Individual Student Program of Instruction Plan 2015-2016 Name: Active in BE/ESL Program Student ID: Grade: Parent Denied BE/ESL Program Six Weeks: 1 FYR Monitor 2 3 4 5 6 SYR Monitor Instructional Accommodations 1. Bilingual/ESL Dictionaries or glossary 2. Oral administration of test, taped tests 3. Provide highlighted/adapted texts, tests 4. Gestures for added emphasis 5. Use advanced organizers, webbing, outlining, graphing 6. Simple conversations (words/phrases) 7. Provide study sheets 8. Use assignment notebooks and prompts 9. Provide repeated reviews; vary teaching strategies 10. Teach in small cooperative groups 11. Provide manipulatives 12. Seat in close proximity to teacher 13. Encourage students to underline key words, facts 14. Use language experience activities 15. Allow students to express key concepts in their own words 16. Provide time and place for assistance with school projects 17. Peer tutoring 18. Provide clarification and simplify language 19. Peer and native language support 20. Visuals/verbal cues to reinforce spoken/written words 21. Pre-teach vocabulary 22. Short sentences and single words 23. Provide phrases or simple/tiered sentence frames/stems 24. Rephrase, repeat, slow down 25. Wait time 26. Extra time for complex material and/or assignments 27. Non-participation in simple conversations 28. Word bank of key vocabulary 29. Model pronunciation 30. Organize reading chucks 31. Oral translation of word(s), phrase(s), or sentence(s) 32. Read and model think aloud 33. Drawing or pictorial representation 34. Writing on familiar, concrete topics 35. Scaffold writing assignments 36. Frequently monitor for student comprehension 37. Provide a variety of linguistic accommodations Other: STATE ASSESSMENTS 14-15 Testing Accommodations None Extended time Individual/small group administration Repeated directions English/native language word to word dictionary Test instructions read aloud (except for reading comprehension) Other STAAR Reading Score ____________ STAAR Writing Score ____________ STAAR EOC Eng I Score ____________ STAAR EOC Eng II Score ____________ TELPAS Composite Score ____________ Subject Report Card CBA Recommendations LPAC Signatures Prescribed Tutoring ___________________________ _______________________________________________ Credit Recovery RTI -TIER : ____________ TIER 3 – SPED Referral Computer-Based Programs ______________________ Intensive Program of Instruction ___________________ Monitoring LEP exited student Continue on Same Plan from ______ Six Weeks Other: ________________________________________ Progress Measures Bilingual/ESL Educator: ______________________________ CBA Data ____________________________________ Professional Transitional Educator: _____________________ Intensive Program of Instruction __________________ Campus Administrator: ______________________________ STAAR/TELPAS Results _________________________ Parent Representative: ______________________________ Classroom Observation ________________________ English/Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Other content areas ELL Intensive Program of Instruction Six Weeks First Teacher LPAC Committee Subjective Teacher Evaluation: Comments/Recommendations: Second Subjective Teacher Evaluation: Comments/Recommendations: Third Subjective Teacher Evaluation: Comments/Recommendations: Fourth Subjective Teacher Evaluation: Comments/Recommendations: Fifth Subjective Teacher Evaluation: Comments/Recommendations: Sixth Subjective Teacher Evaluation: Comments/Recommendations: Completed by (Teacher): ________________________________________________________