SECTION 4B - CAGE BIRDS Stewards: Members of the Lockyer & District P&P Cage Bird Club. All exhibitors to supply own cage To be judged Saturday morning of Show commencing 8.30am. All birds must be penned by 8.00 a.m. ENTRIES CLOSE: One week prior to show Entry Fee: 60c Prize Money: First - $3.00; Second - $2.00 All entries to: Lowood Show Society PO BOX 32 LOWOOD Q 4311 Phone: 5426 1351 BUDGERIGARS Cock 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. Hen 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 1 to 12 Normal 13. 15. 17. 19. 21. 23. 25. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. 26. 13 to 26 Sex Linked Lutino Yellow Albino Cinnamon Green or Blue Series Lacewing (inc luding Opaline) Yellow or White Opaline Normal Green or Blue Series Opaline A.O.V. (excluding Pied) Yellowface, Spangle Clear Body 27. 29. 31. 33. 28. 30. 32. 34. 27 to 34 Dominant Dominant Pied ASV Green or Blue Series Yellow Face ASV (excluding Pied) Blue Series Spangle ASV (excluding double factor & pied) Green or Blue Series Spangle Double Factor Yellow or White 35. 37. 39. 41. 43. 36. 38. 40. 42. 44. 35 to 44 Recessive Greywing (excluding Opaline, Cinnamon, Yellowface) Green or Blue Series Clearwing (excluding Opaline, Cinnamon, Yellowface) Green or Blue Series Fallow (including Opaline) Green or Blue Series Blackeye Self (exc luding Opaline) Yellow or White Danish Recessive Pied ASV Green or Blue Series 45. 47. 46. 48. Normal Light Green Normal Dark or Olive Green Normal Grey Green Normal Sky Blue Normal Cobalt, Mauve, Violet, Violet Sky, Violet Mauve Normal Grey Crested ASV Green or Blue Series AOV & Non Standardised Green or Blue Series Champion Budgerigar: Card & Trophy Reserve Champion Budgerigar: Card & Trophy CANARY SECTION BORDER FANCY 49. 51. 53. 55. 57. 59. 50. 52. 54. 56. 58. 60. Yellow Clear or Ticked Yellow Variegated Cinnamon or Green Buff Clear or Ticked Buff Variegated Any Other Colour Border Fancy RED FACTOR 61. 63. 65. 67. 69. 71. 62. 64. 66. 68. 70. 72. Orange Clear or Ticked Orange Variegated Cinnamon or Green Apricot Clear or Ticked Apricot Variegated Any Other Colour Red Factor GLOSTER CORONA 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. Yellow Clear or Ticked Yellow Variegated Self Green or Cinnamon Buff Clear or Ticked Buff Variegated GLOSTER CONSORT 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. Yellow Clear or Ticked Yellow Variegated Self Green or Variegated Clear or Ticked Variegated Any Other Colour Gloster Consort LIZARDS 95. 97. Any Colour Gold Any Colour Silver 96. 98. AUSTRALIAN PLAINHEADS 99. 100. 101. 102. 101a. 102a. Clear Lightly Variegated Heavily Variegated 15 FIFE 103. 105. 107. 109. 111. 113. 115. 104. 106. 108. 110. 112. 114. 116. Yellow Clear Yellow Ticked or Lightly Variegated Yellow Heavily Variegated Self Green & Cinnamon Buff Clear Buff Ticked or Lightly Variegated Buff Heavily Variegated Self Green & Cinnamon Any Other Colour Fife YORKSHIRE 117. 118. Any Variety (State Variety & Colour) NORWICH 119. 120. Any Variety Norwich (State Variety & Colour) CRESTED CANARY 121. 122. Any Variety Crested Canary (State Variety & Colour) ANY OTHER VARIETY 121a. 122a. State Variety and Colour Champion Canary - Card & Trophy Reserve Champion Canary - Card & Trophy FINCHES Australian - Group 1 123. Longtailed Grass Finch 124. Black Throat 125. Diggles 126. Mask Finch 127. Pictorella 128. Gouldian Black Head 129. Gouldian Red Head 130. Gouldian A.O.C 131. Parrot Finch Australian - Group 2 132. Star Finch 133. Blood Finch 134. Diamond Firetail 135. Painted Finch 136. Red Brown 137. Double Bar 138. Plum Head 139. Chestnut Breasted 140. Yellow Rump 141. A.O.V. Australian Finch (exclude Zebra) Zebra Finch – Group 3 142. Grey (Normal) 143. Fawn 144. Blue Series Slate, Silver, Dark Blue 145. (Other than Class 212) 146. Fawn Series 147. Marked White Series Chestnut Flanked 148. Black Affected Series, Black Fronted, Faced, Bodied 149. Grizzle A/C 150. Pied A/C 151. A.O.V.-A.O.C. Isabelle Yellowbill Foreign Finches Bengalese - Group 4 152. Bengalese Chocolate Pied 153. Bengalese Fawn Pied 154. Bengalese Self A/C (except white) 155. Bengalese Self White 156. Bengalese Crested 157. Bengalese A.O.C. Foreign Finches Java - Group 5 158. Java Blue 159. Java White 160. Java Fawn 161. Java Pied 162. Java A.O.C. Foreign Finches – Group 6 163. Waxbill Ruddy or African Fire Finch 164. Waxbill Orange Breasted 165. Cordon Bleu 166. Blue Cap 167. St Helena A.C. 168. Aurora 169. Melba 170. Tiger Finch 171. Green Avadavat Foreign Finches - Group 7 172. Nun A.C. 173. Mannikin 174. Nutmeg (or Spice Finch) 175. Aberdeen 176. Gold Finch 177. Green Finch 178. Jacarini 179. Cuban 180. A.O.V. Foreign Finch Pairs - Group 8 181. Pair Australian Finches (Other than Zebras) 182. Pair Zebra Finches 183. Pair Foreign Finches Champion Pair Finch: Award Card (Eligible for Champion Pair of Show) Champion Finch: Award Card & Trophy Champion Finch: Award Card & Trophy PARROTS 184. Neophema - Bourkes A/V 185. Neophema - Scarlets A/V 186. Neophema - Turquoise A/V 187. Neophema - Elegants A/V 188. Red Rump Normal 189. Red Rump A/O/C 190. Rosella A/V 191. Lorikeet A/V 192. 28s, Mallee Ringneck Port Lincoln A/V 193. King, Red Wing, Red Cap 194. Princess, Regent Superb A/V 195. Cockatoo, Corella, Galah A/V 196. Indian Ringneck Green 197. Indian Ringneck Blue 198. Indian Ringneck Lutino 199. Indian Ringneck A/O/C 200. A/O/V Foreign Parrot 201. Quarrian Normal 202. Quarrian White & Lutino 203. Quarrian Pied 204. Quarrian Pearl 205. Quarrian White Face 206. Quarrian A/O/V or A/O/C 207. A/O/V Parrot Champion Parrot: Card & Trophy Reserve Champion Parrot: Card & Trophy AFRICAN LOVE BIRDS 208. Normal Jade Peachface 209. Sydney, Brisbane (Yellow) Buttercup 210. Ivory, Cinnamon, Mustard 211. Lutino, Creamino, Peachface 212. Pastel, S late, Cobalt 213. Pied-Green series Peachface 214. Pied - Blue series Peachface 215. Pied A/O/C Peachface 216. A/O/C Whiteface 217. Normal Fischer 218. A/O/C Fischer 219. Nyassa 220. Black Mask - Green 221. Blue Mask 222. Mask A/O/C, A/O/V 223. A/O/C, A/O/V White Eye Champion Love Bird: Award Card & Trophy Reserve Champion Love Bird: Award Card & Trophy DOVES & QUAILS 224. Quail - King Normal 225. Quail - King A/O/V 226. Quail - Japanese 227. Quail - A/O/V 228. Australian Dove 229. Foreign Dove Champion Dove: Award Card & Trophy PAIRS OF BIRDS 230. Pair of Budgerigars 231. Pair of Canaries 232. Pair of Parrots Champion Pair of Show: Card & Trophy 233. Pair of African Lovebirds 234. Pair of Doves 235. Pair of Quails