“A Blast from the Past” At Upcoming Homecoming Festivities

Everton to Celebrate “A Blast from the Past” At Upcoming Homecoming Festivities
Everton High School will be celebrating its annual Homecoming with a game, a dance and other festivities to welcome alumni, family,
and friends home on Friday, February 1, 2013. Students will enjoy activities all week with the theme, “Blast From the Past”. There will
be spirit days, including: Matchmaker Monday, Fashion Disaster Tuesday, Jinx Day, Flashback Day, and Black and Gold Day on the
day of the big game. Students in the high school will be decorating the gym to cheer our teams on to victory. On Friday, there will be a
spirit assembly, during which winners of the spirit contest will be announced. The contest is comprised of students dressing for spirit
days, gym decorations, and interclass competitive games during the assembly.
At the games, the Everton High School Tigers and Lady Tigers will be taking on the Eagles of Bradleyville. Alumni wearing “old spirit
wear” will receive a discount at the admissions gate. The girls’ game will begin at 5:30. At half-time of the girls’ game, and between
the games, there will be an alumni reception with cake and refreshments in the cafeteria. Alumni are requested to sign in and state
when they graduated, and where they currently live. All alumni will be recognized, but there will be a special recognition given to our
oldest graduate at the game, the alumnus who traveled the farthest to attend, and an award for the “most spirited” alum. The Everton
Cheerleaders will perform at half-time of the boys’ game. Also at half-time, all alumni will be called to center court for a group picture.
After the boys’ game, alumni awards will be announced. The coronation ceremony for the 2013 EHS Homecoming Queen and King
will follow the alumni awards.
After the games and coronation, a dance will be held until 11:30 PM. Dance ticket prices are $5 apiece or $8 dollars per couple.
EHS Homecoming 2013 Royalty Candidates
Linsey Denney and Dave Allen
Odessa Gateley and Logan Brown
Hope Starkey and David Janson
The 2013 EHS Homecoming Royalty candidates include Miss Linsey Denney and Mr. Dave Allen, Miss Odessa Gateley and Mr. Logan
Brown, and Miss Hope Starkey and Mr. David Janson.
Linsey Denney is the daughter of Kim and Monte Gladden. Linsey has participated four years on the varsity volleyball and basketball
teams, as well as three years on the track the team. She has been a member of FBLA three years, and FFA two years. Miss Denney
is proud to have been on the honor roll all four years of her high school career. Linsey plans to attend Cottey College where she will
play basketball while obtaining her Associate’s degree. Upon her graduation from Cottey, she would like to transfer to Missouri State
University where she plans to major in criminology. After attaining her Bachelor’s degree, Linsey hopes to pursue her career, find a
nice guy, and start a family. Miss Denney is being escorted by Mr. Dave Allen.
Dave Allen is the son of Angela Coffman and Josh Starkey. Mr. Allen has been a member of the basketball and baseball teams four
years. He has been a member of FFA four years, one of which he has held an officer’s position. He has also been involved in student
council and FBLA one year. Although Dave states he is undecided at the moment, he plans to choose between attending college,
where he hopes to play basketball, or entering the armed forces. Eventually he would like to settle down and have a family.
Odessa Gateley is the daughter of Larry and Sheila Gateley. Odessa has been quite a leader during her high school career. She has
been on the yearbook staff, the basketball team, and FBLA three years. She is the current president of FBLA. She has participated in
track, scholarbowl, FFA and student council all four years of her high school career. She is the presiding officer of FFA. She is also
serving her second term as president of the Everton Student Body. Miss Gateley plans to attend the University of Missouri, where she
plans to study to become a forensic pathologist. Odessa says, upon graduating, she would like to find success in her career and
eventually settle down and have a family. Odessa is being escorted by Mr. Logan Brown.
Logan Brown is the son of Greg and Suzanne Taylor. Mr. Brown has participated in track one year, and baseball three years. He has
been on the varsity basketball team and in FFA all four years of his high school career. Logan is interested in attending MSSU for their
criminal justice program. After college, Logan says he would like to have a good job and, someday, start a family.
Hope Starkey is the daughter of Beth and Rick Starkey. Miss Starkey has been very involved in school activities. She has been a
member of FBLA and FFA two years; on the yearbook staff, the volleyball team and the cheer squad three years; and on the basketball
team four years. Hope plans to attend OTC to obtain her CNA certificate and take her general education courses. Upon graduating,
she would like to work for Cox hospital while attending their school to become a radiologist. Hope says she eventually plans to settle
down and have a family of her own. Miss Starkey is being escorted by Mr. David Janson.
David Janson is the son of Dr. Karl and Jaudawn Janson. Mr. Janson has been involved in basketball for two years. He has
participated in track all four years of his high school career. In addition, David has been a part of a local CMA (Christian Motorcycle
Association) for two years. David plans to enter the US Army, where he plans to join the US Ranger Regiment.