E-Cargo & Express Couriers ABSTRACT This project is aimed at developing a data entry system that will enable the image assisted data entry for the cargo for the courier logistics. which is used to simplify the maintenance of the complete details of products, inventory, staff, customers, billing, delivery of goods, etc. The system should have appropriate login facility with relevant option like new user. The system should allow admin to provide loginid and passwords for the users with role privilege option. For appropriate user login the role privilege (Admin/Supervisor/User) should be selected. The system should provide the Supervisor to set the priorities for the shipment load deliveries, also with services like ADD, UPDATE, VIEW, and DELETE on the shipment load item details. Here the user is categorized as sender (source station) and receiver (destination station). The system should provide the user (sender) to enter all his item details for shipment delivery. The receiver after receiving the shipment delivery will be provided with the options of viewing load details and also at the same time sends an act to both user (sender) and supervisor. Existing System : The Current System is a computerized system but which is maintained at individual databases. The system doesn’t provide complete online services like online reports, and centralized database. Limitations in Existing System : 1) This system is maintained at individual database 2) The User or student cannot easily access the database 3) In the current system there is database maintenance, therefore accessing single records take more time to verify the data of particular student information. 4) Student doesn’t have any permission to access their own accounts. Contact: 040-40274843, 9533694296 Email id: academicliveprojects@gmail.com, www.logicsystems.org.in E-Cargo & Express Couriers Proposed System: The Proposed system is a browser which is completely related to online system, which provides the centralized database. The web enabled country cargo and express couriers designed to automate the entire operations of a modern cargo and couriers. The system allows multi-divisional, multi-department system handling that includes various activities. Advantages over Existing System : In this system the database is maintained in centralized manner. The system supports direct sending of letters to abroad countries. This is system is very fast because of the centralized database and accessing database will be very easy, when compared to the existing system. To this application we providing new offers and schedules to the customers where the Customer easily retrieve the information of all the courier services. System Requirement Specification: Software Requirements: Operating System : Windows XP/2003 or Linux/Solaris User Interface : HTML, CSS Client-side Scripting : JavaScript Programming Language : Java Web Applications : JDBC, JNDI, Servlets, JSP IDE/Workbench : Eclipse with MyEclipse Plug- : Oracle/Access in Database Contact: 040-40274843, 9533694296 Email id: academicliveprojects@gmail.com, www.logicsystems.org.in E-Cargo & Express Couriers Hardware Requirements: Processor : Pentium IV Hard Disk : 40GB RAM : 256MB Contact: 040-40274843, 9533694296 Email id: academicliveprojects@gmail.com, www.logicsystems.org.in