11-13-15 Friday Message - St. Ann Catholic School

Friday Bulletin
November 13, 2015
Dear St. Ann Families:
It’s hard to believe we are now four weeks into the 2 nd Quarter and that Thanksgiving is less than two
weeks away. Students have been busy with academic work, Aok Service projects, Jump Rope for
Heart, a Chick-fil-A Spirit Night, CYO basketball practices, and most excitingly our 2nd graders made
their First Reconciliation on Tuesday night. Thank you to Fr. Keith and the 2 nd grade team of
teachers (Mrs. Schafer, Ms. Wilson, and Ms. Wilkerson) for a beautiful evening.
First Reconciliation is about asking God for forgiveness and receiving God’s Grace to do better. Our
2nd grade teachers spent a lot of time preparing the children to receive this great healing Sacrament.
I sat in on 2nd grade class lessons and watched students work on projects connected to their First
Reconciliation; they were joyful and diligent in reviewing the specific steps they needed to take when
going to Confession.
The 2nd graders also heard the Parable of the Lost Sheep gospel reading at First Reconciliation. The
last line of the parable says, “Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who
repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” All of us can experience
that conversion of going from darkness into the light and the feeling of being renewed and refreshed.
That is the gift of our faith. I am proud of each of our 50 2nd graders for taking another step in their
faith journey. Let us continue to pray for each of them and one another.
All the best and God Bless,
Faith & Discipleship
The annual March for Life in support of the unborn will take place on Friday, January 22nd, 2016 in
Washington DC. If you would like to join other St. Ann families to march in this important show of unity, please
contact Carrie McLiney, carrieandcasey@gmail.com, or Christy Staker, christy.staker@sbcglobal.net. For
those unable to participate in the national March for Life, there is a local event as well in Topeka, KS, also on
Friday, January 22nd.
Want some resources for deepening your faith? How about a 3 minute "retreat" you can do wherever you are...
even the carpool line! How about finding a unique way to celebrate a feast day with your family? What if this
was available right on the St. Ann website? It is! Check out http://school.stannpv.org/family-faith-formation,
located under the Parent TAB on our website for up to date links.
Presentation on Planned Parenthood
Tuesday, Nov 17, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, St. Ann Church, Aquinas Room
For more information, go to www.stannpv.org.
Christian Leader of the Week
This week in 5th grade our Christian Leader of the Week is Katie Stecklein. Katie is an
inspiring example of a Christian Leader. She is always willing to help her classmates and
consistently asks teachers if there is any way she can serve others. Katie’s classmates
said she is a great example of kindness, caring for her friends, and having a positive
Hello! My name is Jackie Stone and I am one of the new 5th grade teachers here at St. Ann. The
beginning of the year is off to a great start in my science and reading classes. Every day in 5th grade science we
begin class with a “Daily Science Activity” or DSA for short. The students complete this warm up to introduce
the topic of the day or practice using the terms and concepts from the chapter. We started off the year learning
about plant and animal cells and we are now focusing on the solar system. The students just completed an
awesome project where they had to research and become an expert on a specific plant and present their findings
to the class. The 5th graders truly became plant experts! As we begin our unit on the solar system the students
are looking forward to making their own constellations, practicing the phases of the moon with Oreos, and
mastering the knowledge!
In 5th Grade Reading, we are consistently working on building the foundational skills the students will
need as they continue on in school. In my reading class we are finishing reading “Tuck Everlasting” by Natalie
Babbit. Students have enjoyed making predictions, analyzing the characters, and imagining what would happen
if they could live forever. In the upcoming months in reading, we will be working on analyzing and
paraphrasing different types of text. In 5th grade the students read 800 pages every quarter and the students love
bringing a stuffed animal to class for our “Free Read Fridays.” In English, we are continuing with daily Shirley
English work and start every English class with a daily writing prompt.
Lastly, 6th grade science used their knowledge of plants to start off the year with an interesting biome
project in life science. The groups researched and began building a physical model of their specific biome. Each
group mastered new knowledge about plants, animals and climate for their particular biome. We are now
focusing on the parts of plants and animal cells, building a good foundation to learn about cell division and
genetics in the upcoming weeks! 6th grade is getting into the lab this year and our next upcoming lab focuses on
viewing and examining plant and animal cells.
It has been such a joy for me to be here teaching at St. Ann and I am so blessed to have great students to
teach in a supportive community!
Jump Rope for Heart
This was another fantastic year! There are still a few online donations coming in
but as of now St. Ann raised $10,000! What an awesome job!!!! Top fundraisers
were Ana Rolli, Caroline Reiser, Audrey Condon, Mara Gary, Nick Hartman, Claire
Winklhofer and Kate Winklhofer. Thank you to everyone who donated and for
sponsoring our jumpers. Fun was had by all. The school will receive $500 in U.S.
Games gift certificates.
Red Bag Update
Wow! St. Ann is off to a FAST START with the Red Bag program. There’s tons
of sales we know you want to take advantage of so your ‘bag ladies’ are doing
everything possible to return your information ASAP. Extra forms are in the
office if needed. Please feel free to contact us anytime with questions and
thanks for making this program possible!
The 3rd grade fall service project will be held throughout the month of November. We will be partnering with a
non-profit program called “Giving the Basics”. “Giving the Basics”
helps provide the necessities of life, not covered by government
assistance programs, such as soap, shampoo, deodorant, toilet
paper, and other personal care hygiene products. “Giving the
Basics” distributes the products to over 50 pantry locations and 4
major school districts and over 10,000 people in need are served
monthly. The program will be introduced to the students at school
this week before the hygiene product supply drive begins so they
are familiar with it.
We are asking for your help with gathering donations. Travel sized shampoos, etc. from hotel stays are the
perfect donation. An extra toilet paper roll from your Costco pack would be easy to donate. You can reinforce
the importance of service to others at home by encouraging your child to participate. The students may bring
their donations in to school throughout the month of November and leave them in any of the donation boxes
throughout the school. Thank you in advance for supporting AoK service projects this year! Please contact
Germaine Buck at 913-634-5635 drgermaine44@hotmail.com or Ellen Riley at 913-484-4579
Scrip News
St. Ann School and families benefit the most from purchasing
coupon books. A $5 coupon book earns $2 for the school and
a $2 rebate for you! And there is a $5 coupon in the front of
each book. We have Price Chopper, Hy-Vee and Hen House. When
you are purchasing your grocery Scrip cards add on a coupon book!
Get into the Christmas spirit by decorating your own Gingerbread House.
All St. Ann girls, Kindergarten through 4th grade
Tuesday, December 8th
St. Ann Girls, Kindergarten through 4th grade
3:00pm – 4:00 pm
Parish Hall
Volunteers will take the girls from the
Classrooms to the Parish Hall right after school
By Friday, November 20th
Return attached form and flyer to Lisa
Stuart – see flyer for pertinent details.
Get ready for the Holidays!!
We will have a table set up in the foyer after school this Friday to sell on hand inventory and
place Christmas orders. Orders placed by Wednesday, November 18th will be guaranteed
before Holiday Break. If you need spirit wear items before then, give us a call, we might have
the size you want. Also, we now have youth spirit jersey sizes available.
Just for the holidays, we will be selling blue paid spirit blankets (looks like pajama bottoms
with blue fleece backing: (60"x50") for $30. Please contact Meghan Parrott 913-486-5960 or
Stephanie Grier 913-381-1685 with questions.
The Mother’s Club Christmas Party is right around the corner!
Wednesday, December 2nd
Carmen’s Cafe
$30 for salad, choice of entree and dessert
Your RSVP is needed by Monday, November 30th. Please send your check to your youngest
child's grade representative.
K: Ismert, 1st: Holloway, 2nd: Ford, 3rd: McCune, 4th: Dodderidge, 5th: Jen Reintjes, 6th:
Mantel, 7th: Bichelmeyer
8th: Christian
Please look for further details in a digital invite