Homework 2

Homework 2
Draw the ID vs VGS curve of a minimum sized N-MOSFET. On this curve,
identify the weak inversion, strong inversion, and velocity saturation
regions clearly. You may use different graphs to focus on different
operating regions.
Draw the ID vs VDS curves of the minimum sized N-MOSFET. From
these curves, extract the value of VA. Be careful te check your VA value
for different VGS curves and different ID values.
Draw the same curves for L = 2Lmin, 3 Lmin, 4Lmin, and 5 Lmin. You do not
have to hand in these curves. However, from these, extract a VA value
for each L. Now, draw a graph of VA vs L.
Draw the gm/ID vs VGS curves for an N-MOSFET of L = 0.35m, 0.7m,
1.0m, and 2m on the same axes. Are there differences?
Design a common source amplifier with an external gate-to-drain
capacitance of 1pF. The desired gain is -20 and the load is a current
source with high resistance. The signal source has 1K resistance and
the supply voltage is 3.3V. Show by using transient analysis that your
gain holds for an input of 10kHz and 10mV.
Calculate the BW and GBW of your amplifer. Compare with AC
Hint: In solving question 5, write out the design procedure in steps. There should
be several steps before you go to simulation. Also, when you make corrections
using the simulator, write them out as well.
Date Assigned:
Date Due:
April 29, 2010
May 6, 2010
Notes: The CMOS transistor models are in your account, under the “models”
directory. The name of the file is v01c_mm_non_epi_params.scs and the name of
the model is cmosn for NMOS and cmosp for PMOS. If you have problems, please
edit your models such that the LEVEL=49 parameter is changed to LEVEL=11.
For questions, please contact Günhan Dündar or Xin Pan.
Günhan Dündar
Xin Pan
e-mail: dundar@boun.edu.tr
Office phone: 23671
Office Number: 3906
e-mail: xin.pan@tum.de
Office phone: 23650
Office Number: 4911