BOOKING FORM e: or fax: 01483 757824 [ ] Yes, I want to attend the Winning Business in Libya conference being held in London on 14th May 2012 and require the following number of places at the indicated delegate discounted rates: [ [ ] place(s) at the Standard discounted delegate rate for LBBC members: £371.25 plus VAT ] place(s) at the SME discounted delegate rate for LBBC members: £175.50 + VAT DELEGATE 1 Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr First Name: Surname: Job Title: DELEGATE 2 Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr First Name: Surname: Job Title: DELEGATE 3 Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr First Name: Surname: Job Title: Please indicate which two workshops you would like to attend in the afternoon: Delegate 1: A or B C or D Delegate 2: A or B C or D Delegate 3: A or B C or D Organisation Name: Address: Town/City: Post Code: Telephone: Fax: Email: Please Debit My Credit Card (please indicate): VISA / AMEX / MASTERCARD Card No: Issue Date: Security No: Expiry Date: Signature (Your signature is required for all credit card bookings): I would like to be contacted by phone for credit card payment. (please tick) I attach a cheque for £ _____. (please tick) Please invoice me at the address above. (please tick) I will pay by bank transfer: IBAN: GB10 NWBK 5600 2323 0263 24 (please tick) When paying by bank transfer, please quote this reference Libya2. Please ensure that ALL bank charges are met by your organisation. MAIL CODE: LBBC