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I. Introduction
II. Research Methods
A. Qualitative
B. Quantitative
III. Conclusion
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Table of Contents
Recycling ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Environment ................................................................................................................................. 5
Safety ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Cayden Horne
Ms. Stair
May 10 2012 (Due Date)
Recycling is good for the environment. Recycling is important, but people do
not always make it a priority. There are a few different common types of trash that
can be turned into commonly used items, and there are only three steps to recycling!
People do not recycle, and we need to set up more recycle centers.
Recycling is good for the environment. It saves energy, conserves natural
resources like water, minerals, and timber. Recycling saves natural resources because
when we recycle we reuse items which means we do not have to ruin trees, minerals,
and water. We could also recycle paper. When we recycle paper, the paper that was
recycled is less white. When we recycle paper we do not just reuse paper we save
trees. Since we get paper from trees it saves the trees because we do not have to cut
the trees down because we need paper.
When we recycle, we keep the environment clean and healthy. We keep it
clean when we recycle because we reuse the items instead of throwing them away,
which causes landfills. Recycling keeps the environment healthy because, the trash
doesn’t just float around nature.
‘There are benefits to recycling. It expands our imagination because we think about
what we can reuse. When we recycle, it saves us money. It saves us money because
we could make stuff that we want/need out of stuff that we are not going to use
again. If you like art, you can use recycled stuff for your art.
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Some people might not know about the benefits of recycling and what happens if we
do not recycle which is a problem. People also may not recycle because there are not
any recycling centers near them. Which causes the environment to get unhealthy.
People who live in countries with large amounts of land do not recycle as
much because they feel that it is not needed. However, in Korea people recycle a lot
because they are limited on land space.
People usually do not recycle either because they are too busy or because there are
not enough recycling trash cans available. Sometimes people do not recycle because
they are lazy.
We can separate our trash and we can make things out of things that we are
not going to use again or use the things that you are not going to use for art. We need
to provide more trashcans that have labels on it so people will be motivated to
Sometimes, a reason why people do not recycle is because they are not
motivated or do or not realize how important it is. “Recycling also helps reduce the
pollution that may be caused by improperly disposing of various wastes” (Vaughn
In cities, there are a lot of people. People have a lot of trash. Their trash
doesn’t get recycled. That causes problems later on. This happens, because there are
not a lot of recycling programs and recycling trash bins.
“Each person creates about 4.7 pounds of waste every single
There are many solutions for recycling. The easiest solution is to make
recycling bins accessible (much like they do in Korea). A second solution is to have
recycling events in which people are educated about the importance of recycling. A
third solution, one that is very difficult but necessary, is to have communities come
up with recycling programs. The state of New Jersey established an effective program
like this in 1981. A fourth solution is for governments to offer tax breaks to
companies who recycle.
Recycled aluminum makes new cans and other aluminum products. Glass can
be recycled to make new glass products and tough material for street paving. Paper
can be recycled to make new paper and insulation glass. “Recycled motor oil is as for
fuel oil in industry” (Vaughn 1608) Plastic is hard to recycle.
When we use plastic products such as bottles and bags, etc., it is bad for the
environment. It is bad for the environment because it is really hard to recycle it. If we
cannot recycle plastic and people use it all the time, our environment is going to get
unhealthier. Plastic has many different types of plastic layers. We should use less
plastic and more glass.
There are only three steps of recycling (from U.S Environmental Protection
Agency). The first step is collection and processing. That is when there are four
primary methods: curbside, drop-off centers, buy-back centers, and deposit/refund
programs”(from U.S Environmental Protection Agency). The second step is
manufacturing. Today, a lot more people are manufacturing products “with total or
partial recycled content” (from U.S Environmental Protection Agency). The final step
is purchasing recycled products. This step is basically buying the recycled product.
We want to make our environment a better place, and we could do this by
recycling. We can do it just in three steps. Let’s change this “Each person creates
about 4.7 pounds of waste every single day” (http://www.recycle.com/tag/americarecycles-day/) to less! We can change the environment by recycling.
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Works Cited
Environmental Protection Agency. “Recycling Works! State and Local Solutions to Solid
Waste Management Problems. April 1999. http://www.epa.gov.
Environmental Protection Agency. “Wastes - Resource Conservation - Reduce, Reuse,
Some of the facts are a little (broad) vague; you should add a little more detail to
make it better.
You should change the “Steps of recycling a product” down to the solution side. That’s
where it most fits.
yeah... That’s all there is to it.
Three points-
Why people don’t recycle
Different trash that can be changed into different products
Three steps of recycling
My Introduction
Recycling is good for the environment. Recycling is important. But why do people not
recycle, there are a few different common types of trash that can be turned into
commonly used items, and there are only three steps to recycling! People do not recycle,
we need to set up more recycle centers.