National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme Energy production and consumption Contents Contents ............................................................................................................................... 2 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................ 3 Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................. 3 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4 What is energy production and consumption? ...................................................................... 4 Reporting energy production and consumption .................................................................... 5 Energy commodities that need not be reported ................................................................ 5 Energy commodities with special requirements ................................................................ 5 Reporting other energy commodities and fuels ................................................................. 6 Reporting electricity production and consumption ................................................................ 6 Estimating electricity production ........................................................................................ 7 Estimating electricity consumption .................................................................................... 8 Cogeneration ........................................................................................................................ 9 Reporting fuel production and consumption ......................................................................... 9 Estimating fuel production ................................................................................................. 9 Estimating fuel consumption ........................................................................................... 10 Estimating energy consumption from venting and flaring activities ..................................... 11 How should energy consumption by venting and flaring activities be measured? ........... 11 Publication of energy production and consumption information .......................................... 12 Net energy consumption ................................................................................................. 13 Primary and secondary energy commodities .................................................................. 13 Further information ............................................................................................................. 14 Attachment A: Schedule 1 to the NGER Regulations ......................................................... 15 Solid fossil fuels and coal based products ...................................................................... 15 Fuels derived from recycled materials............................................................................. 15 Primary solid biomass fuels ............................................................................................ 16 Gaseous fossil fuels ........................................................................................................ 16 Biogas captured for combustion ...................................................................................... 17 Petroleum based oils and petroleum based greases ...................................................... 17 Other Petroleum based products .................................................................................... 17 Biofuels ........................................................................................................................... 19 Petrochemical feedstock ................................................................................................. 19 Energy commodities........................................................................................................ 19 GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 2 Abbreviations Term Meaning GJ gigajoules NGER National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting NGER Act National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Clth) NGER Determination National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008 (Clth) NGER Regulations National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008 (Clth) Scope 1 emissions Means the release of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere as a direct result of an activity or series of activities (including ancillary activities) that constitute the facility. Scope 2 emissions Means the release of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere as a direct result of one or more activities that generate electricity, heating, cooling or steam that is consumed by the facility but that do not form part of the facility. t CO2-e Tonnes carbon dioxide equivalence Disclaimer This guideline should be read in conjunction with the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007, the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008 and the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008 (current versions can be found on the Comlaw website). Changes to the legislation may affect the information in this guideline. This guideline is not intended to comprehensively deal with its subject area or to provide legal advice. Entities are responsible for determining their obligations under the law and for applying the law to their individual circumstances. Entities should seek independent professional advice if they have any concerns. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 3 Introduction Reporting of energy production and consumption data is required under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER Act). This guideline provides information to assist registered entities to define and report their energy production and consumption data. A corporation registered under section 17 of the NGER Act must submit annual reports to the Clean Energy Regulator. Such corporations must report scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, energy production and energy consumption data. Entities reporting under section 22E, section 22G and section 22X of the NGER Act must also report scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, energy production and energy consumption data. This information must be provided so that data on energy flows and transformations occurring throughout the economy can be captured. This includes the initial extraction and own-use of energy, and the transformation of energy occurring within and between facilities. When reporting energy production and consumption data, only those fuels and energy commodities for which there are applicable methods in the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008 (NGER Determination) and that are listed in Schedule 1 of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008 (NGER Regulations) should be reported. Under section 24 of the NGER Act, the Clean Energy Regulator is required to publish the annual total scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions and the net energy consumption of a registered corporation’s group, provided the group’s facilities emitted at least 50,000 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalence (t CO2-e) in the relevant year. What is energy production and consumption? A number of relevant definitions from the NGER legislation are summarised below: Fuel means a substance mentioned at items 1–57 mentioned in Schedule 1 to the NGER Regulations (duplicated in Attachment A to this guideline). Energy includes the fuels and other energy commodities’ listed in Schedule 1 to the NGER Regulations (duplicated in Attachment A to this guideline). Production of energy means the: » extraction or capture of energy from natural sources for final consumption by or from the operation of the facility, or for use other than in the operation of the facility, or » manufacture of energy by the conversion of energy from one form to another form for final consumption by or from the operation of the facility, or for use other than in the operation of the facility. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 4 Consumption of energy, in relation to a facility, means the use or disposal of energy from the operation of the facility, including: » own-use, and » losses in extraction, production and transmission. Reporters should be aware that the NGER legislation definitions of 'energy', 'energy production' and 'energy consumption' may differ from the common uses of these terms. Under the NGER legislation, the production and consumption of energy are treated as the production and consumption of economic commodities (i.e. the fuels and energy commodities listed in Attachment A to this guideline). This differs from other concepts of energy. For example, the heat ‘produced’ from burning coal may be more commonly thought of as energy, rather than the coal itself. Reporting energy production and consumption The requirement to report energy production and consumption data is detailed in Chapter 6 of the NGER Determination. However, the requirements applicable to different fuel types and energy commodities listed in Attachment A to this guideline vary, and are broadly detailed as follows: Energy commodities that need not be reported It is not necessary to report the production or consumption of the energy commodities below because the NGER legislation does not provide the necessary methodology: sulphur uranium hydrogen, or energy commodities in the form of steam, compressed air or waste gas. Energy commodities with special requirements For some energy commodities, it is not necessary to report energy production, and it is only necessary to report energy consumption in special circumstances. This applies for the following energy commodities: solar energy for electricity generation wind energy for electricity generation water energy for electricity generation, or geothermal energy for electricity generation. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 5 For these four energy commodities, consumption must only be reported where they are used to produce electricity. In this circumstance, the energy content of the consumed energy is taken to be equal to the energy content of the electricity produced. That is, it is assumed that there is a 100% conversion from the energy consumed to make electricity to the electricity produced. This is detailed in the following example. Example 1 A wind farm generates 100,000 GJ of electricity. Since this electricity is generated from the energy commodity ‘wind energy for electricity generation’, it is assumed that this production of energy consumes a corresponding 100,000 GJ of wind energy for electricity generation. However, the production of wind energy for electricity generation does not need to be reported. Reporting other energy commodities and fuels The final energy commodity that must be reported is electricity. Electricity use must be reported whether it is consumed or produced, provided certain thresholds are met. This is detailed in the following section. It is also necessary to report the use of fuels, whether they are combusted, or consumed without combustion. As with electricity, it is only necessary to report the use of these fuels where certain relevant thresholds have been met. This is also detailed in this document. Reporting electricity production and consumption It is only necessary to report electricity produced and consumed where that use meets or exceeds the thresholds outlined in Table 1. Electricity production and consumption that falls below these thresholds does not need to be reported (see regulations 4.19 and 4.20 of the NGER Regulations and section 2.68 of the NGER Determination). Table 1: Thresholds for reporting electricity production and consumption Electricity production thresholds Electricity consumption thresholds 0.5 or more megawatts capacity per 0.5 megawatts or more capacity per generation unit; and generation unit; and Generates more than 100,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per generating unit per reporting period. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 Generates more than 100,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per generating unit in the reporting period. 6 - For all other electricity consumption, electricity consumption at a facility of at least 20,000 kilowatt hours in the reporting period. Estimating electricity production Where electricity production is reported, it is necessary to also identify whether the electricity was produced from one of the following sources (regulation 4.20, NGER Regulations): thermal generation geothermal energy for electricity generation solar energy for electricity generation wind energy for electricity generation water energy for electricity generation, or biogas generation. The report must also detail the electricity that was produced for the following purposes: for use for the purposes of the facility for use outside the operation of the facility other than for supply to an electricity transmission or distribution network, and for use outside the operation of the facility for supply to an electricity transmission or distribution network. Estimates of electricity production for these purposes must be made in accordance with the procedure outlined in the table below (see section 6.2, NGER Determination). GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 7 Table 1: Estimating electricity production Electricity produced: For use in the operation of the facility For use outside the facility other than for supply to an electricity transmission network For supply to an electricity transmission or distribution network Is equal to: The electricity produced by the electricity generating unit as measured at the unit‘s terminals. The electricity supplied to a transmission or distribution network measured at the network connection point* plus The electricity supplied to a transmission or distribution network measured at the network connection point*. The amount of electricity supplied for use outside the operation of the facility that is not supplied to the network. Minus: The electricity supplied to a transmission or distribution network measured at the network connection point*. - Nil. Minus: The amount of electricity supplied for use outside the operation of the facility that is not supplied to the network. - Nil. *Measured Chapter 7 of the National Electricity Rules set out in the National Electricity (South according Australia) Act 1996, or to either: Metering requirements applicable to the region in which the facility is located. Estimating electricity consumption Estimates of electricity consumption must be evidenced by (section 6.5, NGER Determination): invoices, contractual arrangements or industry metering records If such evidence is not available, electricity consumption estimates may be evidenced by: GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 8 records of estimates made in accordance with industry practice Cogeneration The NGER Regulations define cogeneration as: ‘a process that combines the generation of heat and power to produce electricity and another product within one integrated production process’. There are specific requirements outlined in the NGER Regulations and the NGER Determination pertaining directly to cogeneration (Regulation 4.23, NGER Regulations and section 2.70, NGER Determination). Reporting fuel production and consumption It is necessary to report the amount of fuel produced and consumed where the following thresholds are met or exceeded. Please note that all fuel production must be reported. There is no minimum threshold for reporting fuel production (regulation 4.19, NGER Regulations and sections 2.2, 2.18, 2.39 and 2.68, NGER Determination). Table 2: Thresholds for fuel production and consumption Fuel Type Fuel produced Fuel consumed by combustion Fuel consumed without combustion Solid fuel No threshold 1 tonne 20 tonnes Liquid fuel No threshold 1 kilolitre; or 15 kilolitres 5 kilolitres for petroleum based oils (other than petroleum based oil use as fuel) and petroleum based greases Gaseous fuel No threshold 1 000 cubic metres 13 000 cubic metres Estimating fuel production In accordance with section 6.2 and section 6.3 of the NGER Determination, energy from fuel produced should be estimated with reference to the equation below: 𝒁𝒊 = 𝑸𝒊 × 𝑬𝑪𝒊 where:𝒁𝒊 = is the energy content of fuel type (i) produced during the year and measured in GJ. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 9 𝑸𝒊 = is the quantity of fuel type (i) produced during the year, and must be measured for the three different fuel types as follows: if the energy is a solid1 or gaseous fuel—in accordance with industry practice, or if the energy is a liquid fuel—by either of the following: » using bulk filling meters corrected to 15° Celsius » by the physical measurement of the fuel corrected to its notional volumetric equivalent at a temperature of 15° Celsius. 𝑬𝑪𝒊 = is the energy content factor of fuel type (i) measured as energy content according to the fuel type. Estimating fuel consumption In accordance with section 6.5 of the NGER Determination, energy (i.e. energy content) from fuel consumed should be estimated with reference to the equation below. 𝒁𝒊 = 𝑸𝒊 × 𝑬𝑪𝒊 ∴ 𝒁𝒊 = is the energy content of fuel type (i) consumed during the year and measured in GJ. 𝑸𝒊 = is the quantity of fuel type (i) consumed during the year, and must be measured for the three different fuel types as follows: for a solid fuel: Part 2.2 of the NGER Determination, for a gaseous fuel: Part 2.3 of the NGER Determination, and for a liquid fuel: Part 2.4 of the NGER Determination. 𝑬𝑪𝒊 = is the energy content factor of fuel type (i) and must be measured for the three different fuel types as follows: for a solid fuel, in GJ/tonne: as mentioned in Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the NGER Determination; or as estimated by analysis of the fuel in accordance with the standard indicated for that energy content factor in Schedule 2 of the NGER Determination or an equivalent standard for a gaseous fuel, in GJ/m3: as mentioned in Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the NGER Determination or estimated by analysis under Subdivision of the NGER Determination for gaseous fuels measured in GJ – equal to 1, or for a liquid fuel, in GJ/kilolitre: as mentioned in Part 3 of Schedule 1 for stationary energy purposes; or as mentioned in Division 4.1 or Part 3 of Schedule 1 of the NGER Determination for transport energy purposes; or (iii) estimated by analysis under Subdivision 1 If the fuel is coal, its quantity must be estimated in the form of saleable coal on a washed basis. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 10 Estimating energy consumption from venting and flaring activities It is necessary to report the energy content of those fuels that are disposed of through flaring and through venting since disposal of energy is considered to be consumption of energy. However, the energy associated with the venting or flaring of the following fuel types does not need not reported. Consumption of the following fuel types is only required to be reported when the fuel types are combusted to produce useable heat or electricity or are injected into a pipeline (regulation 1.03 and Schedule 1, NGER Regulations): coal seam methane coal mine waste gas landfill biogas sludge biogas, and other biogas. How should energy consumption by venting and flaring activities be measured? The quantity and energy content of gases and liquids vented or flared should be measured in the same way that other consumptions of fuel are estimated (i.e. refer to Estimating Fuel Consumption). The approach to measuring the quantity of fuel vented or flared must be consistent with the requirements for measuring gaseous fuels in outlined in Division 2.3.6 of the NGER Determination and the general principles of emissions reporting detailed in section 1.13 of the NGER Determination. Where sampling equipment does not meet the requirements for direct measurement of the quantity of gas, reporting corporations should use industry practice as described in section 2.38 of the NGER Determination. Estimates of gas density must always be taken at standard temperature and pressure conditions which are specified in subsection 2.32 (7) of the NGER Determination and are as follows: pressure of 101.325 kilopascals temperature of 15.0 degrees celsius, and density of 1.225 kilograms per cubic metre. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 11 Example 2—Flaring of unprocessed natural gas In 2013-2014, a facility flared 1,000,000 m3 of unprocessed natural gas measured at standard conditions in accordance with Part 2.3 of the NGER Determination. As this use of gas constitutes consumption, it is necessary to report the associated energy consumption (Zi) in accordance with the formula set out in section 6.5 of the NGER Determination. 𝒁𝒊 = 𝑸𝒊 × 𝑬𝑪𝒊 ∴ 𝒁𝒊 = is the energy content of fuel type (i) consumed and measured in gigajoules. 𝑸𝒊 = is the quantity of fuel type (i) consumed during the year which in this case is equal to 1,000,000 m3. 𝑬𝑪𝒊 = is the energy content factor of fuel type (i), which in this case is equal to 39.3 × 10-3 GJ/m3 as listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the NGER Determination. Consequently, the energy consumption associated with flaring at the facility is calculated as follows: 𝒁𝒊 = 𝑸𝒊 × 𝑬𝑪𝒊 = 1,000,000𝑚3 × 39.3 × 10−3 𝐺𝐽/𝑚3 = 39,300 𝐺𝐽. Publication of energy production and consumption information Under section 24 of the NGER Act, the Clean Energy Regulator is required to publish the National Greenhouse and Energy register which details information on the scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions and the net energy consumption of reporters that meet the publication threshold (section 24(1) NGER Act). In addition, from the 2012-13 reporting year, the Clean Energy Regulator is required to publish total and disaggregated greenhouse gas emissions and energy production data from designated generation facilities, where that data has been made available. This is a legislative requirement under the NGER Act, and applies to all facilities where the principal activity is electricity generation. The information is published on the Clean Energy Regulator’s website2 on 28 February following the end of the previous reporting year. In certain circumstances, the Clean Energy Regulator can accept a request under section 25 for information not to be published. The Clean Energy Regulator may also publish: 2 GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 12 the totals of scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions and the net energy consumption for each member of a corporation's group or each business unit of a corporation's group, and the methods used to measure greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and production for a corporation's group. Net energy consumption From the 2012-13 reporting year, only the net energy consumption figure for reporters that have met the publication threshold for that financial year will be published. Energy consumption, other than net energy consumption, is not published. This figure is automatically calculated from other information submitted by the reporter: it is a calculation based on the distinction between primary and secondary energy commodities. NGER Regulation 5.03 specifies that net energy consumption is determined at the facility level. Net energy consumption at each facility is then summed to determine the net energy consumption. The equation for net energy consumption at the facility level is: Net energy consumption (GJ) = total energy consumption (GJ) – energy content of secondary fuels and energy commodities produced (GJ). In this formula: net energy consumption is measured in gigajoules (GJ) total energy consumption (GJ) is the total amount of energy consumed by a facility, and secondary fuels production (GJ) is the total amount of secondary energy produced by a facility. Primary and secondary energy commodities For reporting purposes, fuels must be categorised as either primary or secondary. The definitions of primary fuel and secondary fuel are as follows: Primary fuel or energy commodity means a fuel or energy commodity extracted or captured from natural sources with minimal processing, and includes the fuels and energy commodities listed in Schedule 1 to the NGER Regulations as being primary fuels or energy commodities. Secondary fuel or energy commodity means a fuel or energy commodity produced by converting energy from one form (usually a primary fuel or energy commodity) to another form for consumption, and includes the fuels and energy commodities mentioned in Schedule 1 to the NGER Regulations as being secondary fuels or energy commodities. Schedule 1 to the NGER Regulations (repeated in Attachment A of this guideline) denotes whether each fuel or energy commodity is primary or secondary. However, some fuels or commodities are listed as 'nomination required'. These require the reporter to determine and nominate whether they are primary or secondary fuels or commodities at the facility. Examples of commodities where GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 13 reporter nomination is required are ethane (Item 22) and liquefied aromatic hydrocarbons (Item 42). Further information Email: Phone: 1300 553 542 within Australia Web: GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 14 Attachment A: Schedule 1 to the NGER Regulations Solid fossil fuels and coal based products Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel or energy commodity 1 Bituminous coal Primary 1A Sub-bituminous coal Primary 1B Anthracite Primary 2 Brown coal Primary 3 Coking coal Primary 4 Coal briquettes Secondary 5 Coal coke Secondary 6 Coal tar Secondary 7 Solid fossil fuels other than those mentioned in Items 1 to 5 Nomination required Fuels derived from recycled materials Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel or energy commodity 8 Industrial materials and tyres that are derived from fossil fuels, if recycled and combusted to produce heat or electricity Primary 9 Non-biomass municipal materials, if recycled and combusted to produce heat or electricity Primary GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 15 Primary solid biomass fuels Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel or energy commodity 10 Dry wood Primary 11 Green and air dried wood Primary 12 Sulphite lyes Primary 13 Bagasse Primary 14 Biomass municipal and industrial materials, if recycled and Primary combusted to produce heat or electricity 15 Charcoal Secondary 16 Primary solid biomass fuels other than those mentioned in Items 10 to 15 Primary Gaseous fossil fuels Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel or energy commodity 17 Natural gas distributed in a pipeline Secondary 18 Coal seam methane that is captured for combustion Primary 19 Coal mine waste gas that is captured for combustion Primary 20 Compressed natural gas Secondary 21 Unprocessed natural gas Primary 22 Ethane Nomination required 23 Coke oven gas Secondary 24 Blast furnace gas Secondary GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 16 Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel or energy commodity 25 Town gas Secondary 26 Liquefied natural gas Secondary 27 Gaseous fossil fuels other than those mentioned in Items 17 to 26 Nomination required Biogas captured for combustion Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel or energy commodity 28 Landfill biogas that is captured for combustion Primary 29 Sludge biogas that is captured for combustion Primary 30 A biogas that is captured for combustion, other than those Primary mentioned in Items 28 to 29 Petroleum based oils and petroleum based greases Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel or energy commodity 31 Petroleum based oils (other than petroleum based oils used as fuel) Secondary 32 Petroleum based greases Secondary Other Petroleum based products Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel or energy commodity 33 Crude oil including crude oil condensates Primary 34 Other natural gas liquids Primary GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 17 Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel or energy commodity 35 Gasoline (other than for use as fuel in an aircraft) Secondary 36 Gasoline for use as fuel in an aircraft Secondary 37 Kerosene (other than for use as fuel in an aircraft) Secondary 38 Kerosene for use as fuel in an aircraft Secondary 39 Heating oil Secondary 40 Diesel oil Secondary 41 Fuel oil Secondary 42 Liquefied aromatic hydrocarbons Nomination required 43 Solvents if mineral turpentine or white spirits Secondary 44 Liquefied petroleum gas Nomination required 45 Naphtha Secondary 46 Petroleum coke Secondary 47 Refinery gases and liquids Secondary 48 Refinery coke Secondary 49 Bitumen (including bitumen production), other than consumption for non-combustion purposes Secondary 50 Waxes Secondary 51 Petroleum based products other than: Nomination required petroleum based oils and petroleum based greases mentioned in Items 31 to 32, and petroleum based products mentioned in Items 33 to 50 GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 18 Biofuels Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel or energy commodity 52 Biodiesel Primary 53 Ethanol for use as a fuel in an internal combustion engine Primary 54 Biofuels other than those mentioned in Items 52 to 53 Primary Petrochemical feedstock Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel or energy commodity 55 Carbon black if used as a petrochemical feedstock Secondary 56 Ethylene if used as a petrochemical feedstock Secondary 57 Petrochemical feedstock other than those mentioned in Items 55 to 56 Secondary Energy commodities Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel 58 Sulphur Nomination required 59 Solar energy for electricity generation Primary 60 Wind energy for electricity generation Primary 61 Water energy for electricity generation Primary 62 Geothermal energy for electricity generation Primary 63 Uranium Primary 64 Hydrogen Nomination required GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 19 Item Fuels and other energy commodities Primary or secondary fuel 65 Electricity Secondary 66 Energy commodities (other than those mentioned in Items 58 to 65) in the form of steam, compressed air or waste gas: Nomination required acquired by any means from outside the facility boundary (regardless of whether any payment or exchange has been made) either to produce heat or for another purpose, or produced at the facility and transferred to another facility GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 20