Alphamosaik 4000 St-Ambroise Suite 270 Montreal H4C 2C7 514-931-3169 Iteration 1 – Sprint 1 - Site Structure Analysis UNESCO Daniel Mankarios Thursday, May 21, 2009 jeudi, 21 mai 2009 Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. Description of the mandate ..................................................................... 4 1.1. Introduction .................................................................................... 4 1.2. Document subject and scope ............................................................. 4 1.3. References ...................................................................................... 4 1.4. Definitions ....................................................................................... 4 Action Plan............................................................................................ 5 2.1. Analysis .......................................................................................... 5 2.2. Proposed Measures........................................................................... 7 2.2.1. Iteration 1 components of the site hierarchy ..................................... 7 2.2.2. Iteration 2 components of the site hierarchy ................................... 10 2.2.3. Overall site structure ................................................................... 11 Appendices ......................................................................................... 13 3.1. Appendix A – UNESCO desired structure ........................................... 13 2 jeudi, 21 mai 2009 Page 3 Document history Author : Daniel Mankarios 514 931-3169 x178 Reviewer(s) Name Name Name Name E-mail Your e-mail Your e-mail Your e-mail Date Date Date Date Document status Draft 3 jeudi, 21 mai 2009 Page 4 1. Description of the mandate 1.1. Introduction The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) wishes to create a new public web site using a renovated look and a more alluring interface. The platform selected is Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007. The website will be using AlphaMosaik's multilingual module as well as several custom components to deliver a rich experience to all future users of their site. 1.2. Document subject and scope This document will cover the analysis of UNESCO’s desired site structure in order to provide a shared understanding of the approach to be taken in SharePoint to address UNESCO’s needs. The purpose of the document is twofold: to provide an understanding to UNESCO about the implementation details of the site and to provide AlphaMosaik a working document for the integration phases. The site structure will provide the overall hierarchy of the site which is somewhat equivalent to the SharePoint skeleton. The document will limit itself to discussions about site structure and provide recommendations based on Microsoft best practices. 1.3. References 1.4. Definitions WSS WFE SQL AD MOSS BLOB IIS SP TL1 TL2 TL3 Windows SharePoint Services v3.0 Web-Front-End Structured Query Language Active Directory Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Binary Large Object Internet Information Services Service Pack Theme Level 1 Theme Level 2 Theme Level 3 4 jeudi, 21 mai 2009 Page 5 2. Action Plan 2.1. Analysis UNESCO has provided a basic outline of the site structure desired (see Appendix A). Although this provides a logical breakdown of the site in terms of navigation, it does not provide the full picture when it comes to site hierarchy. UNESCO has also provided mockups of the site containing a variety of components including the left hand navigation. 5 jeudi, 21 mai 2009 Page 6 Based on a combination of the provided site map, the discussions with UNESCO and using the site mockups provided, it is possible to distinguish the need for the following set of sites: Site Description Home Welcome page for the UIS website Education site containing information pertaining to Education. Literacy site containing information pertaining to Literacy. Education Literacy Science and Technology Content (In scope content only) Science and Technology site containing information pertaining to Science and Technology. Welcome page (unique page). Theme Level 1 page Theme Level 2 pages Theme Level 3 pages Theme Level 1 page Theme Level 2 pages Theme Level 3 pages Theme Level 1 page Theme Level 2 pages Theme Level 3 pages Theme Level 1 page Theme Level 2 pages Theme Level 3 pages Theme Level 1 page Theme Level 2 pages Theme Level 3 pages Theme Level 1 page Workshop lists Culture Culture site containing information pertaining to Culture. Communication Communication site containing information pertaining to Communication. Statistical capacity building Contains a list of workshops that individuals can attend. Data Center Placeholder site OUT OF SCOPE Document Library Contains all UNESCO’s internal documents, categorized using UNESCO taxonomic standards. Mix of documents (multiple content types) Current Surveys Contains a list of surveys by theme. Survey listing Fact Sheets Placeholder site OUT OF SCOPE Glossary Placeholder site About UIS A series of pages allowing users to learn more about UIS as an organization. OUT OF SCOPE Theme Level 3 pages Job listings (PDF) Search A site to provide search capabilities and results No actual content, just pages for search and results display 6 jeudi, 21 mai 2009 Page 7 2.2. Proposed Measures Bridging the gap between the logical structure and the SharePoint site structure is made easier using SharePoint’s native site and subsite features. SharePoint supports the elaboration of a hierarchy through the creation of subsites and pages within sites. There can be as many levels of subsites as desired but pages can only provide a single sub-level from any given site. The proposed site hierarchy is therefore broken down into the components of the hierarchy to be delivered in the iterations: 2.2.1. Iteration 1 components of the site hierarchy The following components comprise the site hierarchy to be developed and deployed in iteration 1. The SharePoint site collection serves as the top site (root site) for a series of sites (hence the name site collection). The Home site is considered to be the site collection, hereon simply referred to as a “site”. The subsites will also be referred to as “sites” in order to simplify the understanding. 7 jeudi, 21 mai 2009 Page 8 Home Welcome Page Education TL1 Welcome Page Pages (TL2 + TL3) Literacy TL1 Welcome Page Pages (TL2 + TL3) Science Pages (TL2 + TL3) Culture TL1 Welcome Page TL1 Welcome Page Pages (TL2 + TL3) Communication TL1 Welcome Page Pages (TL2 + TL3) About UIS TL3 Welcome Page Pages (TL3) Job offers Hierarchy The hierarchy presented above comprises of two levels of sites (“Home” being level 1 and all other sites being level 2) and a third level of pages. Each site is represented on the diagram accompanied by a dotted line connected to a page (TL1 in most cases) representing the default page (i.e. the welcome page) for the site in question. It is also important to note that the document library displayed in the diagram above is a subcomponent of a particular site (About UIS) but does not itself consist in a hierarchical level. Rather, it is a container for content belonging to its parent site. However, the documents and files found in a document library can be displayed and referenced from any location in the site regardless of its parent site (which should only provide logical grouping in the appropriate location). It is not expected of UNESCO to understand the finer nuances of SharePoint (what consists of a hierarchical level, how pages are treated, etc.). The content editors and 8 jeudi, 21 mai 2009 Page 9 viewers will not need to understand the underlying hierarchy as much as they need to understand how to use it. The pages found underneath each site provide a third level of hierarchy. It is important to note that SharePoint does NOT support a hierarchy of pages within the same site. In order to give the illusion of hierarchy within pages, TL3 pages can be displayed only from within the content zone of a TL2 page whereas TL2 pages are directly visible in the navigation: Site Pages (TL2) However, the component used to display the menu will be completely flexible enough (please see document pertaining to expanding menu), allowing editors to place elements of any physical level at any level in this menu. Site templates SharePoint includes a variety of site templates, each template having different features activated by default and different content included. AlphaMosaik will create a unique template for UNESCO which will be used to create any new sites at a future time. This also simplifies site creation as design elements and features do not need to be reapplied for each site as they are included in the template. The site template to be created will be based on a “Publishing site with workflows” template. This template includes all CMS features of SharePoint already embedded (publishing pages, libraries, roles) as well as content approval workflows (discussed in the security and roles document). 9 jeudi, 21 mai 2009 Page 10 2.2.2. Iteration 2 components of the site hierarchy The second iteration of the UIS Website deals with a separate subset of sites. The diagram below illustrates this subset. Home Statistical capacity building Statistical building Welcome Page Pages (TL2 + TL3) Data Center TL1 Welcome Page Document Library Document Library Welcome Page Documents Current Surveys Survey Welcome Page Fact Sheets TL1 Welcome Page Glossary TL1 Welcome Page Search Pages (Search, advanced search, results, etc.) 10 jeudi, 21 mai 2009 Page 11 2.2.3. Overall site structure For completeness, the overall site structure is illustrated by the following diagram (exclude pages, lists and libraries): Home Education Literacy Science Culture Communication About UIS Statistical capacity building Data Center (Placeholder) Document Library Current Surveys Fact Sheets (Placeholder) Glossary (Placeholder) Search *Note that placeholder sites will not have any content added to them as part of the scope of this project and will serve only as containers for any future pages UNESCO wishes to add. 11 jeudi, 21 mai 2009 Page 12 2.3. Conclusion To conclude, this document has covered the basic discussions in regards to SharePoint site structure and should provide a starting point from which to build the website. The site structure presented is fairly straightforward and will provide UNESCO with the required framework for adding content and provide a hierarchy for grouping content. Absent from this document are discussions pertaining to the actual content of the site and the objects used as containers for this content within each site (i.e. lists and libraries). The reason for this omission is due to the fact that the analysis of the layout pages, that display content from various sources, is to be conducted at a later time. 12 jeudi, 21 mai 2009 Page 13 3. Appendices 3.1. Appendix A – UNESCO desired structure 13