service Late Charge Connect Fee Reconnect Fee *Impact Fee $25.00/ month $50.00/ month $5.00/ occurrence $50.00 new customer w/existing connection $150.00 existing customer cut off for non-payment $2500.00 (new customer w/no prior connection.) SECTION 3. DISCONNECTION, PENALTIES AND EFFECTIVE DATE 1.) Disconnection. any persons, firm or corporation, will be disconnected from the sewer system for non-payment and will have to pay a penalty to have the service reconnected. 2.) Penalty. A surcharge of One Hundred fifty ($150.00) dollars is hereby imposed and added to every sewer that is cut-off for non-payment after two consecutive billing cycles. 3.) Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective from, and after its adoption and publication. Adopted this ________day of ________________ , _____________. Adopted and approved this _____ day of ____________, 2012. ______________________________ Tom Lee, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ Kim Harris, City Clerk SEAL Mayors Report: Mayor Tom Lee gave the floor to Gary Smith with questions about the storm shelter and why the council decided not to proceed with it at this time. Mayor Lee and the Council discussed again the details of the situations that brought them to that decision. The original disbursements of funds for the storm shelter were not what the cities involved were actually going to receive prior to construction, therefore, they could not build the storm shelter needed for this area, without additional funding. Also, the shelter would not have been large enough to hold the number of people who may need the protection and the distance to the location of the shelter would have been an unsafe distance to drive. Mayor Lee presented the council with two quotes to provide dumpsters for the City Baseball Fields and Walking Trail. D&B Waste, with whom the City is already contracted, gave Mayor Lee a proposal for additional trash receptacles. After discussion of whether to have a dumpster or more garbage cans, Gene Middlebrooks made a motion to stay with our current waste management to have more trash cans for the walking trail and the baseball fields and allow D& B to pick up more frequently until after Founder’s Day. This will be reviewed to determine if we need to go another route. Libby Ezelle made the second. Motion carried by unanimous consent of the council members by a show of hands vote. SHOW OF HANDS VOTE Gene Middlebrooks Donna Downs Libby Ezelle Patsy Moore Steven Neighbors Mayor Tom Lee YEA X X X X X X NAY There being no further business to come before the council, a motion was made by Steve Neighbors to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Libby Ezelle. The motion was carried by unanimous consent of the council members. The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 PM. Approved: ________________________________ Tom Lee, Mayor Attested: _______________________________ Kim Harris, City Clerk