Open - The Scottish Government

Bertie Armstrong, Scottish Fishermen’s
Nick Bailey, Marine Scotland Science.
Kara Brydson, RSPB Scotland.
Greig Chalmers, Marine Scotland Sea
Fisheries Policy Division.
Simon Collins, Shetland Fishermen’s
Association by teleconference.
Stuart Downes, Marine Scotland Sea
Fisheries Policy Division.
Tony Kenning, Mallaig and North West
Fishermen’s Association.
Duncan MacInnes, Western Isles
Fishermen’s Federation.
Roddy McColl, Fishermen’s Association
Fiona Matheson, Orkney Fisheries
Eamon Murphy, Marine Scotland Sea
Fisheries Policy Division (for agenda
item 10.1).
Mike Park, Scottish Fishermen’s
Alan Coghill, Scottish Fishermen’s
Ross Dougal, Scottish Fishermen’s
Simon Dryden, Marine Scotland
Archie MacFarlane, Scottish
Fishermen’s Federation.
Iain MacSween, Scottish Fishermen’s
Helen McLachlan, WWF Scotland.
Jennifer Mouat, Scottish Fishermen’s
Federation. (Observing).
Mike Palmer, Marine Scotland Sea
Fisheries Policy Division. (Chair).
Leslie Tait, Scottish Fishermen’s
Federation by teleconference.
1. Welcome, introductions and apologies.
1. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting in particular Roddy McColl who
was representing Sandy Patience; Tony Kenning representing Alastair Skinner;
and Jennifer Mouat who was observing.
2. Apologies had been received from John Cox, Kevin McDonell, Sasha Maguire,
and Sandy Patience.
2. Conclusions of previous meeting held on 26 November 2013.
3. The conclusions of the previous meeting were agreed.
3. Matters arising:
3.1. Items for discussion under Any Other Business.
4. Discussions under Any Other Business were requested on suspension of Real
Time Closures while the Norwegian Zone when is closed; and, the Independence
3.2. eLogs update.
5. The Group heard an update on the implementation of recent eLog software
updates and roll out of VMS+.
6. Questions were posed on the issues with the Seatronics system, costs of the new
VMS+ system including associated data transmission costs. Also, from a
Producer Organisation perspective, date and catch grossing issues.
4. Action Plan on white fish and prawn fisheries – criteria to determine hardship
fund payments.
7. After consideration, the Group agreed the Hardship Panel need not be convened
in light of the criterion for determining applications proposed by Marine Scotland.
It was proposed that applicants that did not achieve net 2013 profit of £17,000 be
awarded a payment from the Hardship Fund to bring their net profit up to that
level, up to the maximum payment permitted under EU de minimis rules. The
Group noted that an approach on these lines was not an exact one, and
members noted the possibility of exceptional cases, but it was also accepted that,
in light of the modest payments possible and the desire to make payments
swiftly, an approach on these lines was logical. There was discussion of whether
there would be a facility for appeal. Marine Scotland noted that appeal would not
be precluded by the approach, but that the arithmetical nature of the criterion
would make successful appeals unlikely.
5. Days at Sea 2014-15.
8. The paper proposed a roll-over of 2013-14 arrangements, but with the addition of
a non-transferable allocation option for vessels operating outside ICES Area IVa.
9. There was discussion about requirements for vessels fishing with gear category
TR2 in ICES Area IVa. Marine Scotland confirmed that the use of specified highly
selective gears would continue to be mandatory for these vessels. Following
discussion, SWFPA requested that their disagreement with this approach be
recorded in the minutes. There was also discussion about the monitoring of
vessels benefitting from the ground fish effort credit. Shetland FA noted their view
that monitoring need not be carried out by way of CCTV.
10. The Group noted that should the applications to exempt vessels from the effort
regime at agenda item 8 be successful, the activity of these vessels in the
reference period (2004-06) would be removed from the baselines. Approximately
0.3m kW days would be removed from the North Sea TR2 baseline and 1.1m kW
days from the West of Scotland TR2 baseline.
6. Scottish Discards Steering Group – feedback on discussion from
17 October 2013.
11. The Group heard of the various projects being taken forward in advance of the
landing obligation which were being coordinated into one chart to provide a
clearer view on the fuller project. This chart would be circulated to the Group
along with the principles of the Scottish Discards Steering Group.
ACTION POINT 1: Marine Scotland Policy.
ACTION POINT 2: Marine Scotland Policy.
7. West of Scotland cod avoidance and discard reduction: presentation by
Marine Scotland Science: Consideration of progress.
12. A presentation was offered by Nick Bailey of Marine Scotland Science, which was
later circulated to the Group.
ACTION POINT 3: Secretariat.
13. It was noted in discussion that while the spatial measure in effect in ICES
Area VIa since 2012 had not resulted in an overall reduction in TR1 fishing effort
north of 59 degrees there had been a re-direction of effort towards the haddock
fishery in the Sule Skerry area. Further analysis would be required to determine
whether Cod CPUE in this area was / is lower than in other parts of VIa.
14. It was also noted that the introduction of larger SMPs in the TR2 fishery appeared
to have some success in reducing gadoid discards.
8. Applications for exemption from cod effort regime – Clyde and Firth of Forth.
15. The Group heard applications were being finalised to seek exemption from the
cod plan effort regime for groups of vessels that expend the majority of their
fishing effort in specified areas of the Clyde and Firth of Forth. The applications,
once complete, would be submitted to the March 2014 STECF plenary, for
16. In submitting these applications, the Group were made aware of the increased
risks in effort management due to the reduction in the baselines these exempted
groups of vessels would cause. This is explained in paragraph 10 above.
9. End Year Negotiations – information update.
17. The Group received a report on the outcome of the December Fisheries Council.
10. Any Other Business:
10.1. Seabed Telecoms Cables.
18. The Group discussed various issues surrounding seabed cables and the routes
of recompense available to the industry for abandoning snagged gear. The
forthcoming work by BT on the West of Scotland could provide a possible route to
reviewing and refining the current guidelines on cross-industry responsibilities on
seabed cables.
10.2. Governance of Sea Fisheries Policy groupings.
19. The group agreed FMAC paper [insert number Stuart] and noted that the
Secretariat would circulate reports to the main group on the discussions of the
sub groups. SFF reported they would offer comments on the paper circulated.
10.3. Future Funding of an Independent Onboard Observer Scheme.
20. It was noted that the Conservation Credits observer scheme, managed by the
SFF, remained a priority for numerous fisheries management purposes. It was
further noted that the current phase of funding of observers is due to end in
December 2014. SFF and Marine Scotland agreed to work together to construct
and submit an application for EFF funding within the extended bid period. In
addition, Marine Scotland indicated that appropriate interim measures would be
considered in the event of a gap between EFF and EMFF.
ACTION POINT 4: SFF and Secretariat.
ACTION POINT 5: SFF and Marine Scotland Policy.
10.4. Long Hole closure.
21. SWFPA noted that the Long Hole closure was in effect throughout the whole year
and that it had not been possible, as first intended, to survey the area for the
purpose of considering a re-opening. Noting this, Marine Scotland proposed to
amend the Long Hole closure so that it was closed only in January and February.
This proposal was agreed.
10.5. Proposal to suspend Real Time Closures (RTCs) while Norwegian Zone
22. SWFPA noted that the closure of the Norwegian zone could involve reduced cod
catches and that there could therefore be an argument to suspend RTCs while it
is closed. Marine Scotland Policy noted this view but also recalled that on a
previous occasion Marine Scotland Science had advised that the closure of this
area was unlikely to bring about a significant reduction in the overall level of cod
catches, given that displaced vessels might fish in areas of cod abundance.
10.6. Independence Referendum.
23. SFF proposed that a future meeting consider the issue of fisheries policy and
independence. It was agreed this would be added to the agenda for the next
ACTION POINT 6: Secretariat.
11. Date of next meeting.
24. The next meeting is scheduled for 13 March 2014 at the Marine Laboratory in
FMAC Secretariat
Marine Scotland
February 2014