Week 3

Year 1 Homework
Please spend no longer than 10 minutes on the homework task. Please note that the
challenge section is optional and should also take no longer than an additional 10
Please make sure you are reading with your child every night.
Parent signature / comment
Wednesday 18 November
This afternoon we learnt about how Hindu’s prepare for
Diwali, we also got to participate in some Diwali activities.
Including making sweets!
Explain to your family what Diwali is. Why it is celebrated
and what happens during Diwali.
Thursday 19 November
Re-tell the story of Rama and Sita in your homework book.
This week we practised separating two digit numbers into
tens and ones. Write a number sentence to show how you
partition these numbers
23, 35, 48, 18
Can you partition these even bigger numbers?
125, 136
Please ensure that homework is your childs own work and they complete it as
independently as possible.
Any questions/problems please catch us after school or write in the comments box.
Mr Jason Bridgford & Mrs Sue Child
Year 1 Homework
Please spend no longer than 10 minutes on the homework task. Please note that the
challenge section is optional and should also take no longer than an additional 10
Please make sure you are reading with your child every night.
Tuesday 24 November
Monday 23 November
Friday 20 November
Today we finished creating a class booklet of the ‘Owl and
the Pussy Cat’. Share with your family what you have
learnt about the story so far.
Write what you have learnt so far in sentences.
Order these numbers from smallest to largest: 24, 9, 14, 19
Can you calculate the jump between numbers? i.e. What
did we add to 9 to make 14?
Write these words in your homework book three times:
owl - pussycat - boat - honey
Start each letter at the top
Try to get your letter to sit on the line
Please ensure that homework is your childs own work and they complete it as
independently as possible.
Any questions/problems please catch us after school or write in the comments box.
Mr Jason Bridgford & Mrs Sue Child