Annual Program Plan―2015‒2016 I. Department Physics and Planetary Sciences Discipline or Program on which this plan focuses Physics/Physical Science/Engineering Date October 3, 2014 Version number 1 Program Description Physics Our physics program consists of three introductory physics sequences, which are major preparation for various scientific majors, and two general education courses. 101/102/103 is a calculus-based sequence for physical science and engineering majors. 66/67 is a separate calculus-based sequence aimed at life science majors, and 6/7 is an algebra-based sequence also aimed primarily at life and medical sciences. Our general education courses are Physics 12 – Physics Fundamentals, and Physics 15 – Physics of Music. Over the last ten years, reliance on a heavily lecture-based approach has been replaced by the increased use of active-learning based methodologies in Physical Science and in our calculus-based Physics classes. Consistent with Physics Education Research (PER) publications, the Section XIII data shows that program success and retention remained high for physics and markedly increased for Physical Science when the active learning changeover took place after the 2003/2004 academic years. We struggled successfully to hire two new tenure track instructors (one in 2005, the other in 2009) and to obtain funding support (from Program 100, FFE, IELM, STEM Grant) to begin rebuilding our inventory of equipment needed for classroom demonstrations, tutorial sessions, and student labs. The major activity for the 2010-2011 year was moving from the current Physics Building and settling into the new Center for Sciences Building. Now our focus has changed to using regularly budgeted program 100 funds to gradually supplement and improve our inventory of instructional equipment, as well as organizing and learning to make effective use of our newly acquired resources. We are also looking to grow the enrollments in our calculus based physics classes and expand our offerings, while striving to revitalize our general education physics courses. Although we have settled in to the new building, it is again a time of transition in the physics discipline at Pierce. In the past couple of years, two full-time physics professors have retired and one has taken a leave of absence, leaving us with only one full-time permanent physics faculty member as of this writing. We currently have two long-term substitutes taking full course loads in fall 2014. We are in the process of hiring a new full-time physics faculty member to begin spring 2015, and hope to be able to hire an additional one in the near future. Physical Science Our Physical Science program is currently composed of one main course and a newly approved Directed Studies course. The main portion of the program is composed of multiple sections of Physical Science 04, a combination lecture/lab course designed to increase 2015-2016 Annual Academic Program Plan Form Draft/May 16, 2014 2 I. Program Description student engagement and success. Our success and retention is on par with the rest of the campus, and we will be looking at ways to increase this success. We have recently hired a new full time physical science professor in Fall of 2013 to lead the program. We plan to expand the program with additional courses, since PS 4 focuses on physics and chemistry, and we want additional courses to cover the full range of physical sciences. A proposed new Physical Science course, titled Physical Sciences 6: Introduction to the Solar System, was submitted to Curriculum Committee in September 2014. This course will teach students the timeline for how our solar system came into existence, starting at the beginning of the universe, and covering processes important for the evolution of the solar system as a whole and planets/moons individually, and the physics/chemistry necessary to comprehend these topics. We hope to instill evidence-based critical thinking to solve problems in our students so that they may better interpret phenomena in the natural world. An additional course, incorporating important aspects of geology, oceanography, astronomy, atmospheric science, and environmental science, is in the early stages of planning and development. General Engineering The General Engineering program recently joined our department. This is logical, as perhaps the most significant lower division preparation for those seeking a four-year engineering degree is their physics instruction. However, there are other lower division classes that are key to the development of new engineers. We presently offer two such courses, Introduction to Engineering (offered twice a year) and Statics (offered once a year). We have requested C-ID equivalency for these two courses, as well as for the Engineering Graphics course taught within the Industrial Technology department; approval is pending. Other courses under consideration are Circuit Analysis, Materials Science & Engineering, and Programming for Engineers. While we have a full time professor developing this program, it is not the primary focus of her full time load. We are studying the viability of expanding the program so that our transfer students can complete all necessary lower division preparation before transferring. II. Assessment of 2013-2014 Annual Goals Provide an assessment of 2013-2014 Annual Goals. List any continuing goals in Section VII. Goal Achieved Continuing Discarded A. Continue monitoring and adjusting our SLOs as necessary to ensure they are authentic and accurately measure the progress of our students. We have rewritten the SLOs for several of our physics sequences to make them more specific and more in line with authentic assessment. Monitoring of the SLO statements and assessment is ongoing. X X B. Continue the modernization of the physics inventory. Much of our lab equipment is state of the art, but much of it still reflects physics as it was done several decades ago. Occasionally there is a sound pedagogical reason to use antiquated equipment, but other times it merely makes the lab longer and less illuminating. We also want students to have access to modern equipment like that they would use in a real engineering or research setting. We are continually acquiring new equipment to ensure that labs and research projects are done in the clearest, most useful manner for student understanding and success. In the past year, we have continued to purchase new lab equipment, including new sensitive surface X X 3 II. Assessment of 2013-2014 Annual Goals Provide an assessment of 2013-2014 Annual Goals. List any continuing goals in Section VII. Goal Achieved Continuing Discarded temperature sensors from Vernier and Red Tide spectrometers that quickly and clearly display the spectrum of a visible light source. We continue to look for ways to improve the lab experience through appropriate equipment purchases. C. Hire two new full time physics instructors to replace Bill Duxler and Don Sparks: at least one is desperately needed, but two are required to properly staff all of our offerings and grow the program. The need for new instructors is now potentially even greater, since Lee Loveridge is on leave. We currently have two long-term substitutes helping to fill these positions. A search is under way for a new permanent faculty member to begin in spring 2015. At least one additional permanent hire is needed in the near future. If Dr. Loveridge chooses not to return to Pierce, a third new hire will be needed to maintain our program. D. Seek grant funding to continue the purchase of equipment for Physics program. While additional funding is always welcome, this is not a pressing need at the moment; we will defer this goal for now to allow our faculty to focus on more immediate issues. E. Utilize electronic inventory database developed in 2011 – 2012 year to streamline lab and tutorial preparation process. The lab techs are using the electronic inventory regularly; lab and tutorial preparation has been effective and organized. F. Establish a student Physics club. Some students began a club last year, but it never became fully established. If students express interest in the future, we will be happy to support a renewal of the physics club, but students must lead the way. G. Secure appropriate allotment of hours to support the expanded Physics 102 offerings. In fall 2013, for the first time, we offered two sections of Physics 102; this was repeated in fall 2014, so we now have an established pattern of 3 sections per year. We have also expanded the Physics 101 offerings: in summer 2014, we offered a summer session Physics 101 course for the first time, and in spring 2015 we plan to offer 3 sections of Physics 101. This should expand the base of students ready for Physics 102, and we hope to begin offering two sections of 102 every semester (a total of 4 sections per year). X X X X X X Professor Wessling would like to work to incorporate the PER based active learning methodologies into the Physics 6-7 series. Several of the instructors who have taught these courses in the past year have used PER methods and materials. Professor Margarete Allen has used a number of RealTime Physics labs and Physics Education Technology (PhET) simulation activities in Physics 7, while Professor Mark Bowen is working on applying his PER experience in Physics 6. X Professor Loveridge would like to work to target the syllabi of Physics 6, 66, 7, and 67 to the X 4 II. Assessment of 2013-2014 Annual Goals Provide an assessment of 2013-2014 Annual Goals. List any continuing goals in Section VII. Goal Achieved Continuing Discarded specific needs of the students in biological and medical fields who are the primary students in those classes. Dr. Loveridge recently attended a conference on this topic, but has not had a chance to put his findings into practice, since he is on leave. Other faculty teaching these courses will continue to investigate education research in this area in order to serve this student population more effectively. Adjust scheduling of 6, 7, 66, and 67 to maximally serve student need. The scheduling of Physics 66 and 67 has been adjusted so that there are two sections of 66 in the fall and two of 67 in the spring; this keeps the number of sections per year the same but seems to be better in line with student demand. We have also restored our offerings of Physics 6 to three sections per semester. We will continue to monitor enrollment and make adjustments as they seem warranted. X Revitalize the Physics 12 and Physics 15 classes so that physics can be a more active participant with the other physical sciences in offering general education opportunities. Professor Bergstrom has been teaching Physics 15 for spring and fall 2014; we have also been offering three sections of Physics 12 each year, with various full-time and part-time instructors. Enrollments have been strong. X Work with the other disciplines to establish a new physical science course that discusses astronomy and the earth sciences. A new astronomy-focused physical science course, Introduction to the Solar System, was developed and submitted to Curriculum Committee in September 2014. An additional course, Natural Science, which focuses on the earth sciences, is being planned for the future. X Determine the feasibility of offering a full range of introductory engineering classes, either at Pierce or at a consortium of local schools including Pierce. Once the feasibility is established we can look to developing the courses and hiring the faculty. Some Intersegmental Model Curricula (ISMCs) for engineering are currently pending approval at the state level; we are investigating the possibility of adding other courses that would fit into the ISMC, including Circuit Analysis, Materials Science & Engineering, and Programming for Engineers. X X X (Press tab for additional rows.) 5 III. Curriculum Changes During 2013-2014 Academic Year List any new programs and/or certificates OR changed programs and/or certificates approved by the Curriculum Committee during the 2013-2014 academic year. Check A. whether they are New or Changed, and provide the date they were approved by the Curriculum Committee. 1 None. New Changed Approval Date 2 3 (Press tab for additional rows.) B. List any new, updated, or changed courses approved by the Curriculum Committee during the 2013-2014 academic year. Provide the course number and the course title. 1 None. New Check All That Apply. Distance Updated Honors Education Approval Date 2 3 4 5 6 (Press tab for additional rows.) C. IV. Course Outlines of Record 1 Number of courses in discipline or department 12 2 Number of courses that have been updated since 2008 (CORs must be updated every 6 years) 12 3 Number of courses that require updating during 2015-2016 to maintain currency 0 Progress in the Student Learning Outcomes Cycle A. Learning Outcomes Development and Assessment Status Total 1. Number of courses in discipline or department 12 6 IV. Progress in the Student Learning Outcomes Cycle 2. Number of courses with approved SLOs on the COR 12 3. Number of degrees and state-approved certificates in the discipline/department (If zero, please go to A.6.) 0 4. Number of degrees and state-approved certificates with program-level outcomes (PLOs) developed 5. Number of degrees and state-approved certificates with PLOs developed and courses mapped to the PLOs B. 6. Number of courses mapped to one or more General Education Learning Outcomes 12 Outcomes Assessment Results 1. Provide a narrative describing the significant findings from the course- and program-level outcomes assessed in 2013-2014. Place your narrative in the expandable row below. Physics Most of our courses are evaluated by administering a pretest at the beginning of the semester, and then administering an identical post test at the end of the semester. (Students are not told that they are identical, though bright students in sequential classes often figure it out.) We then measure the Hake Gain of each student and the class average of these gains. (A Hake Gain is the improvement in a student’s score divided by the maximum improvement they could have. For example, a student who gets 20 questions out of 100 right on a pretest, could improve by up to 80 points on the post test. If they get 80 on the post test, their actual improvement is 60 points, and their gain would be 60/80=75%.) The pre/post tests that we use are carefully designed and calibrated through extensive research by several prominent physics education groups; the tests require students to carefully apply the knowledge they have learned over the course of the semester to realistic situations. The questions particularly target areas of common misconceptions. Research with these pre/post tests shows that in a typical lecture class, gains are usually between 25-35%. With our hands-on Physics Education Research based approach, we consistently get gains over 50%, and often approaching 80% in the 100-series courses. This is FAR in excess of the gains most courses see. We believe this validates our resource-heavy approach to teaching physics. Yes, it requires more faculty hours and extra time and effort from the students, but it results in a deeper understanding, and a strong understanding of physics is vital to success in all areas of science and engineering. In most of our courses, we also have an additional assessment in which we carefully grade labs on a rubric of understanding in different areas. We find that students are making strong progress in their understanding of lab procedures and physical concepts, and are learning to present graphs in a clearer and more informative way. We do have some concern that students are not making a sufficiently careful analysis of their errors and the accuracy of their results. In our general education classes, Physics 12 and 15, instructors have noted a bifurcation of results, with well-prepared students consistently succeeding, and those without sufficient English or math preparation being left behind. This has led us to consider adding course advisories, as discussed below. During the past year, we have updated the statements of some of our SLOs to make them more content-specific and better 7 IV. Progress in the Student Learning Outcomes Cycle aligned with the standard of authentic assessment. We believe that our current assessment methods are already authentic, and are actually better suited to the new SLO statements than to the previous versions; thus, we will continue doing the Hake Gain analysis and the lab assessments in the same way. We would also like to add an additional assessment that focuses on quantitative problem solving, perhaps in the form of a common final exam question for different sections of the same course. Physical Science Our physical science courses are also evaluated via analyzing the Hake Gain on post vs. pretests. The gains for Physical Science students are strong, though somewhat lower than in most of our physics courses: usually around 40-50%. This is still well in excess of gains found in similar lecture-style classes. Part of the lower gain is because the students in Physical Science courses come with less preparation and more misconceptions about the world. We believe the program is very effective at eliminating some of these misconceptions but it is difficult to eradicate all of them. We observed a slight decrease in gains coinciding with the retirement of Dr. Katsuya Yamada, who had formerly led the Physical Science program; we expect gains to rise again as our new full-time Physical Science professor, Dr. Travis Orloff, becomes more experienced and accustomed to the course. We also evaluate student performance on chapter tests throughout each semester—an exam is given at the end of each of the six chapters in the text. The class average on these exams hovers around 75%, suggesting that the level of instruction and assessment is on target for the student body as a whole. However, because this is a general education class with no prerequisites, a diverse array of students populates Physical Science 4, with a wide range of mathematical and verbal preparation. Because the chapter tests have an essay format, in which students must provide written explanations of their reasoning, we find that students who lack college-level writing skills face a significant struggle in this class. Such students need extra help to succeed in Physical Science. We plan to encourage them to visit the college Writing Center; it would also be extremely helpful to provide some tutors with specific expertise in this course. Engineering General Engineering General is fairly new both to our department and the school. The statics class has been evaluated on problemsolving skills. In general, the great majority (about 80%) of the students are competent at solving 2D problems, but only about half have reached the desired level of proficiency in 3D problems. Thus additional focus on 3D problems is warranted for the future. We believe that with further development of the course we will have a better idea of what students’ areas of weakness are and be more able to tailor the course to their needs. 2. Provide a narrative describing any steps taken or changes made as the result of these findings. Place your narrative in the expandable row below. In many ways, we are pleased with our assessment findings. In both Physics and Physical Science, the consistent strong gains our students make serve to validate our current PER-informed methods of instruction, and renew our commitment to maintaining the 9-hour schedules for Physics 101/102/103 and 66/67, which allow us to make full use of activities like the University of 8 IV. Progress in the Student Learning Outcomes Cycle Washington tutorials and RealTime Physics labs.. We have taken targeted steps to address specific weaknesses uncovered in the assessments, such as sharing well-presented graphs or explanations as models for the class, and providing additional instruction and handouts on error analysis. 3. Provide a narrative that describes additional steps to be taken as the result of the findings, including any needed resources required to address shortcomings in student performance. Place your narrative in the expandable row below and specify any resource requests in Items X through XIV. Physics 6/7 students tend to show significantly lower Hake gains than their counterparts in the calculus-based classes; this reflects the shorter time blocks and increased number of topics to be covered in 6/7. Ideally, we would like to extend the class times for Physics 6/7. However, knowing that this is unlikely, we will focus on using the time we have as efficiently as possible, focusing on the most important and relevant topics and trying to incorporate additional active-learning time, perhaps by cutting down on lectures in class As noted above, students with weak verbal skills struggle in Physical Science 4 and in the general education physics courses. To increase their likelihood of success, these students need to seek extra help outside the classroom. We will encourage them to attend the English Writing Lab. We also strongly feel that such students would benefit from tutoring—currently there is no funding for Physical Science tutors, and only a single Physics tutor (who is shared with Astronomy). Based on the relationship between student success rates and English preparation, we will also investigate the possibility of adding English advisories for Physical Science 4 and Physics 12 to the course catalog. V. External Influences (Environmental Scans) A. Report on course articulation status (from ASSIST or articulation officer) How many of your courses are transferable to CSU or UC? 12 Of these courses, how many are articulated with CSU or UC? 8 Do you have an approved or in process Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) for your discipline? Yes If so, name of TMC: Associate in Science Degree in Physics for Transfer if so, please provide approval status: approved B. Provide relevant labor market data supporting demand for the program (if applicable) N/A 9 V. External Influences (Environmental Scans) C. Describe Advisory Committee input (if applicable, including date of last meeting) N/A D. Discuss other pertinent data (such as interactions with four-year institutions, concepts derived from professional conferences and journals, outcomes from district discipline committee meetings, emerging technologies, input from adjunct faculty, agreements with high schools or regional occupational programs, etc.) The STEM fields are an important area targeted for growth by the federal government; Physics and Engineering are core disciplines within this area. VI . Data Sets Provided by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (Research Office) Please discuss any longitudinal trends within your program or the relation to college averages in these areas: changes in enrollment, FTES, section offerings, and FTES/FTEF; success and retention rates; degrees and certificates awarded (especially if few awards are made each year); and full-time/part-time faculty ratios. Included in the data sets are the Benchmarks and Goals for success and retention. If the most current success and retention rates fall below the Benchmarks, please discuss ways in which your program will address these areas. Please discuss ways in which your program hopes to meet the Goals in the coming year. VI. PROGRAM DATA SETS Department: Physics and Planetary Sciences Discipline / Program: PHYS SC A. Total enrollments, FTES (full-time equivalent students), FTEF (full-time equivalent faculty), and FTES/FTEF Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Spr 2012 Spr 2013 Spr 2014 Total Census Enrollments: 171 170 142 190 162 170 FTES: 36.0 36.3 30.4 39.0 34.6 36.3 FTEF: 1.8 1.8 1.4 1.88 1.8 1.8 Program FTES/FTEF: 20.0 20.2 21.7 20.76 19.2 20.2 College FTES/FTEF: 20.99 21.16 21 21.12 20.47 21 B. Number of sections offered (combined classes counted as a single class), average class size, success and retention data Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Spr 2012 Spr 2013 Spr 2014 Number of (Combined) Sections Taught: 5 5 4 6 5 5 Average Class Size at Census: 34.2 34.0 35.5 31.7 32.4 34.0 67.1% 69.4% 74.6% 71.7% 68.5% 77.1% Program Success: 10 VI . Data Sets Provided by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (Research Office) Please discuss any longitudinal trends within your program or the relation to college averages in these areas: changes in enrollment, FTES, section offerings, and FTES/FTEF; success and retention rates; degrees and certificates awarded (especially if few awards are made each year); and full-time/part-time faculty ratios. Included in the data sets are the Benchmarks and Goals for success and retention. If the most current success and retention rates fall below the Benchmarks, please discuss ways in which your program will address these areas. Please discuss ways in which your program hopes to meet the Goals in the coming year. College Success: 72% 69% 69% 71% 69% 69% Program Retention: 81.4% 90.6% 91.5% 88.% 87.7% 91.8% College Retention: 89% 87% 87% 89% 87% 86% C. Benchmarks (5 year average X 95%) & Goals (current rates + ½%) Success Retention Benchmark: 69.2% 84.2% Goal: 77.6% 92.3% D. Number of degrees and certificates awarded (if applicable) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Spr 2012 Spr 2013 Spr 2014 30. 30.0 24.0 30. 30.0 30. 70.0% 50.0% 62.5% 50.% 50.0% 50.0% 30.% 50.0% 37.5% 50.% 50.0% 50.0% Degrees TMCs Certificates Skills Certificates E. Comparison of full-time faculty hours to adjunct faculty hours Total Hours Taught: Percent of total program hours taught by full-time faculty Percent of total program hours taught by adjunct faculty VI. PROGRAM DATA SETS Department: Physics and Planetary Sciences Discipline / Program: PHYSICS A. Total enrollments, FTES (full-time equivalent students), FTEF (full-time equivalent faculty), and FTES/FTEF Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Spr 2012 Spr 2013 Spr 2014 11 VI . Data Sets Provided by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (Research Office) Please discuss any longitudinal trends within your program or the relation to college averages in these areas: changes in enrollment, FTES, section offerings, and FTES/FTEF; success and retention rates; degrees and certificates awarded (especially if few awards are made each year); and full-time/part-time faculty ratios. Included in the data sets are the Benchmarks and Goals for success and retention. If the most current success and retention rates fall below the Benchmarks, please discuss ways in which your program will address these areas. Please discuss ways in which your program hopes to meet the Goals in the coming year. Total Census Enrollments: 382 371 339 435 380 383 FTES: 96.0 94.0 91.5 107.0 99.6 96.0 FTEF: 5.33 5.1 5.1 5.8 4.9 4.5 Program FTES/FTEF: 18.0 18.6 18.1 18.45 20.2 21.5 College FTES/FTEF: 20.99 21.16 21 21.12 20.47 21 B. Number of sections offered (combined classes counted as a single class), average class size, success and retention data Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Spr 2012 Spr 2013 Spr 2014 Number of (Combined) Sections Taught: 12 12 11 13 11 11 Average Class Size at Census: 31.8 30.9 30.8 33.5 34.5 34.8 Program Success: 80.3% 83.0% 78.5% 76.6% 75.5% 79.4% College Success: 72% 69% 69% 71% 69% 69% Program Retention: 89.9% 89.8% 85.3% 85.1% 86.3% 87.5% College Retention: 89% 87% 87% 89% 87% 86% C. Benchmarks (5 year average X 95%) & Goals (current rates + ½%) Success Retention Benchmark: 73.9% 82.5% Goal: 79.9% 88.% D. Number of degrees and certificates awarded (if applicable) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 0 0 0 0 0 Degrees TMCs Certificates Skills Certificates E. Comparison of full-time faculty hours to adjunct faculty hours 12 VI . Data Sets Provided by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (Research Office) Please discuss any longitudinal trends within your program or the relation to college averages in these areas: changes in enrollment, FTES, section offerings, and FTES/FTEF; success and retention rates; degrees and certificates awarded (especially if few awards are made each year); and full-time/part-time faculty ratios. Included in the data sets are the Benchmarks and Goals for success and retention. If the most current success and retention rates fall below the Benchmarks, please discuss ways in which your program will address these areas. Please discuss ways in which your program hopes to meet the Goals in the coming year. Total Hours Taught: Percent of total program hours taught by fulltime faculty Percent of total program hours taught by adjunct faculty Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Spr 2012 Spr 2013 Spr 2014 84. 84.0 84.0 87. 78.0 75. 39.3% 35.7% 25.0% 37.9% 30.8% 28.0% 60.7% 64.3% 75.0% 62.1% 69.2% 72.0% Physical Science Physical Science has been a solid, steady foundation to our program. The enrollment numbers and success rates have been remarkably steady over the past 3 years. Also, the success and retention rates are regularly surpassing the benchmarks and meeting the goals. The FTES/FTEF ratio is generally only slightly less than the school average. This is particularly notable when you consider that the entire program is a combined lecture lab course which requires 6 faculty hours for 4 student hours of credit. Also, it is an entry level science course satisfying both B1 and B3 requirements. These courses are generally very challenging, and often suffer large attrition and failure rates. Part of this success is clearly due to the excellent teaching and leadership that has long been offered by Katsuya Yamada. Professor Yamada retired in Spring of 2013, so in Fall of 2013 we were without his leadership and in subsequent semesters we have only had him for a single class. (This may account for the slight dip in enrollment seen in Fall 2013.) We are grateful that we have been able to replace him with our new hire Dr. Travis Orloff, who is providing new leadership to the program. The rebound in enrollment for Spring 2014 suggests that Dr. Orloff is having success in attracting and retaining students in physical science. It should be noted that even with Professor Orloff, only half of the Physical Science courses are taught as part of his contract load. The program is large enough to support two full time professors, especially if one or both of them were qualified to teach in other disciplines. Physics Our enrollments in physics have been slightly more erratic, but much of this can be attributed to cutbacks in course offerings. The number of sections offered and the FTEF have both been relatively low for the past few semesters, and the enrollment reflects this. We are working to expand our physics course offerings in a way that best fits demand. For example, in our highest-level series, the Physics 100 courses, we had a severe bottleneck when we offered 4 sections of 101 each year, but only 2 sections of 102. As a result, 102 was chronically overenrolled and 103 was chronically under-enrolled. For the past two years (2013 and 2014), we have offered a second section of 102 in the fall, for a total of three sections per year. Together, the two 102 sections have had about 60 students enrolled each fall. Student demand for the 100-series courses continues to be high; in spring 2014, the single section of Physics 102 began the semester with a full roster of 35, and about 20 additional students “crashed” the course hoping to add on the first day, suggesting that we could have filled two spring sections as well. We are continuing to expand the base of the 100 series by increasing opportunities for 13 VI . Data Sets Provided by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (Research Office) Please discuss any longitudinal trends within your program or the relation to college averages in these areas: changes in enrollment, FTES, section offerings, and FTES/FTEF; success and retention rates; degrees and certificates awarded (especially if few awards are made each year); and full-time/part-time faculty ratios. Included in the data sets are the Benchmarks and Goals for success and retention. If the most current success and retention rates fall below the Benchmarks, please discuss ways in which your program will address these areas. Please discuss ways in which your program hopes to meet the Goals in the coming year. Physics 101: we offered 101 as a summer course for the first time in Summer 2014, and we are planning three sections of 101 for Spring 2015. This should ensure strong enrollment for 102 in the future; we should easily be able to fill four sections of 102 per year. We have adjusted the scheduling of Physics 66 and 67 to try and address a serious asymmetry in Fall and Spring enrollments in the class: for Fall 2014, we are offering two sections of Physics 66, and we will have two sections of 67 in the spring. We currently have a reasonable enrollment in Physics 66 (about 45 students over both sections), and hope to sustain this level for Physics 67 in the spring. We are have restored our Physics 6 offerings to our previous 3 sections per semester for Spring and Fall 2014, and plan to continue this. We have also added sections of Physics 12 and Physics 15 in the hopes that physics will play a more active role in offering general education B1 opportunities than it has in the past. As these programs continue to succeed, we will need support in additional allocation of hours to meet a rising demand from students and rising external demand for technically trained individuals. Success and retention rates in Physics have been very high, consistently beating the college averages in success and staying on par with them in retention. We do have a large advantage in that most of courses have significant math prerequisites, so that a student who enrolls in them has already developed the necessary discipline to succeed in college. However, physics is a historically challenging subject and often suffers severe attrition and failure rates at even the most prestigious universities and among the most talented students. We credit our success largely to dedicated teachers and a program that focuses on hands-on and peer learning as well as deep conceptual understanding. Our FTES/FTEF rates have been a little low (though they have been similar to the college average for the past two spring semesters). The lower ratios arise in part because we do dedicate a lot of time to hands-on learning, which requires classes that meet for 9 hours but are only worth 5 units (the 101/102/103 and 66/67 sequences). These courses have a maximum FTES/FTEF of 19.4, and fall even lower when they are under-enrolled. This is why we are taking proactive steps to make certain that all of these classes are as fully enrolled as possible. For example, we have made the change to offer two physics 66 courses in Fall and two Physics 67 courses in Spring. We hope this will better meet student need and allow both classes to be fully enrolled. We are also seeking to find larger venues for our few classes, Physics 12 and 15, which do still work in a lecture format. Thus, if we can increase FTES/FTEF in these courses it will help balance the other courses that require lower ratios. Pierce College Mission Statement and Values Pierce College is a student-centered learning institution that offers opportunities for access and success in a diverse college community. The college dedicates its resources to assist students in identifying and achieving their educational, career, and personal goals. Our comprehensive curriculum and support services enable students to earn associate degrees and certificates, prepare for transfer, gain career and technical proficiency, and develop basic 14 skills. We serve our community by providing opportunities for lifelong learning, economic and workforce development, and a variety of enrichment activities. Pierce College values: Student success and engagement A student-centered environment conducive to learning Freedom to think, dialogue, and collaborate Commitment to excellence Access and opportunity Service to our communities Enrichment through diversity VII. 2015-2016 Annual Goals Based on the Pierce College Mission Statement and the Strategic Master Plan (Distinguish between goals and the resources required to achieve these goals.) Provide an action plan for achieving each goal. Press Ctrl + Click to identify the specific Pierce Strategic Master Plan goal addressed → Strat. Plan A. Continue monitoring and adjusting our SLOs as necessary to ensure they are authentic and accurately measure the progress of our students. We have rewritten the SLOs for several of our physics sequences to make them more specific and more in line with authentic assessment. We plan an additional assessment involving a common quantitative problem on the final exam for physics courses with two or more sections. Monitoring of the SLO statements and assessment is ongoing. D5a, D5b B. Continue the modernization of the physics inventory. Much of our lab equipment is state of the art, but much of it still reflects physics as it was done several decades ago. Occasionally there is a sound pedagogical reason to use antiquated equipment, but other times it merely makes the lab longer and less illuminating. We also want students to have access to modern equipment like that they would use in a real engineering or research setting. We are continually acquiring new equipment to ensure that labs and research projects are done in the clearest, most useful manner for student understanding and success. D3b, D4 C. Hire two new full time physics instructors to replace Bill Duxler and Don Sparks: at least one is desperately needed, but two are required to properly staff all of our offerings and grow the program. The need for new instructors is now potentially even greater, since Lee Loveridge is on leave. We currently have two long-term substitutes helping to fill these positions. A search is under way for a new permanent faculty member to begin in spring 2015. At least one additional permanent hire is needed in the near future. If Dr. Loveridge chooses not to return to Pierce, a third new hire will be needed to maintain our program. A1, B7, D5 D. Secure appropriate allotment of hours to expand opportunities in the Physics 100 sequence. In spring 2015 we plan to offer 3 sections of Physics 101. This should expand the base of students ready for Physics 102, and we hope to begin offering two sections of 102 every semester (a total of 4 sections per year). A1b, B7a, B7b, B7d E. Incorporate PER-based active learning methodologies more fully and effectively into the Physics 6-7 series. These methodologies have demonstrated their effectiveness in our calculus-based courses; students in algebra-based D4, D5 15 VII. 2015-2016 Annual Goals Based on the Pierce College Mission Statement and the Strategic Master Plan (Distinguish between goals and the resources required to achieve these goals.) Provide an action plan for achieving each goal. Press Ctrl + Click to identify the specific Pierce Strategic Master Plan goal addressed → Strat. Plan physics would likely benefit from them as well. Several instructors with a strong background in PER are studying ways to apply these techniques in the limited class time available in Physics 6/7. F. Work to target the syllabi of Physics 6, 66, 7, and 67 to the specific needs of the students in biological and medical fields who are the primary students in those classes. Significant recent research in this area exists for us to draw on in this endeavor. A1, D5 G. Adjust scheduling of 6, 7, 66, and 67 to maximally serve student need. As noted above, we have made several changes in the past year. We will continue to monitor enrollment and make adjustments as they seem warranted. B7a, B7b, B7d H. Work with the other disciplines to establish new physical science courses that include topics beyond basic physics and chemistry. A new astronomy-focused physical science course, Introduction to the Solar System, was developed and submitted to Curriculum Committee in September 2014. An additional course, Natural Science, which focuses on the earth sciences, is being planned for the future. A1b, A3 I. Investigate expanding our engineering program to include more courses that would fit into ISMCs being considered at the state level. Some Intersegmental Model Curricula (ISMCs) for engineering are currently pending approval at the state level; we are investigating the possibility of adding other courses that would fit into the ISMC, including Circuit Analysis, Materials Science & Engineering, and Programming for Engineers. A1, B7 J. Improve success rates in our general education courses by enhancing support for underprepared students. A1, A3, D1 K. Maintain our strong tutorial and laboratory program to enhance students’ understanding of the physical world and experimental techniques for investigating it. D4, D5 L. Collaborate with other departments to investigate the possibility of opening a MESA (Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement) center on campus. The MESA Community College Program provides science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) academic development to educationally disadvantaged community college students so they will excel academically and transfer to four-year institutions in calculus- based majors. Professor Elizabeth Cheung is taking the lead in researching the process of instituting such a program at Pierce. A1, A3, C3, D1 (Press tab for additional rows.) Return to X, Human Resources Return to XI, Equipment/Software Return to XIV, Other Resources 16 VIII. Planned Curriculum Changes List planned curriculum changes (new and/or modified courses, degrees, and certificates) that will be submitted to the curriculum committee during the 2015-2016 academic year. Press Ctrl + Click to identify the specific Pierce Strategic Plan Objective addressed →Strat. Plan A. Physical Sciences 6: Introduction to the Solar System. This new course was submitted to Curriculum Committee in September 2014. Our goal is for this class to fulfill the IGETC 5A: Physical Science and CSU Certification B1: Physical Science transfer requirements. A1b, A3 B. C. D. IX. Long-Range Educational Goals (3–4 Years) Press Ctrl + Click to identify the specific Pierce Strategic Plan Objective addressed →Strat. Plan A. Create student-run Physics Club D5d, D8 B. Establish adequate support for professional development. Provide in-service training for instructors. D4a, D5c C. Establish physics department seminar series. Obtain speakers on current topics in modern physics and addressing careers in engineering, science, or physics. C1a, D5d D. Participate in undergraduate research programs (e.g. REU, SURF, etc.) A1b, D8 E. Build demonstration setups that are well documented and accessible to all full time and adjunct instructors. D4, D5 F. Obtain use of an additional classroom to meet current unmet demand and to accommodate future enrollment growth. B7 G. Expand the Physical Science program by offering additional courses linking with astronomy and the earth sciences, while maintaining the flagship Physical Science 4 program at current levels (5 sections per semester). A1b, A3 (Press tab for additional rows.) 17 X. Additional Human Resources Needed to Implement Annual Program Goals in Section VII―Faculty, Staff, Student Workers, and Others Describe additional specific human resources required. Provide a comprehensive justification based on annual program goals, student learning outcomes, program data, and external scans. Link the request to an annual program goal in Section VII. Press Ctrl + Click to identify the specific Annual Program Goal addressed. A. Faculty 1. Physics Instructor Due to recent retirements and leaves, we currently have only one full-time physics instructor. (The hiring process for a second instructor is under way.) The data from the research office show that only half of our physics class hours are taught by full-time faculty. While many adjuncts are talented and dedicated instructors, they are seldom able to spend extensive time helping students outside of class or developing the knowledge and skills needed to implement our PER-based methodologies. To maintain the striking success of our physics program, an additional full-time instructor is needed. Cost Annual Goal $70,000 C 2. (Press tab for additional rows.) B. Classified Staff 1. Full-time Physics/Physical Science Laboratory Technician. Mr. Raymond Isaac was recently hired as a lab tech, and is doing an excellent job. However, he currently has only an 11-month position, and must divide his time among Physics, Physical Science, and the other disciplines in our department. Thus, our Physics and Physical Science laboratory classes do not always have the support they need, while the other disciplines are barely getting by with a minimal level of support. A dedicated Earth Science laboratory technician has been requested to assist in Oceanography, Geology, and Environmental Science, and Astronomy has requested a 50% time Planetarium Technician. We strongly support these request. We also ask that if the other disciplines get the support they need, Mr. Isaac be given a full 12month appointment to focus on Physics and Physical Science. Cost Annual Goal K 2. (Press tab for additional rows.) C. Student Workers/Tutors/Assistant Coaches 1. Student workers to assist lab techs. Several student workers are needed each semester to provide assistance for multiple simultaneous classes. The student workers can handle basic tasks like handing out and collecting equipment, leaving the lab techs free for skilled work such as repairing equipment and setting up demonstrations. 2. Student tutorial assistants to help with Tutorials in Introductory Physics. This is crucial for larger classes to be sure that all groups receive frequent guidance; the tutorial authors recommend an assistant for any classes larger than 20. Both the students in class and the assistants themselves learn significantly from these interactions, with enhanced success in later courses. 3. Tutors. With the loss of the Bridges program funding, we currently have only one paid tutor to cover all Cost Annual Goal K D, E, K J 18 C. Student Workers/Tutors/Assistant Coaches of our physics, physical science, and astronomy courses. There is high demand for tutoring in our disciplines, due to the challenging nature of the material and the necessity for extensive homework to prepare students successfully for exams. In the past, three or four physics/astronomy tutors were kept busy each semester. Physical Science students have never had any dedicated tutors but desperately need some. Cost Annual Goal (Press tab for additional rows.) H D. Professional Experts/Contracts/Others 1. None Cost Annual Goal 2. (Press tab for additional rows.) E. Scheduled Overtime/Sub and Relief 1. None Cost Annual Goal 2. (Press tab for additional rows.) XI. Additional Equipment and Software Needed to Implement Program Goals List additional/replacement equipment needed for the 2015-2016 academic year. Place all items in priority order. Provide a comprehensive justification based on program goals, student learning outcomes, program data, and external scans. Link the request to an annual program goal in Section VII. Press Ctrl + Click to identify the specific Annual Program Goal addressed. A. Purchases Item and Justification Cost Annual Goal 1. 2. (Press tab for additional rows.) B. Leases Item and Justification Cost Annual Goal 1. 2. (Press tab for additional rows.) 19 C. Maintenance Agreements Item and Justification Cost Annual Goal 1. 2. (Press tab for additional rows.) D. Repairs Item and Justification Cost Annual Goal 1. 2. (Press tab for additional rows.) E. List additional/updated software needed during 2015-2016—OTHER THAN MICROSOFT OFFICE AND ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE. Place all items in priority order. Provide a comprehensive justification based on program goals, student learning outcomes, program data, and external scans. Link the request to an annual program goal in Section VII. Press Ctrl + Click to identify the specific Annual Program Goal addressed. Item, Number of Licenses, New or Renewal, and Justification Cost Annual Goal 1. Math Type 6.7 (Department Site License) should be covered by campus IT budget. We need to maintain this license. Math Type is used regularly by instructors preparing class presentations, handouts, and exams. 2. MATLAB software—required for proposed Programming for Engineers course $3000 I 3. Maple or Mathematica Shared Network Licenses (10) $7500 B $399 4. ge (Press tab for additional rows.) XII. Supplies Budget Needed to Implement Program Goals Provide a comprehensive justification based on program goals, student learning outcomes, program data, and external scans. Categories of Items and Justification 1. 2. 3. The physics budget has been restored to a point that is adequate to the needs of physics and physical science, but the budgets for the other disciplines must be restored or physics will not be able to support them all. Cost 20 XII. Supplies Budget Needed to Implement Program Goals Provide a comprehensive justification based on program goals, student learning outcomes, program data, and external scans. 4. (Press tab for additional rows.) XIII. Facilities A. Describe any new facilities or additional classrooms (leased or built) required to implement program goals. Provide a comprehensive justification based on program goals, student learning outcomes, program data, and external scans. None. B. Describe any improvements, alterations, and technological upgrades required for existing facilities to implement program goals. Provide a comprehensive justification based on program goals, student learning outcomes, program data, and external scans. 1. We are requesting 4 additional power outlets to be installed at the teacher’s station in 92033, 92041, 92035 and 92049 to allow for the setup and powering of demonstration equipment without the use of dangerous power strips. At this time, the instructional desk only provides one duplex outlet. 2. We also need the alterations included in the CFS Phase 2 project, including: dutch doors to our store rooms, blackout blinds in the physics classrooms, etc. XIV. Other Additional Resources Needed to Implement Program Goals Include costs for student transportation related to educational programs, required insurance payments, and organizational memberships. Provide a comprehensive justification based on program goals, student learning outcomes, program data, and external scans. Link the request to an annual program goal in Section VII. Press Ctrl + Click to identify the specific Annual Program Goal addressed. Item and Justification Cost Annual Goal None. (Press tab for additional rows.) XV. Consolidated Priority Listing From the requests listed in Sections X (except full-time faculty), XI, and XIV, prioritize the items in the order you wish the Resource Advisory Task Force to consider them. 1. Student workers 2. Tutors 21 XV. Consolidated Priority Listing From the requests listed in Sections X (except full-time faculty), XI, and XIV, prioritize the items in the order you wish the Resource Advisory Task Force to consider them. 3. Tutorial assistants 4. Full-time physics laboratory technician (increasing hours for Raymond Isaac) 5. Software (in the order listed in section XI) (Press tab for additional rows.) Additional Comments or Information: Insert additional comments or information here: 22 Pierce College Strategic Master Plan 2014–2017 Return to VII, Annual Goals Return to VIII, Curriculum Return to IX, Long-Range Goals A. Engaging the Completion Agenda A1. Increase student completion of degrees, certificates, and college transfer requirements A1a. A1b. A1c. A1d. A1e. Increase student completion of associate degrees and Certificates of Achievement Increase the number of students who complete transfer requirements for the state universities and University of California Increase the number of Transfer Model Curricula (TMCs) in disciplines offered by the college by 2015 Approve Transfer Model Curriculum in areas of emphasis by 2016 Develop and implement a completion marketing campaign to focus on the importance of obtaining a degree, a certificate, or transfer preparation A2. Increase number of entering students who complete the matriculation process during the first semester A2a. A2b. A2c. A2d. Increase the number of new students completing assessment Increase the number of new students completing orientation Increase the number of new students completing an educational plan Increase the percent of new students who persist to the end of their first year and successfully complete 15 units A3. Increase the long-term persistence rate of students A3a. A3b. A3c. A3d. Increase the percentage of students who complete 30 units in three years Increase the percentage of students who complete 60 units in three years Increase the percentage of students who complete English 101 and Math 125 within three years Increase the percentage of students who complete English 101 and Math 125 within six years A4. Ensure equitable access to education—increase the percentage of eligible students receiving financial aid B. Demonstrating Accountability The first six goals in this category relate to Administrative Services functions and are not necessarily within the purview of Academic Affairs B7. Continue to meet FTES base and attempt to grow the college’s student FTES enrollment to 2006 levels and then 5% per year B7a. B7b. B7c. B7d. B7e Continue to analyze enrollment trends and effective scheduling models Ensure access to essential courses Maintain/increase efficiency Increase the number and the type of evening sessions offered (currently 24% below Fall 2008) Restore an active college marketing campaign to attract students who may have been lost 23 C. Cultivating Partnerships C1. Develop and enhance revenues generated through grants, entrepreneurial ventures, and community partnerships C1a. Expand educational partnerships that bring community events and community members to the campus for educational, cultural, social, and recreational activities C1b. Create an enterprise task force that will consider ways to expand revenue-generating opportunities within future and existing operations including bookstore, facilities rentals, and food services C1c. Develop a self-funding grants program that will increase college revenue C2. Expand productive sustainable community alliances C2a. Create a database of financial and equipment needs that can be shared with potential donors C2b. Pursue financial, material, and collaborative resources through enterprise activities and fundraising to create a sustainable stable source of income C3. Foster partnerships with business and industry C3a. Increase advisory committee participation of local business and industry C3b. Increase number of employers to participate in job fairs C3c. Develop internship programs with business and industry partners to foster community relations D. Ensuring Student Success D1. Address the basic skills needs of underprepared students in developmental and introductory courses D1a. Gather student input about the challenges faced in introductory courses and use this information to inform the development of strategies and solutions D1b. Increase the number of new students successfully completing at least one English class and one math class during their first year D1c. Increase the number of new students who successfully complete their developmental sequence within two years (English 20, 21, 28) (Math 105, 110, 115) D2. Enhance customer service interfaces considering timely responses and quality of experience D3 Maintain a robust and reliable information technology infrastructure with current computing equipment for the entire college population D3a. Establish a wireless network on the campus in areas that are used regularly by faculty, staff, and students D3b. Ensure that existing infrastructure, systems, equipment, and software are maintained to accomplish daily operations in all functional areas of the college D3c. Provide comprehensive training programs for faculty and staff for smart classrooms and conference rooms D3d. Improve customer service responsiveness and satisfaction rates for faculty and staff using the College Maintenance Management System (CMMS) D3e Standardize audio visual equipment in all classrooms to provide uniform experience and training 24 D4 Support faculty and staff by maximizing the effective use of technology, enabling academic innovation in instructional delivery D4a Develop plans to improve course effectiveness by fully integrating innovative tools and delivery methods D4b Increase online class offerings D5 Provide a learner-centered environment that promotes active learning and student engagement D5a D5b D5c D5d Review and revise Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and assessment mechanisms Ensure active learning and applied knowledge and skills are examined through authentic assessment Create a professional development focus that emphasizes student active learning and engagement Create programs that promote student and faculty contact outside the classroom D6 Increase student awareness and use of student support services and programs D7 Increase student participation in Associated Student Organization (ASO) activities and shared-governance committees D8 Enhance opportunities for student involvement in cocurricular and extracurricular activities that will enrich campus life