Checklist – CAC003M Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (SCoC, MRTS51) Contractor Date Review No. Contract No. Project No. Project Name Reference Requirements Addressed General Conditions of Contract Clause 14.4 All current licenses & approvals required for project and that copies will/are provided to the Principal. Supplementary Conditions of Contract Clause 4.5 & 4.6 Is the Environmental Representative and/or, where applicable, the Landscape Representative, a person of appropriate qualification and experience (as described in the SCoC)? Clause 7.1 Has the EMP been submitted prior to commencement of works? Clause 10 Is the EMP(C) consistent with the Environmental Protection Act 1994? MRTS51 Environmental Management Environmental Inspections, Monitoring and Reporting Clause 7.1 Notification of the Administrator within 24 hours of the Contractor being advised of meetings with, inspections or visits from representatives of any administering authority? Clause 7.2 Conduct and document daily site inspections by Environmental Rep for the purpose of verifying compliance. Comments/Observations Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (SCoC, MRTS51) Reference Clause 7.2 & 7.3 Requirements Addressed Comments/Observations Submission of records to the Administrator on a monthly basis, including: a) daily inspections of all environmental elements b) monitoring results, analysis and corrective actions c) environmental nuisance and non-conformances. Clause 7.3 Reporting of all breaches of licence conditions or environmental incidents in accordance with licence conditions and the Environmental Protection Act? Clause 7.4 Immediate notification of the Administrator of incidents involving material or serious environmental harm? Administrative Requirements Clause 9.1.1 Details of all licenses/permits relevant to the project held by either Principal or Contractor, including: a) name and type of licence, permit or approval b) administering authority c) reference number, and d) commencement and expiry date. Clause 9.2 All environmental roles and responsibilities of project personnel? Clause 9.3 A process on how project records will be managed and maintained? Clause 9.4 The environmental site induction process for all persons working on the project, including subcontractors? Clause 9.4 Does the induction include: a) relevant legislation identified b) general environmental duty and duty to notify c) conditions of environmental licences, permits and approvals Contract Administration System, Transport and Main Roads, February 2015 2 Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (SCoC, MRTS51) Reference Requirements Addressed Comments/Observations d) environmental management strategies contained in the Contractor’s EMP(C) e) identified site specific areas such as: environmentally sensitive areas, limits of the construction, cultural heritage issues, and so on f) definition of and management of environmental incidents, and g) refuelling, waste disposal, litter collection and so on. Erosion and Sediment Control (MRTS52) This checklist is to be used for projects with low erosion risk. For projects with general or high erosion risk please use the stand alone Erosion and Sediment Control Plan checklist CAC057M. MRTS52 Clause 6.1 Is there an erosion and sediment control plan for the project (including auxiliary areas)? MRTS52 Clause 6.2 Does the erosion and sediment control plan (ESCP) include: the works and area that the plan is valid for the location of major features such as waterways For low risk sites the ESCP requirements may be able to be met by one drawing or diagram that includes notes on timing of installation of controls. contour lines or flow direction arrows sufficient to show direction of water flow the type and location of all erosion and sediment control measures the timing of installation of controls list of deviations from IECA Manual the response strategy for managing significant rain events. MRTS52 Clause 1.3 Personnel Has the ESCP been prepared and signed off by person with required experience? Contract Administration System, Transport and Main Roads, February 2015 MRTS52 requires that for projects with low erosion risk the ESCP is prepared by person with training as environmental representative and 5 years experience in road construction. 3 Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (SCoC, MRTS51) Reference Requirements Addressed Comments/Observations Cultural Heritage Clause 10.3.4 & Annexure 4.2 a) Cultural Heritage Officer contact details. b) Location of known areas of cultural heritage significance. c) Exclusion zones. d) Notification processes, and e) Management strategies for artefacts, sites & values. Noise Clause 10.4.1, 10.4.2 & Annexure 5.1 a) Location of noise sensitive places, and b) Significant noise generating activities and locations. c) Measures for minimising and monitoring noise associated with construction activity. Does the EMP(C) show consideration of the following strategies for minimising noise: a) implementation practices of alternative work b) silencing, dampening, servicing or replacement of plant and machinery c) bunding, enclosing and screening d) advising neighbouring community of expected noise e) temporary relocation of complainants/adversely affected noise recipients f) siting of noisy equipment away from noise sensitive areas, and g) staging of the works to minimise noise and to provide noise protection. Vibration Clause 10.4.4 a) Location of vibration sensitive places, and b) Significant noise generating activities and locations (e.g. pile driving, drilling, blasting, etc). c) The procedure for site inspections and monitoring? Contract Administration System, Transport and Main Roads, February 2015 4 Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (SCoC, MRTS51) Reference Requirements Addressed Annexure 6.3 The vibration monitoring requirements at sensitive receptors? Clause 10.6.4 a) Location of dust or smoke sensitive places, and b) Activities likely to reduce air quality and their locations. Annexure 7.3 Details of air quality monitoring. Comments/Observations Does the EMP(C) show consideration of the following air quality management strategies: a) regular watering or temporary sealing of the site and access roads b) avoiding works during dry and windy conditions c) fitting equipment with dust collection/suppression devices d) stabilising/covering all materials stockpiled for longer than one month by grassing, erosion blanketing, emulsion spray or other approved method e) covering loads, and f) maintaining clean roadways to and from the construction zone. Acid Sulphate Soils Clause 10.7 MRTS04 Clause 10 (Clause 10.2 to 10.7) a) Requirements as listed in Clause 5.5 of Annexure MRTS04.1. b) Compilation of an Acid Sulphate Soil Management Plan where potentially acid sulphate soils are discovered. c) Testing and reporting of test results for all excavated material which could reasonably be expected to have acid sulphate potential. Contract Administration System, Transport and Main Roads, February 2015 5 Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (SCoC, MRTS51) Reference Requirements Addressed Comments/Observations The testing frequency and reporting shall be as detailed below: Visual testing undertaken by trained personnel shall be continuous throughout the earthwork phase. Field pH testing for both actual and potential acid sulfate soils on all borrow material to be imported to the Works and all material excavated or exposed in the Works in areas specified as having acid sulfate potential. A minimum of one test per soil type shall be carried out, and Where materials test positive to actual or potential acid sulfate contamination in the field, the Administrator shall be notified immediately. Such soils shall not be used on the Site until the results of subsequent quantitative laboratory testing negates the results of the field testing. d) Soil collection, handling and transport (as per MRTS04, Clause 10.4.5). e) Method for treatment of all acid sulphate soils encountered. f) Method for treatment of all runoff from stockpiles of acid sulphate soils and exposed groundwater potentially contaminated by acid sulphate soils. Contaminated Sites Clause 10.8.2 & Annexure Clause 8.2 a) Location of known contaminated sites, and b) Known contaminants and proposed remediation measures. Fauna Clause 10.9.1 and 10.9.5 a) Location of significant habitats. b) Include the management requirements identified in Clause 9.1 of Annexure MRTS51.1. Contract Administration System, Transport and Main Roads, February 2015 Does the Contract consider: a) preserving areas by prohibiting disturbance, clearing or construction activities 6 Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (SCoC, MRTS51) Reference Requirements Addressed c) detail procedures to treat fauna injured by the construction activities. Clause 10.9.1 Annexure Clause 9.2 Comments/Observations b) preserving habitat logs, rock and other shelters c) minimising clearing within the worksite, and d) placement of habitat logs (as per MRTS04). Contact details for emergency wildlife carers included in projects emergency contact list. A licensed Fauna Spotter Catcher shall be engaged to attend the site to carry out inspections, capture or relocation of fauna? Vegetation Clause 10.10.3 & Annexure Clause 10 a) b) c) d) Location of significant vegetation. Location and dimensions of all areas to be cleared. A program showing clearing stages. Means of excluding access to significant vegetation areas, and e) Methods of disposal or reuse of cleared vegetation. Does the EMP(C) at least consider the following vegetation management strategies: a) excluding access to significant vegetation areas b) selecting appropriately sized clearing machinery and equipment c) minimising worksite area d) protecting vegetation drip lines e) locating ancillary activities within existing disturbed areas, and f) cleared vegetation could be chipped or mulched and used on site. Pest Management Clause 10.11.4 a) Location of pest infestations. b) Means of excluding access to areas of pest infestation. c) Location of nearest permanent clean-down facilities. d) Location and design of proposed temporary cleandown bays. e) Weed treatment schedule addressing method of control, chemicals, locations, timing of works, and Contract Administration System, Transport and Main Roads, February 2015 Does the EMP(C) at least consider the following pest management strategies: a) treating infestations prior to the disturbance of the natural surface b) conserving weed free topsoil for reuse in site rehabilitation c) vehicle & infrastructure wash-down 7 Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (SCoC, MRTS51) Reference Requirements f) Clause 10.11.1 Addressed Pest control operator qualifications. Comments/Observations d) isolating and avoiding infested areas e) imported Fire Ant restricted areas and movement controls f) chemical control methods for plant species, and g) burial or isolation of infested soil material. Management measures to prevent spread on and off site? Including: a) use vendor declarations to certify that imported topsoils and mulches are weed free b) certify that construction plant and vehicles used on Site are weed free, and c) ensure construction plant and vehicles operating in contaminated areas are cleaned prior to movement in other areas. Waste Clause 10.12.4 a) Type and quantity of waste expected to be generated and their source. b) Waste management strategies (avoid, reuse, recycling, energy, recovery, disposal). c) Containment location and receptacle type, and d) Destination and waste contractor. Chemicals and Fuels Clause 10.13.4 a) b) c) d) e) f) Type of chemicals and fuels on site. Maximum quantity to be stored at any one time. Storage location. Management practices. Type and location of all spill response equipment. Topographic features of the site including locations of watercourses. Contract Administration System, Transport and Main Roads, February 2015 8 Checklist CAC003M, Environmental Management Plan (Construction) (SCoC, MRTS51) Reference Requirements Addressed Comments/Observations g) Location of fixed-point machinery refuelling areas, considering: no fuelling within 30 m of a watercourse or drainage line fuelling activity to be supervised at all times, and hoses to be fitted with a stop valve at the nozzle end, and h) Location of machinery servicing areas. Review Decision The EMP is considered conformant with MRS51 and accepted by the Administrator. The EMP is not considered conformant with MRS51. Works may not commence until the EMP is revised, resubmitted and accepted by the Administrator. For Low Erosion risk sites only: The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan is considered suitable. It is recommended that it be assessed as suitable by the Administrator. Reviewed by: Name Signature Date Definitions Conformance (C) Fulfilment of a requirement, either contractual or legislative. Non-conformance (NC) A failure to comply with a requirement of contract. Not Fully Verifiable (NFV) There was insufficient evidence to determine conformance or non-conformance. Observation (O) A positive or negative comment of the auditor based on evidence and/or an observation made during the audit. Observations may or may not suggest corrective actions. Contract Administration System, Transport and Main Roads, February 2015 9