Nature of Provision Age range of pupils 10-16 Types of pupil At risk of exclusion catered for Fixed term exclusion Permanent exclusion Teenage mothers YES YES YES IF THEY HAVE AUTISM School phobic YES Medical needs YES Other please specify ASD & RELATED CONDITIONS Duration of the How many hours per day? THIS ARE ALL programme i.e. What times? VARIABLE DEPENDENT ON THE How many days per week? ASSESSED NEEDS Which days? Length of the programme in OF THE INDIVIDUAL AND THEIR terms of weeks. INDIVIDAULISED PACKAGES Courses offered with Our curriculum is based on the Foundation Learning Tier an indication of any and consists of five components: accreditation 1. English, Maths and ICT are taught in the student’s own tutor group. We teach these functional skills in the mornings, when students are best able to engage in classroom-based activities. 2. Personal and Social Development (PSD) is taken by all students for two afternoons a week in their tutor groups. Our PSD curriculum is based on the ASDAN programmes and accreditation. 3. Vocational skills can be chosen from a range of options, including food preparation, horticulture, maintenance and decorating. 4. Subject knowledge in a range of other areas. 5. A specialist curriculum that focuses on areas that frequently cause difficulties for learners with autism. This includes exercise (with our occupational therapist), social communication sessions (with our speech and language therapist), and sessions on our TEACCH-style individual workstations. Our specialist curriculum supports students to compensate for difficulties associated with autism and to overcome barriers to learning. We are able to offer accredited courses and GCSE’s etc. Group size 1 to 8 dependent on individual needs. Service Name: NAS Anderson School Ofsted Registration: SC449331 Service Description: The NAS Anderson School provides high-quality education and residential care for 20 young people with autism aged 10 to 16. Our highly flexible education provision supports young people in fulfilling their potential, helping them to develop the vocational and life skills they need to make a successful transition to adult life and integrate into their local community Delivery location(s): NAS Anderson School, Rookery Lane, Pilning, Bristol BS35 4JN User Group: Young peole with an autism/Asperger Syndrome Geographical area: South West Age Range/Key Stage: 10 – 16 years Children in Care: Yes SEN: Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties (BESD/SEBD/EBD): School Phobic Emotional Needs Mental Health needs* Youth offending/criminal history and experiences in secure accommodation Any of the above where there are also learning difficulties Autistic Specturn Disorders (ASD): Aspergers Autism Autism and Severe Learning Difficulties Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) Specific Language Difficulties (e.g. dyslexia) (SLD)* Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment Multi-Sensory Impairment Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties *unless requires specialist support Service user description: Service Details Staff ratio: Individualised packages Hours per week: Individualised packages Weeks per year: Individualised packages Curriculum offer: Individualised packages Vocational additions: Individualised packages Academic level: Individualised packages Referral arrangements: Local authority referral Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes K. PRICING SCHEDULE Item Cost per package Equivalent 6 week cost Group or Multiple Discount Other discount Transport costs Detail £3500.00 per residential £21,000.00 To be negotiated To be negotiated To be negotiated week