

Description of Data Files and Folders Associated with Long et al. 2014, “Behavior and

Nutritional Condition Buffer a Large-Bodied Endotherm against Direct and Indirect

Effects of Climate”

Data Files


This file contains the categorical descriptions of cloud cover obtained from the National

Weather Service for the Idaho National Laboratory Site (INL) during each day of our study, from 6 May, 2010 to 31 October 2012.

This file also contains the mean percentage cloud cover of each category based on ocular estimates obtained daily over a 6-week observational period at the beginning of the study.


This file contains a variety of data obtained from each individual elk captured at the Idaho

National Laboratory Site (INL) during our study.

Data from 2010, 2011, and 2012 are provided in separate worksheets.

Column headings are date of capture (Date), unique individual identifier (ID), Sex, Chest girth, body mass (BM), body condition score (BC Score), maximum depth of the rump fat

(Max Fat) in mm and cm, and percent ingesta-free body fat (% IGFBF).

Body mass was estimated as a function of chest girth, and percent ingesta-free body fat estimated as a function of body condition score and maximum fat depth, using equations provided by Cook et al. (2010):

Cook, R. C., J. G. Cook, T. R. Stephenson, W. L. Myers, S. M. McCorquodale, D. J.

Vales, L. L. Irwin, P. B. Hall, R. D. Spencer, S. L. Murphie, K. A. Schoenecker, and

P. J. Miller. 2010. Revisions of rump fat and body scoring indices for deer, elk, and moose. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:880-896.


This file contains all of the 128,854 GPS locations used in our analyses of elk at the Idaho

National Laboratory Site (INL) during 2010-2012.

Column headings are date of location (DATE), hour of location (Hour; range = 0–23), individual animal identifier (ID), X and Y coordinates (UTMX and UTMY), and time of day

(TOD; values = D for daytime and N for nighttime).

Map Datum is WGS 1984.


This file contains vegetative cover data obtained from 200 random ground-truthing locations at the Idaho National Laboratory Site (INL).

Column headings are point ID (ID), classified habitat type (Habitat), X and Y coordinates

(Easting and Northing), true habitat type (TRUE_Type), number of bands of the Robel pole covered at least 50% by vegetation when observed from each of the cardinal directions

(Bands covered), estimated vertical cover (Vertical Cover), whether the classified type was equivalent to the true type (Correct?), and whether the location was shaded at a height of 1.28 m (the average shoulder height of a standing female elk).

Map Datum is WGS 1984.

Vertical cover was used as an index of concealment cover, and was calculated as the average proportion of the Robel pole that was covered by vegetation (number of bands covered divided by 15 total bands) when the pole was observed from each of the cardinal directions.

The proportion of points in each habitat type that were shaded at a height of 1.28 m was used to parameterize the “percent shade” portion of Niche Mapper for landscape-scale simulations at the INL.


This file contains all of the raw weather station data used to parameterize the microclimate model during our study, for landscape-scale simulations at the Idaho National Laboratory

Site (INL).

Column headings are year, month, day, hour, and minute that each datum was obtained, temperature in o

C (Tmp C), relative humidity (RH), wind speed, gust speed (Gust), and wind direction (Direction).


This file contains the categorical descriptions of cloud cover obtained from the National

Weather Service for the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range (Starkey) during each day of our study, from 14 May, 2010 to 15 November, 2012.

This file also contains the mean percentage cloud cover of each category based on ocular estimates obtained daily over a 6-week observational period at the beginning of the study.


This file contains a variety of data obtained from individual elk captured at the Starkey

Experimental Forest and Range during our study.

Data from 2010, 2011, and 2012 are provided in separate worksheets.

Column headings are date of spring capture (Spring handling date), unique individual identifier (ID), Sex, spring mass in pounds and kilograms, spring body condition score

(Spring BC Score), maximum depth of the rump fat in spring (Spring Max Fat), percent ingesta-free body fat in spring (Spring % IGFBF), date of winter capture (Winter handling date), winter mass in pounds and kilograms, winter body condition score (Winter BC Score), maximum depth of the rump fat in winter (Winter Max Fat), and percent ingesta-free body fat in winter (Winter % IGFBF).

Some column headings do not appear in the worksheet for 2010, because data on nutritional condition in spring were not collected in that year.

Percent ingesta-free body fat was estimated as a function of body condition score and maximum fat depth, using equations provided by Cook et al. (2010): o Cook, R. C., J. G. Cook, T. R. Stephenson, W. L. Myers, S. M. McCorquodale, D. J.

Vales, L. L. Irwin, P. B. Hall, R. D. Spencer, S. L. Murphie, K. A. Schoenecker, and

P. J. Miller. 2010. Revisions of rump fat and body scoring indices for deer, elk, and moose. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:880-896.


This file contains all of the 345,075 GPS locations used in our analyses of elk at the Starkey

Experimental Forest and Range (Starkey) during 2010-2012.

Column headings are individual animal identifier (ID), date of location (Date), hour of location (Hour; range = 0–23), time of day (TOD; values = D for daytime and N for nighttime), and X and Y coordinates (UTM_X and UTM_Y).

Map Datum is WGS 1984.


This file contains vegetative cover data obtained from 200 random ground-truthing locations at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range (Starkey).

Column headings are point ID, classified habitat type (HAB_TYPE), X and Y coordinates

(Easting and Northing), true habitat type (True_Type), number of bands of the Robel pole covered at least 50% by vegetation when observed from each of the cardinal directions (# of segments concealed >50%), estimated vertical cover (Percent Cover), and whether the classified type was equivalent to the true type (Correct?).

Map Datum is WGS 1984.

Vertical cover was used as an index of concealment cover, and was calculated as the average proportion of the Robel pole that was covered by vegetation (number of bands covered divided by 15 total bands) when the pole was observed from each of the cardinal directions.


This file contains all of the raw weather station data used to parameterize the microclimate model during our study, for landscape-scale simulations at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range (Starkey).

Column headings are date and time that each datum was obtained (Date Time, GMT-06:00), temperature in o C (Temp, o C), relative humidity (RH), wind speed, gust speed, and wind direction.


This file contains all of the data and equations used to estimate weekly changes in body mass and nutritional condition (percent ingesta-free body fat) of elk during each year of our study at both study sites (Starkey and the INL).

Data and estimating equations for temporal changes in body mass at Starkey (Starkey_Mass), nutritional condition at Starkey (Starkey_BC), body mass at the INL (INL_Mass), and nutritional condition at the INL (INL_BC) are provided in separate worksheets.


This file contains the SAS code and one example dataset for running the iterative piecewise regression described in the manuscript.

Zipped Data Folders


This zipped folder contains a variety of GIS layers used in our study, and is divided into two subfolders, one for the Idaho National Laboratory Site (INL) and one for the Starkey

Experimental Forest and Range (Starkey).

INL Subfolder: This subfolder contains the following materials:


The habitat type layer for this study area, in raster (Tiff) format.


The DEM (digital elevation model) for this study area, in raster (Tiff) format. All other topographic layers used for the INL were derived from this layer using basic tools in ArcGIS.


The roads layer for this study area in shapefile (polyline) format.


An additional folder (Forage_Layers) that contains the averaged seasonal (spring, summer, and autumn) Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) layers for this study area during each year of our study (2010-2012) in raster (Tiff) format.

Starkey Subfolder: This subfolder contains the following materials:


The habitat type layer for this study area, in raster (Tiff) format.


The DEM (digital elevation model) for this study area, in raster (Tiff) format. All other topographic layers used for Starkey were derived from this layer using basic tools in ArcGIS.


An additional folder (Forage_Layers) that contains the interpolated forage quality layers for spring and summer at Starkey, as described in the manuscript, in raster

(Tiff) format.


An additional folder that contains the canopy cover and distance to roads layers for this study area in raster format.

Niche Mapper Inputs

This zipped folder contains the key input files for running both single-site and landscapescale simulations in Niche Mapper for each of our study sites.

The folder is divided into two subfolders (INL and Starkey) that differentiate data from each study site. Those subfolders themselves are then divided into three additional subfolders that differentiate input files from each year of the study (2010-2012).

The subfolder for each study site and year contains three input files:


alomvars.dat: This file, which can be opened in Notepad, contains all of the various physical measurements used to define dimensions of the “model” elk in Niche

Mapper after it has been broken down into its component parts.


endo.dat: This file contains all of the behavioral, physiological, and morphological data used to parameterize Niche Mapper for elk in our study.


micro.dat: This file contains all of the microclimatic data used to parameterize Niche

Mapper for elk in our study.
