Unit 8 Learning Modules (in lieu of I.Journal) Rationale Christmas break is very nearly here, and you are looking forward to an entire week away from school to enjoy your family and friends. In the interest of helping you to be as prepared as possible for the AP US exam, your devoted teacher is striving to get as far as possible in your textbook, but alas! Only 3 weeks remain in the semester (much of which will be taken up by incredibly awesome, fun final projects!). To lighten your class’ collective burden, you will tackle Unit 8 in chunks instead having to read over 130 pages each! You will carefully master one chapter of this unit and create a stand-alone ‘teaching module’ that your peers can use to learn key points from your chapter. Writer’s Purpose & Role Your purpose is to inform your fellow student of the most concentrated, most important key “stuff” from your chapter. You are the expert on your chapter, so you are responsible for picking out key people, groups, places, events, court cases, and attitudes and presenting them in a PowerPoint presentation* Audience Your audience is the rest of your team. They are just as busy as you are, but they also know how vital your information is to mastering this unit. Help them study and learn quickly by giving them essential questions to guide their learning, being concise, bold-facing or underlining key vocabulary, using relevant images to help with comprehension and by stressing major points. Form Create a stand-alone Power Point presentation that is between 25 and 50 slides (going over slightly is ok, but not excessively so). This will be your ‘teaching module’ that your peers will be able to access after you digitally turn it in to your teacher on January 2 via Google Docs (preferred), flash drive or e-mail. Your presentation needs to have 3 Essential Questions that will be answered by reading your Chapter (and, therefore, by watching your presentation) as well as a list of 15 vocab terms. The slides following will detail your assigned chapter (embrace technology as much as you would like to- include relevant video clips, links to websites or other things that might be useful). Finally, create a review for your peers to use to see what they learned. This can take place in the form of a series of question-answer slides, matching, fill in the blank, short answer prompts or anything else you might find useful. FCA #1: 3 Essential questions and 15 vocabulary terms that reflect the information peers will learn in this chapter (24 points) FCA #2: 25-50 slides are used to effectively teach key points as presented in assigned chapter (25 points) FCA #3: A review quizzes your peer’s knowledge of what they just learned (10 points) Procedure 1. Read your chapter, taking careful notes. One cannot teach without understanding. 2. Formulate 3 Essential Questions that will guide your presentation 3. Formulate a list of 15 vocabulary terms crucial to understanding your chapter. 4. Create, selecting and presenting what you learn so that it is easily digested by your peers. Highlight key vocab, use images, videos and links to supplement. If you get stuck on what’s important, use AP study sites for inspiration (be VERY careful to avoid plagiarizing!) 5. Create a review in the latter slides of your presentation so that your peers can study what they have just learned. *Please create your presentation in Microsoft’s Powerpoint or in Google Docs. Please do not use any other software, since no one else will be able to access your work. If a computer is not accessible, please see me for an alternative form of this assignment. Groups: Block 1 Team 1 Team 2 American Life in the Roaring 20s (31) The Politics of Boom and Bust (32) Sarah Court Alysha Morgan American Life in the Roaring 20s (31) The Politics of Boom and Bust (32) Lacey Leah, Olivia Jalisa Steph Andrew E. Ashley Sam Christy The Great Depression and the New Deal (33) Shannon Holly FDR and the Shadow of War (34) America in WWII (35) Aaren Sean Alex Zac The Great Depression and the New Deal (33) Gabe Andy Sirena Skyler FDR and the Shadow of War (34) America in WWII (35) Mary Allie Bryan Meghan, Carly Alex Seth Ben Miki Block 4 Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4