
Should Students Wear Antimicrobial Gym Uniforms?
 What is the problem with the uniforms?
It has many risks dealing with your body because nano particles are
very small so they can get inside of your body and harm you.
 Risks that can happen
When you consume too much silver nano particles it can turn
your skin blue which is called our argyria. Paul Karson was 62
when he died from a heart attack. 62 is below the average life
span and it’s possible that his excessive consumption of silver
helped shorten his life.
It can kill some of your good bacteria like E.coli which helps
with your digestive tracks.
You may not be aware of it, but silver nanoparticles are
cropping up in a variety of consumer products, including soaps,
sanitizers, fabric softeners, detergents, cosmetics, and wound
dressings. As they increase in popularity, more of them will be
released into the environment through the sewer line. While
silver nanoparticles are useful for their antibacterial properties,
they can cause problems when they are no longer involved in
their intended roles. In the environment, they could kill benign
bacteria and harm living organisms by disrupting certain
metabolites and enzymes.
By: yun xie
It may cause birth defects.
These nanosilver particles are so small they are able to cross
the egg membranes and move into the fish embryos in less
than a day," Sepúlveda said. "They had a potentially high dose
of silver in them.
4. When you sweat it can go into pores and harm your body in
some ways. In the study, Bernd Nowak and colleagues note that
widespread use of silver nanoparticles in consumer products, especially
textiles, likely results in the distribution of nanoparticles.