PBIS and the Paraprofessional

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PBIS and the Paraprofessional
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support and the Paraprofessional
The paraprofessionals’ role in positive behavior support (PBIS) can encompass collaboration in all three
levels of positive behavior support.
In the primary level of PBIS, the paraprofessional can assist with the following activities:
 Assist the team in teaching and modeling the 3-5 behavioral expectations
 Reiterate the rules to students who do not comply
 Write up office discipline referrals for repeat offenders
 Assist with data entry of office discipline referral data
 Pass out recognition slips (gotchas) to students who exhibit excellent examples of the 35 behavioral expectations
 Assist with posters, matrices, and murals depicting the 3-5 behavioral expectations
 Label appropriate behaviors verbally
 For preschool students: teach and re-teach expected behaviors
In the secondary level of PBIS, the paraprofessional can assist with the following activities:
 Monitor check-in and check-out progress for students in the targeted group range
 Assist with lunch bunch or other social group education
 Attend behavior management technique seminars when available
 Develop relationships with small groups
 Assist teachers to identify objectives and develop social stories to assist with making
appropriate choices
 For preschool students: teach and re-teach expected behaviors and implement behavior
programs for individual students
 For preschool students: assist teacher to document behavior incidents and enter BIRS
into Infinite Campus
In the tertiary level of PBIS, the paraprofessional can assist with the following activities:
 Collect functional behavior assessment data on individual students
 Take anecdotal notes on setting events that may precede targeted behaviors
 Record student teacher rating sheet data with student
 Complete and respond to home-school correspondence
 Implement token economy program for appropriate behavior
 Label appropriate behaviors verbally
 For preschool students: teach and re-teach expected behaviors and implement behavior
programs for individual students
 For preschool students: assist teacher to document behavior incidents and enter BIRS
into Infinite Campus
PBIS for Support Staff
Laura A. Riffel, Ph.D.
Pg. 2
PBIS for Support Staff
Laura A. Riffel, Ph.D.
Pg. 2