SOUTHERN ADVENTIST UNIVERSITY FACULTY REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENT HONORARIUM *Please supply documentation for your project and complete the appropriate section of this form* Name: Date: BOOK Peer-Reviewed: ☐ Non Peer-Reviewed: ☐ Date: Title: ARTICLE Original research published in peer-reviewed professional journals Title of Article: Date: Title of Journal: Non peer-reviewed professional journal (e.g. Ministry Magazine, Journal of Adventist Education, American History) Title of Article: Date: Title of Journal: CREATIVE WORK Description: Judged By: Date Judged: BOOK REVIEW Title: Date: Professional journal containing review: ORAL PRESENTATION To academic peers delivered at professional gathering Occasion: Title: Audience of academic peers: Date: Length of presentation: To professional peers yet requiring academic or professional expertise Occasion: Title: Audience of professional peers: Date: ACADEMIC CONFERENCE PRESENTATION National/Regional Academic Conference Research Paper (including poster sessions and conference proceeding papers Academic Conference: Date: Presentation Title: For committee use only Honorarium approved: ☐ YES ☐ NO Amount: Chair, Faculty Affairs Committee Vice President for Academic Administration Date Date