Topic I. Earth Systems A . Earth Science Concepts (Geologic time scale; plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanism; seasons; solar intensity and latitude) o o o o Explain how plate tectonics and the rock cycle shape the landscape around us and the earth beneath our feet Identify and explain each of the plate boundaries Compare metamorphic, sedimentation, and igneous rocks Identify the layers of the Earth identify major characteristics and components (silicon, iron, etc) Compare and Contrast the major types of volcanoes don't forget about hotspot volcanoes! Explain the causes and effects of earthquakes (epicenter, S waves & P waves and how they differ) Explain why the Earth experiences seasons B . The Atmosphere (Composition; structure; weather and climate; atmospheric circulation and the Coriolis Effect; atmosphere–ocean interactions; ENSO) o o o o o Describe the composition, structure, and function of Earth's atmosphere Explain how latitudinal differences, the Coriolis Effect, and Hadley Cells cause air to cycle Compare warm and cold fronts Explain thermal inversions identify major molecular components of air be able to give the percentages of the major components C . Global Water Resources and Use (Freshwater/saltwater; ocean circulation; agricultural, industrial, and domestic use; surface and groundwater issues; global problems; conservation) Explain the importance of water and the hydrologic cycle to ecosystems, human health, and economic pursuits Delineate the distribution of freshwater on Earth and describe major types of freshwater ecosystems Discuss how we use water and alter freshwater systems Assess problems of water supply & explain the issues surrounding the Aral Sea & Water Privatization Propose solutions to address water supply issues (desalinization, xeriscaping) Assess problems of water quality and propose solutions to address water pollution Explain the problems of cultural eutrification and dead zones Compare eutrophic and oligotrophic bodies of water Identify and describe the major layers of a freshwater lake Explain how freshwater lakes change throughout the year Idenitify point and non-point source pollution Explain how wastewater is treated Discuss the pros and cons of dams Explain the structure of aquifers and how groundwater is maintained Describe the importance of various locations in regards to water, water diversions & dams, and channeling Identify physical, geographical, chemical, and biological aspects of the marine environment (upwelling, downwelling, ENSO events, gyres & thermoclines) Describe major types of marine ecosystems Outline historical and current human uses of marine resources Assess human impacts on marine environments Review the current state of ocean fisheries and reasons for their decline Identify and describe the major layers of the ocean Explain various types of modern fishing methods and explain how each impacts the environment Evaluate marine protected areas and reserves as innovative solutions Perform water quality testing using chemical and physical tests Perform water quality testing using a bioassay Assess the primary productivity of a body of water Analyze the impact of water pollution on dissolved oxygen, turbidity, nutrient content, and pH D . Soil and Soil Dynamics (Rock cycle; formation; composition; physical and chemical properties; main soil types; erosion and other soil problems; soil conservation) o o Explain the importance of soils to agriculture, and describe the impacts of agriculture on soil Delineate the fundamentals of soil science, including soil formation and soil properties (permeability, porosity, pH, charge) be able to give at least one chemical test and one physical test you could perform on soil to test its quality Describe the major soil horizons and understand how they relate to one another Remember "Octopuses Ate Every Black Cherry Rapidly" State the causes and predict the consequences of soil erosion and soil degradation Recite the history and explain the principals of soil conservation Explain the ways farmers prevent soil erosion & soil degradation (contour farming, terracing, inter-cropping, crop rotation, shelterbeds, and no-till farming) Earth Science Core, Mantle, Crust Geologic clock (Period, Eon) Lithosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere Atmosphere Subduction Transform Uplift Convergent Igneous Sedimentary Cone Volcano Composite Volcano Shield Volcano Fissure Volcano Epicenter S Waves P Wave Hot Spot Water Resources Aquifer Water Table Confined Aquifer Unconfined Aquifer Aquifer Recharge Zone Zone of Saturation Zone of Aeration Cone of Depression Subsidence Littoral Zone Limnetic Zone Benthic Zone Profundal Zone Epilimnion Metalimnion Hypolimnion Fall Overturn Spring Overturn Oligotrophic Eutrophic Dead Zones Water Privatization xeriscaping ENSO events Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen Point Pollution Non-Point Pollution Groundwatr Soil & Agriculture Deposition Soil Degradation Weathering Traditional Agriculture Industrialized Agriculture Parent Material Leaching Soil Soil Formation Soil Profile Soil Horizons Topsoil Permeability Porosity Charge Silt Sand Clay Soil Conservation Monoculture Cropland Rangeland Desertification Salinization Atmosphere & Global Climate Change Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Weather Climate Warm Fronts Cold Fronts High Pressure System Low Pressure System Thermal Inversion Hadley Cell Ferrel Cell Coriolis Effect