Name of Group Members: Jacqueline Patricia Lazo Estavez and Lily

Name of Group Members: Jacqueline Patricia Lazo Estavez and Lily Shah
Name of Disorder: Major Depression
General Description: A mood disorder that affects you emotionally and physically
interfering in your day to day life. Major depression may require long term treatment;
certain people tend to feel better medicated.
- Constant sadness
- Change in sleeping patterns
- Constant emptiness
(insomnia or sleeping too much)
- Constant hopelessness
- Lack of energy
- Irritability / frustration
- Changes in appetite
- Loss of interest / motivation (finds
- Slowed thinking / speaking /
no pleasure in activities previously
- Unexplained pain
- Lack of energy
- Anxiety / restlessness
- Feeling of worthlessness
- Feeling of guilt / failure for past
- Trouble concentrating
- Indecisiveness
- Thoughts of death or suicide
Possible Impacts on Life:
- Interferes with work life (lack of motivation / energy, inability to concentrate)
- Damages relationships (isolation, irritability, lack of interest)
- Inability to make decisions
- Time spent sleeping
Therapies/Treatments and their Effectiveness:
Psychotherapy / Talk therapy
→ Helps to pinpoint issues and find solutions (ways to combat / prevent negative
Electroconvulsive therapy / shock therapy
→ Relieves symptoms by causing mini seizures (seen as a temporary fix)
→ varying levels of effectiveness depending on patient as well as medication
→ side effects often include:
- nausea / constipation
- changes in appetite / weight gain
- lack of interest in sex / erectile dysfunction / decreased orgasm
- drowsiness / insomnia
- blurred vision
Case Study - Background
Jessica, 28 years old
Shame (inability to meet her own standards)
Highly stressed
Sets overly high goals / expectations for herself
Case Study - Symptoms / Impacts on Life Feelings of worthlessness
Unusually fatigued
Difficulty concentrating at work
Coworkers have noticed irritability and withdrawal / isolation
Dissatisfaction with her life, thoughts / wishes of death
Case Study - Diagnosis / Treatments
- Diagnosed with Major Depression
Combination of talk therapy and antidepressants
Sources Cited: (use APA format)
Case Studies. (2013, May 15). Retrieved from
Depression (major depressive disorder). (2015, July 22). Retrieved November 11, 2015,
Major Depression (Clinical Depression) Symptoms, Treatments, and More. (n.d.).
Retrieved November 11, 2015, from
Understanding Depression and Effective Treatment. (2010, July 1). Retrieved from