Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning & Teaching

University Code of Practice
Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
Document Reference:
Peer Support for the Enhancement of
Learning and Teaching
2 01
Date coming into force:
September 2015
Approved By:
Application to collaborative provision:
For information
(Partner institutions are expected to have
comparable arrangements in place)
Heads of departments/schools
Faculty Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Human Resources Directorate
Applications for exemptions to:
Report Exemptions to:
Date: Aug 15
Summary/ Description:
The focus of the peer observation of teaching and learning support activities at the
University of Hull is developmental enhancement. The aim of the scheme is to provide
opportunities for staff to reflect on, discuss and further develop their professional practice.
This code sets out the University’s scheme for the peer supported enhancement of
learning and teaching activities. The code articulates the University’s commitment to
assuring and enhancing the quality of student learning and to providing developmental
opportunities for teaching enhancement, of which the Peer Support for the Enhancement
of Learning and Teaching process is one element. The scheme will form part of the
University’s emerging CPD Framework for staff involved in teaching and supporting
The code states that each full-time member of teaching staff must participate in the
process at least once each academic session and part-time teaching staff must
participate at a frequency to be agreed with their head of department. All eligible staff
must be observed at least once every two years.
Version 2 01 (Aug 15) introduced the following changes:
Updated to reflect change from CDTE to LEAP
Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice
Version 2 01 Aug 15
Version 2 00 (May 12) introduced the following changes:
A single University scheme replaces faculty approved schemes
The developmental approach removes ‘satisfactory / unsatisfactory’ judgements
All eligible staff must have some element of their practice observed at least once every
two years but must participate in the scheme annually
Staff can choose their own peer observers and can work in groups of up to four members
Observations of the full range of activities involved in teaching and supporting learning is
Cross departmental / cross faculty observations are encouraged.
This University Code has been written in accordance with the approach approved by ULTAC to
enhance clarity (Quality Handbook section A:2) involving the following terminology:
must = mandatory
should = advisable
may = desirable.
Where these terms are used they are emphasised in bold.
This document is available in alternative formats from
Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice
Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice
Version 2 01 Aug 15
Table of Contents
Introduction....................................................................................................................... 4
Scope ............................................................................................................................... 4
Application to collaborative provision ................................................................................ 4
Authority ........................................................................................................................... 4
Principles .......................................................................................................................... 4
Responsibilities................................................................................................................. 5
Process ............................................................................................................................ 6
Pre-Observation Planning ............................................................................................. 6
Observation .................................................................................................................. 6
Post-Observation Reflection and Discussion ................................................................ 6
Confirmation of Process and Elements Worthy of Good Practice .................................. 6
Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice
Version 2 01 Aug 15
University Code of Practice
Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
1. This code sets out the University’s scheme for the peer supported enhancement
of learning and teaching. It reflects the University’s commitment to assuring and
enhancing the quality of the student learning experience, and to providing a
supportive framework for the professional development of staff involved in all
forms of teaching and supporting learning.
2. This code applies to all University staff undertaking teaching and learning support
in any form. The principles should be applied appropriately given the nature and
extent of each activity.
3. The code applies to the full range of activities involved in teaching and supporting
learning at all levels, for example:
classroom delivery
facilitating online activities
feedback on assessed work
4. In the context of this Code all those staff who are recognised as teaching staff
(see para. 11) are deemed to be peers of one another.
5. Partner institutions should have in place mechanisms which are comparable with
this code of practice. This code is provided for information to partner institutions.
6. University Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee is the final arbiter of
the interpretation and application of this code of practice.
7. Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching is a peer based,
collaborative, non-judgmental scheme designed to provide opportunities for
participants to enhance the learning experience of their students and to reflect on
and develop aspects of their own professional practice. The scheme recognises
that all participants, whether observing or being observed, benefit from the
8. The process should involve pairs or groups of up to four members, which may be
formed either within or beyond departmental and disciplinary boundaries.
Explanatory Note:
Cross departmental / disciplinary observations are strongly encouraged in order to facilitate the
exchange of effective practice, broaden awareness and understanding of different approaches to
learning and teaching and enable mutual exploration of teaching and learning issues which
transcend departmental and disciplinary boundaries.
Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice
Version 2 01 Aug 15
9. The scope of the code includes the full range of activities involved in teaching and
supporting learning. Therefore it is expected that observation will not be limited to
group sessions in the classroom but may also embrace online activities,
supervision, field work, PDP tutorial groups, written feedback to students and
clarity of assessment tasks. Staff are encouraged to think creatively about how
‘observation’ may be expanded to facilitate peer support for the enhancement of
the full range of teaching activities.
Explanatory Note:
Given the personal nature of PDP, the permission of participants must be obtained prior to any
observation of a PDP tutorial group.
10. Staff should plan their engagement with the Peer Support for the Enhancement
of Learning and Teaching scheme so as to focus on a different aspect of teaching
activity each academic session.
11. All those engaged in teaching or supporting learning on more than 25% of a
module must participate in the scheme:
 each full-time member of staff must participate in the scheme a minimum
of once in each academic year
 each part-time member of staff must participate in the scheme in
accordance with a schedule agreed with their head of department and
which reflects the extent of their teaching commitment
 all staff must have their practice observed no less than once in every two
12. The Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching scheme forms
part of the University’s emerging CPD Framework for staff involved in teaching
and supporting learning. The University is committed to providing a range of
appropriate staff development opportunities to support staff in achieving their
13. Each eligible member of staff is responsible for identifying the pair or group they
will work with. In planning their engagement with the scheme staff should ensure
that they engage with different people in forming their peer support pairs /groups
in consecutive years, in order to maximise the scope for development and
enhancement through a breadth of the shared experience. As a minimum
expectation staff must work in different pairs/ groups every two years.
Explanatory Note:
Working in a pair or group over a period of two years may provide staff with the opportunity to
engage in a supported cycle of reflection, action and evaluation.
14. LEAP is responsible for ensuring that appropriate staff development opportunities
are available to ensure that staff can gain maximum benefit for engagement with
the peer support for learning and teaching scheme.
15. Each eligible member of staff is responsible for returning a completed
Confirmation of Process & Elements Worthy of Dissemination form to their head
of department (see para. 25). This pro-forma is available via Annexe 1.
Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice
Version 2 01 Aug 15
16. The head of department is responsible for ensuring that eligible members of staff
engage with the Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
scheme over the course of each 12 month period.
17. The University’s Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
process involves three stages which should be followed.
18. A range of pro-forma have been provided to facilitate planning and reflection
during the Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching process.
These pro-forma are available via Annexe 1. Participants should complete the
pro-forma and may wish keep them for their own records as part of the
management of their professional development.
Pre-Observation Planning
19. Pairs/groups should identify a focus of the Peer Support for the Enhancement of
Learning and Teaching process.
20. At the start of the process participants should discuss:
 the aims, objectives, purpose and aspirations for the process
 the teaching / learning context
 the logistics of the observation such as how the observer(s) will be
introduced to the student group, or which areas of a VLE site the
participants will look at.
21. This discussion will facilitate the development of a clear agenda for the process.
22. The observation should be driven by the agenda identified as part of the planning
Post-Observation Reflection and Discussion
23. Discussions following observation must cover the agenda agreed at the planning
24. Discussions must establish the ownership and use to be made of records and
outcomes from the process.
Explanatory note:
Discussion regarding the use to be made of outputs and the level of anonymity required will ensure
respect for individuals where experiences are shared beyond the peer support pair/group.
Reflections and outcomes arising from the peer support for learning and teaching process may
provide valuable resources for developing applications for promotion and professional recognition,
such as HEA Fellowship, and for appraisal discussions.
Confirmation of Process and Elements Worthy of Good Practice
25. Each eligible member of staff is responsible for returning a completed
Confirmation of Process & Elements Worthy of Dissemination form to their head
of department.
26. The head of department is responsible for providing the faculty human resources
representative with confirmation of participation in the Peer Support for the
Enhancement of Learning and Teaching process by eligible departmental staff.
Information must include:
Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice
Version 2 01 Aug 15
 details of the staff involved in a pair / group
 whose practice was observed / Which roles were undertaken
 the focus of the process.
27. Faculties/Departments must facilitate, annually, opportunities for staff to share
good practice identified or developed through the Peer Support for the
Enhancement of Learning and Teaching process.
Explanatory note:
For example, strategies might include faculties/departments showcasing examples of good practice
in their ‘away days’, development events or learning and teaching conferences.
28. Data regarding participation in the scheme will be recorded by the Human
Resources Directorate and may be used to support the University’s diversity
monitoring processes.
Peer Support for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice
Version 2 01 Aug 15