Bibliography for “Fostering a Culture of Research and Publication in

Bibliography for “Fostering a Culture of Research and Publication in Academic Libraries”
Presentation at the Library Management Institute, July 10, 2012
by Catherine Sassen and Diane Wahl
Amsberryaugier, Lora, Janette Griffin, and Jeongmin Lee. 2003. “Library faculty research:
Facilitating local consensus on barriers and incentives.” Louisiana Libraries 66 (Summer):
Arlen, Shelley, and Nedria A. Santizo. 1990. “Administrative support for research: A survey of
library faculty.” Library Administration & Management 4 (Fall): 208-212.
Bailey, Edgar C., Jr. 2010. “Educating future academic librarians: An analysis of courses in
academic librarianship.” Journal of Education for Library & Information Science 51 (1):
Best, Rickey D., and Jason Kneip. 2010. “Library school programs and the successful training of
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Research Libraries 71 (2): 97-114.
Black, William K., and Joan M. Leysen. 2002. “Fostering success: The socialization of entrylevel librarians in ARL libraries.” Journal of Library Administration 36 (4): 3-27.
———. 1994. “Scholarship and the academic librarian.” College & Research Libraries 55 (3):
Blessinger, Kelly, Stephanie Braunstein, Alice Daugherty, and Paul Hrycaj. 2010. “Formation of
an academic writing group at Louisiana State University libraries: Background, guidelines
and lessons learned.” Codex: The Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL 1 (2):1840.
Blessinger, Kelly, and Gina Costello. 2011. “The effect of economic recession on institutional
support for tenure-track librarians in ARL institutions.” The Journal of Academic
Librarianship 37 (4): 307-311.
Brannock, Jennifer, Miao Jin, and Tisha Zelner. 2006. “Researching your way out of a paper
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Culpepper, Jetta Carol. 2000. “Mentoring academic librarians: The ultimate in career guidance.”
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Farmer, Diana, Marcia Stockham, and Alice Trussell. 2009. “Revitalizing a mentoring program
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Foote, Margaret, Jan Mayo, and Ali D. Abdulla. 1997. “Encouraging research among untenured
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Fox, David. 2007. “A demographic and career profile of Canadian research university
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———. 2007. “The scholarship of Canadian research university librarians.” Partnership: The
Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research 2 (2): 1-13, 15-25.
Garner, June, Karen Davidson, and Becky Schwartzkopf. 2009. “Images of academic librarians:
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Serials Librarian 56: 203-208.
Gaskell, Carolyn, and Allen S. Morrill. 2001. Travel, sabbatical, and study leave policies in
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Ghouse, Nikhat, and Jennifer Church-Duran. 2008. “And mentoring for all: The KU libraries'
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Golian, Linda Marie, and Michael W. Galbraith. 1996. “Effective mentoring programs for
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One solution.” Library Administration & Management 2 (Jan.): 36-39.
Hart, Richard L. 1999. “Scholarly publication by university librarians: A study at Penn State.”
College & Research Libraries 60 (5): 454-462.
Havener, W. Michael, and Wilbur A. Stolt. 1994. “The professional development activities of
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Libraries 55 (1): 25-36.
Havener, W. Michael, and Philip Worrell. 1994. “Environmental factors in professional
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Library & Information Science Research 16 (Summer): 219-239.
Henry, Deborah B., and Tina M. Neville. 2004. “Research, publication, and service patterns of
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Keener, Molly, Vicki Johnson, and Bobbie L. Collins. 2012. “In-house collaborative mentoring:
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News 73 (3): 134-146.
Kenney, Donald J., and Gail McMillan. 1989. “Librarians in academic limbo: Support for
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Kenny, Kathleen, Linda D. Tietjen, and Rutherford W. Witthus. 1990. “Increasing scholarly
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Academic Librarianship 16 (5): 276-279.
Keyse, Dana, Elizabeth W. Kraemer, and Julie Voelck. 2003. “Mentoring untenured librarians:
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Kuyper-Rushing, Lois. 2001. “A formal mentoring program in a university library: Components
of a successful experiment.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 27 (6): 440-446.
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Leysen, Joan M., and William K. Black. 1998. “Peer review in Carnegie research libraries.”
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Lieberthal, Susan P. 2009. “Perspectives on peer support for tenure-track librarians: The annual
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Lindauer, Bonnie Gratch. 1989. “Fostering research activity: Examples of institutional support.”
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Lowry, Charles Bryan. 1993. “The status of faculty status for academic librarians: A twenty-year
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Miller, Jeannie P., and Candace R. Benefiel. 1998. “Academic libraries and the pursuit of tenure:
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Mitchell, W. Bede, and Bruce Morton. 1992. “On becoming faculty librarians: Acculturation
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Mitchell, W. Bede, and Mary Reichel. 1999. “Publish or perish: A dilemma for academic
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Neville, Tina M., and Deborah B. Henry. 2007. “Support for research and service in Florida
academic libraries.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 33 (1): 76-93.
Nofsinger, Mary M., and Angela S. W. Lee. 1994. “Beyond orientation: The roles of senior
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(2): 161-170.
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academy.” Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship 13 (3): 335-347.
Palmer, Pamela, and Chris Matz. 2006. “Promoting writing among nontenured faculty: Seven up,
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Rogers, Steven E. 1996. “Support for research and publishing in Tennessee's academic libraries;
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Rogers, Steven E., and Linda K. Butler. 1993. “Academic librarians and faculty evaluations: A
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