AISSA 2015 VETiS Funding Submission Vocational Education and Training in Schools “VET in Schools programs” are defined as those programs undertaken as part of the Senior Secondary Certificate (SACE or its equivalent) and provide credit towards a recognised VET qualification within the Australian Qualifications Framework. This includes School-based Apprenticeships/Traineeships and the Training Guarantee for SACE Students PART A: 2015 VETiS Funding Criteria 2015 Priority Areas For AISSA Priority areas for action and reporting in 2015 for VET in Schools (VETiS) funding, include the following: 1. developing strategies to maintain quality standards in delivery, assessment and administration of VET in Schools (including professional development). 2. increasing the development of quality VET programs in schools, through: a. establishing VET in Schools programs in schools not previously involved in the delivery of VET b. expanding the range and spread of VET in Schools courses offered across industry sectors c. establishing VET in Schools courses in new industry areas and in industry areas that meet local needs, and state / national skill shortages. 3. increasing participation in VET in Schools by students facing barriers. This includes improving access for students in rural and remote areas and for educationally disadvantaged students including Indigenous students, young people from a culturally and linguistically diverse background and students with a disability and/ or special learning needs. 4. improving the information (including career and labour market) about a range of VETiS options and pathways through SACE or its equivalent. 5. increasing the awareness and uptake of pathways that lead through the Training Guarantee for SACE Students, Trade Training/Skills Centres and School-based Apprenticeships/Traineeships (SBATs) in trades, particularly those in skill shortage areas. Eligibility for VETiS Grants to Independent School All Independent schools are eligible to receive VETiS funding where programs of accredited VET studies, are included in the curriculum. These VETiS programs must contribute to the achievement of the SACE (or its equivalent). Independent Schools offering access to VET programs as part of the school curriculum are eligible to receive a VET grant that includes: a contribution towards release time for the VET / Career Adviser to attend AISSA’s Vocational Education Co-ordinators’ Network and Professional Development workshops held each term an allocation for release time for the maintenance of quality standards, data collection and resulting; support towards the professional development for new VET staff (or updating skills of existing VET teachers); limited resources for establishing new VET courses / TGSS / SBATs (formerly ASBAs); and meeting the needs of targeted students to access VET Programs not available through other funding options. Please note: The amount of Commonwealth VETiS funds provided to the Independent Schooling Sector is insufficient to cover the costs of students accessing purchased vocational education programs (including brokerage of VET programs). Therefore, the fees and costs of purchased VET courses needs to be met from other sources. This could include a combination of school contribution and student contribution, or other sources of funding. Please ensure PART B: Funding Application is signed by the Principal and submitted to: Marilyn Wall, VET Adviser, AISSA, 301 Unley Road, MALVERN SA 5061 Fax: (08) 8373 2574 or Email: (electronic Principal’s signature accepted) Submission Date: By Friday 1 May, 2015 This Project is supported by the South Australian Government through the Department of State Development (DSD) [formerly DFEEST] to support the delivery of VET in Schools Page 2 of 7 Document1 AISSA - 2015 VETiS Funding Submission Vocational Education and Training in Schools PART B: 2015 Funding Application Section A School Details School: Principal: VET Co-ordinator: Contact Phone Email Please indicate if your school is offering VETiS for the first time in 2015 Section B Y/N 2015 Senior School Enrolments: ie Total Students in Yrs 10 - 12 Yr 10 Yr 11 Yr 12 Total B.1 B.2 Indigenous B.3 Special Needs / Disability Section C 2015 VETiS Participants (Estimated): Students in Yrs 10 - 12 Yr 10 Yr 11 Yr 12 Total This total should equal the total of C.2 + C.3 + C.4 + C.5 C.1 C.1a Indigenous (identify as Indigenous if also SLN/Disability) C.1b Special Needs / Disability C.2 No. TGSS Students C.2a Ongoing Training Guarantee for SACE Students (TGSS) C.2b New Commencements in 2015 TGSS C.2 Total TGSS C.3 No. Fee for Service Students C.3 Total Fee For Service / Purchased (non-TGSS) C.3a C.4 No. Students training under VISA / Auspiced arrangements C.4a Under VISA arrangements (with TAFE SA) C.4b Under other Auspiced arrangements (other RTOs) C.4 Total undertaking VISA / Auspiced VET C.5 No. SBATs (formerly ASBAs) Students C.5a Ongoing SBATs from previous years C.5b New SBAT Commencements in 2015 C.5 Total SBATs Principal Name Principal Signature Date Page 3 of 7 Document1 School: Contact Person: Section D Anticipated VETiS Programs for 2015 – All SBAT (ASBA) programs to be included Please identify the following information for each of the VET programs students from YOUR school who are / will be accessing VETiS Program in 2015. Note in this new funding agreement information is required about TGSS and School based Apprenticeships / Traineeships For Column C Below: Schools who use a broker to place students in VET programs and / or have students attending training at other schools (eg cluster arrangements) need to determine and record whether the host school is providing the VET delivery under a VISA (V) / Auspiced (A) model, or whether it is being delivered by the RTO (including the RTO sending a trainer to the school) in which case identify this as Purchased (P) in column C. Eg CPC20111 Placement linked to training? No. students expected to E undertake Structured Work No. Students in School-based 10 No. Training Guarantee for 7 E Apprenticeship / Traineeship Qualification Title D SACE Students (TGSS) Qualification National Code Method of Delivery: If unsure about these details, please check with the relevant Registered Training Organisation who are obliged to provide this information. C Auspiced or VISA / Purchased B Maximum No. Competencies Identify the Qualification plus the national Qualification Code from which VETiS Programs are being offered / undertaken by students from your school. See EXAMPLE provided. one competency accessed A & SBATs) undertaking at least Qualification & Code Estimated Numbers (inc TGSS Note – Col. D & E, New Indicators required To also include TGSS and SBAT numbers Cert II Construction P 2 N/A 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Insert additional rows as necessary Please Total Page 4 of 7 Document1 School: Contact Person: 2015 VETiS Activity Section E VETiS Activity Overview Keeping in mind the priority funding objectives as it relates to VET (see Part A), provide details of all anticipated activities in each of the following areas for which funding support is being sought. Key Activities: E.1: VET Infrastructure to Support Quality VET Pathways School activity to improve infrastructure related to the delivery, management and reporting of VET. All schools are eligible to receive a contribution towards TRT support for VET Quality Assurance processes E.1a AISSA Reporting: Data collection & Report Compilation: Funding is available for 1 - 5 days Schools with multiple programs of 20 or more should claim 5 days. Identify No. of Days based on total VETiS programs in 2015 (refer to section D) E.1b Vocational Education Policy and Procedures: 1 TRT day Creation (For schools introducing VET to the curriculum for the first time) .5 TRT day Update (For schools with an established VETIS Program) E.1c Trade Training/Skill Centre schools only: 1 TRT day Reporting as per Contractual requirements E.1d Other: TRT Days Insert additional / delete spare rows as required AISSA use E.2: Working with Industry and RTOs All schools are eligible to receive a contribution towards TRT support to support the quality partnerships with Industry and RTO’s Nos. E.2a VISA or Auspice Arrangements Estimate the No. of VISAs / Auspiced Arrangements with RTOs to be established for 2015: VISA / Aus’ E.2b Training Guarantee for SACE Students (TGSS) negotiation of Education & Training Plans (ETP) Estimate the No. ETPs to be developed for students undertaking TGSS during 2015: ETPs E.2c Purchased VET Programs (non TGSS) Negotiating and managing students in VETiS programs negotiated DIRECTLY by the school and purchased from RTO’s (Do not include Brokered or TGSS VET programs) Estimate the No. of Separate RTOs /TAFE Program areas that will provide Training 2015 RTOs E.2d VET Structured Work Placement Identify No. Students x No. Structured Work Placements linked to VET programs for 2015 DO NOT include general Work Experience students SWL Places E.2e Other: Insert additional / delete spare rows as required AISSA use only Page 5 of 7 Document1 School: Contact Person: E.3: Professional Learning Development All schools are eligible to receive a contribution towards Professional learning where it specifically relates to VET in order to maintain currency of skills and knowledge relating to the area of VET activity in their school. Only TRT to cover attendance for the Vocational professional learning activity will be considered. Programs for which Scholarships have been provided are not eligible for TRT support. Please note: VETiS funds for this category are limited. Not all Professional Development requests are able to be supported. Priority will be given for professional learning required as part of accreditation for delivery of training under a VISA / Auspiced arrangement. Please provide specific details of the Program / Course, Dates, Duration and any course fees. E.3a Attendance at each of the 4 AISSA / CESA VET / Careers Adviser Network and Professional Development days scheduled once each term E.3b New To VET Coordination Hub Meetings Date/s of Program 27/2 18/5 21/8 9/11 1 Apr 3 Jun 2 Sep TRT Days Nos Insert additional / delete spare rows as required AISSA use E.4: Equity and Access All schools are eligible to receive VETiS funding as a contribution in part to support a range of student cohorts, including; Indigenous students, students with Disabilities / special learning needs,. Funding may be applied to contribute towards the cost of a VETiS programs. Resourcing the cost of additional support for students accessing VETiS programs is considered the responsibility of schools as it is for other subjects in the student’s curriculum and therefore only accredited VET programs should be identified in this section. Please provide specific details of Cohort group / Identify accredited training course that will contribute to student’s curriculum / numbers / Course fees payable by school Cohort Group Actual VETiS Programs (not being funded through other programs) Please provide Qualification Level, Title and Code of the accredited training that is being accessed and any course fees payable by the school No. Students Course Fees payable by School Insert additional / delete spare rows as required AISSA use Page 6 of 7 Document1 School: Contact Person: E.5: Industry Links / Provision of Career and Labour Market Information Activities (not identified elsewhere in this application) that provide VET pathway program Industry links and / or provide current career pathway and labour market information (other than work placements) for students in VETiS Programs. Limited funding may mean that not all identified activities will be able to receive support funding within this category Activity (Provide a brief description including title, provider , location and any fees for activity) Yr Level Student Nos Insert additional / delete spare rows as needed AISSA use For clarification and submission of the 2015 VETiS Funding Application Please contact: Marilyn Wall Education Consultant (VET) Association of Independent Schools, SA 301 Unley Road MALVERN SA 5061 Fax: (08) 8373 2574 Email: Submission Date: By Friday 1 May 2015 Page 7 of 7 Document1